Curso Completo de SEO e Tutorial em Hindi | Curso de SEO 2024 | Umar Tazkeer

[gpt3] Reescreva esse texto If you want to learn real sleep, I have brought a complete tutorial on sleep for you guys, by using my years of experience inside only one video, I am going to learn you in this video real sleep, here we are. We will cover the strategy of making on page off page backlink absolutely practical, as well as inside this particular video, which will be more than 20 hours of video, I have covered this in depth from e-commerce. So let 's begin this tutorial [music] hum log karte karne wala hai so course ko to gas first of all let me tell you the agenda of this particular video because here we are going to discuss the basic thing because ye wala jo video hai hamara yeh Introductory video First of all we will discuss some history around Su it is very basic but body is interesting second we will talk about some introduction covering basic definition etc. Third we will talk about this Will try to understand the thing, who are those people or who is the practice who actually do it, then we will discuss all these things inside this particular video and here you are watching the first line, the first slide. First of all line this is very important line and gas I will recommend you that this line is neither through out of course nor you should take care of this thing gas here you can see I have written foundation you should understand this Hoga ki jo foundation hai koki or jo basic hai se ok woh sabse se raha hai what do you do you run a lot of tips all these things but you forget the basics I will tell you if you implement the basic properly Tax people will not need advance etc. You run after this thing that in some way you just get to know about blackhead sleep, you get to know about some such loop hole that you apply that thing immediately. Do it and whatever your website is, it will be ranked, let's say that your website has also been ranked, but if you have done it through blackhead sleep technique or whatever, you have not even a little jugaad type, if you have ranked your website Isn't it, as soon as Google's next update comes, as soon as Google's algorithm is updated, your website will go out of the search engine result page, so the way I will teach you here, the things I will discuss with you here But those are all the same things that map practices and I do not practice at all to Blackhat So or at all which is not related to Google's guidelines which is not genuine which is not real I do not practice it at all I am in shortcuts I do not believe that Google 's recommendations are genuine, which means that if you try to understand the combinations of Google a little carefully, then you will also feel that all the raycommendations of Google are genuine and only these No website can be ranked with the help of gas, it may take some time because there will be competition, otherwise it may take some time for you to run your website, but if you take care of the basics only, then your basic are equal to advanced concepts then the gas which is the basic of so never changes here I mean to say even a little algorithm look if we talk about Google then you know Google is the next search engine if we talk If you do, then you know that Google is such a search engine that it operates on top of algoridams, doesn't it operate on top of algorithm, this thing is algorithm driven, then gas majorly, if we have algordams, what kind of it is in Google search engine or Which is what type of algorithms are there to show those results which we see on Google, or what type of algorithms Google calls to index its web pages. If we talk about the algorithm of them, then there are two types of algoridams, one is that our cores are fine and some algoridams are such that time to time according to the requirement, those algoridams keep getting updated slowly. yes ok so i am talking about these core algoridams ok like in coral dums the thing is that if your content has value then that content will rank ok if your content is right your content is user's query If relevant, then your content will rank right, this is the core of the algorithm, it forms the base of the algorithm, and this thing does not change, well, around the base of these algorithms, this is the foundation, around this, Google has given you some recommendations. Google has told you that if all these things If you do, then it is more likely that your website will get ranked and all the same steps are read in us, okay, the process is okay, through which what we do, we rank our web pages in search engines. Yes, but the process we are talking about, the multiple steps we see inside it, what are those steps, actually these are Google's randoms, so if we try to understand Google's recommendation carefully, what Google recommends Has been and why is raycommend and Google's base algorithm, how it does indexing, how it does crawling, how it brings the contact in front of the user, then you understand everything yourself . You will not need to do keyword stuffing, you will not need to spin contact, you will not need to run towards the black head, you will not run towards tips x all these things, then you will be able to strengthen your base so much. You will find it easy to take SU and that is the purpose of this whole course, that your foundation can be strengthened as much as possible, because I see that the biggest mistake in this is that if We ask you that if you tell Google's 50 recommendations, then you will find it difficult, if you are not able to tell even 50 recommendations so easily, then what is the reason that you have raycommendations or we can understand them in this way, which are the best practices. You don't know, don't you think, just I have written the article, I have written the blog, I have created the content and just that it should be ranked in some way, people tell me where I should go to 10 places and put my keywords and my website. Or is it a web page, it is not going to be ranked like this, it is not going to happen in today's time, it is not going to happen at all. yes she used to get ranked ok so with this mind set if you follow this playlist and follow the scores then you will get a lot of benefit let's go ahead and first of all try to understand this after all start How did this happen, where did it come from, why do we talk about search engine option, is it a new thing or is it a very old thing, then gas search engine optimization is not today's time, it is a very old term like over D time if we talk Gradually, the way in which the Internet became popular is fine. The way it became popular, many websites started to be made, people take it to have many websites and what they did, they made their own website, now these website honors, which you can understand that they are many business presence and they have made their own website. The website that I have made many websites in different different dishes, in different different categories, in different research, in different different categories, many websites have started coming everyday, thousands of websites are being created, as the Internet is becoming more and more popular now. Gage, for whom this website was made, it was made for the users, okay, now here the number of websites are increasing, here the numbers of the website are being read, everyday new websites are being created, but the user I am not able to know about the website, let's see here today, which is the website of education, only I am an example, these users did not know about the education of 100 of us, for whom all these websites have been closed? Now the user is not getting to know that a website has been created, okay so what happened here, here some complications have come that many websites are being created and the user is not getting information about them. So to be a business or to have a website, these people also started getting worried that our website is not reaching the users, so they said that there should be something from where the entire website can be accessed, from where the entire website can be accessed. If it can be done, then first of all the thing that was made even before the search engine was made, what was the web directory, what was the web directory, now in the web directory there is no category wise, many websites have been added, like education, many websites have been added inside it. Many websites related to travel came here, related to entertainment, but many websites related to news started coming here, but the website was growing so fast that web directory was not even a matter of this. If you can handle things, then gas is a problem, where there is a problem, there is also a solution. Where there is a problem, there will be a solution. This gave birth to search engines and search engines into existence. Okay, so what was it now, now the user goes to the search engine and enters his query, and whatever the search engine found the 11 page of the query, the search engine used to show that page or not. Was de first ok the one which was introduced long time ago the most popular which was in the starting itself that search engine was our yahoo it was not google it was google then much later it came into the game but google understood the user google understood that if We will be able to give correct and relevant results to the user, then we will be able to stay here in the market and Yahoo could not understand this thing, therefore Yahoo who is there is out of the game and Google who is still exiting And you are like this Whose study do you read, it is Google's only, you don't read as much as Google's, how are you reading, right then the search engine developed in this way, even more websites are coming, okay, even more websites The power of the website started coming to the business owners, people felt that now people or the world is running towards the internet, people are looking at the website and people are looking at the website and our business is mentioned on the website. If our website reaches people in any way, then we will get business, then ultimately business owners started to understand that brother, website has not reached people, it is okay to reach people, now the search engines have also gone to this business. It is the owner, it has its own website, it has its business, let's take the example of digital marketing services, now we thought that what should we do, if anyone enters the search engine disturb marketing services, then 50 people with me and Isn't it Narayan's website, my website should be number one, he should be behind us, we should go ahead of him, okay, so this business owner, who is a technical person, started studying from him and started understanding that after all, what are these search engines? How to reduce the way in which the search engine puts a website above the first position, then Sachin himself told, Google itself told that if you want to come to the first position, then these are all best practices, then you Do all these best practices, you will also go above the first position. Did not tell, now we should be like this in today's time, we are not able to understand what Google is recommending, in what way Google's algordam reduces it, if we start to understand this thing We started to understand the things of Google , what is the recommendation of Google, how its algorithm reduces it, then we will also do those best practices and if we are doing those best practices, then basically what we are doing is search engine optimization. is doing so there was a very quick history that how this whole thing came into concept ok so before u started search engines went to the and why search engines were needed because there are so many websites which are built And those websites were not reaching the user, then search engines became mediateks between the users and the website, and the relevant ones from the website or web page started reaching the user, which has now given life to a new thing, which is actually called Next search engine option is fine, so now if we talk about the basic definition, in one go, the search engine option, in what way does it reduce, what is actually Sachin and optimization, then you can see that this is a set of practices . ok design you improve de appearance and positioning of web page in organic truth aur kuch nahi hai na to aapne kya dekha yaar par wich is de set of practices and inside these practices we divide into 3 major categories one hota Hai hamara on page ko ek hota hai hamara off page hai ko ek hota hai hamara technical so aur yeh steps humne se bhi na banaye hai you said that you have to keep the keywords in the respect of the non page someone had thought on their own Keep the key heading in the van or we follow Google's recommendation, we follow Google's recommendation, fine, if you don't follow Google's recommendation, then Google is going to update further . Ignore it then Google which is not going to update in the coming time, neither your website will be updated according to it nor Google which is giving us raycommendation today, we are ignoring it in today's time, Google will update its updates tomorrow. If it brings, will we be able to stand by taking our website, we will not be able to do it in its search engine, neither do we have these set of practices, these are the steps Let's do these steps, according to Google's recommendation, we have divided them into three parts, we do on-page, we do on-page and we do technical sleep. Anytime we change something on our website date this is actually called us on page of page in general we go to banking or go to gender gaming or go to gender or how to create links we take more quality links Aaye is practical implementation, our aa jaata hai technical so me kuch aur cheez hum log dekhte hain as hum log baat baat hai sall certificate jo hai properly laga hai or nahi laga hai hum log baat ki speed par hai hamari website How is the speed, we talk about mobile-friendliness here, whether our website is mobile- friendly or not, in today's time, we speak very loudly that our website should be mobile-friendly. Our website should be mobile friendly, now you think for yourself, when search engine optimization started, was this factor not so important ? The experience should not be bad, so he instructed you that your website should be mobile friendly, okay, tomorrow Google will find nothing, then it will come with a new thing, so if you follow Google's raycommendations correctly. Will follow the search engine optimization of your website will be done in a better way, you will get the challenge in this thing because not only you are doing search engine optimization, your competitors are also doing search engine option, you are not the only one who is above only one keyword, which You are trying to rank the website, other people are also trying to rank, then we should be better, we should not look for shortcuts, we should be better, this is the only thing that you will keep in mind if you will become successful in the field of search engine. We go ahead with the option and here I have written some points, basically those who are practicing, who are the people who are practicing XUV, who is the CEO for them, okay, so who is in actual practice of Asu, if we talk about If you do then there are many bloggers in today's time ok they are for earning purpose so they have to learn so they have to implement they make their blog ok they make information block next anything can happen I am not talking about neutrality yes ok here i am not talking next anything can happen they make their blog for earning purposes there are different ways of earning lets do it in sponsorship they want to do adsense with lets it is different I will discuss a different thing in the future, but we have bloggers here, okay, they wrote some content and this is on top of some specific keywords, if they run their content, then only traffic will come to them and this All the things that I have mentioned here, all these things are possible only or ultimately the earning is possible only when this rank is okay, if it is ranking above the keyword, then it will be like this, business owners need an issue, okay Hai they know that like people are searching for best IIT coaching ok so this is the keyword people are searching for it on google so they also have to bring their website up on top of this word They have to bring in three so that they can get more traffic on their website and they can sell their products and services, not that the search engine option is only for your normal website, a search engine for commerce website as well. Optimization is there, but it is different. Totally, which is our normal website, then when we start I-commerce, then people will talk about it in detail, who write content and rank it so that when that content is ranked, traffic will come to their website. Will come up and people will buy whatever product or service they have recommended from their affiliate link and they will get commission on its emergence, so you can see that it is being implemented at many places in today's time. I haven't set any intention for business owners, there is no business owner who has a website and I don't want to do that, so the field is very big, it is a genuine field, there are many people working in this field. are doing many people are benefited from this field many people need this thing but what thing we have to take care gas dekho search engine optimization koi tu plus tu four nahi hai ok is search engine optimization is never tu plus tu four very basic nahi simple nahi steps nahi hai yahi kriya to ya ya gaya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ho gaya ya relative ya relative ya If you are sleeping very badly on one keyword then if you sleep then you will be ranked quickly way he did on page his page is getting rank it will take you time to beat him you will need more efforts to beat him so it is actually relative it's not simple steps ok so it gets a bit complicated but we base ko na itna strong karne chalenge casio ki saare cheez hamari clear ho jaye Friends, if you like the video, then do like the video, do share it, if you have doubt, then comment, if you have any suggestion, then also comment [Music] Jab Kabhi Hum Log Search Engine Let's talk about optimization, we have a website, we have a web page, we talk about ranking it in Indian with Google, so we have to reduce according to Google's many guidelines, and those guidelines are basically We have broadly divided into three major categories, whether you speak or speak, we have divided the three major processes, and this process is the first process, date it is actually on the page, and the second process This is our off page and our third process is date it is actually technical so we have to take all our steps whatever work we have to do inside the search engine option all those works all those steps We have divided the process into these three major categories, so in one or the other category, your work will fall, then in this particular video, we are going to talk about what it means to sleep on the page and What things do we do inside the on-page sleep ? Like I told in the previous video in the introductory video that sleep is also evolving very fast and will evolve in the coming time too, so here's what's on There are fundamentals of the page, which is basic, okay, first of all, we will talk about the basic of on-page, the things that have been going on for a long time, we will discuss what we have to do, and according to 2022, what things We have to keep in mind that in respect of on-page or what type of algorithm is behaving now, we will talk about it in respect of on-page, then we are going to discuss all these things inside this particular video. If we try to understand roughly, then this is an introductory video of on-page and we will see many things practically because it is not possible to practically implement the entire on-page within a single video. There are many factors, there are many factors, there are different elements, all the elements have their own different depth, like if I talk inside it, which we have the title dhoti, if we try to go into the depth of the title tax, then many things in what ways From this we write the title tag okay this is a concept how can we optimize the title track this is our concept so a lot of things are inside it okay that's why I separate I am making a video so that every single thing can be covered properly, let's start, let's try to understand that after all, this is on page so what is it right, then gaze on page like that, before we understand in more detail One point has to be understood that I have written here on the board, you can see that first of all you have to understand that whenever we talk about it, it is always page wise, that means what do you do? Do you think that if we take an example from Let this is our website, then you know that your website is basically or a collection of different pages, then what will happen here, the home page will be here from Let here on our website. Have space about them and lets here we have services page and inside services we have three services i provide digital marketing services i provide digital marketing training and lets related to web development I provide those services as well, fine so this web development services of our one page, what type of page will be made from late, if our website is you, then I go here, age picture. slash above com here I write web development services right so this is our page So now whatever efforts we have to do, it is okay from the point of view of how we can run this page, then we have to focus only on this page, when we talk about the home page, we have to If our website has to be run, then basically we are talking about our home page, that we have to run our home page, so when you talk about the ranking of the website, if we talk about it in terms, then you If we are talking about the home page, then also we have used the word which one is the page, so whatever you do, it will always be your page vice. You will pick the page that we have a page and in its respect, which are our keywords? Which are those, you will research that on which keywords we want to rank this page, you will write your content etc. In respect, if you try to make backbenz, then you have to take care of these things, which is very basic thing that whenever we talk about it, it is okay, so it always happens, page wise, to you. Ok if we talk about on-page what do we do in on-page okay roughly break down what we do, those processors come out with a lot of things that we What is the checklist of steps to do, how to optimize which element, how many things will come out, but mostly what happens on the page, if someone asks you what happens on the page, because there can be many I am seeing all such students who are preparing for interview etc. or want to make it in 2022, ok, so if we talk about on page, basically process like I told is a process, it is option of visible content which is visible Content is there on top of our web page, which is our website or web page, on top of it there is visible content, the content that we see, we have to opt for it, different elements are inside it, we have to opt for it today, well today Our source code of space or we should say that our code of this stomach, we also have to do some optimization in it, like if we talk about one thing, if we have to implement the scheme, then that is our scheme code. It happens that we do not see it on the top of the page, it is not a visible element, well, we implement it in the code, so I have written this line that the option of visible quantity which you see in front of you is also optimized as well as our HTML code. There is code, sometimes we need to do optimization in that too, now another question comes out from here, then should we learn coding for search engine optimization because here I have source code here I have done the coding word, so many people have doubt that should we know the coding, if we want to learn search engine option or on page, then look at it, if you have knowledge of basic HTML, basic HTML. That if you have knowledge then it is a very good thing and I would recommend you to take the knowledge of basic HTML, it is not a big deal if you practice properly even for seven to 10 days, I will do some videos on them. Will also make that how much basic HTML we need from the point of view of search engine option so if you take that much knowledge then give more in up and it will always give you some or the other advantage okay plus the other thing is that How much knowledge of coding we should have, how much coding is required that actually it also depends on the technology in which our website is built, since late your website is built in WordPress, if not then the website owner Will happen or if someone is your client for whom you are doing this or if you have less in many companies, then he will expect you to do all the changes on WordPress yourself because his back hand is big. Easily accessible to you, ok, if it is a custom made website, it is a website built on top of some other technology, it is not a CMS, it is not a CMS, it is not a CMS, it is not a content management system, it is not a Wix WordPress and this type. Then the owner of the website, who gives you the support of the developer, knows that the developer knows where the code is placed, where it is in the hosting, but you should actually understand how to access the hosting. How do we access the History Access file? Let's do our website, where is it kept, if you know all these things, then one step will be done for you, in future, if you want to make a career in this field, then in every way you will benefit. Will do, I am not saying that it is absolutely mandatory in starting, if you are starting out, then first you should strengthen it from the foundation, then understand the things, after that you have a little basic knowledge of HTML coding here. If you try to take that and sometimes we have to go inside the HTML source code too, okay many people say that what is our on page sleeps and what is our technical is like this, is it okay with this? If there is something similar then you will definitely find it okay because you will feel that we are changing on Tejas but it is not like that, I have written that thing here, look technical so it is not equal to you on pesu, it is okay because on page so what mostly focuses on right it does on page elements okay on top of a page on a web page like I just took the example here by slash services if I have a page slash If I have a page by training, right slash, I have a page by doing digital marketing training or services, then I change the elements of this page, the date is actually on the page and the technical one is like this if you think about it properly. If we try to technical so generally Fox on the complete website like if we talk about the optimization of the speed of the website, well then it is the optimization of the speed of the whole website, let's talk about security, I want to get all the certificates When I talk about it, it is not that the certificate that you have, if you leave it on only one page, then it appears on top of your entire website, does it not appear across the entire website, when we talk about crawling, when we When we talk about indexing, we talk about the crawling and indexing of the major pages which are important to us, but it is not that this thing is limited only to that page, the rest of our website is what you see inside the technical section. The thing you experience is that it is applicable on the complete website or complete website, whereas if we talk about the on-page, like I said, it depends on the visible elements of the website. After the points here, look at what I told you in the starting, these are some of our standard points, okay, these are some of our standard points, which you have to take care of, there are many more points in respect of the on-page, which are as follows- As things come, I will keep telling you, but if we talk about the content or what is our visible content, then I am highlighting the important things that come in the structure of its page here first, after that I have given some factors . Also write such things that you have to take care of for 2022 especially for 2022 ok don't miss them like first thing is structure of contact ok structure of content means that you see that whatever keywords you rank on Do you want to do whether their separate pages are created or not, ok, pages are created or not, it is known that you are going to do ranking, ok, you are doing a lot of efforts but its dedicated page too It is not made okay then this is actually related to structure of content and this is our first point second point is that whatever our title is okay it should contain our keywords whatever your word search is Above the word, we have this particular page, we will target it, I want this page of ours to rank above this keyword, then the title of the page, you will see that write your word in it and do not write only keywords, it is not so. Earlier, all these things used to be reduced by spraying keywords, but in today's time, we will not reduce everything, so that is why I have written a small word here and optimize title, we have to make sure that our title should be optimized. Yes, in the same way, we have to keep the keywords in the description and in the description also in the optimize way, what is meant here is that we have to insert it in the natural way, so that it does not seem that I have done spamming forcefully. is or punch place, six place, eight place, 10 place, we have only stuffed what we have, which are our header tags, which are our tags from h1 to h6, we have to do it properly so that Our content is that of our website, which is the content of our web page, we can give proper structure to it, structure means we can write in the form of headings, which is our paragraph ; Written in the form of paragraph, Google does not like this thing, when Google's crawler comes, it tries to understand how well you have done the content which should have been on top of your web page, how tremendously, how well you have done it. How well you have written it, how well it is structured, optimized it, then this is again a very important thing, okay, now you don't just think that I have done keyboard research, I have found four keywords, now sir, just tell me that this is Keywords where to put me and my page which will be ranked is not such a thing now because Google's algorithm has started considering many more things and you have to understand all those factors sorry have to accept moving forward Yes, we are talking about the image option, here the size of the image loading is fine, all these things become important, the alt text of the image, what information does the image work, internal linking is another important factor and this Our consideration is that the depth of the content is inside the on-page so that you do not have to put the content on the top, if you want to write the content in a block, then make sure that you write a little detailed content, all is well. You cover the points so that you can reach the depth of the content, if you do not want to do too much depth, then you should make sure that you write content that is better than your competitor, but your content is better than that. There should be a depth of the implementation of the scheme of marks, the implementation of the scheme of marks also comes in your on page, so you make sure that the relevant scheme is the URL that I was talking about about the page structure . There are also those who have selected the words etc. for whose votes we have to rank that particular page, it should be optimized accordingly, so I have written some major things, now as I have written here Depth of D Content So many things will come in the depth of D content that where we have to keep keywords, how many keywords we have to keep, how we have to make the structure, how many words we have to write the content, then it is not in itself and much more. It is a matter of going into details, but what we are trying to understand right now is that what is its importance and in which direction is it going now, if we talk about 2022, then roughly we What to take care of, how to take care of it will be understood, okay, but we should know what to take care of, so we are discussing it inside this particular video, now if important factors with regards to you 22 ok What is our next year, coming year, okay, if we talk about it, then the first thing is the user's experience, okay, in today's time, Google is also cutting it, when the user comes to the top of your page after entering any key word. If so, in what way do you interact with that page, is it not so that you immediately come to the top of the page and immediately leave the page, then to do all these things, you have to take care of all these things that we have written here. If you do all these things then all these things will be done automatically city r date it click through rate option option of d content on d basis of d search intent if user is searching digital marketing course right digital Marketing Course If the user is searching fitness tips then it is not necessary that you have pasted the exact same word everywhere and if you are not pasting the same word then you are not writing any content related to it. Google reduces in such a way that the query that the user has done is right, is the content on top of your page right, but whatever content you have mentioned on the top of your page, it is relevant or not to the interest of the user. 11 than searching he will get answers here or not it is more important right so d intense very important thing with regards tu 2022 about time gaya bhai jab it used to be seen that if the user searched exactly what he searched in our page If it is everywhere, then our page will be ranked, okay even today, that thing is exiting, we call it, which are our keywords, where do we have to put them in our page inside but not the same before it was same only ok so here i am trying to tell you the difference loading speed of page matters in today's time death of content matters in today's time engagement rail means with our page User engagement, for how long the user is visiting the top of our page, with how many different elements he is interacting with, which are our internal links, is he going to another page by clicking on them or not, all these factors make you All these factors should be positive and improve the user's experience, okay, but the framework is also very important, so the content that will be on top of your page, make sure that it should have expertise and authority, okay. Means some original looks genuine, that content trust uniform is fine, which we have to take care of, so now you must have understood that the algordam is becoming user-centric, it is becoming user-centric, if any signal The algorithm will find that your content is not user friendly, it is not according to the user, you will definitely face 200% challenges in running the content and this thing will remain in 2022 even after that because the direction in which Google is growing. The direction in which our other search engines are moving, their primary aim is that how to satisfy the intent of the user, how to keep the user only on Google, because look, as long as it is on Google, If they see that much advertisement, then who will actually get the revenue, it will go to Google only, then if Google takes care of one thing that the user should remain satisfied, then how much is the benefit of Google and if you take care of the same thing that through your website The user is getting the information, the content he is getting, it is all relevant, it is all genuine, it is all origin, so it will be beneficial for you, then gas I believe you must have understood what happens on the page, in what way does and in which direction as it is growing on pay is more important Goes to do some query, then in its response, it sees many results in the search engine result page, how do these results come, how does Google show these results, because from many websites on the Internet, the same specific Why website c is visible to us in a specific order, we will try to understand all these things in this particular video and those who start basic, they start how the search engine reduces, okay, so first of all we If people understand this, then this is also an introductory video in a way, how crawling indexing reduces all this stuff above all these advanced concepts, we will continue to discuss further in this playlist, but now we have an over all Have to take an overview of how our search engines reduce the gas, so here we are talking about Google, okay, then Google, we are going to understand such a search engine here, then the gas of Google. Come on, we speak a lot, or we even call them spiders, so these three things are the same thing, they do it day in and day out, and actually, if we try to understand what spiders are from the cross, then it is nothing. There are simple programs or you can tell them that they are softwares, now what do they do that there are many different websites available on the internet, they keep visiting those websites to collect the information of those websites. For this, now there are many websites on the internet, it is not that from two to four punch website, which will easily visit the softwares and it is not that the website Bunny has stopped, not regularly, the website keeps coming and these Colors bot and spider is less that no matter how many websites are not coming, it is right to visit all these websites, which is the primary method, visiting these websites means how the crawler will know that a new The website has come, we have to visit it, we have to scan the website, we have to collect its information, for this, the primary method they do, date it, actually link it, like someone is on this particular website, whose name is w1 and man Due to this, a new website was created w2 and if the link of w2 is available here on w1, then if the crawler from here is coming over this website, then a caller from here will go over the w2 website. Or will it reach one way, the other way is that many of the website owners, almost all of them, not many, almost all of the websites that own them, they create their own Google Search Console account and because of Google Search Console's account The bots that visit their website, so if the question is whether a bot will visit our website or not, in what way, what are the sources, then the crawlers from one or the other source reach the website. Sometimes it happens that it takes some time to call the website or to visit the website, but somehow or the other the crawlers reach the top of the website, then gas which is the first step Yes, that's what it is, there are colors, there are many spiders, they go to different websites, they go to different websites, they call gas, when they start crawling, look, here's a terminology, which is actually called as crawling crawling. Gas simply means that the bot or spider program came over your website, scans your website, scans the content of your website, scans the code of your website and about your website. I try to understand what information your website is on, what information is there on your website, I try to understand all the things, the content that is written on your website, the contact of which thing is written, how does it understand the gas that we People write things in the title, what we write in the description, what we write in our content, the crawler gets an idea that what is this particular phase about because the important thing you have in the title They are mentioned in the description, what is the mention of the important things, you have written the content, by mixing all those things, the caller understands what the information on your website is about. What is the content about, on which topic the friend is fine, then this process is actually called crawling today, where the crawler or bot scans your website, whatever resources are there for the content of your website, code, images, etc. There are also carnival resources, all those resources which are crawlers, crawlers or scans, after that when the information is collected here, it is as if an information is collected that this website is not related to new, if a website We take the example, okay, then what does the crawler do, which is Google's database, then it indexes it, the meaning of indexing is that it will store it in its database , see brother, this is a website. In the same way another website of Hai News will come, it has done it, it has stored this website of Sports, then the third website of Sports has come, then the crawler has stored in the database that this is also a website of News, let's have news here. 1 lakh websites have been accessed, it is possible that the caller will go to different news websites, definitely when he reads the content of those websites, he will understand that this website is of news, then if he understands the new website, after that Will try to index them . Indexing means giving them a sequence or mapping of those websites at one place. This website is related to news, this website is related to sports, it is Google's internal The process that is done is so that whoever has done crawling, whatever information he has collected, can create his own database on the basis of that, okay, then this process is done, Google is not there, so you understand that this is the end of Google's process. The side process is done, after that there is a user because of the man, okay, now the user does not understand all this, the general user, the common user, how does he know that what is happening in the back hand, okay? What does the user do? The user simply goes to Google and goes to Google and does a query there, okay does a query, whatever question is asked in that, whatever query is done, okay, like here, there is a query, like here . But the query is Google's Garden or Google's system, it checks this back end or checks the database that what has happened to me, its relevant, which website is not found here. Brother, there is a query related to news and related to news, there are 1 lakh websites here, so you got a question from many websites that in the search engine result page this The order is how it will be defined that which website is on the first number, on the second, on the third, on the fourth, on the fifth, because there are many websites, we cannot give a position number to all the websites, because what is less of Google, Google also gets the result. Have to display and the results that are played in the search engine result page and the results that are displayed in the search engine result page have their own order, there is a sequence that which website is on the first number, which on the second, which on the third. Which one is on the fourth line , then it is a sequence, so this is the sequence, because you have come to know that the query of this user was related to news and we have this website for news, but out of these queries, Which website is the top 11, it is decided by Google's ranking algorithm, in which order and in which way it will be ranked, then this is a complete process, there are many things inside it, crawling is also a very detailed topic. If we talk about indexing, it is a very detailed topic, but actually over all, if we see roughly, then the search engine reduces it in this way, it has its own boss and keeps going over different different websites, information from there. Let's collect, understand the nature of the website , store it on the basis of nature, store the website in its database, and many millions of crores of websites are there, when the user's query is there, then the user's query is intense or the user Google maps it from which websites matching the query and shows them to you on the basis of ranking Alwar, then in this way our Google search engine or crawling indexing is the whole process in this way First of all, we understand that why we connect Google Truth Console to the website or why we submit our website above Google Search Console, first of all we understand this thing. If we take it, then in the video of Gas Last, I told you that in which way our Google search engine reduces and in which way our website after crawling and indexing, on some specific keywords, on which also We will optimize our website, on whose word we will optimize the page of our website, on their word our website appears or our website appears in the search engine result page, we understood this process and when we If people opt for proper such a thing, then our website will also have keywords which are above organic keywords, it will generate the ranking, which in all this process, we also understood that in which way the crawler is able to move from one website to another. visits above or from one web page which is to visit another web page above gas hum logne baat kari thi lete agar ye web page van hai ye web page tu hai ye web page three hai ye page four hai So late crawler is Google, it comes on top of this particular website and after coming here, it collects whatever information is related to this website, after crawling and based on the information, it indexes it, okay But gas, you try to understand this thing, crawling is a technical process, indexing is a technical process, is it not possible that there is no error in indexing, is it not possible that there is no error in crawling, is it not possible? It is possible that sometimes when Google's crawler comes over this page, then this page may not be crawled or there may be any other regions, gas is all these concerns in Karauli, right now where did we come to know about all these concerns How to know then gas for this we need right of google search console then gas if on top of our website like this is our website if google search console is on top of this website our website is connected to google search console then google search Inside the dashboard of the console, we can see that there is no issue regarding the probability of our website, there is no issue regarding index in our website, means if Google could not crawl this web page of ours properly. So how will we index and if we could not index properly, whatever type of keyboards or whatever type of information base form we want to index, we could not index it, then how will we do the search engine option? We have been given the tool that see brother, this is Google search console, connect it, whatever shoes related to index sebilities crawling all these things from your website, all your shoes will be on the platform of this Google search console. Through this you will come to know that you will also get suggestions from here and then on the basis of those suggestions you can make improvements, either the matter of issues is okay, I have told you that in what way the caller to Google is from a website. Goes over to another website ok let's do this today I created a website it's a new website today I created Kari now how will the caller reach this website because until the rolling is not done until the indexing is done understand search engine optimization start It will not happen until Google someone does not know about your website, Google does not know about your website, then if a user asks Google, then tell what is gas, it may be a little time consuming process, but today's time In this, the whole website gets cross indexed soon, but the process is that Google's crawler comes here on this website, there may be some links mention here, by which it reaches this website or reaches this website. If the link of this website is mentioned on this website, then it reaches here from here. In this way, that web page keeps on calling web page and website tu website and whatever website the page gets, all those information are scanned and read. After reading the code, it keeps it in its index, but but gas, Google also wants that all the new websites that are being created in the world, all the content that is being created in the world, why should Google have that information because it wants that the world And if anyone wants to search something, then they should come and search on Google, then why would anyone search on Google, until Google does not have all the information in the world, then what is the meaning of all the information that the entire website Information right, Google also wants that if a website is not built, then it should not be indexed as soon as possible, it should be crossed as soon as possible and if there is any problem in crawling and indexing, then it should be given a solution. Can and can be crawled properly, if that side is genuine, then see if that website is not genuine, that website is not correct, according to Google's guidelines, it is not a website, then anyway Google will not display it in the search engine and Whatever is there, it will exclude fine, for which Google has given us a tool which is called Google Search Console, then Google says that you come with your website and connect the website to your Google Search Console so that Our crawler should not have any problem in scanning your website, that is, in indexing the call, and if there is any problem, then we can give you all the information about it, then Google search console itself first. Witch Was Like Master Stool was known by another name, in today's time it is known as Google Search Console. Just a few days back, there have been slight changes in the face of Google Search Console and you should assume that Whatever changes are there, they will continue to happen, keep yourself updated a little bit. In the field of digital marketing, I always recommend that you must keep yourself updated, because see if there is a change in the look and feel, then it is It is not such a big deal but if there is a change in the functionality in the features, then it becomes a matter of understanding, okay, then here you can see the gas, as I told what is the overall process, now what should we do? we have to connect our website with google search console practical to see this thing so gas here you can see i have our demo website this is de demo website un which we will connect it and here But we have the official web page of google search console is open ok so if you do n't have any account above google search console then if you go above google search console then you will see this type of interface if you have previously opened your gmail ID or Google ID if you have created a Google Search Console account and then you go to the top of the Google section, then directly you will be people inside that is very basic thing let's see will click on start nine okay as soon as I I click on start nine above gas and here there are 3 lines here I come so you can see this I am not verified now so for once I remove it ok remove from here I do property for once so that you can see absolutely fresh thing, see nothing is visible here, so whenever you go for the first time, you will not see anything here, ok, you will see this type of interface. if you first Now Google session is about to connect to your website brother as you come here you will see two options here it is saying that you can verify it on the basis of your domain or you can verify it on the basis of URL prefix Can do now in both the things, I explain you the difference clearly here, so gas first we talk about the URL prefix property, okay, so this means that if you have a website like your URL, which is the main yes that's your website age 10 ki dot com ok and here we man take http s ok this is your website if you submit this website through url prefix k through url prefix you Let's connect this website to google search console then in particular case let's if you have made these in words let's say m dot age it's okay in one word or you have words like let's courses dot age 10 or in your words, then you will not find the information of all these domains inside the Google search console, what happens in the URL prefix that you have mentioned this URL, just after this what will happen to them. You will get information related to this, if all the things are connected, then all domains will not be connected like here you can see the example includes only URLS with D specific prefix including D protocol if you want you property to match other protocols and sub domains consider adding a domain Property So if you think that you need information about this thing as well, what type of organic performance is coming on the courses or, you should also study the indexibility of all these things. If it is, then it will not be less than your URL prefix in the particular case , you will have to submit it on the basis of the domain property or what you can do if you have to do it on the basis of the URL prefix, then you will submit this property once. And once you submit this property right to then these are two different which are your properties will be submitted under which character inside url prefix if you are selecting only domain properties simply you have to go to awesome Submit it and everything related to it will be included and look inside it and domain level property date includes all d subdomains and multiple protocols ok here it will consider HTTP s and STP as separate properties let in url prefix If your colon is fine then this property has become https colon/skicom if it has become one property then from two different properties then you will get to see the different information of both of them fine then understand what is your url prefix property And what are the properties of the domain, so here I have also written some examples, you can see like I have mentioned this, ok, http, I remove it once, http, if I have mentioned here If it is done then you can see that it will mark it, that means the crawling and indexing will be done, but look at this, it will not be okay, and along with that, it does not have w or w, so look here. The view will not be okay, this is not matching, everything will happen here, so I have once again come to the Google search console, this time what do I do through the URL prefix which is our Google search console and which is our website? Let's try to connect so here I will mention this okay copy I will mention this thing from here and I will continue from here checking verification now it will give us a code now here you see You can check after verification it is giving us options to verify our ownership is ok or the feature here is telling us that brother we have to prove the ownership of our website here we have to tell that the age in This is my website, so it has given us different methods of verification, it said that we have a method of an HTML file, okay, we can download this file and go to our root directory. You can submit it by going to the C panel and going to your hosting, the second way is that it gives us an HTML tag, which we can do in the head section of our website, right before the body section . People can do the third method of Google Analytics, which means if you have already installed Google Analytics on your website with this Google ID, then you need to verify from here. It gets verified, in the same way you can set it through Google Tag Manager and you can set it through DNS. If we have to add it, then gas here, as we are talking about, this is URL based, which we have to verify, if we add the domain property for domain verification, then in this particular case, we have only this option, okay then Once I am going to do this HTML tag, I will copy the tag that we are seeing here and we are going to do it in the head section of our website, okay, so what do we have to do for this on our website In the spring we will have to go to the WordPress website, it is very easy in the WordPress website, we expect that if you reduce all the gas, then by putting people in the sub-admin here, we have got it in the back end, now we have gas. Simply go to the Appearance section, okay in Appearance, we'll go to the theme editor, here gas, if you have a WordPress website, you can do this in the same way, very simple steps, if you don't have a website back, developer If you have the support of , then you can give this HTML tag to your developer and tell him to implement this code in the head section by going to the back hand and when he implements it after you can verify it ok so gas from here we have already gone to editor in three and after theme editor you have to go to header dot php here you are seeing header and psp simply you go header and in php and in header dot php here you see head section ok head section is here and this is body section above 21st line then you have to put this code inside head section and before body section If you want to implement then once again here I take our HTML code from here I put it here and simply we have to come down and update our file date sheet ok It is very simple to implement this code, when we will update it here, after that we will go to Google search console, here we will click on Verify any method you have, either you Google search console whatever you implement you will have to verify now you can see our ownership we will verify we will directly go to the property right so like I will go to the property right here and I will start here I click above see this is the new Google search console, so in this I have shown some guided steps by this type, okay and gas here you can see our property, we are seeing it here with this ID Above, if you have any other website, you want to add it, then you can add it here, properties are basically website, so don't be confused, property simply means website, we are not able to see the data here, because now we Have connected but over time you will see here you will start seeing little data, then gas I believe you must have understood by now, how to connect google search console and your website Have to do or you have to submit your website in google search console, both are almost same thing and what is the process, we also add dice domain property as well as add our url perfect property. [music] gas we are going to discuss what are the important algordams for the search engine option of Google or what are the core algorithms of Google, what are the updates, what are the features, how Let us discuss all these things because we have one thing clear that whenever a user queries on Google, in response to the query, the user is shown some results in the search engine result page. And these results which are visible are basically visible through the algorithm, that is, these results are algorithm driven or we can say that this is our search engine result page, it is algorithm driven. Whatever results we see above , they come from the algorithm itself, then according to the vision of Google, such a company or Google, it always keeps updating its algorithm so that the best results are given to the user. First of all, understand that the algorithm in Google means What is it and after that we will talk about the different types of algorithms that have come inside Google's system with over a period of time updates or have become part of Google's core algorithm and which cannot be removed. In this particular video, I am only going to give you an overview about some important updates or algorithms about these algordams and on top of these updates, I will also make individual videos of different algorithms. What is less, in which way they penalize the website and if we want to save our website from penalty, then what steps should we take, we will discuss all these things, so first of all, as I told, we understand Let's take the fact that in respect of option and google search it is always what it means google all campus system ok campus system this programs lo aap softwares ka lo inko of course lo right date this same cr saying ds are actually campus system Used you retrieve data from its search index and exactly deliver the best possible results for an query to all query user will do for uske best possible result kya ho sakta best possible website uski kya ho sakti hai ye jo deliver karne ka kam hai na ye make Sir, Google's algorithm, Google always wants that it can always show the best to the best results to the user, and for the same reason, Google 's algorithm, it frequently changes many things on a regular basis. There are some very major changes or you can do it in such a way that there are very major updates, which we have to take care of, there are some small changes which we do not actually know that Google is not updating. Or not, but there are some very major updates, which are through the block or the official handles of Google, Twitter handles, through them you will come to know in some way or the other, first of all we talk about some major algordams or In Google's respect of some major updates and what they mean and what this update checks, why updates were made, we discuss them, so here you can see there are many algoridams, which is the first algorithm I wrote. Which was introduced in the name of Panda in the year 2011, now it is updated, what it does, it checks the quality of content on your website whether your content is genuine or not. What is the length of the key, is it appropriate or not, is there any meaning coming out of your content or not, then all the things related to your content means the quality of content related, whatever the things are, Panda checks all those things. Update or Pandya algorithm, you can use it, then if you have written a lot of content, like you have written two-three lines, then in the particular case, the Panda will not let you escape and your website The ranking is the chances of its happening are very less because Panda is sitting here and it was released in the year 2011 so now you understand today let's talk towards 2021 2021 is also almost over 2022 is about to come so about 10 Years back Google had released that they were not content and even today we try to do spam technics and all these things, they want to write only the content of four or four slave lines, but gas, you understand that Panda's because of na jo quality of content is very important factor introduced in 2011 and this is very important part of google cake core algorithm after that if we talk about second one we have second update second jo part The date of the algorithm is actually penguin is ok so penguin was released in 2012 and it is not black so it used to be sparmming which ended link farming so many people who are still doing link farming etc. Let's do Blackhat So, let's do banking etc. to create them, if not today or tomorrow, penguin will catch them in one way or the other because penguin is a very important part of Google's call algorithm in today's time, so penguin checks this Are you not doing blackhead sleep in any way, but are you not doing farming, are you not timing the back science, are you trying to make tools, are you not trying to make unnaturallinks, are you not buying and selling? If you are concerned about backlinks then all these things are taken care of by Penguin updates, so why did Google do all these things only because the user queries In the voice of the query, he should be given the best result in return for the query, in any way, he should not see the manipulated result because there are many spammers who want to show the manipulated result, so they should not see the manipulated result, they should see the correct result, right. After that if we talk about the third algorithm date this is actually Pigeon Pigeon released in 2014 and its short is that it checks proximity proximity means like there is one user right and this user is sitting Sitting in Lucknow it is fine and querying from Lucknow; Sitting in Lucknow and querying from Lucknow ; If they get that priority, what is the location of the user, what is the user searching from which location, what are the nearby results, on the basis of proximity , on the basis of location, understanding their things, the user can be shown proper and appropriate results. It is written that the algorithm related to the local head is designed to understand the relationship between query and location, so this is also the experience of the user's search or the results will come in front of the user . After humming bird ok humming bird is again a very important update which came in 2013 and it makes sure that the user's query and whatever content will be ranked in respect of the query, in the content and in the square. I should have relevantnshi which I repeatedly tell you that relevantnshi between de query and like which content you want to rank this base hai so ka ye so ka base hai yeh if I tell you and this thing will not mixer So if you are out of the search engine result page, your website is not ranked, then who is responsible behind that humming bird because humming bird makes it clear that there should be relevancy in the intent of the query and in the content, it is not that in the query and Do not understand the meaning of relevancy in the content at all that we will pick and paste the keywords that we have done here, then it is not 11 but it is fine in the intent of the query, then around the query like your keyword is any keyword around it. What is the content of Hummingbird, it also understands that which is the algorithm of Hummingbird, it understands that too and on the basis of what the user is doing, if it has relevancy, then it can rank your website, then it is not that If we stuff that keyword, then it will be okay that they will pay a lot of attention to the density, we will pay attention to how many places we have written the keyword whether we have stuffed the word or not, only then our website will rank, it is not like that hummingbird image makes noise. What is the content, what is the content and what keywords have you used in this content, as well as what other content have you used, it is okay and according to the intent of the user's query, this content is not matching. If the match is done then you will pass in the exam of well and good coming bird and there will be chances to improve your ranking . So all these things are the core algordam of Google, it is a very important part of it, so we have to take care of everything, okay, and by combining all these things, the guidelines of Google make it, give update on Google, which is Algorithm update jo 2013 gas isi hua hua kya tha bhoot saara na content isi type banega tha ya kino se related content tha ok hai fake loan se related content tha bada hi get rich quick wali to scheme hoti hai na wa wa wala If there was content , then Google understood that this is such a content which is basically spoiling the user's experience. Sir, the content that is loan is useless scheme and the content related to them should not be there, if there is content related to them, then there is a penalty. Penalty to the website simply means that your website becomes external. And the search engine gets out of the result page, right, then it is different from different algorithm, after that mobile, which was released in 2015, this algorithm, this algorithm update, and this algorithm used to check that your website is mobile friendly. Whether or not your website is according to all types of screens or not, it is not that only your website is desktop optimized, it is not mobile optimized Which is not visible properly on mobile, now many more things have been added in it, now like Google's core, vitals have been introduced, so it is better not to check this thing that your website is mobile friendly. Whether it is device friendly or not, whether it is responsive or not, user experience has become even more important but it started from 2015 and from there we started talking about whether our website is mobile friendly or not. And to check whether our website is mobile friendly or not, only Google's crawler will come, and the Google's crawler that comes date is actually Google Mobile Board means your website is rendered or open by Google only in mobile version. To see the thing that your website is mobile friendly or not, it is okay and after that friend update came in 2018 and it came because in many cases it was seen that there is no wrong placement on many websites. This is an off ad, people would have placed those ads anywhere for more earning, so what happens, the user's experience is bad, like this is my website and what I am doing for earning, I have done this with the content. Bada here I have put ads, now my content is not showing properly here, now if my content is not showing properly here then what is hampering the user's experience and you know that today's time Google does not want to let the user's experience be hampered, so it came quite late, if you talk about it, then in 2018, the friend update came, which basically eliminates those websites which have poor user experience, whose placement of ads is date this is actually not optical optimal means at the right place i spoil the user experience so gas this some algorithm se some majorhal garden and gym if i tell you some algorithm is very important be penguin Gaya panda ho gaya pigeon ho gaya ok hum in word ho gaya they make the base they make the base of google's algorithm today we don't pay attention we people without any meaning na black hai start running behind gas if you make it right The website ranks but it is yours, isn't it a quick thing, it starts thinking that our website is getting gas, if not today, then tomorrow Penguin will catch you, slowly, Google will strengthen Penguin even more, even if something is saved There are still a few loopholes, so that too over d time, they will go away, Google is not going to take this thing so late, then I believe that all of you are genuine and natural, whether they are for making banking or not. Whether it is to sleep, whether it is to do on-page, whether it is to keep the keyboards, all of you will do it in genuine way, that is the right way to do it, I hope friends, you must have understood what the algorithm is and the major algorithm of Google. What is it and why is it important and I will make a separate video above it with different different algorithms, where you will get the information that how much role is played by different algorithms and what it does and if we have to save from it. So what do we have to look at what do we have to avoid [music] Gas If we only talk about factors like on page then there are many factors which basically we have to take care in respect of on page Or there are many such things that we have to take care of, there are many such processes that we have to do in respect of the on-page, but here we are going to talk about some important factors and our discussion is around this thing. Whenever we do a search engine option, we will definitely do keywords, we will do keyword research and we will find out whatever epropreate key words, so here I am walking that we We have done keyword research and we have filtered out some of our key words, the importance of their words, what is their search volume, what is the competition on them, on the basis of all these different factors because they are important with regards to you . Key word really means keyword really important things which are needed factors, we are running man's work that here we have searched the keyboard because gas will be on the page only when you have your finalized The words will be that brother, now I want to rank this web page above this particular keyword, then for that you have to do keyboard research first and here I am going to do keyboard research. Have done that and the discussion That is, when we do our keyword research, we will have some of our finalized keywords . Our key words are done okay here I also write this thing to cement the theme words are ours now gas what we have to do we have to do these keywords on different different locations or on different different positions on your web In the page, we are going to discuss the same thing that when our keywords are finalized, then which important positions do we have with regards to on page on page technique? Location is important position here we have to put the word so we are going to discuss this thing inside this particular video so here you can see I have written a lot of things first of all what we have to do we have to make a noise that Our primary keyword should be in our title tag and we also have to make sure that it is not spamming, it is okay, you have done a keyword research from Sperm No Lets, you have finalized and finalized IIT Coaching in Delhi and What are you doing, you are writing the title something like this, IIT coaching in Delhi, it is okay, you have put the keyword in the title and you have put the keyword in the starting, it is a good thing, that means anywhere, if you are at an important location. Anywhere if you are keeping keyboard or it is recommended that your key word should be here then if that keyword is in starting then it is a better thing right then I mentioned you IIT Coaching in Delhi then here I have mentioned Best IIT Coaching in Delhi right so its kind of spamming ok aap dekhne ho na na maine bhi par IIT coaching in delhi did it I did it here also IIT coaching in Delhi which it actually not recommend it we better You can also write like this The Best IIT Coaching in Delhi but you will say that main mera jo primary keyword hai woh ye tha ok hai this is my primary keyword and yeh jo tha mera secondary keyword tha secondary keyword it was because of its search volume It was not that much in comparison its true volume was very good so what I did I put it as primary keyword and I kept it as secondary keyword so gas you primary key word which after doing that you type something like this Can you write the title here, now if you look at Best IIT Coaching in Delhi, it has come, as well as your IIT Coaching in Delhi, it has also come, now if you see this again and again If you are writing in this type then this actually used to reduce keyword stuffing like in the previous video I told you in detail about algorithm etc., so if you understand them then you will understand that now with this type if you If you are stuffing keywords or you are trying to fill keywords forcefully, then that is a problem, this is not the right way, so according to the on-page, first of all, we have to put the keyboard, where to put it in the title tag. We have to keep the second which is our sweet description tag, in which we have to do our primary keyword and like I told you what you have to do, always whenever you do primary keyword above an important location, you should always start it. He has to do that in the starting, whatever headlines you write, okay, I am not talking about the H1 tag here, actually, I am talking here, in the middle of the content, even in the middle of the content, you write the headlines. You can do your primary keywords or whatever keywords you have researched, how can you use them naturally like this one which I told as an example, that is why I told you that you can understand the difference between timing and natural insertions. After that we have header tags which are basically between actual to h6 in which the most important one is h1 tag and here I tell you don make sir that only one h1 above a web page tag hota hai there is this only van h van tag van page ok h2 tags can be multiple but h1 tags will never be multiple on top of a web page you will get to see only one h1 tag ok or you can use it as a single h1 tag keep you can keep multiple h van tag but you will have a better c u only if you keep single h1 tag mean technically you can keep multiple h1 tag but it is not recommend from so point of view right after that keywords should be in our url so this is also a part of on page that which is becoming our url let's be making my url here we take example age 10 / and here But my URL is for IIT Coaching in Delhi, so I will mention IIT Coaching in Delhi here and our keyword which you are seeing in the URL should be ok, now it is not like that either. Is that you make the word too long, I will talk about it later, in which way you can write the optimized URL or what are the bullet points in respect of the URL, but here what we are understanding is that on the page In respect of our keyword, it should be in the URL, we use our keyword in a very logical way, in a natural way, when we type all in the image option, then in all tag also we use our keyword . You can insert here again which keyword's primary keyword will be the most important which will be our image, whatever image will be our most important, our primary keyword will go in it and after that we will ignore the secondary keywords which If we have other images, they will also have to provide alt tags on the top of the page, so we will be our secondary keywords or those that are semantically arranged or themed, which will match our keywords, which will be our other keywords. But if you do it, then these are some important locations, positions, in respect of the on-page, after that what is formatted text gas formatted text that many times when you are writing the content of your page or writing the content of your website So at some places you have to do it like spoken text, at some places you have to do italic text, at some places you have to underline it, so whenever we do bold text inside our content or italics If we do this or underline, if we ever do this, we are giving signal to Google that this is an important thing, then we can do that our content is let's our first paragraph, inside it we put the keywords Yes , we can mention what is in bold according to the formatted text or we can mention in bold plus underline, fine, so what we are discussing about on-page is that our keywords are on-page. No, on which important locations should it come, there are many things in Unpaid, how to write the content, how to structure the content, but of many things, now we are limited only on this thing, after that we will talk. Doing internal linking now, what is the meaning of internal linking here, see that internal linking also comes in a way at the beginning of the page itself, well there are many benefits if we talk about internal linking from many triangles Benefit is available directly and indirectly from internal linking but here we are talking about late this is a web page of mine, okay this is a web page of my website, I take a blog, an article I have written and this From the block I have given a link to the other block means there is a link mentioned here on which basically the user clicks on this one which is our blog you can reach this blog number right so now what is on page in this on page This is the anchor text of gas, this is the internal linking text, I want to see that this one, which is our text, it should be relevant, the content above the block, now if I make irrelevant income tax here, then basically the link should be made. Gone but this is not a good on-page ok ok it's not a good UNF for this and also not a good on-page activity for this page because it turns out if this anchor text is different from the content at the top of the page yes that is different ab user kya karega user saw this is anchor text user will click on this un's text will go to top of this page related if he doesn't get the content then what will he do he will bounce off from the space or will come out of the space Which is not a good signal in the eyes of Google or if there is no good signal from Google's system, then we will talk in detail on internal linking also, we have to do this internal linking strategically and logically and make sure that our The one who is on the page can be better than this even right after that if we talk then it is written here ninth in this basically content material gas we log on important locations like if we If you want to write a paragraph, then in the starting paragraph itself, that means in the starting, we should keep our primary keyword within one or two lines, now it is not that we should keep the primary keyword everywhere, where it is needed, we will put a little non-important locations there. People will keep whatever is the secondary word, then according to the gauge on the page, when we are late after doing keyboard research, then where do we have to put that word, in the title tag, in the description, in the headline, in the header, those keywords in the URL should be We have to keep it in formatted text in b there all tag, in internal likings and inside contact, this thing is understandable and it is easy too but it is more important in which way to keep it which I just told you an example here. Have to keep in natural way nine google this more smart it is ok that it understands the things that you have stuffed the keywords in the content or naturally you have mentioned what is there because google you intent base things I have started to understand very well and in the coming time I will understand in a better way, so don't do such activity that you are spamming, friends, I hope you will understand the factor of this on page [music] which whenever we People talk about search engine optimization, it cannot happen that there is no discussion about these two tools, Google search console in gas search engine optimization and those who play Google but gas, many people are also confused, especially beginners, which is They get confused that what is less in google search console and google antics, can google antics do less of google search console, it is less of google analytics, what google search console can do, then in this particular video some major Differences are google search console google will try to do how google search console is different google analytics so gas whenever we have a website like we are our website because of man and then generally two things na this website If we interact with then the interaction with the website does only two things. Well, whenever we want to study the interaction, how the colors interact with our website, whether they are actually interacting with our website or not. What are they doing, what are they doing by indexing our website or not, what are they doing by reading our website, that is, what they are doing, all these things, all these reports, all these information, we have to see them. gets inside Google Search Console, so whenever we have to study what is the interaction of crawlers on our website, then we need Google Search Console and for many other things, Google Search Console is needed. But if we try to understand in a major way, then it is right, whenever we want to study the behavior of the user on our website, from which source the user is coming, the user is his own. Identity identity here does not mean any individual identity, it means here demographic etc. What is his demographic, what type is he behaving, what is his behavior on our website, what type of convergence is he If Gage is doing on our website then if we have to do all these things then we need google analytics then we need google search console to study the interaction of gas caller on our website user interaction user behavior We need Google Analytic to study on our website, so both are completely separate tools, it has become clear that Google Search Console will be Google Anti and Google Substitute will be Google Search Console. Now we can also discuss about some major points, which is the first point I have written here, it will help you in understanding crawlers interaction on website, like I just told you that our website is not new because of caller index etc. Here we will come to know all these things, help you in understanding users behavior, complete users behavior, you can also do it or complete the user's interaction, which second point is written here, date is actually no real time data. Gas is not available here, real time data is not there, you will not get to see real time data inside Google search console, means you will not see what is happening immediately, but you can study the user's interaction in real time inside Google Analytics. You can have the option of getting separate real-time reports here. It happens that how many users are there on our website right now, what is their location, what is their demographic, what events they are doing, what conversions they are doing, all this information we get to see in the real time report, third point is website tracking. This is basically with the help of google search console that your website is not getting index etc. All the pages you have created are indexed or not, we know all this from google search console. It goes on users related which we have to tracking all those things on the website we study through google antics only organic traffic from google search we study it here only we get the report that means let me tell you clearly Done see one thing that you have created a website, how the crawler is interacting with it, okay, we came to know as well as when a user comes, okay and he went to Google search Went up and on top of Google search, he does a query, in response to the query, which is generated on the search engine result, in the search engine result page, your title and description or your website, where it is coming, on which query How many impressions did you get, how many clicks did you get on which query, which query was being done from which location, then how many impressions you got there, you also know all this information, but this information is only known to you in the context of Google search, not so. If someone is coming from traffic, then you will come to know here, if any traffic is coming from Facebook ad, then you will come to know here, if any traffic is coming from Google ad, then you will come to know, it is not like that at all. Which is Google, it helps you to study all the traffic that is coming on your website from any thought, date it is actually Google, so here I have also written traffic from all sources which is basically here But does not apply, then in the search engine result page, the user who organically searches on Google, if you do your impressions, etc., then you get to see all the reports inside Google Search Console, then both are completely different tools and many more. We get some highlights or some basic information related to the report, many information, backing etc., but inside the Google Search Console, but Majorly, what we do to the Google Search Console, we do it so that the behavior of the crawlers which is The behavior of crawlers is there, we can correct it with our website and we can improve the health of our website, which is technical health, friends, I hope you have understood the big difference, then you are not worried about this. You will be confused that what is Google Search Console and what is Google Arantics, you should know that the rest of these tools are quite advanced, providing us with many facilities and related playlists, which have already been made, in detail about Google Search Console. Baat karunga in this playlist Google hum log usse karte hain Sachin and Excitation ki point se but google analytics ko majorly su ki point of view not it is done and there are many other reasons for which it is done [music] If we want to call it title tags, then you can also call it meta titles, normally, if you want to call titles, then normally you can also call titles, then gas, we know that if we talk about so on page If we are talking about sleep, then in respect to our meta titles or title tags, how important they become, then we have to look at them very seriously, in which way the title tags appear, then if we talk about the agenda If so, in this particular video, we are going to discuss how our title tags appear, where they appear, how we can optimize the title tag, and we are going to talk about optimization . That which we will bring after doing keyword research, where do we have to put them in the title tags, okay, gas, whenever we talk about on-page, most of our activities are around this thing that we We have taken these keywords by researching the words, in which way we have to fit our content, which is the content of our web page, in which way we have to fit it, then it is the most important thing, it is not the only thing. There are many other things on the page, but if I talk about one important aspect, then it is this one thing, so from this reference we People are going to understand that by what type we can optimize our title tags perfectly, write them perfectly or so friendly if you want to say how we can create such off friendly titles. so gas first of all i have a title tag syntax here like i told you that you can also call them meta titles so these are our meta titles ok and this is our title type syntax so whatever your page title is here it comes in the middle and by this type our html tag is open and here our html tag is close so this is simple piece of html code it is ok now which is our code It is okay, this court is in the head section of our website, now there are different ways to implement title tags, okay, and the methods are different depending on the type of website you are doing. Ho or which technology website should you do it with Lets, if you do WordPress website, then you get many plugins, with their help you can implement the title tags as they are, if you have this custom rated website. To say that you are reducing above means that if you are reducing above the website of PHP and you have a developer, then you should talk to the developers and tell the developer that the title of this page of mine should be this, then it should be there. Go to the code of the page and write this type of code, it will put your title there, but still such a person, I will definitely recommend you that you should definitely know that my website is on the server. Rakhi is there or where is it hosted and after that you can see your page etc. by going inside the website so that if ever needed you will be able to identify the head section, where is the head section, we have to put a title tag inside it. The whole thing is so basic we should know then the gas is the structure of our title tag or the structure of the meta title now gas we talk about where our title tag looks like I have written the title here Title it so now where will it appear then see first of all as you open that web page in the browser then here you see in the then section this is the tire section which is visible here and more important location than that This is actually the search engine result page so we see our title and description in the search engine result page as you can see there are three important elements here it is done our title is ok it is done Our description and what you are seeing here is fine, this is done, our URL is fine and one more important thing that you should keep in mind, look, Google keeps testing many things over time, so you confuse with this. It should not happen that if it starts appearing above it is fine, sometimes it starts appearing small to you, then if it is not visible now, then it may happen in the future or it may not happen, then this thing will help you. Don't get confused, don't worry, if you are seeing that earlier, Sachin has shown the title and description in the result page in a different way, today I am seeing the title and description in the search engine result page in a different way. Hai right as I told you here that this is a piece of HTML code, now you know that as this piece of HTML code is okay and this is my page and I am talking about the code of the page, that means this is our web This is the page which we talk about to rank and if we talk about the code of this page then this is its head section because of man here head section is open and closed and here if we have title tag okay here we have What is the title tag and what will be the gas here, crawlers will come, then the crawler of google comes here from lets, okay, if google comes here, it will also read the code of this page, while reading the code of this page It will reach the title and see what is written inside the title, what is mentioned inside the title, which gives it a hint to the crawler, it gives information to the crawler that what this page is actually about and that is what you want, Google Do you want to tell that you have made this keyword to rank above a world, our digital marketing course in India, okay, you want to prank on this keyword and you have made a page for it, then you will keep in mind that these keywords I want to go to the title, because when the crawler comes, he will read the title, then he will see in the title what is the content. From that, information goes to the crawler or hints that what this web page is all about and ultimately you want this because if the crawler comes to know about what that page is, then the crawler gets security that this is a web page or not. Now a user comes about Digital Marketing Course in India, the user queries Digital Marketing Course in India, high chances of your page will be ranked, so if you put your page on top of a query or on top of a keyword If you want to run your page, then first you have to believe that Google is our web page, it is about this query, about this type of content, about this type of keyboard, so what do you have to do for this? You will have to do it on the important important locations of the page, where the crawler looks at your content very carefully, there you will have to mention your keywords etc. Right, we know that the title is an important location, which the crawler sees, title is an important location To whom the crawler takes the information in the form of a feedback of the information space, then we cannot ignore the title tag, from this point of view, title tags become very important for us, right? I have already understood that what is the importance of the HTML code that we see, where do we see it, okay how do we see the title tags, now if we talk about the type of title tags we should write and What are the elements that are inside the title tags, then if we talk about the length, then you can write the length of 50 to 60 characters, look at it, if you make it 70 or 75, then it is not that Google will give you a penalty. This is a perception only that if you write 50 to 60 characters, then whatever important thing you have to mention with regards to the title tag, it goes and nothing comes and the user experience is also bad. It doesn't mean to say that look here, if I have written a very lendi title tag, I have written a very Hindi title type, then it starts showing here by dot dot dot with this type, so it is said that you write the title tag its length keep it around 52 60 characters now it is not like 75 what i told you if you keep 75 characters then you will say hey bro now my website will not rank it is not like that only just a little bit We try to understand this thing from the point of view of the user's experience, yes, there should not be much difference here, like you have written 30 words, this is very wrong, 30 characters will not be a sorry word here. If there are characters, then if you have written 30 characters , then it is very wrong, 60 characters, like I told you, here you have written 120 characters, then this is a very wrong thing, isn't it, we have to take care of this thing, the rest I told you that the length does not mean that if we have made it like 75, then Google will give us a penalty or will hang us, this is not going to happen at all, okay, one more important thing, as we If we are reading the title tag in the respect of the page, then when we are reading the title track in the respect of the on-page, then the question should not arise that where will we keep the keywords, this cannot happen, so I have given some suggestions for the keywords here. Points are written that what you have to do is you have to optimize your title on the basis of keywords which are most relevant keywords, maybe you have come up with three to four keywords for one page but in this which is your most relevant or most primary The keyword which is not there, you have to keep it in the title tag, then if I write here, which is our primary keyword, we have to keep it in the title tag. I want to rank above this particular key word best digital marketing I am writing in short I am ok course in delhi only we are taking exam here if I want to rank above this I will try to start Starting the word here is our title, many times along with the title, we will also use brand names etc., we will also see examples of that, so that what was our et wala concept, I told you the et wala concept, okay what type If you increase the authority or trust from the uniform, then many times Google is not giving too much value to the brand signals, in today's time it is The content which is of a brand is okay then when it gives value to the brand signals then if you are mentioning any brand here then let's say if this is your brand I am only taking the example then it is here If we get a little more value, then we have to structure our title properly, it is okay to see that the keywords that we have, the primary keywords should be in the starting, after that, if we want to keep the secondary keywords, then they Okay, so we have to structure it by type, if I would like to give you another example of structure, then you can understand, as I wrote here, this one of mine was the keyword Best Digital Marketing Course in India, okay after that My second keyword was digital marketing training in india these are my two keywords ok so now i will not be able to keep these two keywords by picking up the characters in the title this is the character limit problem if it comes then how should i structure it If I want to do what I will do, I will structure it like Best Digital Marketing Training and Courses in India, so in this way you are watching what will happen here, Best Digital Marketing Training in India, this is also my cover and also Along with the other one, we had taken the keyword here, which brother was the best digital marketing course in India, this one is the best digital marketing course in India, it was also covered, so this is basically the concept behind structuring of your title properties, review today morning I was doing this so I saw that a lot of them came to me from the website in which I saw that a lot of people are still doing keyboard stuffing look today if you are ranking then tomorrow it will be down one way or the other Whenever you catch the website, your website is sure to be down 200% ok, so from now on you keep that thing in mind, from now on you keep that habit, I have made a very basic introductory video on the algorithm, in this playlist you will get Will get it and you will see ok avoid stopping word stopping word we don't have to do that but apart from stopping word if we want to do insect etc we can do that insect basically our CTR or click through rate is also our CTR Will help us to increase because the title is visible here, you understand that the title is visible here, then the importance of the title is also in the eyes of the crawler and along with that we have to see from the point of view of the user. It is not to be seen that if we have filled only the keywords inside the title, then my crawler will be happy with that, but the user is okay, let's take it, here I have filled the digital marketing course, okay digital marketing training, to make the crawler happy Not even will be happy with this thing because keyword stuffing will happen algorithm will find you ok even crawler won't be able to do anything and at the same time user will feel that there is big stuffed content ok maybe user will click that is a different thing Yes, but general, if you see, how will the user feel that too much stuffing has been done, it is not natural, because if the user does not click here, then how will users come to your website, then it is known that your impressions are increasing. There is another concept to understand here, it is known carefully that your impressions are getting too much, okay and the clicks are coming down . The CTR which is down will send a signal to Google's algorithm that brother, this wrong website is being ranked because we have ranked it, Google will feel that we have ranked this website but people are not interacting with it. This website is not liked, it is okay, people are not liking its title and description, so people are not clicking, so the CTR of this website, which I talked about, is not good, so it will slowly go to the competitor. Will start bringing it up and you will see that your ranking is gradually falling, getting weaker, getting worse, neither is the title tag very important and how better we can write it . see okay we don't have to write stopping words like but in okay these are our stopping words we don't have to do this type of word in our titles okay like I told you some concepts here Where should we put all the things that I told you, I show you practically that in reality these things that I told you If not, before making the video, when I was making the PTS, at the same time, I went to Google and searched a query, what is it, and as soon as I searched, you can see the result here in front of you. As soon as I hit what is your search look what I see here what I see what I see here search engine optimization what is it what you see here what is it so what I told you Whichever keyword we want to rank above, we have to do it in our title, we have to do it naturally, we have to do it structurally, we do not do it like this, what is this, so, so, fill all the words like this. Don't do like this and what I told you have to do one more point in starting, you see this is the result of the first page, but if you do not see it in starting, see what it is like, what it is so right, what Is so and explanation for beginners a search engine option in plan in english starter guide learn ho tu do it in five minutes to aap kya dekh rahe ho yahaar par kis par kis par kis par kis par kis par ki jo hamare titles hai usko kariyata aur kis type se on It is done in the respect of the page, why repeatedly I have been on the page, on the page, I am reminding you again and again because we are also talking about how to paste the word inside it. So gas I will leave, you must have understood this thing and these points, if you want to take a screenshot of this small photo, then you can take it so that you remember it, then these points are matching here or not exactly matching Now let's go ahead, we are going to do something else with regards to title tax, we have to take care of it, always use unique title in page like your website has three pages from lets, then you don't have to do these pages The title tag of this page will be the same as the title tag of this page, so please one issue will come. ka tu liya rf if you want to do it like we want to rush you are ok screaming frock is free you get screening frog if you want to do it then on the basis of all these you can check this thing very easily Can you see on which of my pages you can see empty title tag, no description, etc., after that you go and see if I have different titles from different pages here. If there are tags, then I will rectify them, I will correct them, okay, then you should take care of this thing and do not have to worry about this, I will tell you all this in the practical classes, how you can do this by going above different tools. Rectify can you action word in title kind do think action word right action word kya hote hai call tu action bhai yeh maine bola download ok yeh maine bola visit yeh saare kya hai dees rd action word like here I have a very good Example was visible here you see learn ho tu do it in 5 minutes this is action word aur ye ksne likha hua hai title neel patel ki website pe hai to aap logon ko sabko ko hai ki neel patel ka jo kaad hai Indian so industry I it is very big so if they have this thing in their website then you can understand it is a standard isn't it ok now let's talk here we sam times brand name it used next title tu or it also used in title ok and for that I have given you an example of what is here, like I had searched for the best wooden furniture, so here you look like this paper is fried, which is an example, then here you see the brand name of the paper. Fry and it is doing the same keeping in mind the concept of ET and now as I told you that the algorithm also feverishes the brand a little bit if the brand puts some content then it feverishes it a little bit So here he is also mentioning his brand okay and also he is mentioning his keyword here like best wooden furniture so you can see wooden furniture is visible here okay so this title In this type, we have to write our titles, practical, how to write, how to write for different pages, I will tell you further, one by one, we will cover things like headings and titles page. SHOULD BE DIFFERENT Many people make this mistake, which is your h1 or not, make it a title and the problem comes because if we talk about word press So this is the default inside WordPress CMS, that means whatever title you make, it becomes your h1 by default, whatever you consider as h1, that white default becomes your title, so make sure that you keep both the things separate. Look at this, you are getting it, you put the same thing in both the places for optimization, so it is wrong, right, I give you the space done, here also you can do optimization here and what you did, the same thing in both the places. If you do the thing, what will be the problem that you have finished a huge scope of optimization yourself, so from this point of view here also I have kept some points which can be important for you with regards to again title Tags right so I believe a lot of concept title tags, you must have understood why it is important, how it reduces and why we should pay so much attention to it, of course we should pay attention, I am recommending you The title tag is a very important factor of the on-page, we cannot ignore it, we are going to talk about how much time it takes to rank a website in the search engine, then gas is the question of any person, if that search If the engine keeps relation or relates in any way with the field of option, then it definitely comes across this question. If you work in Sachin option's film, then you have to tell your boss. They have to tell in how much time you will run this website or your seniors who are boss ask you question brother how much time will it take tell them they have to tell the client that how much time will it take to rank this website right If you do freelancing, you do your own agency digital marketing work, then in a particular case, if you get a dream project, then you have to directly tell the client who is the business owner, if you have to give your website to someone, it is okay. If a free answer has to be given to an agency for the work of Sachin and optimization, then they should also have a rough idea that how much time it actually takes to rank a website is important because if the client Will not know, how will the budget decide that it may take me 6 months, I may take 8 months, I may take 5 months, so according to that he will have to plan his budget too, so this question is in the mind of many people. I live in and there is no straight answer means the biggest problem in the solution of this question is that there is no straight answer for this there are many variables which basically decide the thing that how much time will it take you to study some On the basis of some research, some analysis, we solve this question to some extent or to some extent we will say that we reach the logical answer, then I will discuss all these things inside this particular video because it is very important. The more important thing is that how much time does it take to run a website with the help of search engine option, then gas is the easiest answer, I have written it here and it depends like it. Does this video very carefully on many factors, you will watch this video, many things will be clear, okay again, I am telling you clearly, I am telling you the reality, you can get it with a guarantee of three months. Sir, it will take 3 months, I will rank this website, it is not possible, I can take any update of Google, the ranking of the website may fall, I can update it, the ranking of your website can increase completely, so which You had done the projection of 3 months, maybe your website will be ranked in two and a half months, or in 2 months, or the projection that you are talking about mathematical email logical projection, I am not talking about any windy projection. Just saw the website and learned from somewhere that it takes 3 months, so to rank in Sachin option, it will be ranked in 3 months and after that, you told the client, you told the boss, I am not talking like that at all. Yes, I am talking, you have analyzed many factors, you have taken some knowledge, after that you are saying that it will take 3 months to run this website, yet pluses become minuses, because this field is so dynamic. There are many changes happen on regular basis, there are many other factors than algordam, your competitors also keep playing that is also an important factor, so gas let's explore Let's start doing it, how much time will it take, then as I said, the simple answer is it depends and it depends on many factors, I have written some factors here, we will discuss them one by one and after that I will proceed further. A chart has also been made here in which you can make a little prediction that what are the steps in the search engine option and on the basis of those steps, how much time can actually be taken. Right, the first factor is I am not doing domain gas, I have done a study on many websites and after studying it, I have concluded that I am talking about the top ten positions in the top ten. The website is running in 10 positions inside the search engine result page, that website is more than two plus years old or the domestic one is more than two years old, then the same factor is no longer the same factor, now you think that Brother, this means that our domain is old, only then we will not be able to try the website, we have seen a factor like what R did, which was bringing the website in the search engine result page, those top ten websites were fine and their Studied the domain that how old is their domain, when it came to know that if their domain is viewed further from any website, then the online average is 2 years or more than 2 years old, then Arif understood one thing that this The factor is that all the websites that are getting ranked in the top 10, it has become a second from a slightly older website, which is the factor that you are seeing here, date is actually for which word you want to rank. The most important thing is that you want to rank for this type of keyword, right, like you have picked this very easy to run keyword, okay, you will rank quickly, okay, you will rank very quickly, but if If you hold too much computer keyboard, then it will take you a lot of time in particular case, let's go by the example man, here I have caught a keyword, which is digital marketing course, on top of this I want to rank my website that you web page Want to rank gas it will take us a lot of time why because the competitors who are here have kept very low on their webpage, have kept very low, right here if we talk like in AG I make a website today and my keyword is this age 10 is ok how much time will it take me to rank on this particular keyword then let's talk about rank above it if all is ok we have fixed on page If we have started making backless, then maybe within two weeks we will rank because there is no competition on this, many people are not only trying for this, but no one is trying, who will write The article or content right on this particular keyword is the second factor, the most important factor is that on which keywords you are seeking ranking, then when a client comes to you and you are auditing his website, then you see Ki usne jo aapko initial keywords kare nahi baat aapko bola jaati ki client aapko bolta hai ki sir hamare to yeh ke shabd hai best plumbing services best IIT coaching next flat coaching in delhi coaching aap jo key word hai usko karenge search If a lot of results will come in the engine result page, then you will analyze the top five results which are being shown, what is this website, what is its authority, how old are these websites, what is their content, what is their backlog . You can judge a little bit on the basis of which method it is, a little bit of analysis, not even a little analysis, you can analyze that how much time will it take me, ok then these are all factors, because it is not only you who compete for his word. Do other people tell me that I want to come first in the class, then what is the condition that I want to come first in the class, if I am made to sit in the class of many children who are not so good in studies, then my chances are more. yes i will work less hard i will go first a no means if he already topper in the class have 60% marks then if you bring 61% marks then you will go first a but you have to compete with such group It is given that the children who already get 9697% in this, then you will have to work very hard to get 98%, then you will come first, then what is the condition of coming first? It does not depend only on us, it also depends on our competitors that where they are standing now, the thing also happens here that the word we have selected and not on those of our competitors. What efforts have they made, how many vaccines do they have, what is the on page of their website, what is their technology, how strong they have been, so we should study all these things, okay, I have given the third point here. It is written on Home you are computing with ok so you have to do complete profile analysis of your competitors ok and in profile analysis you have to do short analysis of those What is your current strength, okay, where is the current week and where was it standing, that you can do better than them, let's bring better results, okay, after that, if you look here, which is actually the force? point your budget for d website it also depends man take you have done lot of analysis u have done all the research u have done all the analysis and after that u understand that if i get very quality backing ok if i get quality If I get backlinks, I will run my website in 2 months, okay, you don't need resources, don't you need a team, don't you need content, okay, do you need to write content? You or your client will not have to spend anything, no one will have to spend any amount, you will say that you will have to spend absolutely, how will you write content without spending any amount ? I had projected that I will write ten articles, I will write 10 articles very well, I will post them on other websites, if the budget is low, then it will stop less, won't it stop? If that projection of coming to the website will not be possible, then all these doctors and also give your skill set do not even know how to make the whole thing, you do not even know how to do on page properly, I told you that you have to do better on page if you three months. If you want to rank inside and take man, you do not even know how to do on-page, then what will happen in the particular case, then the skill set also matters, so if we talk again that if we want to rank our website, then search From the point of view of the engine option, what efforts will we have to make in the search engine result page on the first page or how much time will it take, it depends on how old your website or domain is, on whose words you are ranking . You are competing with them, your budget, here you should understand that I am talking about resources, okay, what resources do you have and what is your skill set, even after that, if I analyze from any number If I try to reach, then here I have a small graph, it is of small four types, so that you will not clear many things, okay, how much time does it take, then crawling takes one to two hours, crawling is done. Ok indexing takes one to two days if it is indexable then it is ok if you have not made it indexable you have taken man from robot and tasty you have blocked it then problem is going to happen right brother or else you have no If you have index tag then there is going to be a problem then if your website is indexable if your website is crawled everything is fine then with the help of google search console it will take you one to two days and your website will be indexed means you can google got to know about your website okay rank for d brand means brand keywords here okay brand keywords like i just gave you the age picture example okay so if i make my website and And there if I want to rank on top of Omar's skirt keyword then I will be ranked within two days because there is no other competition on it so here the factors which I have written are in play or not home you R Competing with we are not competing with anyone so there is more opportunity for us which keywords are you ranking above we are ranking above the word of competition many people right so here brand means you like this can understand brand keyword so it will take two to three weeks these two weeks I have two to three weeks here so I have picked this because we little If it takes more time then it is better ranking for low competition phrases, it takes two to three months for you to get ranked on those who are competition's word phrases or queries because you understand that this process is like what you did within 15 days Everything is done on page ok, within next 15 days you have also dealt with the technical issues, ok then your website is ready, but brother, my answer is, will you go to make botlins, ok, if you make bottlings, will all your backs be indexed immediately? All of yours go live immediately, you know it does not happen immediately, sometimes they come for approval, so all these things will take time or not, sometimes it takes one and a half to two months to get approved. If it will take time, then here the time given to you is that two to three months, if there are words of low competition, then it seems that now look at the meaning of low competition keywords, understand, look here, as if I rank above this keyword I want Digital Marketing Course in India Marketing Course in Lucknow Competition is not ok its search volume is high but this is low competition many people all over India who have their website or their website which is their digital marketing courses want to rank the page but man take it if you want to go above it digital marketing course in Lucknow or Delhi or Mumbai or Pune then here you have more opportunity that you will get ranked easily then this thing I wrote here This is actually ranking for low competition so you discuss with your client that brother your service if I try to go above all over India then it will take time so can we break it we will make efforts on this also any problem No matter but it will take time, so can we make new and jis, you can make this type, you can tell me, you can discuss with your client that you tell me and in which cities you provide services there. From this we can bring traffic or when you do research, it is okay when you do research that where and where this keyword is being searched city wise, then you can suggest your client yourself because the client comes to D and Off. Worries about your results more than your efforts ok so even though you worked very hard with full honesty to rank it but you did it in your mind that I have committed to the client I will run it in 3 months but I I didn't see that I had to run it on which key word, it's okay, but if you make five-six pages of this type and try to run what is on their word, you will bring results to your web page and clients. Some traffic may come from here, be it sales or convergence, they are also very good from here, so you should reduce on this as well, but do not miss such opportunities also, because this thing is not there, it will take you two to three months . Can give better better ranking inside, better ranking here I mean that we are talking about top ten basically okay achieve significant success according to you google if you have to do it then you go for almost four to 12 months Ok this also depends on all these variables which are ok after that if you are doing less on top of high competition phrases then it may take you two years also it may take 2 years na I work on D The project which had so much patience is okay that you can do it comfortably, it takes one year and a half, no problem, we know that our keyboards are competitive, no problem, ours is competitive. We will give the keywords 2 years till then you start reducing on our blogs, we do this type of discussion with our clients till then you try to run the content of our blogs because here you will get long Oil keywords will be found, here you will find keywords with low competition, so that our ranking is quick, if we want to improve, for now, if we want to rank our page, it is okay to rank them, whether to bring business from there or there. If you want to bring traffic from other countries, then this is the way for it, and the keyword in ours, it takes time, there is no problem, and if we want to take it a little bit like this, then we have to come here, we have our own resources . We will have to increase, we will have to write more articles, we will have to create more quality backing, for that we will have to expnd our team, if we have to expert our team So it has some monetary cost ok so if the client is ready to bear the cost or we are ready to bear the cost then we can do the process which is going to happen in 12 months we can do it in 8 months Can we do it in 7 months, we can do it in dhaba, we can reduce its time debate, so now you must be understanding that in fact, if this question comes, how much time it will take to rank our website In case, if you directly answered this thing, in two months I will rank you, in 3 months I will rank you, in four months I will rank you, and you did not research the website of its competitors. Where is the study competition, just like the competition of our class, like I said that I will go first A in the class, okay, I said that I will go first A in the class, but let me see that once in my class How many children are there, their average percentage, how far they are going, according to that, I will do my planning, I will study or I will tell them directly, no, no, I will not prepare for 1 month, I will go first A in the class, if it is okay then maybe I go first A, in preparation for 15 days, but it depends on which class we are going inside, which batch we are going inside, with whom our real competition is, then the answer to this thing if I really tell you much time This text is your rank website, so now you must have understood that even if you remove the domain factor, then these two factors related to competition and these factors related to our budget and skills, a lot depends on how much you It takes time to run the website, apart from this, if someone is telling you that you will be ranked in one month or one and a half months, you will be ranked in 2:30 months ; If he did not tell by calculation, then that answer is wrong, maybe he predicted in this way or take a prediction, I will say a prediction brother, if someone is talking about that I will visit your website in 2 months, 2.5 months, 3 months Will run and backup without any backup In D sense without any calculation Look brother, I have researched your competitors, see they have so many average links daily, if we see the speed of increasing their average vacillains, then from this speed they I want to increase, I think that it will take so many resources to make so many vyaplins, this much amount will be spent, the rest is posting content in this type, in this type these blogs are their team, in this type, traffic is coming on their website. If he shows me all the research and after that someone says that it will take 2 months, two and a half months, three months, then it is understood that he has put some effort into it and after that he calculates and justifies the things. Well tell me how much time it will take actually I guess it is okay in the air someone has predicted it will take 2 months and maybe it will be right but it is not the right way if you search Engine optimization is going to be done in the right way, so this is not the right way, it is only one way to gas the thing and that which we speak is a very common thing, in the language of Chit, it has become a rhyme and the rhyme seems to be correct. Gaya right so I believe aap jo hai will always try to do things in a calculated way whatever your answers are behind whatever questions are behind them your answers should be backup by data backup brother analysis should be my approach This is what happens that's why I tell you the same type of approaches I tell you the same thing that I do okay honestly this is the right answer here we are going to discuss about delete description how we Yes, we can write them to say gas, whether we talk about title track, we talk about meta description, it is very small topic to say, it is very easy topic, just simply we have to write keywords etc. one line at a time In the content and in the meta description, we have two and a half lines of content, inside that we had keywords, so what is so important about it, then after watching this video, you will come to know that what is actually the meta description. Why is it so important and in what way do you have to take care of all these things? Can write so from the point of view, first of all, which is the syntax of our meter description, which you are seeing here, like I told you that this is also an HTML tag in a way, so you can see here that Syntax of our metal description is like this we see it which is like erase name and description and here inside the content you can see that this is an example of description this will open show up in d The search result that you are seeing, which I am underlining, this is actually the content of miss description or you can say that this is our description, which will appear in our description search engine result page, then gas search engine result . Whatever elements we see in the page, all those elements are our important, as you are seeing here as an example, this is our title, this is our description and here below you are seeing some element, isn't it something The method of links which you are seeing is dej r because of structure snipit ok dej r because of structure snipit so this is another thing we will discuss this also in the on page and our meter description is search engine like this In the result page we see here ok now a very important thing what do you think we have to do keywords etc. in the metal description it's just done and our son description jo hai woh ready ho gaye gas one thing me Let me clear you at the beginning itself that the meta description which is there or not is not directly what is meant for your ranking that they do not directly consider the meta description, what does it mean to not consider directly for ranking? Like if we wrote a very nice sweet description then what will happen there because this meta description is visible on the top of the search engine result page which will affect the user when the user will see our result and our meter description is very If it is well written then what will the user click on it when the user clicks on it then what will happen our CTR will increase if our CTR will increase then the signal will go to google from the ranking point of view then what Ranking is not directly effecting, it is not directly effecting, if we write better description then actually we have CTR effect and because of CTR, our ranking is effected, then Google is the caller of Google. See how it tells what your content is all about, so you have to write your description well in such a way that it is known that if a person clicks on it and after clicking, the page on which What is the content inside the page, which means that in a way the description here is a short summary of your content, this description should be relevant to your contact, relevant to what your content is about. There should be some elements, we see important, first of all, in which way we have to write our description, when you will understand all these things, then automatically you will start to understand that our matter description comes D and of D. In which way fine will be seen here if we talk about some important elements or talk about some best practices here I write best practices if we talk about how we have to write meta description then First of all, keep this thing in mind that you write one or two sentences, see what I have done in one or two sentences so that you can make it meaningful and you can give it some relevancy, you do not have to do this that you write in the way of pointers like book nine ok get nine all these elements which are not all these elements should not be in your meta description ok we will talk about call to action when we will talk about call to action in meta description Will do but for nine, you have to understand that our meta description should be like a natural language, we have to mention something that can influence humans, we are not going to put pointers here, we are not selling anything here. Influencing them so that they click on it and our CTR is improved so here you can see digital marketing is D component of marketing date users internet and online base digital technology true desktop computer mobile phones and others so you see this is only one sentence go below here digital marketing in compass all marketing effort was it n electronic device and d internet so it became a statement and after that you Look business average digital marketing channel then leisure then this is another statement so what are you looking here like these ads which are like our google ads here it is not that there are some shortcut elements written or something which The selling elements are mentioned, you do not have to write one or two sentences, which is better and if we talk about characters, then make sure that you write between 14 and 160 characters. Can I have written 14215 but you can increase it to 160 also there is no problem in this you should do your target keywords but don't stuff make sure that your target keyword is not in the middle of the statement Is it or whatever is your primary keyword, let it go and gas, I have cleared you one more thing, whenever your primary keyword comes in sentences, whenever your primary keyword comes in a sentence, it will look natural like I come here. And maybe I did digital marketing here, so if you look at digital marketing, they also have the description here, like the first part is Wikipedia, the second part is here, you see, they have done digital marketing here, okay. So digital marketing has definitely done it, digital marketing is definitely their primary keyword, which they have done it, but to do it, you can see that here they have written such a big sentence or statement, so they do it. You are not doing stuff, you have to understand the difference between doing it and doing stuff, if it is happening there, you will not even know, and naturally it will happen to you, okay, so this is the second point you have to keep in mind. After that, now we will also see that if we do all these points that we are talking about, then in reality, what kind of description we have on any keyword would have been shown, now we will also see it include D ta wich is called to action by d and of d description agar aap de description ke mein karenge na to yeh one such elements hote ki aapke cityr ko increasness puri baat aapne written aapke aapke aapko sakte aapko lekh badi more ok hai agar aapka jo hai I commerce etc. then you can write book nine there. A completely different way for commerce which is our description approach. This is also from Van Pay and in the subject as I told you there are many tools like Deepak is Screaming Frock okay Screaming Frock and as I told you these you can do it you can also help you in screening prop free that you can quickly You can go and find that your duplicate titles are not there, your duplicate title tags are not there, your duplicate description tags are not there, then you can take the help of these tools if your limited website is that big. Website is not that much if there is no page inside then you can take help of these tools to make it meaningful full and relevant to your content. This is one of the most important thing which you have to keep in mind after writing your After writing the meta description, make sure that after reading this description, if any person goes to my landing page, whatever I have written for the page, then it is not the case that after reading this, he It seems that I said it is okay, it is not relevant to it, so you must do this thing, it is very important and Google does not mark it, Google forgives it, Google will clear you more things here, which is the sixth point. If there are other preview tools make sir you are checking with preview tool you see there are many preview tools like this you will check by going to google you will get title description preview tool you will get this help from preview tool that you can further un user It starts to be understood that in what way my title and description will be visible, then you can experience that thing a little bit, how my title description is visible, today un user right no quotation marks in many places. I have seen some people probably make mistakes like quotation marks inside their description. etc. what are these exclamation marks etc. you have to do this type of elements you don't have to do that they create a lot of problems right after that two-three things and what is very important with regards to the description First of all, you suck in Google, you have written the over rule de matter description section, however relevant, however good the meta description you have written should be shown here, it is not necessary in the search engine result page, if Google feels that it will erase the description. If it is not relevant, then what will Google do? What is the reason that your meta description should be relevant to your webpage, if Google does not find it, then it will pick up the content on top of your webpage, whatever paragraph etc. you have mentioned, whatever text content is written there. Will pick up some content from and show you here and there in the meta description of the search engine result page it thinks it is more relevant right so google can do it no matter how well you do chances are it can Google is ok so you keep demanding this thing it is very important can see it you erase description gas this question comes to me a lot sir some people think that sir this is our web page as you said It is better to tell the crawler what information is on the top of our web page than the title , isn't it? More information and better information should go to the crawler, see the question is right, the question has power, but gas Google or the official statement of Google, it shows that if you do multiple descriptions, it is okay. Even in that case, the first description that you have given to him, he gets the priority, so there is no gas benefit. True, if you do multiple descriptions, but the question is good, see, because wherever the purpose of the description is, that is it. Is that the relevancy of this page or the content above this page and to tell the crawler in a better way, so can't we apply multiple descriptions, then this is two important thing and it was asked a lot in this regard. The second thing that goes is that the query that I have here is close to digital marketing now you can see that there is digital marketing in the title here too there is digital marketing in the title here too there is digital marketing in the title here too there is disturb marketing in the title is and almost if seen then it is not starting so what we are coming understanding things all those things are proof okay let's talk about description digital marketing digital marketing digital marketing and here also you see disturb marketing but now You will say sir, you had said that keywords do not make any difference, but see how they have mentioned it here, you can also go and search, search, analyze and try to make sure that all these Whether the points are being fulfilled there or not, it gives you an idea that in which way you can write a better description, like I told you that the title keyword has to be done, along with this I also told that a You have to do it in two sentences, see, if you reduce the sentences, then you will get stuffing, okay, you did only one word, then put a full stop, then I am doing another keyword, then you are putting a full stop, so this is keyword stuffing. It will not look natural but here even if I show you reading like this is what we are seeing right now, further here we can see Investopedia's digital marketing is de use of internet to rich consumers point van finished look ahead of him digital marketing this broad field including attracting customer via email ok so now you are seeing that inside this also the two statements same happened to him and naturally happened to him so better if we have to write description then we have to use these Approaches will have to be followed, sometimes what we do is neither we write relevant to our web page, nor do we call to action inside it, neither do we know how to write the keywords we have. Sometimes we know that we have to stop after one or two sentences and write such elements Which basically triggers the front user to click on it, it is okay because you understand that the ranking is done, then what is the role of meta description, if the ranking is done here, then if it is here Written meta description and title and I am ranking on third position from late and if people are not clicking on my website or this which is the result of my Sachin and result page, then my purpose is useless. We have to write title on description in such a way that it should be voclicable as well as sound natural as well as the words inside it can be used [music] Let's talk about practical implementation Let's talk about practical implementation How to We have to write our title and description on the website, then a question often comes in front of us that our website can be on different technology, it can be on different platform, in such a way how can we manage because when When we talk about WordPress website, it is not that difficult to write title description or any other thing in WordPress website, but there we have the options of plugins etc. which are the most popular plugins which are from point of view. One is Green Plugin and the other one is Rank Math is a plugin that you can do it, I am not telling any comparison between the two, I am not even telling you which plugin is the best Yes, you can use any plugin, almost both the plugins which are there, they reduce the rank math in the last few days. If the description is to be written on the practical website, then the first thing is that if the website is WordPress, then it becomes very easy by plugging it in. If the website is custom coded, then here also two approaches are in front of us, see if The website is custom coded, even if it has been developed by a good developer, then it gives you such options in the back hand that by logging in there you get the option to mention the title and description of the page wise . Under that website is built or you have control that you can add this section by talking to the developers, then you add it because in spring if you get the option to write title and description of every page, then it will be better. So again it is exactly like our CMS or our WordPress, that's all you have to do in your spring, select the page, title and metal description of the page, what you want to put there. You will see that fields are made, you can mention it by going there, this van thing second thing is that where your website is hosted, you access the code of the page and then the title of that specific page is there. You see that and you see the meta description of the page and in the contact meta description you see the content in the inverted course, go in the middle of the content and write your content, which means write your description and Write your title in the title tag, look, let me tell you one more thing, this ajio person is expected from you that you should do so little, look, there is no need to say that to implement the title and description. You don't only need a developer, in today's time, if you are in the field, then this much is expected from you, yes, of course, you will have to see a little about how you go to the file manager in hosting You are viewing the pages, right, these are the two ways, we are going to talk about WordPress, inside this particular video and first of all, we will see the title description of which page we are selecting. Will write and how will we see the preview etc. and when it is 100% satisfied then we will right it in our website then I go here we have a website and this website is fine and which is suitable for our website I show you the keywords, these are our primary keywords for this website or I have our keywords, like flats in zirakpur, this is our primary keyword, okay, then best flats in zirakpur. aur tu bhk flats in zirakpur or here we write it down For the particular page, according to that, we have written the content fine, now if we talk about our title, then what does this page tell, first of all understand it as what we were talking about How do we write the title and description so that the description can tell that what this page is about, it is a simple matter that this page is about three or four BHK flats in jarakpur. Those who will write the content keeping in mind that the content should be for the crawler as well, well further that content should also be for the user, if you have written your description which is only for the crawler, then the crawler is satisfied. But if the call to action etc. are not there then the user will not even click on it and will not come to the top of your website, otherwise we will have to balance both the things and walk fine so that there is no waste of time, so here I have already given title for you. I have mentioned the end description and I have told you the techniques that in which type you have to write Titan Description, the same thing has happened here, so you can see that I have written the title Flats in Zirakpur Sale Best tu three four bhk flat sari cheez hamari a gayi aur main brand naam bhi here par uske kiya hai to 34 bhk flats luxury flats in zirakpur so i remove this flat from here luxury flats in jara pura dene there is un very powerful call to action with sage book nine whatever aapko ok lage aap usko uske kar sakta ho see you will go to our preview tu yahan par mere paas bahut famous important preview tu hai bas aap important title and description preview tool daalenge toh ye aapko aapko sakta hai But there are many title and description preview tools, you can do whatever you want, you can do it, it is important that you do it, okay, so I enter the title here, here the preview that I have will start showing fine. so i copy my title from here i present my title here and this also warn me about pixels and length everything is absolutely perfect if you see right now flats in zirakpur for sale best two three four BHK flats right, so this is our title, after that if we try to see the meta description here, we have our description, we also take a quick preview of how our meta description will look fine, so now you are here look here our title is showing in this way now this dot dot is coming here ok so if you want to remove something here you can do as i can write here best two three four bhk flats in Zirakpur this is also fine there is no problem in this also our brand name here is also gone ok so if you want to write that thing I wrote earlier that is also perfect this is also perfect if you want to write Just there is a problem that he is coming there by dot dot, then the search engine will also show it in the result page by dot dot, which does not look a bit good, so it is also okay, here also our keywords come. Going and which is our primary keyword, you can see that it has been there in the starting as well, well, along with this, I have also done a little bit of Brand World, here you can see the description, here I have typed Start kiya 12 on d best bhk flats in yahan par bhk nahi hoga van tu on d best flat science zirakpur experience hai new style of living with our to three four bhk luxury flats in zirakpur and book now right so this itse ho c can put or Title and description and look here our preview which is how the title description is showing fine so in this way you guys can write title and description it takes a little effort see if you reduce with parley develop then you What to do, then you will have to create this google sheet by writing the title description in it and in front of it you have to make a column of status as well, which is the title description which is now live means that it has been done by this type You also make a column of status there and share that Google sheet with your developer. This is a dummy website GK and on top of it Jost plugin is already installed so if it has plugin installed then you can see here so title is visible to you Yes, I remove all of them from here, okay, this is our title, so what will I do from here, this is our title, I copy what we wrote in the preview, I simply copy it from here I will do that title, we will mention it, look, it is also in the green zone, which has its own monitor, isn't it also telling in the green zone ? After that the url will be fine flats in zirakpur so I mention this Naval go head with description also I copy here and I also present the description here so gas in this way you people should not your title and description You are writing and watching here, here you are seeing the green zone, okay, here you also see the full preview, okay, as you can see, the full preview is also visible here, if you want to mention your viral here You can also mention the URL here, ok, so if I am not writing for the home page, ok, then I make my own slug with this type. Lets, if I am writing for the home page, then I remove it. I will give it okay from here, then our account which is will remain right in ours so this is it works and you can see how the preview will show you here if you want to check this thing also The rules that we have made that the keyboard we have, we have to do it in the starting and all these things, so if you go here on Google and we can also check manually, this thing is correct, which you see now. Hello, I have quickly made a query here for Flats in Gorakhpur, so that we can see some of our titles and description Zirakpur here, it has been done in the title, it has been done in Flats in Zirak prototypel, the rest are added. We ignore the ad for once again we go here look flat for sale in zirakpur ok flats in zirakpur flats in zirakpur as well as brand names it has been fined so which is You can also take history by type, it is not that history should not be taken by you, you should take history by what type of people are doing it again and again and what are the basic rules, how should we write title and description, by following that you can write your title. End description jo hai woh ki likh [music] activities we talk about, the process we talk about is either related to on pay or related to office, at very few places very few People talk about the optimization of technical so to implement technical so properly, then gas technical so I would say that if we are talking about the ranking of a website, then on page is important. Also once it may happen that if you have not done off page means even if you have not made bank links then your website can be ranked not only and only on the basis of on page but without gas technical so any website It cannot be ranked, it is technical, it will be like gas, like I know that we change the content on the on-page, which is the content of our website, we try to optimize it according to the search engine so that the search engine can understand What is the content on our website, about whose words, around which topics, our content is, after all, what do we do in technical sleep and why do we do technical sleep and how important it is to all these things We will discuss and at the same time we will also try to understand what are the different processes we do inside technical sleep, then first of all what technical sleep helps, then first of all technical sleep if we do it in a better way. Means we should improve the krolability of our website, see gas, everything starts with crawling, see first of all we have a website like this and Google's crawler will come on top of this website and if Google's caller will not be able to crawl our website properly, meaning it is not scanning properly, I am delivering this video to you, okay, you are reading from this video and I am Let's say that you are not able to understand what is written here, then what will you do after that, you cannot implement anything. If we have not made our website calling friendly, if we have our website There are crawlers of any search engine, if they will have problem in understanding my website or not in calling, then nothing can happen further. Can it also happen that our website can cross in a better way, what things do we do now, for this, we will see that our website can be indexed at the right place, can be rendered and the architecture of our website, say the architecture, say the structure. Page structure speak navigation speak anything you can speak it right it should be caller friendly so that crawling indexing rendering rendering all these things can be done properly so whatever activities we do to do all these things smoothly Whatever activities are recommended, all the activities come under our technical so, a very important point which I have written here, without technical ISO you can not run and website without one more page, you can rank your website. Yes but without technical so you can not rank your website, this is that integral part of so which cannot be separated in today's date, which is the first step that we go through, or the first process that we go through. We do technical so in date this is basically understanding the site structure and should be very much organized now see what it means I will tell you with an example like I am walking here if I have a website late age 10 is a website that represents my agency, right, what will we do, we will write about here, fine, we will mention our services here, we will mention our training here Means I am creating categories and inside it we will have our pages like we are providing service in services then this is our one page we provide puck related services this is our one page in the same way if we provide content If we are providing marketing related services then this is our page then we have multiple page right this is a better structure in training if we talk about providing training then this is done in the same way if we provide training of Puck If you are doing it, then it came here in the same way, if we are providing Facebook Ads training, then this page has come here, fine, this is a normal structure, you must have seen that the structure on the website is like this. Now I have made a mistake, what type of address is it, if I have made a subcategory under this page, or you can think of it like this, I have made a subcategory under Services, I have made a subcategory in SU and so, I have written this puck, this is wrong. Structure, this is the right structure, you have to mixer that whatever our pages are, they are correct or not, they should be in the categories, they are in those categories or not, right this is basically related to side structure, so that you can go from one page to another. The crawler I have, be it Google's crawler, be it Beeing's or be it a crawler of any tool, I take one of R's and is on top of your website. R means the crawler of R's tool is on your website. There shouldn't be any problem with your website properly so that they can understand this is van thing ok toh ek activity toh hum log yeh karta hai different technical so second jo hamari activity hoti hai date is actually follow un consistent and logical side structure side structure Means here the URL structure is B, ok, so let's take the same example, like I made a URL structure, let's say that URL structure is umar / services slash puck, then next, if I have any services, what is their URL? It will be made in the right way so it's okay and the rest will be from all this stuff now what I did I made a url structure which is like this type here age 10 fine and I don't know where to pick up another category okay Let's do training and training, I write here that services should be like this, this is not a fine URL structure, so we have to make a noise that our URL structure should be consistent and uniform, as it should be like We should have our different services inside the services, we should have the different training related pages inside the training, this is actually following on very consistent and logical side structural along with the url structure tha third point date c have over every This check de crawling related issues in google search console so gas when you no website google search If you connect to the console, you will get many tools within Google Sach Console itself, which is a very famous rule, date, this is actually called further URL infection, so you can check it by doing URL inspection or by using URL infection tool. Yes, you can see that the different pages of your website are properly indexed or not, or are they being properly crawled or not, long with the issues, which are different issues. You also get to see that here, so you have seen some factors related to technical or some activities, you people can say that what activities we do in technical issues, in the same way our XML site maps are XML sites. The map basically tells about the structure of our website, to whom the crawler, then by telling something about our website to the crawler, some crawler is being facilitated, some of this is being provided so that they can visit our website. If we can cross properly then on which we are reducing what people have seen here on crolblity we are trying to get our website crawled properly so basically this is less where we are doing this less we People are doing under right of technical so in the same way robot dotos dot text tv it makes sense that we are giving some instruction to crawler this is D file basically it matures that whatever instruction we give to Google's crawler We are giving these terms to any crawler, who has to cross what is there and who is not to cross, means which pages to do and which pages not to do this also part of technical look here very important thing We do not talk about the creation of robot dot file only and not only, many people talk about Tasty, then only they leave by talking about its creation, but here it is more important than creation, which is the second point, date it is basically optimization. It is not that only creating, it is also necessary to make sure that the syntax you have written within robots. approach of your website no index tag all this thing na kroblelity hai hai ok url implementation again it is related with indexbility so duplicate pages if your index is there then that problem is created ok url's concept comes here Optimize your 404 pages, which are your four zero four pages, they also create errors from the point of view of technical so, then your 404 pages, now those who understand 404 pages, I clear them from late of any page this was your page it was page X and its link was mentioned somewhere else ok now what have you done this page which you have for some reason you may have reasons based on what you have done to this page Killed Delete When you deleted this page, but the link of this page is mentioned here, then what will happen, the user who has access to the space will go and click on this link or the user will also go and the crawler will also go Ok so the user also goes over this link and from this link he comes here then he sees that this page is not existing now the page is not existing then what will happen here gas four o four will happen in the same way If the crawler will go to the top of this page and the crawler will see that there is a link here and from the link it will try to go to the top of this page. From this link on the above website, he keeps getting happy from the link on the website, which is the content of the internet, he keeps on collecting information about the content, keeps sending it to Google, see how many people are there on the internet who Different important parties are not making website, Google is also happy that its content base is increasing. The condition is okay, then Google does not like this thing, it says what are you doing, you had created a page but you deleted it and your link is lying in different places, now you are the user. You are spoiling my experience and I am also wasting my resources. wanted to come and you have your If you delete the page, then these four zero four pages are there, you have to direct the ray on the other pages which are similar to these pages, basically you have to avoid four zero four issues, this also kam tha isko off technical so dene u have tu implementation sall certificate jo aap dekhte ok right now in the last few times it has become very important if we talk about long back then that time was not so much important then time updates come Right now it is very important that means HTTPS on your website must have a full certificate, what we call a full certificate should give the speed of the website, if we talk about the speed of the website, then there are only two issues which are Let's hamper the speed of the website, one is the resources of your website, that is, the images etc. are okay, or whatever content is on top of your website, if it is not right, then it is okay if it is heavy and in its proportion or the same. According to this, you have not taken your hosting or server, or your images etc. are very heavy, these are the two issues, if you reduce the parallel on these two issues, then you can understand Low key, you have to figure out the speed issue of the website, otherwise there are many tools that provide you with the insights related to the speed of the website, there are so many tools, Google's page speed inside tool Yes, it will also tell you what is the problem, then you can send instructions to your developer, because there will be many things in it that you will not understand that it is talking about minifying the code. Talk about minifying who is talking about what is going on then you can send your developer to them and they will fix those things but it doesn't matter that much which is the major issue isn't it hosting as well as If there are heavy images, then if you reduce them, then your speed, which you are worried about, will go away, then gas, these are some steps and many things that we do inside technical like this but Broadly speaking, these are the things that we reduce around to improve our technical solution, and as I told, this technical issue is not very important, that means you can forget the technical solution once you visit the page. Yes, you can't forget, in today's time, if you don't do it technically, then you will travel a lot, see for yourself, website speed is something to be ignored, you can ignore four and four, you can ignore all the certificates, can you not? Mobile friendly approach can you ignore robot shot tux crawling on top of google search console and devak all things is this thing you can ignore no right so I believe gas now you must have got some clarity that technical asi ho kya hota hai [music] difference between indexing and catching gas when someone we try to understand that in what way do our search engineers reduce how we see our results then if we If we try to understand this process, we will come across three words from three definitions, one is our crawling, one is our indexing and one is our casting. Look, crawling is a simple funda, it is understood that Whenever any problem or bot comes on top of our website comes on top of the web page and scans the page date process this call today crawling like if we try to understand its literary meaning it simply means ring no Ringing right means that the caller or bot or whatever the script is, it is coming on top of our website and on top of the website, Karauli tried to scan that website, now indexing and catching, what happens in this? There are confusions, understand the meaning of right indexing, indexing means that the bot has come to know that the content on your website, what is the content on your page, what type of content is right, which Wherever the content of your website is or whatever category the content of your webpage follows, it stores your web page inside the category's database and when any user has a query in the same category According to relevant or same category, it displays your page there depending on how high the competition is there and on the basis of that what rank you will get, then this is the basic difference between crawling and indexing. Now here the thing is not recorded the date is actually how so if we do something to understand the definition then you can see when the google chrome website it will take a snapshot of his page which version of your website now it means this That when the crawler comes on top of your website, along with indexing, it does one more thing, actually it takes a photo of your page, we tell it to take a photo, how to increase it now. I will also show you this practically, so that is the photo, now it comes to the question why it is necessary to draw it, what is the need, how to create Google, I am a user and the casio version or photo or snapshot of your website, Google has the right and I am a user , I go to Google and I enter the URL of your website. The live page was right on your website, that live page could not be rendered there, that live page could not be shown there, so what is Google doing, Google says look, I already have a cached version of this website. I have taken a picture of the website and show it to you, so the cashbation for all these cinerios, Google stores what it is, and what is the most important thing, what version of Google does it store only once. Hey man , in the middle I changed the website, then what will happen, see the crawler, we know that Google's problem is regular, it keeps coming up on our website, depending on our website, what is that, we will do in technical issue but what is our website its just regularly comes over our website so every time the crawl comes over our website it will take a photo ok and date photo date snapshot date view date this is actually called next how version of page Right, how will we see this, we will see how we have to check how many pages of a website are in the index, I will tell you that too first, then I will simply go to Google and which one here if we How many pages of a website have been indexed in Google, it is simple to see the syntax we have, the operators of Google, we date this actually site Colon India, you will enter it, you can see that India Times How many pages are there, they are indexed here, if you see, all these pages are related to India domain, right here you will get the information . instead of simply us cash pay bus type kar dena nine you can see that now page is loading date is actually cash version and here information is also available snapshot of d page next period on 15 december means today only if we talk Do it in today's date itself because now this is a big website here, the crawler that comes regularly, so in today's date, he has taken the photo, this is this d photo right d current page jump have changed in time to say Means like you are coming on 16th even on 16th you are seeing only 15th December here, what will happen to him in particular case that he is saying brother, it may also happen that your page has changed in between. Yes , okay, what kind of version is this, according to the photo we took here a day ago or two days ago, see how Google does not take your website completely in the version, it does not know the full meaning of the whole, there are many such things in the website Let's go above the script, a lot depends on the technology of the website, there are many things that do not take that photo of the website, you can understand it in this way, right, if you talk about the full version, then this is the text version. Which Google has understood, you can see here, in the same way, how Google has understood the source code, you can see here, then all these things are basically coming because of the cache version which you can see here. Looking at the snapshot of this web page you saw like because of the cash order , I believe you must have got the difference clear now . If people don't talk in general then I believe now you must have got the differences clear [music] going to understand in detail what are those elements and what are the guidelines that we should keep in mind if we want better friendly URL We are the first to write what is there. Let's understand what is meant by such off friendly viral, when I am telling you that we should write such friendly URLs, then what does it mean, one thing which is important, we have to understand, the other thing is that it has been done. What keywords do we need to put inside our sleep friendly URL because the first question that comes is whether to keep keyboards in the URL or not, then we will discuss these two things first and then we will talk. Will do that to write a friendly URL, we will discuss the rest of the elements or guidelines or two or dance, so first of all, what are URLs, then look gas, we have to write those types of URLs, which are basically easy. Tu reed ho kisme kisi se search engine ke liye aage well aage all the activities we try, round all those activities we have to take care of these things it is not that only always we will write from the point of view of the search engine itself to the search engine We also have to satisfy, that is, we have to satisfy the caller as well, we have to do things according to the guidelines of the search engines, as well as we have to see that even if all our changes are not user-friendly, we should satisfy the search engines as well. And at the same time, we have to keep our users satisfied, right, so what are friendly URLs, if someone is asking you what is meant by friendly URL, then it simply means that We have to keep our URLS in such a way that it is easy to read or easy to understand, for both the search engines and for the users, now when I discuss the other elements further, you will understand. Where is the problem for the search engine to understand your URL and where is it for the users to understand your URL, the second question that comes is whether we should have keywords in the URLS like if my The domain is late that is my domain age is fine and I also in my services if I provide so services then I have made some type of url so services and this one which url of our same page This is the page which we want to rank above our keywords which is our so services or we are following that here we want our URL to be Services in India and this is our page which is also around the same. So the question comes that I have mentioned the keyword here, whether the keyword should be mentioned inside the URL or not because there is a lot of discussion on it and Google has also mentioned this thing many times. We do not give that much importance to the word in the URL, but we will get the answer to all these only when we see this thing in real time whether such pages are ranked whose content is around the primary keyword. In ur ​​me bhi right so gas yahan par me query kari hui thi wich is actually what is digital marketing ko which I query kari in google in real time then I saw some results of this type then you can see in the title digital marketing too Here also there is Disturb Marketing in the title but I opened this second result and if you look at its URL then here my exact query was okay user was searching what is this digital marketing you can see Mention is okay here too and if you look around this content or around this term, then the content of this page is optimized, then they have mentioned their primary keyword, what is digital marketing, inside the title. If it has happened, then it is proof, but Google also suggests that you do not think that if you will exactly mention this primary keyword in the URL of your page, only then the ranking of your website will not be like this. If you mention some of its relevant keywords, even then Google says that we get the signal that what this page is about, but if we talk directly, then the URL of the page is It does not give any type of direct signal to Google, Google says that we do not get any direct signal from the URL of the page that on its basis your page can be ranked, right but practical, so we have discussed it. Done so that you know when I tell you further that you can use your keyword in your URL, then you have understood now that if we use our keyboard in the URL, then the results In this way we can get to see, after that if we will discuss some points, so what are the things we have to take care of for friendly URL and understanding all these things very carefully, there will be many such points which you would think. Will not be right then first of all collect this point see this is also for caller and this is for user now what is the meaning of less dept like I created a url which like it umar and then some here A is ok so if you want to understand technical this URL then if the crawler will come over our web page and this URL is ok our this URL is ok and this URL is our page which crawler he will have to go very deep you can see how many levels he will have to track L1 hai ye level tu hai ye level 3 hai and after that he will be able to reach our page so it is not a good thing na what effect do we do Actually , we are doing kraulibility effect which we do not want, so you have read from the beginning itself that along with the on-page rock page, we also make sure that our website is a page. The crawler should not face any kind of problem in understanding their index and understanding it, so if it is facing difficulty in reaching there, then it is not a good signal, then it means to say that your There are urls, you don't take them to such a depth, okay, unless it is necessary, you make sure that let's take it deep, okay, this is one thing, as I told you, from the point of view of crawlability and from the point of view of user experience. It is important thing from both point of view from point of view it is keywords in d url we have talked about it but doing keywords stuffing not doing stuffing I keep telling the same thing again and again difference the day you start to understand you keywords are very strategic Jo hai woh place karna sikh jayenge Third aur big interesting point hai dat is used tu distinguishing word not under score it des not interpret anything my url is umar se so services hai na so and i write under score services ok in this and what is the difference in this first we have to understand that if i hifin him do this jo small dash If you guys see it then if I am doing it with hyphen then it is in particular case and if I am doing it with underscore then first thing what is the difference in both these cases why did I invest it, I take it if any It is suggesting that it is okay that you are what you are , you should do the hiffin, do not do the unders . Services means if you put an underscore in the middle of the men's date, it doesn't even read it, it doesn't even take that space, okay it will join these two words and this time the crawler will find that there are so many services As it is written, now what meaning is it creating, see for yourself, it is not creating any meaning, so why would you want to write such elements or such content or such text in your URL, which has no meaning, that is why It is recommended that you do not have to put underscore here, but you have to put hyper here, okay, now the reason must have been clear to you that why we do this, this is very important thing, keep in mind that you should keep it in lower case. In d urls what you have to do is in lower case urls he has to do it also understand the reason for that since let me do him age 10 ok and I wrote here so this type of services is ok and I have here this Wrote all in small so hifin services so you know these two url scores google will track different urls it will track it a different paste and it will track it a different paste so now what do you think such a user is the same thing blank here capital characters I did that alphabets I did that here I did small alphabets what's the difference rest is from everything else isn't from everything else okay so you're going to have a uniformity that you It is always okay to use lower case, because if you do this, then Google will consider these two urls, which is not page van and page tu, overall both are ur, Google will consider them separately, no special characters. to special characters you don't have to do it mean anything exclamation mark And ok quotes, no special characters of this type, ignore numeric levels, try our level, you don't do it, sometimes it happens like when we talk about WordPress, some such dynamic URLs are automatically generated in WordPress. etc., then if you go to the settings of WordPress, then there you will get the option of seeing the post, you will search there according to the name of the post, it should become your URL, not that of the date. According to your URLS or according to some dynamic parameters, your URLS can be created, you must have seen like here I talk about age, by doing slash p like this, you have seen that there is a noise in the creation of some URLs, this kind. off urls and not happening right you make this thing that this type of urls should not be made ok by default this type of urls is your name and you avoid it right so this is d sixth point seventh url helps in user experience us Well today look at the back link, now this is a very general thing, it is an understandable thing, but if you pay attention to all the other things, then this point will be automatically covered, as if you mean to say that the URL helps in user experience. Let's do like I wrote here age / So Services Now when you see this URL then you will get clarity ok you will get clarity that this page is about services if you get the back of this page You will have to give the link somewhere, then you will know that this page is good about aiseo services, then it is related to su services, I make no bottling on top of the anchor text, okay, some people say that if you read the relevant thing here You will write like 11 things, whatever is the content on the top of your page, whatever is your keyword, if you mention it here, then the user will also see it in the search engine result page that the brother who is searching will be seen written here. If it is there then he will click on it means CTR will also be improved but this does not happen, see why because if you look here, you are seeing this URL, here you are only seeing this. Digital marketing here only you What is this term marketing visible from this type , you do not see URL from this type right here , it is not a region, means if you are thinking that if I keep my keyboard here, then I will benefit from it. That when the user is searching something around my page, he will be searching for some words like my page and my page which will appear in the search engine result page, then this URL of my page will appear there, then the user will see What I searched was the URL that went to click, city will improve, so it is not so, because it is not visible, okay, so many people talk about this thing, these are some major points and also some interesting Avoid using dates from the point whom I discuss with you, I have already told you that this type of dates etc. If you go to bar cases, then I told you that you can change this thing by going to the settings of your own link, see, there is another issue on which there is a lot of discussion, so I have discussed that too in the same particular. Have placed it inside the video look here you see two urls will be visible to the snake one this url is visible ok by https and here if you look here you are looking here there is no trailing slash of any type ok and here if you are looking then there is trailing slash ok so now the question comes that what is the difference between this time and this then you should understand the simple thing these two things na Google will consider two different pages page van consider karega isko page tu consider karega toh kuch sakte hain ok but still google says that we do not consider this as such a big issue ok so if your home page is like if your home page is or your root domain is Which is basically this here if you have put training slash no problem in this and there is no difference in this okay in this and there is no difference in this but on the other hand if we talk about services and then I will talk about services here now There is a difference in this and in this, Google recommends you that till then it is okay and after that if you want to go, then if you do the training slices then there should be something even after that means if you do the training slices Mains date aap category wale section pe usko Doing it Google says that I understand it in such a way that if you did it here which mains date it is a category folder or category section then also something will happen and here when you are not doing it then Google understands that it's okay that's it, this is one page, so if you talk about the page, will it be right, you guys tell me by commenting that it will be right, it will be right if I talk about one page I am doing it okay , Google also clarified it and I am telling the standard recommendation here. D and Off D viral web page so these are some basic points which are basically important urs but let me tell you clarity if you will write five six points seriously then you will understand that your url is su friendly url's issue. Solved, no one does so much, okay, I have told so many things , no one pays attention to all the things. url doesn't come a lot how to have a sleep friendly url [music] gas we the viewer how can we write a sleep friendly h1 tag how can we perfect our h1 tags We can write them, now gas, when we talk about writing H1 tag, there are two things here, that is, there are two consonants, look here, one, we have to take care of those things which are important from the point of view of the search engine. Means we have to take care of this thing that our h1 is so friendly or not, one thing is fine and second because it is such an element like h1 tag is such a visual element that first of all The user will see the top of our web page, isn't it, we do h1 at the top of our web page, like we have any web page, then we will first do the heading there, h1 tag r basically heading tag so If this is our h1 tag, if it is mine, then it will be right here, then the h1 tag is very important from the point of view of the user's interaction, because the first user will see the h1 tag on the top of a page and then decide whether it How compliant is the H1 type or in what way is it encouraging to read the rest of the content, is it okay or what is in the rest of the contact, this H1 shows the cut gauge, the thing we are going to talk about here. Those are the ones that are basically our concern that what things we have to keep in mind if we want to write better friendly h1 then okay then first of all try to understand what h1 is then the way we saw the gas Tha that our title tags are okay, in the same way our h1 tags are also okay but the difference is that the title tag which comes in the head section comes in the head section of our web page and which is our h1 tag It happens that it comes in the body section of our web page, so if you ask any difference, what is the difference between the title tag and the h1 tag, then I clear that too, the title tag will be seen in the head section, which is the h1 tag. You will get to see in the body section, both are our HTML tags, both are important from the point of view of the title, but even then we do not see the title on the content of the web page, if we talk about the web page If we do only and only we see the title on our top tab, then the title itself is something which is appearing on the search engine result page. Ok, so where do we see the title on the search engine result page and there if we Talking about H1, h1 we see on the top of the page exactly, we see on the top of our web page, so if you have this confusion, if someone asks you, then you should know the difference between the nine h1, this HTML tag like I said date denote Heading on a web page, there are not only H1 tags to describe the heading, and there are many tags that describe the heading, as you are seeing here, if I see their HTML structure. If I show you, it looks something like this HTML headings are defined with d h van tu h6 tags ok so with six triangles we define the heading tags we define these six structures which are our heading tags let's define ok So if we see that here if I have written any html ok some html syntax is written then to do h1 we have simple like this h1 ok here the content of your heading will go and Here you will close it okay this is basically van tag so if whatever content is here it will be represented in this way whereas if we talk about h2 then you will see in h2 here if I talk about h2 So it will be represented in this way, now what do you feel seeing this, you must have understood that this is the gauge given the most importance to the H1 and it is absolutely right that the van has been given the most importance. When the content of your web page is in this type of structure, what is important is that you have written in the heading van or h1, then the most important thing is the title of the page, which means that your page The title is not the one which you keep inside the title tag and which is the h1 of your page, but in a big way you can say that these terms of content are related, if we talk about the content then these The content that is there in both of them is closely related, if we talk about the structure, then the heading is important from once up, after that the number of h2 comes, then the number of three, then the number of four, so if the crawler comes to the top of our web page, then it will be the most Importance will be given to which element will be given to h1 or will it be given to h6 or will it be given to h1 or not these are all the regions which make h1 most important from the top of a web page ok from the point of view here I have given you a little bit of structure I talked about the structure and I will tell you in detail that gas crawlers do not like a structured website very much, to say that if a crawler is coming over your website and the content is structured then it is a good signal for the crawler . Even for the crawler and today well today for the user, consider it as if there is a content in which I have written anything in paragraph form, I have not provided any formatting, I have not provided any structure, whereas here I have written some content. where h1 is okay after that there is content after that h2 which was smaller heading than this i wrote h2 then i wrote some content then i wrote s tu if inside this constant i have to give all its adding too So I will give you H3, if the clerk comes here, let's say this, and if the crawler comes here, then he will see the structure of our webpage, then he will understand that this is h1, which means that it is the topmost part of the page. The important thing is this page is about this okay after that the second most important thing is this okay so in this way if your content is on the top of the page you provide structure you h1 h2s3 h4 all this The thing you provide means that you are a so friendly content or this off friendly approach to the content of your page and it is correct, isn't it here like I wrote an example to understand this thing that you If we were able to relate this thing that in this kinseries we do it, it means that the question will also come that h1 is fine, we have understood that it is an important thing, we will write the heading, but what you have told other things h2s3 h4 h5 how to use it kyacinerios can be made when we do them then here you can see like here i have taken a screenshot d best so practices for 20-21 and ho you implement dem this is d most important thing based on this The content of the whole block will be okay after that you see h2 what will be the best so practices then S3 get high quality backlinks there will be some content here below that and then water high quality so it becomes h4 okay so what are you looking for The type of content which is important , it is arranged by the type of heading, okay, then h1 is kept most important and h1 is on top of a page, it must mean okay after that Gage, if we talk, then I have some points here and you understand that there is a checklist that the tips of h1 tags should be done, so first of all, note that you click h1 is fine, then understand that your Like this page of yours is van, you put h1 on it, that page should not be h1 on you, look what you are doing, you are confusing Google, as you just told that H1 is most important, so now your crawler comes to this page van comes to page van and sees that this is h1 mention okay he understands this page about this right there when The crawler goes to the top of the second page and sees the same h1 there, will the crawler or Google not be confused that what you have written about the h1 is also mentioned here, which means that the heading you wrote inside the h1 is mentioned here. This page is based, here also you have written the same thing, but this page is best, now a user comes, he types the keyword related to this h1, then you tell me, Google will show which page is yours. It is a matter of confusion, so what you have to do, you have to keep only one h1 of a page, then the play h1 should not be yours, okay, one, this is the region, it should not be duplicated, and the second comes that there are two h1 on the top of a page. It should not be also a wrong practice, look, there can be multiple h2's, I will talk about it later, when I talk about structures, how to structure a web page, then multiple h2s are possible, okay but Multiple jo h1s hai it is not recommended so you have to note that multiple h1 not on top of a page means very wrong practice it right should be present on every page aate d top now see you said that h1 should be ok Yes, you have agreed, but it is not like that you have given h2 first and then you have given h1 in the middle, then this thing, if you also know how to audit a website, then you can control its source code. It's okay for those who don't know how to see the source code, I'll tell you by controlling it, by looking at its source code, you can find which one is up to h1 and which one is the h2 tag, okay so Make sir karen tu tag upar na ho or jo important elements hai woh inside type h1 tech sundar ho ok it should also have keywords inside it aage well aage intent of keyword agar aap aapko ke liye toh bhi aap ke bhi aap ki sakte hai means anything can be kept yes ok then there should be no keyword stuffing so more than keywords i would recommend you to keep the intent of keywords ok and one more thing if you follow google for a long time then you will know that john miller is followed by a lot of people Let's do it right because they keep telling the Google team and they keep telling many things related to Google's search and all these things, then John Moller was also asked once that if we do not mention the H1 tag So what is it, John Moller also said that look, if you do not mention the h1 tag, it does not mean that you have made a big mistake, but you have created a little problem for us, if the h1 tag is there, then that page well understood by the crawler and even if you don't mention the h1 tag then still the caller can scan this page to understand what this page is about but if you mention the h1 tag then it is a good Activity these are all the points which make h1 an important aspect or important element with regards to on page also with regards to crowability also ok so these three points are done for us then let's talk about fourth point it SHOULD NOT BE EXACTLY TITLE BUT CLOSE YOU TITLE IS OK TO NOT SAY THAT THE TITLE TAG ME JOY EXACTLY WHI HO JAYE AND I AM BRINGING TO YOU THAT MANY CMS ARE LIKE ON WORD WHAT DOES THE BYDEFAULTER DO WHATEVER You keep it in the title, it makes it h1, but if we talk about word press, then whatever plugin you are doing, you are doing it, then from there you can change what you h1 is. Now talking about Jost, it does not speak the title, it speaks the title, okay, then you should keep in mind that your title and h1 should not be the same, if it is, then there is no such problem, if it is not So it's a good thing but it shouldn't be from the look but at the same time the meaning of both of these should not be same, not that the meaning of both are different, you will confuse the character crawler, you are telling something in the title that which page is this About and in h1 you are telling something else about what this page is about so it it will basically create a problem for crawler to understand ur page and if crawler has problem in understanding page then it will index your page in wrong place Will not index the right place, then the whole problem will be created. Write avoid very long h1. It is not like that. Three-four line achual snake has pulled a decent h1 range . Ok so here you can follow this range it goes a little beyond 70 no problem you make sure that your H1s look natural and also for the users see what is there now or not before What was there, there was not so much focus on the users, but what now? It has happened that you have to keep the users happy as much as you have to keep the crawlers happy, that means Google says that if you keep my users happy then I am happy, well if Google has to be happy then keep its users happy. So any such thing which you think is spoiling the user's experience or is not beneficial to the user, ok give a date against this actually, whether it is mentioned somewhere or not, then in the coming time you will get more More signals of this thing will start appearing if you do not see this thing now that if the user's experience is hampered then my sleep is going bad or not. If you are not seeing this thing now, then in the coming time you will See people are fine and really if I tell you then there is nothing okay so what does it mean they want to do some best practice through you and best practice is bad, don't you do best practice yourself Ho Jayega Han that thing is different we should know best practice set same thing we are studying [music] should we target single keyword or should we target multiple keywords then first we understand this thing Let's take what it means and after that I tell you my opinion and the reasons behind it, I tell you it is a very important video, so you have to watch this video till the end, you have a lot of concepts here. Gas will also clear when we are talking about whether we want to target our web page for single keyword or for multiple, then gas is my answer that you have to target for multiple keywords. Now you understand the region, see the first thing, the meaning of multiple keywords here is not like I have picked one keyword here, so the services are fine and for this I am trying to optimize this page, so I have a page by doing hiffin services and I am trying to optimize it ok means look here not like that the other one which is my keyword will be here puck services and this one's key word also we will use this Try to optimize for multiple words which are our multiple keywords , we can optimize a page over multiple keywords, so one thing we have to keep clear that we have to optimize over multiple keywords , but those keywords are From Lets I have come out with two or three keywords or four keywords, we have to arrange them in such a way that one we should have primary keyword, well the one which is our keyword should be primary keyword and after that we have three to four keywords. These are the keywords basically we speak our secondary keywords or we speak our supporting keywords we speak our semantic theme keywords different things we speak these are what we should have so if we talk That is, our website or those pages, we should optimize for single keywords, for multiple keywords, we should optimize for multiple keywords, now I also tell you some regions, why I am saying that multiple keywords If you should optimize for, then gas man says that you have selected only primary keyword and you said that I will optimize only on primary keyword, I have only one keyword, many challenges will come, gas if you have primary keyword Research keywords like you and you figure out whose search volume is very good, the competition above it is very less and for me this keyword is perfect, I will go with this keyword and I will go with this keyword on my web page If you have figured out this figure, then along with this, you also have to make sure that other semantically themed keywords which are similar to the primary key word, you also have to research them and bring them if not . If you have then you have to research, you have to do the tools and on the basis of that you have to research and bring them, ok, now there are multiple keyboards, but multiple keywords are typed only one, it is not that there are multiple keywords of different types. hai wo to ya aapne it means basic has shaken na basic of so jo hai unem ko diya so here now we have multiple keywords now if gas we have single keyword only like here you can see if my If you had only a single keyword , then see what problems would arise in writing the content, as if on the basis of only one keyword. If we try to write content, we have title, we have description, we have h1 tag, we have content in paragraph, we have structure content, so in all these places, this is the keyword, this is the keyword. If it was happening to him, then keyword stuffing would have happened in such cases, either keyword stuffing would have happened, or you have too much content, the opportunity to create it would have been completely closed, you would not have been able to make more contacts, why not You would have been able to create more content because you have only one key word, now around the same keyword, you are trying to create content again and again, then the whole contact looks like duplicate type, this is the same thing, you go around again and again. Try to do it on the other hand, if multiple keywords are on top of your website, same but multiple keywords are on top of your website or your web page is optimized for multiple keywords, then in such cases you have the opportunity It is as if you have used the primary keyword which is somewhere else, similarly on important locations, you will use the primary keyword only, but the other location which is there or in the paragraph which matches it, which is semantically the word of the theme. You can also do it, one of the biggest benefits is gas, the second biggest benefit is that when we have multiple keywords, like we have primary keywords, we have some secondary keywords or The theme keyword of cement is the words that are similar to it, we have the keywords, so basically what are you doing, see here, when the user queries, is n't it okay, what Google sees in today's time, Google sees I will talk a lot about this user's query on the Internet, ahead of people, the intent of the user's query is its relevant, which is the web page that can be shown to the user, or in your content, if there is a variety of If your key words or similar type of key words are more, then they pass more intent, it is not that we have written this keyword exactly so that our page can be ranked on the user's query, it is not like that at all . Look, we have to match the intent of the user's query with the intent of the content that is written on top of our page, so the content that is written on top of our page has the same intent, to show that only the primary keyword is not enough. It's like I talk about two things okay here I take one keyword services and I take another one like it's packages okay so somewhere you see a little bit similar okay so if I take these two are keywords or both are words I pick up and put them inside a web page like I put here inside a web page okay and this is done our keyword van this one the first one okay that word van and this be gaya hamara keyword tu and here hamare keyword tu bhi ho gaye both are ok now if a user tries to search related services or packages from so what will happen to him in particular case that page of ours is better intent of that thing He is passing or else you tell yourself that there is a page in which only su services are being talked about, there is a web page in which you are only talking about packages, ok then who is passing more intent on this This page has been passed around the thing, isn't Google too satisfied with it, isn't it, because it has more content related to it, which is okay, let's talk about mentioning it on the top of the page, from Su's point of view, then ours Which is the major concern or our major purpose is that in some way our user's query is going to happen, okay, in future, we can make the content of our page relevant to the intent of the user who will query in time. And this is the thing, now forget the way that in which word we want to rank, we will write it in the title, we will write it in the description, look at the approach color, we are the same, but if you make it your habit, people don't want to paste keywords, then go ahead. By going you will have a lot of problem, what we have to make a habit, we have to make a habit that according to the intent of the keywords we are targeting, there should be content inside our web page, that word should not be inside our web page. Is it like this if we practice or if we keep such an approach, then we will have the capacity to do better on-page, but we can do what we have, so now it is understood that you will have problems in creating the depth of the content. Of Can face post if you only one keyword which is on top of which ray will like ok then this is one thing second it is concern of page authority see this is a small thing but understand you guys see what happens lets So I made a page for services and I made a separate page for services and here it is for packages ok so what will happen now it will make the words related to services hardcore or related to packages it will be cutter It is not right, it is logical, it is not wrong from anywhere, but what would have happened if each page had its own page authority, then what is happening here, by distributing the page, its page is 30 and its page is separate. No, in page 30, I will talk to you further in the future, so you have actually separated it and its tree authority, but if this thing was on top of the same web page, then here the page authority would have been It would have been of this because when you reduce for this page , then you will make a few pages of it, if you reduce for this page, then you will make 30 pages for this, you will also make traffic, which was late, 100 traffic was to come on our website. That distribution is done, some traffic goes to this side, if some traffic goes to this side, then our page will not be distributed 30 means the value of our page is also getting distributed because this page is carrying some value and some value too. This one is taking the page, but if there was a combination, then all the value would have come to this page, okay, but those things are different that the page authority of all these pages together constitutes our domain authority. Ok, that thing is understandable, but even if the page authority of this individual page is more, then it is better that our page which is 30 should be distributed in different pages, but if we consider this point in our strategy. Even if you don't keep it, it's okay even if you ignore this point, even then this point is not such an important point in itself, which encourages you to create something like what I have written here. Primary key word and give figure out relevant key word related to primary keyword main your on page is not only on un single key word date is primary keyword single keyword pe nahi hona chahiye There can't be four, there can't be two, there can't be three. Primary means single, so the primary keyword of a page will be only one, but the words that match it and match it, the words that are similar to it are okay, those are our keywords, the rest of the words Will reduce and help us to create better powerful which is for us friends, I hope you have understood the video, gas is a small thing, but this small thing is a very important concept, you will read inside this course. Those who may not get a chance to implement practically, this is the reality, you may not get a chance, but while understanding it in your mind, many questions keep coming while reading that if it is not so, can you do it or not? If yes , can you do this? I am trying to solve those types of questions and give you their answers so that your base can become strong. In this, I always focus on the fact that if your The base will be strong, won't you keep erecting any pillar of knowledge on top of it, it will happen if you don't understand the base, once after that no matter how advanced I tell you, whatever advanced thing you see, everything will go away. I say again and again that advance is base, if you learn to implement base properly, date it is advance, it is okay to implement base properly, I have done it properly, I have done it with advantage Main aapko bol patna hoon [music] How can we check the response of a website and how can we check whether that website is mobile friendly or not, it is not necessary to tell that both these Topic is so important from point of view and many people ignore it, so how can we do responsive test and mobile friendly next test, so first of all if someone It is not known what the response means or if we talk about the responsive of a website, then what does it mean, then when our website is open, it opens on different devices, isn't it? Our website is compatible with all devices Whether it is optimized or not, it is opening properly on all the devices, it is not happening, it is the ability of the website to adjust itself according to the devices that it owns. This is basically called as response. First of all, we do responsive test only and responsive test is the easiest, so I go here with gas lets, I have a dummy website as you can see right here, so first of all, what would I recommend that you manually Test it manually means like if I zoom it in ok then I will check it with this type of responsive ok I will manually drag it ok sometimes I will reduce the screen sometimes I will keep it here sometimes I will keep it here ok I will My website of Make Sir is showing properly in all formats or not, so here as if you had some men news, then they are showing right or not, then look late here, which Our option to search is given, my menu is given on the left side, so if I shrink it, you can see here the menu is changed, here we go to the burger menu type. Pass is fine so all these elements are there i.e. it is not that when we are reducing it when we are taking it on top of other device when its screen is getting smaller then these elements are moving up and down means The user's experience is getting worse and how important the user's experience has become for Google in today's time, there is no need to tell again and again, otherwise it is a gas here, we must first check this thing manually. that our website, our web page is responsive or not, after that you can use the inspector tool to gauge, then I right click on the inspector, simply we will go, okay, I go here And here the device you see outside you have to click on it give you can go head and here you are the different devices like I check the responsive here okay so when you go over the responsive then here You have different top if you look here where my mouse is then different you get to see the size here ok then you will go and check our website everywhere is showing properly or not It is not so that somewhere there is an element that is getting messed up, it is okay if you want to check from the device too, then you can do it, but I have told you the manual method, if you do the same, then trust me with that. You will get an idea and you will start to understand whether these elements on our website are correct or not. You must have had such an experience on many websites that people are coming to know that they go down, don't they? Whatever it is, it becomes bigger or people who have it, it was shifting down leaving the header, there is some type of thing and not only this, do not see even in the top, the most problem that comes in mobile responsive, it is in the header and in the footer. If it comes, then go ahead and check the footer properly once, okay when you are responsible for checking whether the elements inside our footer are correct or not, then one is this method and this You have to do it, one is this way and the other is what I told the inspector, apart from that, the second test I told you is that we have to do mobile friendly test, look, we also know that the first audit of our website is done by Google. That means when Google comes to check our website , Google sends its own mobile bot, that means Google audits our website on mobile. Ok if I open your website on my mobile then when I open it on mobile then first of all I will check it by its mobile friendly or first of all the same aspect will come in front of me same thing happens with Google also because Google which This Google which scans your website can render your website, how to scan it, first of all it comes through its mobile bot, so it is very important that our website is mobile friendly or If there is no, then we will do it, then for this we have to do mobile friendly test, now understand carefully here, if there are any issues related to mobile friendly, then we can see them in our Google search console also, then there He will also tell us what is the issue and in what way it will be solved in only two ways. Issues come in mobile-friendliness, there are not many issues, secondly, we have another tool, through which we can see whether our website is mobile friendly or not, then we have to see from the tool as well, as well today Google Search Console I also want to see okay so here I have a website open on Google if you go simply mobile friendly test for so type then this website will come in front of you and if you don't want to do it from there then you are looking at the URL from the URL do right after that gas like here if i mention website from some random as i go and i directly mention india times here i click ok will give you complete report so in most cases you will get here It will say that your website is mobile friendly, it is okay, you will find it mobile friendly, but over time, there may be some problems in your website, so what I will always recommend to you is that you must look through Google Search Console. Now we will also see what kind of feedback it gives, before that we go without wasting any time, here in Google search console, when you select your website, then here you will get the option The date will be displayed if the experience is ok, then you will go to the top of the experience, where you have to go down, to the top of the mobile usability, as you go to the top of the mobile usability , you will see the report of the affected page according to the mobile usability here. You will click on Mobile Usability, this is it and the nine pages that are valid are fine and there is an error in which there are two issues, then we come down, here the errors etc. Text too small tourist and clickbale element too close together, in most of the cases you get to see the same errors in mobile friendly test, now what are these two errors, see once what happens that our mobile font or mobile font Our developers keep the text very small, so we have to make a noise that our text on the mobile should be of normal size, if it is, then this problem will be solved. You have to talk to the developer, your website which is mobile oriented, which is fine, fix your text a little bit, increase its size, then when you do that, then when you change there If it will be ok then you have to do that after that like here the second one you are seeing clickments you close together this also thing google does not like gas but it means as if I am on mobile it is ok and what is clickment There are mobiles like I am looking at a website, there may be some button, there may be a link, then Google says that if that link and that button come very close, then the user will be in trouble, he wants to click. The button is being clicked, the link is trying to be clicked, the button is being clicked, so what are you doing, you are actually spoiling the user experience, so Google says that we are feeling that your website does not have this problem, there is another website here, this problem is not there, so you have to sit with your developer and sort out both these problems and after that you will see like I am here But if I go , then I will see how many pages are affected by this, then one page is affected, right here, when we will solve the problem of this page, after that we will go here, click on the valid fix that brother, we have solved the problem. Solved nine validated it I have fixed the issue so I believe you people must have understood that most of the issues in mobile friendliness you will see this means you will see these two errors after that if we mobile friendly The text that we did, I showed it, here you are seeing the page that is mobile friendly karoll ok, so the basic information which is there, it gets up from Google search console itself, let's monitor mobile friendliness of your side and where to go. I believe you must have understood that the page is mobile friendly, how did you judge it ? does its screenshot it is taken in this way okay mobile friendly in to test it if we go to more info then some page which There are resources, they are not able to load and there are regions behind them, see robots.t if you know, I will tell you in two lines only what is less of robot shot, through robot we can instruct any crawler or bot. Let's say that they should not read this page, this is what we do, either here some resources are through blocks of our robot tat text or some pages or some resources or some URLs are through blogs of our robots.dh, then they say this It has been that all the page resources here could not be loaded because there was something which was blocked by robot shot, here you can see many options and also what is the issue, due to which the resources are not what they are. Will be able to load but in most cases it is a problem for you because there are some things which are not able to be loaded which are not detected by the crawler and some things which you intentionally block which is ok then there is no need to worry about it. We do not need, we have to see that our website should be mobile friendly, now in WordPress etc., if we make it in today's time, then our themes are mobile friendly, then there is no problem, but where the website Yours is custom made, where the code for the website is different, that means the code for the desktop is different, the code for the website is different and for the mobile, the media query is written, so whatever is there, may be messed up. It can be okay, there is no generality in wordpress etc. If something goes wrong, it can be shot out . Divided into two videos, one is the video that you are watching now, we will discuss some important things in it and in the next video, we will see practical implementation of many things, so here is the agenda of this particular video. Yes, that is what we are going to talk about, what is a site map, how many types of sides are there, which side is visible, go to the top of the website and see which way we see the site map, why do we need you on the side If we do not do it on the side, then can there be any advantage or disadvantage, we will discuss all these things in this particular video and one question which comes very much is that what are the different types of site maps which are major two types off site maps and date is silly xml site map is one and the other one is our date is actually html site map so what is the difference between these two and how do they reduce and how do they help us We will discuss things inside this particular video, in the next video, we will see what type of site maps are created by creating different types of website, different technology, which type of website is built on top of it. People can submit site maps and after that how can we submit site maps to Google search console, we will discuss all these things in the next video, so gas at the time I was giving you the introduction of sleep. I told him that a lot of people would have done the technical so, the but technical issues are very important aspect, one thing and in starting you have to clear and create the site map of the done, its implementation and its uses and its Benefits we get, all of them come under our technical code, meaning sitemap topic which is ours, it comes under technical code, now what was the purpose of technical code, the purpose of technical code was that our website is like this So that the crawler does not have any problem in scanning our website in calling and the crawler does not have any resources, that is why we use site maps so that the crawler does not have any resource waste and our The points of technical sleep can be done properly, now let's go through an example man, here we will talk about the site map, we will talk about the city map in our city, what do you mean simply that there is a city And there is a map of it, so if you go to a strange city, go to a new city, and if I give you the map of that city, then what will be the benefit of that, when you have a map of the city, then you will see which location and where. But which road is going from which side, then what will be the benefit for you, the benefit will be that one, your accuracy will increase a little bit, the second thing is that your very important The resource which is basically time will be saved, now let's compare the same thing a bit, site map from the site map of the website, this means that the map of the website means what are the things in the website, what is the location of the page. Where is the page, which page is linking with whom, which video is on top of which page, which video is linking with which video, we can get a map of the different resources that are on our website so that Which is a crawler, when it comes to our website, then we will give it a map, first of all see brother caller, this is a map, now you have come to my website, now you follow this map and from this map you can understand that How many pages are there in our category of services, then go to the category of services and call all these pages because if the crawler will not be able to crawl our page, will not be able to understand it in a better way, then all the further steps will stop . The fundamentals of your website depend on the fact that the best and maximum information of your website should reach Google's system and to reach Google's system. It is the responsibility that Google has given its vote, so if the bot is coming on your website, then it should get everything . If I do not know the way, then how will I go there, so if you put a map outside your house that this room is here, then this room is here, then this room is here, then I can go very easily. At least we are doing here also so understanding of sitemap and implementation of sitemap it is going to come down so that crawlers have any problem in scanning our website to navigate and all these parts go hai hamare technical so inside same here you can see its basically you file where you provide information about d page video and other files on your side and d relation ship between dem kaun page kaun link ho raha hai ok ek page se 2nd page 2nd page 3rd page so we are trying to save most important resource for crawler also date this is actually de crawl budget we are saying that if we give him site map then he will go through our page through site map Ko will call and its time will be left on our website, it will be fine, then there is nothing on the side, it was basically a file, it helps you understand your website, but if there is a website structure that is of this type, it is an organized structure and I Make a map and give it to your clerk, give this instruction to the caller, let us see from you that what kind of website we have, then it will be very easy for the crawler too, right, so this is basically the purpose of the site. Map Now, why do we site map it, then another myth I have cleared here is not that if there is no site map on top of your website, then you have not slept and your website cannot be ranked, it is not so at all. It is okay to have a site map, it provides this for the crawler to understand your content, to understand the structure of your website and to understand its organization, whether through the site map or through any other source. Give this point, the caller should understand that what kind of website you have kiraed, it is not necessary that it is being known through the site map or through any other source, now here is the point If there is a big website, then it is done very well in the site, on the other hand, if we have a small website and you have not even made it in the site, then it does not mean that your site cannot be ranked, yet your website is ranked. Maybe the condition is that the caller should be able to understand your page properly, what is the date set and what the side map is doing, it is providing ease to understand things, then try to understand the importance of site maps from this type of gas. Do it good for d big website if d page are isolated and not well link to h respect if linking is not proper from one page to another page then you will need site map so that the crawler from there is your If the linking of the page is good, then if the crawler reaches from one piece, then it will reach from one piece to the other, from the second to the third, from the third to the fourth . Purpose is scroller should know about the difference on your website no matter it is helping caller you know about It right third is your site has a lot of rich media content video and images, if there are a lot of them, then you should know the structure of images or images, you should think about this type of images , they should know the complete information solution so that they can understand the images. If you can properly index it, it is not only the URLs that are your pages, they have a sitemap, your other resources can also have a sitemap, the images you have can also have a sitemap, and those of Jost, etc. We have a plugin, we do all these things automatically in WordPress, which means that the site map of images is also created and the site map of other resources is also created, we will talk about them later, now if we talk Types of site map so there are basically two types of site maps one jo hota hai hamara date is eximals height map and second jo hota hai woh hamara html side mein hota eggmail site map jo hota wo actually hota hai dekho hamari website pe do People come, two things happen, they interact with our website from let this to this website, so here either the caller will come over our website or the user who is there will come over our website and the purpose of both the people is this. If we can scan the website properly or understand it, then the caller understands the user's language, which is our language, which is friendly to the crawler, which is our XML language, so for the crawler, we are the ones who put the site on top of their website. We put a map, it is our eximal side map, whereas for the user, the site map we put on our website is our HTML site map, HTML is for users, where SX is for crawlers, then there are two types of our site maps. So gas, if we want to see both of these site maps practically, then we go here like I interrogate here India Times I take a random website and here I mention you dot on the side xml and I open it, then this is what you are seeing, this is basically a file in the D site, inside which is the information of all the URLS, you can see the information of all the URLS on this website, then by this type Our site maps are there, but if we make it HTML, then if there will be a page on this website, then this HTML side date is basically you page only, so if we have to make it on the HTML side above our website, then the developer should say It will be necessary to make an anchor text of all the pages on our website and make one of our pages on our website which will be basically an HTML site map, then you look here, if you look carefully, then this category end There are different pages within this category so here the user can reach through the website so these ones which are our side maps are for the users if you look anywhere you will see the site map here I will click on it It will redirect to this page, then this is actually for D users, many people make sitemaps, many people do not make it, but it is definitely that if your website is a little big, it is 100% commented that you sitemap Create if your website is small and reaching all the pages is understandable and the navigation of your website is organized, then even if you do not create a site map, your website can still rank because the factors behind the ranking The issue is that the content of your page should be according to the intent of the user. Now to map these things and understand Google, you are doing all the activities and if it is understood like this, then like this. Rank will be done, there will be no need to do all these activities, so if he says that site map is a must for a website, you rank this thing is wrong, but it definitely provides and small website is of four punch pages, then it can be There is no need of sitemap from today and yours will be less but still I will recommend to put everything on the side, it is not that it will be ranked then you start ignoring sitemaps, it is just a myth that I want to dispel. I wanted to hope that friends, you must have understood what are site maps, how many types are there, how do they look, if you also want to see this, then you can go to different websites and type in the same type. Apps can see [MUSIC] How can we generate sitemaps from the viewer, can we create sitemaps, and then how can we submit sitemaps, all these things inside Google Search Console In the last video we saw practical, we understood what are site maps and the most important thing, why do we need site maps, if we do not have site maps, will we not be able to do all these things? We had discussed in the last video, in this particular video, we are going to see the practical implementation, then the gas which is the implementation of the site map, it is basically divided into two things, you can say, it is divided into two steps. First of all, we have to gauge that we have to create our site map, now gas again, what we have to create on our side depends on what our website is. Which technology is on top of Lets, if our website is WordPress, then it becomes very easy for us, there are many plugins, which automatically create the site map for us and also upload it after creating it. But we only have to submit Google search results inside it, okay on WordPress website, but if our website is not WordPress, if our website is a custom coded website, then there will be no such plugin that will automatically add your site map. If you generate it, in the particular case, the external tools you have, there are many free tools available, with the help of which you will generate the site maps, now you have generated the sitemap, now upload it on the website because I showed you. In the last video, how do you appear on the side, we enter our domain, slash, then dot on the side, then our site map appears in front of us, which is in the examal side. That means it is on the side of our website, so now we have to upload it on the website, so when we talk about uploading anything on the website, it means that where is the file of the website kept? We have to understand that the files are kept in this panel, the file is directly hosted for free wherever our website is, now you can understand it more easily, then we will take the site map that you have created. We will upload it to our file manager where our website is, then these two steps will increase our more, if we have a custom website, then right where did it start, which is our website, if it is a WordPress website, then the plugin Will also reduce ours ok if our website is wordpress website and still we want that we manually create our site map and after creating it manually we upload it and then google search console If we submit it, we can do that too, but we will differentiate both the things and see fine, so like I told you that what is there in the site for WordPress, it can be created using plugins and in the site for custom website . If we do, then here we have a lot of free tools, if you have limited urls to 40500, if you have urls, then free tools will do less for you, whereas if you have 15000 urls from late, then it should be given particular In this case, you will have to go towards Pet Tool and with the help of Pet Tool, you will generate site maps, after generating set max, you go through the load process, which is plugged into WordPress, it reduces If you have an automatically custom website, then you will have to do it manually. Now whether your website is on top of WordPress, whether your website is custom, technology does not matter, but you will have to submit your site map, where inside the Google search console. You will have to do this thing manually, this process does not happen automatically, fine, so let's start and first of all see if there is a site map on our website which is a dummy website or not, then if we look at it then I Simply type here on the side and I enter so you can see here is the site map and if you look carefully what is written here generated by yo kaise ho means this is the site map this is the plugin key Due to this, I had a website of WordPress, in that I installed Jost's plugin, in Jost's plugin, we have settings that we want to activate site maps, that is, if we want to activate the settings there, that's why auto Basically our site maps are generated here One thing to watch very carefully here if you see then question should come in your mind sir you typed sitemap dot xml ye redirect hoke site map underscore index.exammal kyun ho gaya dekho side me dot xml automatically redirect side In you underscore index.exml above this is one thing now this is index side you mean to say that this is our wordpress website it has many things like posts are different different pages are different different products are different different categories So what did jost do automatically that the category related was created in a separate site that the information of different categories is in this sitemap, related to it, it created a different sitemap related to the post, it created it in a different side, so it came by default. If you have done it, then it is saying that one side has your index and if you open it in any side, then if I open this site map from late, which is post hyphen site map.exam, if I open it If I do, I will see all my posts here, in the same way, if I open the site map of the page, then all the URLs related to my page are here, here you see all the pages on my website, all their URLs are here. But if we are there, then what happens in the basic side is the site map, which is the URL of our website, which keeps all the pages organized so that when the crawler comes, first of all, he will see you in the side of our website. What you have to keep in mind is the location like you are seeing here age 10 dot in here site map is ok so we call it root directory ok you always keep it in mind we call it root Directly, the site map is always root practical, the meaning of root director is first of all telling you in very easy language, if you try to understand the non-technical meaning of root directory, then it means whatever comes first is fine, then site map too. If a crawler is coming over your website, then you would want that the site map should be visible to the crawler first, it is known that the site map is visible only later, then how will the crawler read the URLS of your website, then you also want If the site map is visible to a crawler, then it should be visible first, that is why we upload it in the root directory, so if someone is asking you, why do we upload this height maths to the root directory, then this is the reason for the region. Want it to be easily accessible to the crawler, it is fine for the crawler to access it very easily, fine, so if our side map is generated from which, it is visible to us in this way, fine, so if I Come to the back hand and here I have already opened it, you can see that our Jost plugin, which we do for sleep, after the plugin, you can click here as soon as I click on the top of the plugin. But as soon as you go, you have to go to the section with simply features, there are many options in the section with right features and if you come down, you can see the option of examiner side maps, I have turned it on, so now this What will you do, as soon as you turn on this option, you are generated in the site and the URL of the site map is also generated, which means that the site has been generated and uploaded, which is less left to submit. Yes, we will do it, then we activate it from our site map with this type of gas, if I turn it off, then see what will happen, I turned off the site map, changed the shop, now if I I will go back and check then see there can be two cases either there is some other plugin etc which if it has generated site maps then it will be visible character no site map will be visible then I go back to A and here I have a Once again here I enter sitemap dot gmail, as I do in set, so now look here it is actually generated by word press, not word press, brother, by default, it was given, okay, so what are you looking at now? If you are going, then you do not have to worry that you have to generate it yourself, you do not upload it in the site, you first make sure that the site map where it should appear, you are seeing it or not . So no it is not that by default the site map is all generated here ok so you check this thing once again will come back over here and if I come back and xml site I turn it on here but i do the safe change and after that i refresh it again look here the url that was created here was created from the wordpress sitemap and this is also the default one and if i go back and i do it here on the side look i went to sitemap underscore again Which was basically created by yodust, now look at the very important thing, with the help of jost, the site maps that are on top of our website are uploaded, okay and created and uploaded, now gas, what do we have to do, I right you here If you want to submit, then what you have to do is to submit the gas site map, like here your domain will be fine, it will be visible to you or your website will be visible, after that you will get gas here, whatever your site Keep in mind that this is the URL of the map, it is not so that every time you do not pick it up from here in sitemap dot x, whatever your URL is, you pick it up and after picking it up, after bringing it here, you enter it here and Submit it as soon as you submit your site map, it will be submitted, so actually the whole process of site map is just this, now the technology of different websites keeps on changing, but the process is the same, what is the process There is a three step process maybe I have to create you ok you have to upload on the side both have not done it you have to submit it in the site we have this process here in google search console now if we go to the man we have There is no host plugin, what will happen in the particular case, so gas, we have many site map generated tools, we will reach directly above, okay, if we have many tools for free, then the most popular tool is XML site maps. I click on it, here we will go and here I have to mention the domain URL of the website which you have to generate on the side of the website , after that we will start it. Clicking above it will take some time depending on how big your website is, on our website there is a very limited number of pages on the dummy website, so very soon the site map will be generated, but the limitation of this free tool is gas. It is that this free tool does not allow you to add more than 500 urls to the score sitemap. Ok so here you can see our pages which have been earmarked 20134 page 27 have been added here it took so much time All these things and on the side also we go over the details so gas all these which are our urls all these different different urls which have been added to us and see this is also telling us the process download your exam On the side, we will download the file from here now, I will download it, I will do the search from the download section, then you will see that it has a little name, if it is correct, then I will name it only in the site. I also keep it on the side and if it is already done, then I do it from this site, now this site is named map.examel, we have an exam file, after that it is telling us the process, upload it to the domain root folder of your website, ok. Now I will show what it means and after that we have to go inside the Google search console and submit it Thoughts it's okay so here if we go back to our hosting I do it quickly because the website is ours, it will be in our hosting, so what we have to do first is to install it in our hosting and we have to see where our website is kept there, so if I If I go inside my hosting, then you have to reach directly from here above the file manager, then if you are not able to find it from here, then you will hit the search, then directly you have to go above the file manager, then I go to the file. The different hosting provider companies on the manager may have different internals, but the file manager will be the thing, you do not have to confuse with it, you have to go to the file manager, it is okay on the public HTML and if there are many websites here If there is a folder of those websites, then if you have a little bit of confusion, then you can also consult with the developers, here you can see what it is, understand that we have brought it inside our root folder. and me which is our file which was our file here let's go to our file this is our file we have to upload here map dot x here you can see this is our file site map.exammal this is our file Whatever has been uploaded, now we have to check this as well, so let's quickly go manually and check whether our site map is uploaded here or not, okay, so I would type here now. Look what was the name of our file in the site you dotkomel which I have uploaded then I will enter it and you can see here all the pages which are inside our site map you are seeing all those pages here. so gas in this way we have to tighten site maps upload site map now this suicide map gas is our uploaded so gas now we have to go inside google search console so I go here inside google search console You can see that the dot of Umar Tax is in, so here we are seeing it, now this is our site map, I will mention it here in the URL site map dot eximal, okay, look here already, site map with underscore index If it is lying here , then I will submit it by dot xml on the side and it will be submitted and after that if you see here then its status will be successful, so in this way we can save our site maps . Let's create and after that we upload our sitemaps on the website and after that we submit it here, this thing must be kept in mind that you must submit it here in Google search console because we What are you talking about, on which side the crawler will come when our website comes up, then on the side you will see the interaction between the crawler and the website, who gets it done, Google search console, gas when through Google search console We will tell this thing to the crawler, this is the location of our sitemap, see what we are trying to tell from here, then we should do something to tell our location of the sitemap, now I want to do a thief, what many people always do here But sitemap dot xml only gives teams, no, you do not always have to enter sitemap dot exam, you have to make sure that the site map which is on top of your website, which site map is visible, right above which URL you are on the side. Friends, react according to what you see, I hope you have understood the video and you must have understood what are site maps, why do you do them, by what type we will create them right and what I have done. The tool told you that it will also have a pet version, so if your website is too many, then you can generate site maps through the tree version [music] gas, we are going to understand robots.65 Where do we install it, how do we create it, if we do not do it, what difference will it make and how important is this file with regards, so we are going to discuss all these things in this particular Gas inside the video, first of all we understand what is the meaning of Robot T, see here the extension it has got, like I told you that this is a file, the first thing is this and the extension it has got is actually dot. Text Tension Basically we call it extension like if you wrote any content inside notepad and you do it with notepad, you do it with notepad, then basically the extension from which it would have been our dot extension. So one thing is clear that dot tension means this is a notepad file, now what happens inside this file, we create a robot dot text file, inside the file we have some instructions regarding the boat. Regarding crawlers and we can use crawlers and which pages should not be crossed, now here is a very important thing, now you will speak, in respect of the technical so far we are talking about, most of the talk was about this thing. We have to make all the pages of our website krolable, then the caller can come and properly scroll those pages, understand what that page is about and index them, now a new thing has come robot.t through which we We are giving instructions to the crawler that which web page of our website or our web page should be called and which web page should not be crossed, then why such a situation has arisen, here we also need to define this It is necessary not to cross these pages because till now all the discussion that happened till now in regards to technical school was about the same thing that our wedges should be scrollable, so is there any such situation Exactly such situations where we want the crawler not to call our page See, whenever our website comes up, it has a scroll budget, to understand the crawl budget in detail, but now you understand it in this way, only the budget simply means that the crawler on our website How many pages, how many resources it will crawl, ok, then the crawl budget is that time, people understand that crawl budget is a way of time for a crawler, how much time it will spend on our website and it will crawl according to the reputation of the website. The budget which is there keeps on changing like if my website is very good then the scroll budget of my website will be more if my website is not very good means not very popular, not too many pages, not too much content, I do not put in it If I am, then the crawl budget crawler for my website will not be as much as that of an old or on which the regular content which is being posted is being posted, then to call it a website, it means another thing that the call budget which is very Keeps doing but crawler has call budget that in which way and how much he will crawl our website, on the basis of that we want that whichever color has call budget, it can be optimal means if crawler As an example, a man has got 2 minutes to cross our website, so he should cross the maximum page of our website in two minutes and cross the important to important page, so brother, let's talk here. It is said that if we want the crawler to crawl only the important pages of our website, then we do not want the crawler to crawl unpages, which are non-important pages, then in this way such situations are also created where we Type instructions are given that which page to cross and which page not to cross means this situation can be practical the same thing is written here point wise if you look at the top of my screen you will see the oil search engine Where you go and where you are not right means we can give instructions to the search engine, if we write the search engine bot, it will be more clear, we can give instructions to the search engine bot that which part of our page should we cross and which particular Enroll the page C Don't want to take too much unwanted resources on the website Optimize the crowd budget There are such pages on the top of the website, there are such URLs which should be crawled and waste your resources, in a way, we are also doing a good thing for the crawler because its resources are not being wasted, as well as the point of our website. View is better than c don't want crawler unwanted page for security reasons also like if we have any website which is ok and this is wordpress website then you will see the url that we have for people on wordpress Yes, it is made in this type of sub-admit, then we do not want that the caller of Google should call this particular URL because if it is called, then it will also be indexed, if it is indexed, then Google's search Engine result page hai wahan par kar dega bhi kar dega but we do not want that this one which is our page in Google's search engine result page, it should be shown for the security region, also brother, since the spring we are doing this, why would we want to That spring came in front of the people ok like there are different ways also in wordpress we can do this url if customer want but date it separate topic then gas now we understood that robot dot text There is a file of nine, which we create a file like you and our source, inside it we write some lines of code, which we call syntax, it has its own syntax, on the basis of which we give these instructions to the crawler. That is, which page of our website should they cross and which page should be fine, which is the complete process, if we talk about understanding it, first of all we understood that what is robot dot textile now, in what way When we create the robot stock file, then the gas like our site map was taken, that the site map that we automatically create our site maps, the site maps.mel file that we automatically create because Off de Jost which was our life, similarly gas happens here also that inside WordPress this thing is very easy that whatever robots.65 are robots.65 If you automatically create, then you do not need to do anything, automatically this file is created, if you have Jost plugin etc., then if you have a WordPress website, then you will be automatically rated if you see it. also if you want then I go here and here I enter it by dot in and slash here you have to enter robots.60 You should keep this thing in mind that you will never change the name of this file The name of this file will always be robot dot text so I enter it here and you can see that if robots.65 will be on our website then it is visible here and this file is created because of the most plugin which Our website is located on top of it, because of that it is writing me a robot dot 65, in the same way if we try to go to any other website, I go to India Times, I enter robots.60 here too, then you You can see here also you have got a robots.65 and the instructions I was talking to you are the same instructions like Allowed and This Aalo, there are two types of instructions that which URLS should we allow and which URL If I want to do this Aalo, then here you can see the URL that is created by the user in India Times, all the URLs that are created next to it are this Aalo, here you can see that there is a director, this Aalo Slash search, if any URL is generated after this, then all those URLs are this allowed, so you do not want that if any URLs are generated after the search, then we cross them because we do not want this thing, so it is what is here. They have been made this alo so that our option of crawl budget etc can also be done in a better way, so these are some examples which you can check if you want to go over every website and check more. It's like I go here on Facebook too, once I come to, I open robots.65, here you can see that even here you don't have a lot of protection inside this robots.65 Show us the other instructions, we can add more instructions according to our requirement, right, so let's go back here, for once, first of all, we understood that what robots.65 After that, we understood how to create robots.65, so if we have Jost plugin, we will automatically create the file of robots and tips which is on top of our website very easily, if our We do not have jost plugin and we want to make robots.65 then gas we can create this type which is our robot dot 65, I will tell you the meaning of these, look first of all we have the user Agent user agent means we are giving instructions, whether it is Google's bot, whether it is F's bot, whether it is Big's bot, whether it is Google 's image bot, any bot, we are giving instructions to all bots . It is mentioned that this page is this one, this page is also this one, as well as we also mention the location of our site map inside the robot.65 Here also the location of our site map It is mentioned here, you can see, then where is the gauge of robot shot tucks, I told you in the first video on the site that when we create a URL from this type, the date is basically our robot dot 65. If it is also ours, then our robot.65 is read on the road domain. Now, if the crawler comes first on our website, then what does he look for? First of all, he will see that of robots.65, when he sees robots.65, then what is inside that They have instructions crawler will see which pages should I go over which pages I should not go over now look at one very important thing crawler follow all these instructions it is not necessary means it is not an order it is instructions in a way Or in a way, you can say this is a guide, it is not that all the crawlers follow it, Google definitely says that we follow it, but it cannot be said with certainty that how much Google follows it. If you do one thing, let's say that you have less to write this type of instructions and you never know whether the crawler is following it or not . So gage this type we see the files of our robotics we go back here for once gage what we have to do we have to create robot and 60 files wordpress website so I told you very easy decreases, after that we have to upload our robot 65, if we want to upload it on the website, then we have to go to the gas panel and after going to the file manager, which Our root domain is in that I have to put this file or what we will create file one more thing you have to keep the name of the file nothing else you have to keep the name of the file Robot this is what you have to name the file right after that gage You also have to check whether your robot testify is working properly or not, you also have to check, for this we have the testing tools to check the robotics T file. If we have then you simply go here on Google as you go up on Google then you will mention here by checking robot dot and you open it from here and here open robots.60 which is that You select it here, now we will test it once, like we have the domain Thomas's dot in above it, which is of robotics, whether it is reducing properly or not, we will check it. Let's see quickly, once I go here and from here I change my ID, okay because we have to make sure that we are in the same search console, the ID above which is the search console of this website, right From here I select our property you can see I select our property from here and after that you will see here our robot and the ticking file which was here is our robots.65 here is also visible now you see here this dish is allowed sub admin okay so I check here I come down I put sub admin here look double slashed because a is already here and p put admin and I I want google bot such a bot or check un crawler today try to come to my website then for that I try the test here then gas as soon as I click on the test you will see here it is saying That's where if I put another URL like Services Services URL I test then you will see Services Viral here you will see what is in green here it is actually alluded right here you will see it written It has been said that this is allowed, but if we take this URL, which is actually blocked by the sub-administrator, then if we take this URL, then it told us that this URL is actually blocked. block by robot dot testy here you can see it is blocked because of robots.65 fardar if you think that this wali which is robot and 65 or you have to change something in it too then fardar you go here You can write here, if you want to write any lines here by saying Allow or This Allow, then you can go and write it here and after that you will submit it, then from here it is your robot 65. Actually gets uploaded and after that you can also go live to see whether the robot and 65 are visible here or not. Now as I told you that this robot shot 65 is through which it remains through the plugin. Also, if you want to change something within 65 of this particular robot, you can do it if you have manually created robots.65 and uploaded what is in your C panel, then the files that are there are of this type, gauge from this type Our files are created, they have their own set fixed, which is the syntax that our extract is placed in front of the user agent, that means we are talking about all the bots, what to allow, what to do with this, we should also mention on the side. So it would have been a good thing because when the crawler will get the robot 65 and see the robot shot 65, then at the same time it will also see what is the location of the site map, then where are you present on the side, which is also the crawler of Google. If there is any caller, he comes to know, then he was also told about it on your side, which is a good thing, right, so if we want to change something in this back through the plugin, date see can also do so gas here. I have done a in the back hand of my website quickly now we have to reach directly from here above the plugin used like this and by going here you go directly to tools if I go to tools okay here you have an option of file editor You will see here the option of file editor is visible it help you to make quick change in d files for your so like robot short text takhi hai ya dot h di axis file me bhi agar aapko If you want to change, you can also do, then I click here on the file editor and look here, you are seeing robot dot text, then what you can do is that here is the same robot not text that we were seeing here. So you have some change here, some more URLs etc. are alluded to, you can go head and you can mention what is here, then these plugins also help you a lot, sir, this host SUV plugin This is also helping you, in this way you can optimize your robot shot 65 with its help, you can change it [music] gas in very detail, we are going to understand all the text It happens that how do we reduce it, where we see the alt text, but if we want to see the alt text of an image, then how can we see if we have an image and for that we have to write all the text, then how can we Can write alt text, what is the best practice for that, what should we keep in mind, what should not be done in respect of alt text and after that we will also see some examples like we took an image and saw that a How better altecs can be written, we are going to explore all these things inside this particular video, so all the doubts related to alt text will be covered inside this particular video of yours, let's start and first of all the beginning Let's do our basic definition that what is the meaning of alt text gas I have seen many times many people call not all text as all tag which is technically correct, it is absolutely incorrect that you type all text Attribute can speak all description but all tag can not speak so if we talk about basic definition then you can see above my laptop screen and all tag is also non s all tag review and all description html attribute applied tu Image tags to provide a text alternative for search engines gas Many times it happens that after the search engines that come over our webpage and scan or read the content of our webpage because the indexing that the search engine will do is the same Will pay on the basis that what is our content about or what is the content on our web page, so that we do a lot of efforts to make sure that the bot knows about our contact in the best possible way. Let it go or whatever our content is about, its message should reach to the perfectuli bot, let the bot know what our content is about . The web page that is there will be indexed, the technicality of our web page will be as strong as it is and then we will get help in the ranking of our web page, this is our basic purpose, so whenever any search engine Boat Now here, even if we don't talk about search engine, like tools also have many bots, like R has its own boat, like Mass has its own vote, in the same way, there are many tools, cmrush has its own boat. It has rank, it has its own bot, so when any bot reads our content, it understands the text and the formatted text very easily, but when it comes to understanding the images, then those who are crawlers Are there or are bots, they are not that capable and it is also important for the crawler to understand the images because images are also a part of your content, so it is not that we can ignore them, so that's why all the text of images is to say Means if there is an image and if we want to explain the image through text, then how will we explain date is actually alternative text for date images, then we have the option to describe the image in a better way, date is alt attribute of alt text alt description you can say anything but alt tag aapko bola nahi hai toh jo hamara alt text hota woh how better we write how do we make it crawler friendly how do we make it friendly so that when the bot If we read the alt text, then he will understand what is the meaning of the salt text and he will be able to relate that the image and the alt text are in the same direction and the content of our web page is all in the same direction. So that what we want in indexing can be done in a better way, then you must have understood that all text is an important thing with regards to you so also and with regards Tu dassessibility date c r provisioning tu caller means how much we are providing to the crawler so that he can understand our content, then gas here, if you look, you will see the syntax of the alt text here, which would have been the syntax. Like the image, after that the source is the source of the image, and after that, by alt here, which is the alt eight tribute, which goes and I have to write all my text here, which is absolutely related. Our alt text should be there, which is our image or what our image is related to, if you want to see the alt text of an image, I also tell it here, as we have an image in front of us, I right click on it . Let us go to active from here and on inspection you can see that this is the source of the image which you are seeing here, after that the dimensions of the image are there, after that there is the source of the data, but here if you see all The top is visible, India time is written in front of the alt, so if we try to understand, is it not a better texture, it is not a better text, because the image here is of an airplane, then it is related to airplane or Indigo airplane. Related to our alt text, it should be there is a difference between image title and all text, it has also been explained that what we are talking about here, let us talk about all text, again if it is roughly Will try to understand why we need all the text, then there can be two regions and other regions, but two or primary region is the first one, which is for the purpose of assessbility, which I just told you that the crawler to our images Bots can understand our images better, then whenever they do not understand the image because the crawler cannot understand the content of the image, then when it comes to us on top of the image and will not be able to understand the image, then that small text which is our image Will try to find out the meaning of the key when he comes to know that the image I had from lets was the image of this remote, now the crawler has come to know that the alt text of this image is written Ek remote ab koi banda agar agar google Now because the crawler has understood from the otext of this remote that this image of remote is a remote, right this image means that it is a remote, it is clear from all the text that it also indexed this thing Have also indexed it inside my database now anytime any user from late if any user goes to google here and after going to google he does a remote enter here and after entering that those images Goes to the section here, here, here you are seeing the results, all these results which you are seeing from a remote, why are you seeing this, because we are seeing these images because Google has recognized that This is the same remote, how would it be recognized, either some content would be written around the image, which would be about a remote, in that way Google recognized it, or the alt text etc. of this image would be on top of a remote word. That's why Google has recognized that this is a remote index, and it is giving you the result, that is to say, if we talk about how Google's search engine reduces, absolutely anyone in layman language If you do not talk about technical, brother, the better way you can tell Google's search engine what this content is about, the better it will be able to put it in front of the users when you will not be able to tell Google or Google's You are not only convincing the caller that what is this my page about, if you are not explaining this thing properly to Google's crawler, then whenever a user does something related to it, then the corner will also be very well. Or Google, it will not be able to show its result in a very good way, right, these are all the reasons because of which we need all these things, so one is the whole concern of such-an ability, you have seen the second which is Many times it also happens that our browsers are not able to render the images, it can be any region, all the content of the browser is loaded but the images are not loaded, so in such cases our alt text is They come very rarely and the alt text gets loaded there, so if the image is not loaded and the alt text is loaded, still we can understand what is the contact of the image, then these two majors or you You can do it like this, these are the two primary regions, because of which we need all text but so respect If we talk, then the first region which is of sscbility is more important, right after that gauge, if we talk about some important points, what kind of alt text should be, then the first point which you can see here Be concise and be accurate, it is not like this, you have written all the text very long and wide, if we talk about the character limit, then here I have also mentioned in six points that if we talk about the character limit then 125 characters. More give in off hai word stuffing aapko nahi karni aapko nahi karni kya karte ki word karte ki all text ka sakte aap ko sakte hain 15 images aur page aur sakte hain abhi aap do nahi karna 15 ki 15 images inside Whatever you stuff your keyboards, it is not a good practice and you stuff your keyboards even inside the same image, it is also not a good practice, you have to see how naturally your word is put . Look, there is talk of mentioning keywords anywhere, I am definitely explaining here, but whether it is any element of your on-page, where you write your words, whether it is the title, whether it is the description, whether it is the headlines Yes, you have to make sure that those keywords are always natural, which they are, they can be placed there, so that it does not seem forced that we have filled keywords, keywords, keywords, avoid using image of photo many times. We see that if we are talking about a remote, then the alt text that is here, I have written the image of a remote, this practice is wrong. came up it's an image so you don't need to tell whether it's an image or a photo you just right a remote ok the more description the better like I wrote an example here a remote one here I write an example one Remote and here I write that a remote that is set from late is the one that you are seeing, the second example is more concise, it is more accurate, there is no keyword stuffing etc. If we are doing this, we do not have to provide redundancy, which I have just told you as an example, it is not that in this image also you have given the same alt text, in the second image also you have given the same alt text, so if there are different images, then their The alt text will also be different, their meaning will also be different, so you don't have to keep the same, don't be too small or too long, description type words or without meaning, which is long, wide, aap kahani, right gas, hum log baat So talking about alt text and its alt text important thing if we have some images then they should have alt text but gas one more thing I practically tell you whenever you will audit all text which is Or lets you have a website, you are editing the website and through any tool, if you are auditing the website, then you see that the tool tells you that this particular All the images that are inside the page are missing all the text, now what do you do if you start writing all the text of all the images then it is a good thing but gas many times it happens that there are some images which have all the text There is no need of it, now which images are these, some images from the point of view of decoration, like an arrow has been placed somewhere, or somewhere there is a mission, or somewhere there are some images that have a decorative purpose. Those who do not have any purpose, just because they have been mentioned there or they have been put up so that a little bit of the web page looks beautiful, many times we do such images, if we type them Images are doing that which is descriptive purpose so gas there we do not need alt text ok then you are there only and only which is your all text which you are seeing here like here I have written dancing So you can remove this dance, but not like you remove the alt, keep it non here, in this particular case it is said that all the text is non hai, it means that like image source here will be ok and after that your image will be jpg from lets it will be and after that it will be written but inside it you will not put anything this will be our black then if it is black then all the text of this image of men's date Retirement is not but in which case You will do where the images are from the description etc., then let us talk about some examples, after that we will also see practically that if we have to write alt text somewhere, in what way it is written, now you are seeing it on football ground right so first it's example written it's it's return over every stay stadium only and only what I wrote in all text stadium it's not a good practice good thing it's not recommend second today off football stadium north recommend crowded football stadium and stadium which is uncrowded football stadium which one do you like best third one is fine to me third one is fine what is the problem with fourth one you will say fourth one is also fine not describing it completely stadium stadium There is no need to do it again and again, not crowded football stadium, our message has been conveyed. If we mention in crowded football stadium, then our gas is reduced. What I told you one point, you must keep in mind that every images do not have all the text, many times many people who are not there start looking at this thing, any image which is for the purpose of decoration from the point of view of LED If something is made of iron or anything, then they try to write alt text of that too, which is actually not recommend right, so here I have a word press spring which is also open, so gas here I have an image. and you will see how we can put that image in the otext right then I will click on the plus I add the image from here let's go to upload and this is my I select the image that is near here, so as soon as you select the image here , it is okay, you can see here on the right side, you are seeing the option of alt text, any image that you do not have to write otext Or its altex is not needed, you will not do anything, simply leave it black here, but as I said, when the tool audits, it will definitely notify you that there is no text above the two images of this web page. You don't have to worry, you have to make sure that the otext is not on the image and it is not needed on it or else if I have to write Altek for here, I will write here, I can write here as I am Teaching of 10 Facebook kya hote all tags nahi hote all text all attribute all description must have been done [music] going to understand in detail what is the meaning of search intent after all gas search bole or search bole both are the same thing So gas, in this particular video, we are the first to understand that whenever a user goes to Google and makes a query, any one can be his, whatever his questions are, whoever wants to get the information He does some query around that, then when he does the query, then what is his intention behind that, what type of information he is actually doing, right then the query will be that term, that fresh one that the user will search for in Google's search engine. also goes to the search engine and mentions him but what is his intention behind tom if we try to understand the hindi meaning of intent then what is his intention behind that what information does he want to take what information does he want to see what does he want to learn All these things that define the point, the topic is so important, why don't we go directly to Google Keyword Planner, which are our keyboard research tools, pet tools, free tools, go over them, whatever keywords we Let's see that brother, the search volume of this particular keyword is very high, just on top of that keyword, we optimize our page or our page, we optimize the same keyword in the title, in the description, in all tags, and whatever else. Big important location go there and mention our page, it will start getting ranked . Satisfy can be done and this is Google's number one goal, meaning here it is not that whether the user is getting the relevant answer for the query he is searching or not, it is more important that he is behind the query. The user's intent is being satisfied or not, so let's understand in detail what is intense intent and what is its purpose. By type we can take advantage and how many types which can be different different search intents, how we get history about it, on the basis of which we can create content further, right so if I talk about definition from basic True Intent or User Intent You do not have to confuse with the name User Intent Audience Intent it is all the same thing this term used to describe the purpose offline online search means if there is a user and he goes to Google and Google After going, he does a query, then what is the purpose of this query, what does he want from the square, the date is very important, what is the purpose of this query, so this thing is not being discussed here. What is this query, here it is being talked about that what is the purpose of this query and whenever there is any query on Google or on any search engine, it cannot happen that there is someone behind the query. There should be no internet, there is no purpose, I also go and do any query, let's do it, if you do, then you will carefully understand this thing, there is definitely some intention behind every query, now whatever the user query If we understand on the basis of gas square that what is the intent of the user here, then now Google Baba has said that you have to satisfy the intent of the user, so to satisfy the intent of the user, we have to Kya karna hoga gas, whatever is the intent of this query, we will have to make content around that, let me tell you that if a user is searching what is digital marketing, then it means his intention or his intention. That is, he should get all the information about this digital marketing, now I write a content here and in this content, going from place to place, I fill what it is digital marketing, the title above each important location. What if I do not write good content around voltage system marketing and digital marketing, what will happen if the user's intent is not satisfied, our content may be ranked, but the user's interaction will not be satisfied. On the other hand, if what is digital marketing, I understand that the intention behind it is that it needs information, which user is right and who am I, the content writer or I take the man, I am the website owner, I am the owner of my website . If I want to run my web page, then I understood that if a user searches what is digital marketing, it means that he needs all the information about digital marketing, so now I am proper about it. I will make that content, that means I will pay attention to the length of the content that will be there . There should be a little lendy content, it is not that you have dealt with all the content in one paragraph, it should not be death means that if we are talking about digital marketing, then what is it? For digital marketing, then the user does not need to block any other article, in such depth, you write the content that what is digital marketing scope in the field of digital marketing, different types of work, what do you do in digital marketing job Opportunity which is in the field of disturb marketing, whatever you can mention in the field of digital marketing or you can mention related to digital marketing, keeping in mind that the intent behind this query of the user is understood. I am getting queries keywords and intent are three different things ok query yeh kari user ne this it de query keyword hota hai jo hum apna ad vagaira ke time jo hum hum keywords research jo health select karte karte karte hai and on the basis of that we People bidding date this actually d keyword to advertiser side always ki word hota hai jo normal user na woh keyword thodi na type karta hai go to google if I am searching what is digital marketing then I never try keyboard What do I do, I type the queries I query, so whenever a user goes to Google's search engine or any search engine and types something, date it is actually a query, and if someone picks up an advertiser And by taking it inside your Google Arts, it starts targeting through the search query above or above the fresh date it actually Called as de keywords I picked his word and I am building on its word so there are two things one is our query and one is our keyword and the third one is what I told the intent so what is the intent behind the query We have to understand that if we understand what is the intent behind the query, then we will be able to write better content around it, and along with writing, we take the content that is already available on our home website, so we can convert it to content. We will be able to modify according to the query and if a lot of content is available on our website, then we will be able to figure out which content should be around which intent of which query, then if it is understood then stuffing keywords in today's time It is more important than this that you understand the intent of the user and to satisfy its intent, you have to pay attention to the length as well as pay attention to the depth, only then you will be able to satisfy the intent of the user, and this is the goal of Google. There is an ultimate goal, which we do not understand from the front, when we talk about sleep, then we start focusing more on tips, tricks, and actually do not understand that sleep means that Google is our web page. If Google will rank above any specific queries, then why will Google rank our web page above any specific queries when it will see its relevancy, when it will see that this content can satisfy the intent of the user who has queried, then the whole The game is in today's time, according to the intent and relevancy , the sooner you understand this thing, the better you will start doing like this, then gas here, if I talk to you, how many types of search intent This can be a search intent, it will help you a bit, it is framing the content for you in the coming time, like information intensity, when do we understand that the information behind the user's query, I just took an example, what is digital marketing, so if here But what if a digital marketing user queries it, it does not mean that he is looking to buy a digital marketing course, it is not that he is searching for a job opportunity in digital marketing, it is not that he is a digital marketing agency. This is nothing, he simply wants to understand what digital marketing is, that means he wants a lot of information in the field of digital marketing, so this is basically information, so what you have to do for this, you have a blog which is yours. You will have to run or if you want to harden this type of intent, then you will have to write the block content and make sure that this intent status is passed through the content. I believe you are getting the concept clear now from the information. For this, you will not run your landing page, you will not rank your message page because it is not information . The intention is that there we want that if the person comes to our page, then he should submit his information in D form of lead so that we can get some transactions done or some commercials from him, right or otherwise. our intention is date this basically navigate simply means like i am typing facebook people so here i don't want any information i know about things i want to navigate to top of facebook people page Right so this is actually navigation approach or navigation intel so here we don't run any blog etc. here jo hamara so ka kam hai a little bit kam hota hota hai but this is actually de navigation intent third is transactions intense like someone go and search yes bye chairs write by lets say 22 sports shoes ok sports shoes to yeh wali jo queries aap dekh rahe ho di square it is basically transactional queries or transactional intent queries aap inko ki sakse ki toh unke peech jo aap content run karaoge hai There will be another type of content means you also have this type of blogs where you mention some links etc. which basically redirect to some product page because from here it is understood that he wants to do transaction. he wants to buy chair he wants to buy shoes only then he is doing this type of queries dz rd transactions intent based queries or transactions intent so here we can rank the pages of our services the one and we take the example Best so agency right of people transaction intent so if any user search this thing date will come under the transaction this is also our transaction then we have to understand that which is user's query or whenever we are going to research Let's try to do research around the word, then we have to figure out that the type of intention is being made around the word or unquarius and we should try to rank the type of content around it. Need a little bit and if you want to get idea then here I have a chart which you can see here so here information investigative is also a type of intent which is also mentioned here and lastly if you look at transactions or Commercial is the same thing fine then in information you see some words we mentioned which basically give you a hint of this thing that this query can come inside information like what who where we are gay tutorial resources history tips learn example ho tu ok in this way people in navigation know the name of the product name of the service specific website ok the user knows about the things he wants to navigate directly there not that he wants to collect any information or additional information he wants to navigate directly there give there is this investigation best top review comparison this type of queries if you are looking for which min date user intent is to investigate investigation and transactional approach overlaps not overlaps a lot but overlaps a little let transactions have words that can be easily identified e.g buy coupon order type of store purchase c price shipping discount and deal so these are different words Which basically tells that if the word comes inside the fresh or even inside the squaring, then we get a hint that it is a transactional intent query, then we have to understand that what is the intent behind the queries that are happening. Because if we understand the intent, then we will write the content according to that and we get whatever we want in the dessert reserve because so ka jo hamara mein purpose hota hai woh toh ranking bhi hota ki round of some specific queries we rank ho Go friends, I hope you liked the video and it must have become clear that how important the topic is, you do not have to ignore it, if you are not giving importance to this thing today, then in the coming time, like Google's Algordam is more updated, it will try more to map your content with search and intent and surgery, means their algorithm will be more strong in this direction, so if you do not put the habit of this thing from now, then future Friends, I hope you have a problem, I hope you like the video [music] Gas, we are going to talk, what is this van page website better for ? Yes, you people must have seen many van page websites, you must have seen them, it has become very common in today's time, many people are doing this thing, but what are the van page websites? Is it good from the point of view or we should only go towards those which are multiple page website means such off friendly from its point of view and other thing if van pe one website can sleep then in what way How to do it, what is the sleep of the van page website, which is different from our normal website, which is normal website of different different pages, then gas, if in simple words, first of all try to understand what is the van page website Is it friendly or not, to say no means that if you have a 1 page website and you want it to be paid in a better way, then it is not possible or you want a one page website which is like this They should support means that if you are able to make efforts on that, then it is not possible, otherwise it is very difficult, those who have Van Page website etc. If we go back, now we will also see that the Van page website looks like this, but many people who are going behind the Van page website are creating some regions behind them, which means that there are some benefits, which is the first benefit. It is easy that you load the website because there is a single page. Their page speed etc. is very good, mobile friendly ness is also good for their website and there is another reason behind it because this website becomes very easy through many CMS etc. Like Word Press through Bricks, many templates are already available, so it is easy to create one page website, it is also easy to manage, their page speed is also good because they are mobile friendly too, all those things are almost Relate to each other and gas like 4 points here you are seeing that if it is a single page then if I do some efforts related to some of this website then it is not so because it is a single page. Then all the banking will be done on the single page only, that means the same link will be mentioned at different places, then the link diversity is not that much to say that if we talk about domain authority or page authority, then single page website The domain authority or page authority would have improved a bit, but on the other hand, if we talk about doing on-page, then it is very difficult to do on-page in single page websites, then you can see like here in front of me. The website of Uptown Insignia is open, I click on it, I am clicking on it, I am clicking on the highlights, so you are watching, I go to the second section of this website, then the single page website which is in the sections It is divided, now you are seeing the link above here, but these links are not taking us from anywhere to some new page, like another example, here we have a website, single page website, and a lot of people. From look and full ke chakkar mein today's time single page website is made but from so's point of view it is not a good thing such presence ko bahut problem hoti hai to gas yahan par agar main news click on top So you see, I am going to the news, I am going to the private events, then in the same page below, I am going there from the private event, now it has been understood that they are not so friendly, but it is a particular case. If we ignore it and we are told that we have to do it, then what we have to take care of it from the point of view, then look, first of all you have to keep in mind that your website does not have individual sections. I am and you have to understand one more thing, the sections that are here, they are in a way like a page, that is, if we talk about here, then you understand that this is an about section, which is not this about page. In the same way, if I talk about let's have menu here, then the section of menu is not like an independent page, so you have to treat it in the same way. Let's talk more that brother, there should be content on our page, there should be better and better content, horizontal vertical depth should be content in every way, only then we will be able to rank it, now here because there is a limitation of sections, the page is divided into sections, so every section It is also not possible to get too much content inside the page, there are some limitations here, due to which the challenge increases, it is right to do it on the page, but if you want to do it again, then you should make sure that your page is Properly deep in the form of sections, what is not divided and you have to treat each section as an individual page, now gas if you treat each section as an individual page, then each section will have a different touch van. You may find this thing a bit different because till now I told you that there is only one h1 on top of a page, but here because there are different sections and each section is treated like a different page, it is not visible, you will not see the page. It is treated like a different page, now here it defines the location of whatever it is, and in the same page, it brings you down, if I click on the time menu, it will take you there if I click on private events. So it will take you there, then you are seeing that you will see some URL from this type, then you have to make sure that this section with private events, now you have to optimize it like a page man, on which keywords you will find it. If you want to rank then here you can write multiple h1 jo hai to maine jo major points likhiye website to rank different section try to optimize different section go for multiple h141 section create content for single section every section today one page treat By creating the indepth content that you want If you want to do it, then I will tell you from my experience, then you will not get to see any very good experience, it is very difficult to run a van page website, it is very difficult to run this type of website, because the content here There are some issues with it, the content is not made in that much depth, it is not known for each section, then the characters, then 1 page, the website will be too big, then you will feel that it is such a big website, then we divide it into differences. All those different things are here so I believe abhi aapko thoda sa concept zaroor hoga hoga ki van page website ke so ke related points jo important points hai woh kya hai [music] gas hum log baat karne kaalization kya hota hai kyun hum log kineical tags do it, what type of issues this tag solves, we are going to discuss about all these things, in this particular video, the video is very important and you can learn a lot of new things and new concepts from the particular video. This is my guarantee, let's start and first of all try to understand what is this canonical issue and what are we going to read, then here you can see my laptop scheme. A statement is written if you have se and similar content available under different urls you can use that canonical tags tu specify wich wasan ise de min aap kehna ka matlab ye gas hamari website apne different page hai aur man ki chalte hai un different different There are different different urls of the page, keep in mind what I am saying important, different urls are running the same, we are here, we take this man, we have four pages, these are ABC, D, these are four pages, we have them now. The one that is page A, let's take the main URL, this is a dot com, Sala A, slash in the same way, slash C in the same way, and here we have the fourth page, the date is actually given slash, so on top of our website, these four different The page is yours, it is because of this man that the content above these four pages is from that means the content above them, whatever is mentioned is from above these four pieces. Means from different url content now crawler comes here ok this is call d now whoever comes here crawler crawler will scan every single page it scanned page A it scanned page B it did C it did it now crawler Confuse karoller how to confuse crawler that brother the content which is in page A is same in page B also it is same in C also it means page forward is telling about this same page B is also telling same and He is telling the same thing, now which particular page should I index or which particular page should I index, because from here the crawler will index only one page, not all four pages, because the content from all four pages will be indexed. If it is above, then index all four, index one, so now let's take it that it has indexed this scene, you do not want this page to be indexed because many times it happens that the crawler can do what you want. This one which is page in mine A This one should have been indexed BCA None of D should have been indexed But by mistake it got C index because scroller thought that all the pages have content If it is from then he indexed the C page according to what he understood by defaulter and started ranking the C page above different different queries and started showing what you don't want then this is a problem means to say If there is content from above different URLS, then from there the page will be indexed only and it can also happen that if the page is being indexed, then whatever page Google finds most relevant, it will pick that page. Will do it for indexing, then it means to say that now you have to tell Google that it is okay brother, I am telling you, look, there is content on all four pages, but don't take tension, which page is there, isn't it? It is this page, so now we talk about the canonical page, then the term used for it is the canonical page, keep in mind that the term used for the canonical page simply means that the most original page in all these pages is the original page. Take a look at this or this one , all are original, what is duplicate in this, there is no duplicate page, all pages are regional, but only one of them is the most important, you understand it like this or the most relevant page or the one you consider most relevant. is s so person that page we call canonical page and us crawler when our Will come near, will come to our website, then we will have to tell, look brother, these are four pages and there is this issue in all four because I know that the content of these four is from that, then there is an issue, so look at these four. This one which is a particular page, we make it our canonical page, we make it a nickel page, now it needs a tag, for which we will see the syntax etc. Yes, but it is understood that this solution tag of Siya is correct or we will have to canonicalize it or we will have to tell a page that this page is our page which is not a good page, so here you see carefully what is written below. Duplicate and similar page under different urls which are not indexable but dear will be one canonical page out of these four page which will be basically our indexable page till now i have understood the point now a question should come in your mind sir tell all this Why are we going to create duplicate page first thing so why same content will come brother different content will come on all four pages what are you talking about same content will come on all four how will it come on all four when my website If I want to create different pages, then we will bring different content on all four, then this problem will not be there, then is it necessary to install canonical again ? We do not do this or we do not do this knowing that whatever page we have created on our website, we have given content on all of them, we do not do it, but it happens, understand the difference, I am going to tell you the different differences. Because of which this issue is created and their solution is the canonical tag, let's go ahead and here you see gas many times you must have visited many such websites, then from this type like there is a website AB si .com clothing and here shirt is ok and it becomes a url based on parameter on shirt when you apply filter etc. on it ok now gas the content which is here on this particular page then the same content Here also this shirt is the same, only its size has changed, but if L was written somewhere, then it has changed to M, if M has been written somewhere, it has changed to L or Excel like mentioned here. If it is then that thing will be changed only Excel has been done but gauge has not happened that the entire page has changed when the entire contact has not changed then it is from the content and two different URLS have been created here only one URL has been created 1 And one has become here url2 then on the basis of gas content the crawler never tries to understand that it understands that these are two different different pages how will you tell the crawler that these are two different pages if I tell you that the caller If you want to tell that these are two different pages, then what would you say, the content on this page is different, therefore the content on this page is different, therefore it is not like this at all, what we tell the crawler, then the crawler differentiates from the URL, if URL became different it means different page then if there are two different pages and content is fetched from that then problem arises which problem is this one now this is a big problem ok because you have created four pages now four pages If it is for content, then first thing, now you are wasting the resources of the college, that means you are not doing it properly because of the crawl budget, because the caller is coming, now he has to cross all the four pages. Now it has same content on all four, only one original is ok or primary page, you man it, take it original, you waste your time and resources unnecessarily, and this is also considered topic of technical, so go ahead Hai log second jo case hai means here you must have understood that the content here is duplicate type content, actually it is not duplicate but duplicate type content is being created from two different pages. Above we have to make any particular page as canonical page date see can do throw canonical tax clear now let's go ahead this is case van considered an example here we take another example print table page you must have ever seen if you When you go to the top of the page, press control, then the print version of it opens and you can print it, then a URL is also created for the gas print version, now a normal URL of this type of page and a This type of URL has become two different URLs in the eyes of Facebook, what does it mean in the eyes of Facebook that two different URLs are two different pages Now there are two different pages brother but this is the printable version of the same which was normal paste ok printable version so the content has not changed but the content is from the url is different so here also the problem is now how this problem will be solved one way or the other One has to tell you that this is the canonical page, we have to tell, see brother, this page is not its copy, this is the original page, this is the original page, and the original page is called the page by ear, okay So kanonikal, basically whatever option we have here, the best suited option among them, we call it canonical, in the same way many times different structures are made, like on our website there is a page related to it, I have given it services. I have shown it in the category as well, I have also shown it in the special category, we can mention the link of the page at two places, ok, so the URL has been mentioned in this way, is it different or not, here you See this is url1 and this is url you are not different from content but content is different but url is different issue created or not issue created created problem for crawler or not then we How to solve, if it comes out through the ears, then it is understood that we are deliberately making content by copying and pasting, but practical situations arise like this, and it is not that it does not rain, it rains, and Let it happen, it is not even a problem, it is okay, let it happen, its solution is the implementation of canonical-tax, so these are problems, we have to see their solution, okay, and you do not do this intentionally, it arises, such a problem, take any tension in it. There is no need after that if we talk like triple and non triple and variation like here you see and here you are seeing then gage whenever you go to buy domain no much Have to watch this thing carefully anytime if you buy domain then what do you buy if you buy this you otherwise what do you have to do Yes, you have to redirect the non-triple and version to the triple and version, why you have to redirect because brother, the page will open on both, it will also be on and triple and dot example. com but what will google say look brother content is from both pay, content will be from both ok man liya home page, our home page will be from content on both pay only but one triple and whatever it is, is it variation or version, you like it like this Understand that there is a non-triple version, then he will say, look brother, both the content is different, but the URL is different, so you have to find a solution for this too, then reset the reference scenario in the same way, HTTP and HTTPS, then they will consider the HTTP version as one URL. url means one page will be considered here and it will be considered another url will be considered second page who is the caller of google or any caller man lo you are ok any caller bot in the world is that page of url If you consider it as different, then there are two different URLs, it means that the crawler has understood that there are two different pages, now this is your head, so which of the two pages is understood, then what did we understand that till now there is one page here. It will be of this type that it is a copy, we take it, it is not good to say duplicate again and again, one page which is copy and the other page which is original, so now we have to tell the crawler or Google's system that in this Who is the copy page from and who is the original page, okay, now let's go ahead, to tell this thing, what do we do, whatever our copy page is, we put this HTML tag on it, which you can see here. But you are looking for link relation canonical hrf and this which is our original url hota hai woh aayega here this is d original u r saying it means from let it if we have this is our kanunikal page means original page And this is our duplicate page, so this is the tag that you are seeing here, the canonical string on which it will be applied, on the duplicate page or on the copied page, and the thing you are seeing here is the URL mentioned at this place. Where will this tag be placed, it will be placed on the top of the copy page and the address given in the reference or the original page will be clear, it is understood, how to put the canonical tag, now understand one thing, here we have seen big gas. All such problems may arise, many such problems may arise, okay, the solution to all of these is the canonical type of issue. Aris ho raha hai na its solution are different types means here we do not want the crawler to get confused then gas like we can also do reduction I just told you that to implement canonical or to tell us any page It is not necessary to tell that this one, which is our particular, is the original page, every time we put such a canonical tag, on which page, on the duplicate page , on the duplicate page, on the duplicate page, and inside it, the original page Mentioning its URL is not necessary, there are other ways to define canonical page, there is another way from gym, which is three of one retires i.e. ray direction, so what do we do in case of that, which is like our http We redirect the URL which is on HTTPS, there are many plugins etc., through which redirection can be done or reduction is done through cent access file, I will tell you later in the process, but now what we have to understand is that What is the problem that we talk about again and again and how are the canonical implementations done in this, then do three of van de direction or reduction or put canonical tag and there are many other ways, internal linking etc. It is okay and we can do this by putting some code in the HTTP header as well, but first understand all those different things, okay, now because of the gas man, here we go to my website, for once Man let's take this one particular page on our website and this is the duplicate page of same you are so now gas us canonical tech how to implement then if you know that like if we talk about wordpress then someone There will also be a page if you have jost lucky laga rakhi then below it jost lagi related jost lagi jo bhi settings wo jaati means whatever we can do through kosh plugin on the top of this particular page it goes here but on them you are below Go here and see what is selected, you are fine, it is selected, and we go down the page and directly here, if you have this advance, it will be closed, then you open it, okay, advance here If you see canonical url you are seeing now what you have to do like this is my url then I will pick it up and I will mention this particular url here or I will mention this particular url here now gas I What am I doing which particular page I am putting above I am putting a canonical tag which is above this page I am putting canonical url and I am telling that the original page of this page is The above duplicate page seems to be legal and the original page of this page is this page, okay, then this type of gas, if we have a website which is above WordPress, then we are of this type. You can implement the task that is there, respect and vice versa, you know the format here, like what we talk about here, this is D format or syntax, now if you want to give it to the developer, you can give it to him now here from this another concept is formed okay from here another concept is formed that is our self canonicallization now what is the meaning of gas self kaalization look a this is page okay this is d page man ke chalete / a ye What are we talking about one page, this time we are not saying that this page is a duplicate or a copy of this particular page, I am not saying here that this page is a copy and it is correct. Not even for anyone , but for us to give better information to the crawler, because the conversation that is going on till now is all round that brother, don't give the best information to the crawler, then what have we done from his point of view. Where is this one who is our particular page na yeh self karna ne nek hai means it has no original version this page is the original date this is actually called us self song nikalaaises it's okay if you understand the term self karna nikalaise If you go then don't be confused that what is the meaning of self doing nikalaaisession Self means I am telling myself that look brother I am original I am not a copy of anyone so if on top of a page make the URL of the same page It is given that we are doing self legal kaalization there, so gas I believe is the whole thing right now, it must have been understood that there is a problem, this type of problem that you are seeing and you need to solve it . There is a legal fork to solve it, read aaraction to solve it, head attack to solve it In implementation to solve this we have internal linking that solution but this problem should be solved because if this question is not there then we are wasting lots of resources of crawler which is not a so friendly thing gas I believe You must have cleared the concept, okay and even if you go to the top of any page, like I go to the top of a page from here, then if you want to see on this page whether it is canonical or not, I am here What I do is I inspector it by right click for one time I inspector it and from here I quickly find na kanunikal ok kano nikal because if canonical tag is there then canonical print will be there like that here you are seeing here what i have done to him so canonical everything must have happened to him like relation is equal tu canonical so i see then look gas here you must be seeing relation is equal tu in the top line canonical and here which link is given if you see then on the page above which we are on the same page link is given witch mens date here what is happening to him self if it comes out then google says no on top of your every page ear tag should be implemented even if self kailaization tell us who is the original page if there is none then self [music] what does self [music] mean basic definition etc we will try to understand what redaction means why we redirect let's do that and how many different types of read directions are there basically we are going to discuss our major types of read directions in this particular video what is the difference between the two if we talk about 3:1 reduction In which situations we do 302 redirection , in which situations we do 301 redirection, in which situations we do 302 redirection, we will discuss all these things, as well as we are also going to see different ways, through which practically if we To implement the direction, on top of our website or for the URLS of the website, how can we do it, we are going to cover all these things inside this particular video, so you will get a lot of concept knowledge related to reduction in this particular video. Wali if we try to understand our definition which is user and van url date b temperately and permanently in accessible means it is our website because of gage man and this is one of our page of website which has some url Let's take as an example if we go to man then this URL is slash a ok now this is the particular URL I have mentioned in many places ok maybe I have WhatsApp to my friends Have you given it through or by going to another website, I have mentioned this URL there because this page is currently exiting, I have created a page on my website, so the link of this page is different on different locations on the internet. Is available on top of Sometimes I shared, sometimes someone posted, right after that guess what happened that I may have deleted this page due to some reason and this page doesn't exit now Yes but gas its URL is available on different different locations, so now users through that URL can bring it to our website, like because of man, I have mentioned this URL on another website. Now the gas is placed, when the caller will come here, this user will come to this website, then he will see that the link of this website to this web page is mentioned here, but when he goes to the top of this page through this link If he tries, he will see the page here, which one will he see, he will see 404 page, why because I deleted this particular URL, if you want to see this practical example, then we can understand it in this way here but due to construction this is our website ok this is our website and above this website i assumed that this one is our particular page which exits now but what i did i deleted this page because of man who Deleted page was that it was now this page does not exit gas if this page does not exist and its link is available at different places then when any user tries to come over this page then that space But if A will not be able to reach then where will it reach, it will reach above 404 page, now the caller does not like this thing, what are you doing, and you are also wasting the resources of the crawler. Ho because the caller wants to reach the top of this page from this link but he is not able to reach then you are taking him to the top of the 404 page then the crawler doesn't like anything so from his point of view what you are doing is hurt One thing is happening and the other thing, if we talk from the user's point of view, then you are taking the user too. Above 404, it means to say that you are hampering the user's experience . From the point of view, in today's time, you know that the experience of the user is very important, so if we try to understand, then it is understood that if a page that exists on our website Now that page does not exist, it would be easier to understand that any URL which used to point to any of our pages, now that URL is not pointing to any of our pages, it is going to 404 page. This is not a good thing this is not a good signal this is not a good practice so to avoid all these things gas we need ray direction ki to gas ye wala jo hamara page tha man ke chalte hum log /a if gas we deleted it permanently because of temperature I deleted it now I don't need this page then I have to direct read the url of this page which is above any other page because if If someone visits above this URL, then if there is a visit somewhere, then we will have to read direct that URL above the URL of another page, this is actually called as read direction . There can be many reasons to get it, like it is possible that I have deleted this page, it is also possible that I have changed the URL of this page, so from the point of view I thought that before The url that was there was not friendly, now I keep the url of slash also, so I changed its url, still I have to do redirection, now gas, now let's talk that I have to do redirection, so now you It is understood that different situations are created for doing redirections, now if we talk about two different types of reduction, then one type of free direction is called three zero van and the other type of reduction is We speak zero to three zero van direction means permanently moved redirection is ok i.e. whenever we move our url permanently like I said I am moving from abc dot com slash a abc This is not a permanent redirection on .com/b that now we will not bring back the content above this URL, it is not at all like that, we have moved permanently, so when we move permanently, then in the particular case, the reduction The technique we do is the type of reduction we do, we call it 301 reduction, so 30 van redirection is known by another name, which we call permanent read reservation, now gas, what are the benefits of this, see when Anytime we would have created a page like I talk about then gas may be on top of it I have created many many I have done so many efforts because of which the authority of this page or this page The value that is there must have been built that it will have some authority page 30 it must have been built so gage whenever we do 3001 redirection then here the page authority of this particular page that page authority is also almost 99% here But it gets transferred, it does not mean that you need to take tension that I have a lot of banking on this page, I have done a very good CEO on this page, I have made a lot of efforts. The space from which the authority of the space had become too much, now if we are redirecting this page, the regions above the second page can be any . The hard work I have done so far, I have built the authority, that's all, 30 has gone, so it's not like that, it doesn't go to 30, if you do 3001 redirection, then we call 301 redirection permanently move to re direction and this particular case Which is our 99% authority or which we can also call the link value, which is the link value, it is transferred on top of our redirected page, okay, we will transfer it, it will be transferred on it, so whenever such situations arise that a We want to redirect the URL of the page which is above any other page and that redirection Permanently if we want to do it then in particular case we do the technique of reduction or type it date this actually 3001 redirection like and if I try to tell you examples then here if we come and like I type here hoon so gas here i directly typed not like that i am typing triple w dot https colon colon then type triple w and dot just type what i typed did and as soon as i enter you will see here when i type then triple w is going here as well as here http sub a is going here It means to say that is getting redirected over triple V and is getting redirected over HTTPS so gas whenever we buy a domain or ever if you go to buy domain then what will you do You will buy and we redirect to dot com triple w now you tell yourself which is the redirection from to triple w dot this is a temporary direction will be or permanent direction do we need to come back from here to here gas never we will never come back here from here once if we have done http redirection means earlier our domain was on http after that i put assistant certificate Configuration done and our URLs which are being made with HTTP, we said that all these URLs should now be redirected to HTTPS, then the direction that we will apply, which direction will it be? Non triple and redirection are done permanently direction gas whenever http2 https redirection is done it is always permanent redirection it is not temporary then what will happen in temporary means here I was telling permanent redirection this is reduction permanent end You have seen the examples of this read direction temporary to permanent redirection when we do not have to come back to the above URL and we have to pass the entire link value which is the equity of our gender, in the particular case we Let's do 3001 redirections, on the other hand, the gas situation can also become such that the man walks that today I have a website on top of one of my pages and if this is my website and this website is a b c dot com slash a I am doing some work on this, I am doing some updates, I am making some changes, so this one, which is my page, it is temporary down for 10 days, but this URL is with many people, so I am not spoiling the user's experience. I do not want to disturb the crawler or the crawler does not want to waste its experience or its resources, so I want that for 10 days my paste will remain down, or those who also try to come above this url they are redirected above the other page from the relay to read above the home page but ye wala jo ray direction hoga ye hoga hamara temporary direction jisko hum log bolte hain 302 read direction ab 30 1 The major difference between 302 and 302 is that link equity is passed, 301 also passes almost 99% of link equity in the direction, Google says, whereas in 302 redirection, no link equity is passed. Once we have done a redirect, which means we have read and directed the new page from here, but we have not transferred its link value, which was the link equity, which was the authority of this page, because even back So after that we have to remove this direction too, it is not that this derirection will become our permanent direction, so it is understood that the condition of ray directions is created, such situations become such cinerios where we need ray direction. There is a need to do and when we talk about redirection then depending on the situation we have two options whether we do 30 redirection or 302 redirection now it comes to implement redirection like man ke chalte hai ki mujhe 301 If I want to do redirection or if I want to do 302 reaction, then how will we do it, gas is the same, but if we have word press website then it becomes very easy, we get plugins, very simple plugins, very quick Your work is here But it happens on the other hand, if we have a custom website, then by accessing the dot s t axis files, you can write the code of your directions, which way you are written on the internet. Articles will get a lot of blocks and how do we do reduction with the help of dot hdi access 3012302 and what are the codes in it, you will get all of them on the internet now, I will show you all those things, first of all we will People see that if we have to do it with the help of a plugin on WordPress, then how can we do it, there are many plugins available in the gas market, if I show you a plugin here, I am doing it. whose name is 3001 redirect this is a plugin ok so when you install this plugin and after installing this plugin like i show you here i go to start plugins then you will see this plugin is installed here Ok, so when you install this plugin and you click on Manage Redirect, it will bring you options of redirect rules and it will ask you that on whom to redirect, here we can mention that I want to redirect a particular page on top of another page I want to redirect read on top of this page fine so here gas we can also mention the page here we have the option to place this page on top of this particular page Have to redirect, which is our page with services, it has to be redirected to it because it is WordPress website by default, here it picks up which options are built on top of your website, where it gives you enough options. It is user friendly, you can easily select here that you want to redirect it to a particular page on my account page, home page page, check out pay card, along with date aap jo hai koun re direction jo hai woh If you want to apply, then if I quickly show you something like I go here and which is our thank you page, I show you by setting no ray direction for one time, then if I copy it here From and I go here and here I mention the Thank You page that I have written and I am redirecting 302 to it, for one time on which page above the services page, then our page with services Yes, this page is gas, if you look here, this page with services is fine, which I have put the reduction here, for one time, if you look and I do the gas, from here the gas is our read reservation. It has been done , if we have to create more redirects, then I will go above the add new redirect role and from here I will mention the conditions of the new redirects or the page from where to redirect. Will give and here I will select Now the gas we have created the read direction here thank you page we have done the ray direction on the top of the services page quickly if you people see it then the gas once So what do I do I'm going to hit back this thank you page I 'll try so you'll see this thank you page it's going to read directly on top of the services page okay so here I look at the top of the thank you page I click and if you look, you will see only this page of services, it is not taking you to the top of the thank you page, because the reduction is happening here and the gas here, you will also know how many times. Which ray direction is hit, you will get a little bit of analytics too, then this work becomes very easy inside word press, but if I talk about how you can do it through HD access file Ho or those who are our non-triple and redirections or what you have to do to do our HTTP to HTTPS redirections, for that you have to go to the file manager in your c panel and in the file manager you have access to your dot st You have to access the file and the code which is non triple and triple and redirection or non HTTP to HTTPS retirement, you will have to put it here if you want to redirect a normal page to the dot cent access file. Thru then gas with this type you can write the code which is its redirection like I am showing you here read direct permanent http this is our old page so here it is written with this type old filedown html and after that we Will write here that our new There will be URL on which we want to do lead direction then gas we have different wedge through which we can implement redirections but gas we have to keep in mind that both of our type of read directions are either three zero Whether it is van ray section or 302 redirection, why should we do it and in which particular situation which type of redirection should be done ? You must have understood which type of implementation is done [Music] In this particular video, after this image related, you will not need to watch another video, so first of all we try to explore this question After all, the image will be like this, why gas is required, there are two regions because of which we need the image, the first reason is gas, we know that when we search something in Google, we also search the section with images. Can do and when we go above the section with images, the different different images that are being ranked, if we click on those images, then we can see that image on the top of any particular website or web page. Yes, we get redirected to it, to say that through the section with images, traffic can also come on the website, meaning if we rank the images, then a potential has become with us that we can bring traffic to our website. Yes, this is the first region, the second region is important in respect of on-page gas, if we do proper sleep of our images, here we will optimize our images properly, then all those things will help us in our on-page too, so if Let's talk about why we are watching today's video, why you should watch this video, there are basically two reasons that the image is what we need to rank the images and the other is that Our images from the on-page aspect should also be optimized perfectly, now here I have written two 9-10 points which are very important with regards to the image, so you have to understand each and every point carefully. Pay a lot of attention, a lot of knowledge is available on each point, you are going to get it inside this particular video, so gas, which I rank first, I explain to you, so here I go to Google and let From here if I type India on gas Google and after typing India I go to the section with images here you can see here you see with regards to India there are many images that we have here Some images are visible, three days ago came here, some are pocket images, we are seeing here, so many images with which related term is our India, which is our search query, we are seeing here. which if I click on any of the lets let's click on it okay over this particular image it opens up a big preview from here see can directly go to website like if I click here then I If I can go to the top of the website, then it means that images are also such a source from which traffic comes on the website, now how will it be proof whether it comes or not, then it is obvious that if our website particular website is like man take here tonic's website which is if our website gets some impressions inside the images section then gas whenever our website gets impressions here in the search engine result page if i go here and On top of gas, we get to know inside our Google search console that how many impressions we got and how many clicks we got here, in the same way, if we get impressions for our images even inside the section containing images, then Google will give us its data. It will appear in the search console that we have got so many impressions and so many clicks have come on them. Inside the console, if I type in the search, here by default, if you look, it is web, I have selected the images and I apply, then you can see that my images are very new with about 731 impressions here. Website, so there are very few impressions here, just I want to explain you the concept. Which is important here, what you are seeing is total impressions you got 731 and in respect of that you got some clicks here also means to say that traffic also comes from images section, it has become an important thing, so it is important. Is that we also pay attention to the sleep of images, any image which is on top of our website, it is on top of our web page, if we have kept proper sleep of it, then there are chances that on top of some specific queries, those images here If you get ranked in the section, if it gets ranked in the images section, trust me, the traffic that is very high will start coming to your website, many people from here also visit your website, fine and google. I am improving this section more with different different information like you can see here three days ago van de ago here like GF hai to this type more woods woh apna yeh jo images result wala section hai add in it Fardar is doing it to improve the user's experience, so let's start gas, we have understood what are the important things for which we need the image, so gas is the first point. hai with regards tu image wo ye hai par close attention tu your image file name make it image related gas means that in many cases I have seen like if you upload an image on your website then you name it I am talking about the name of the image, I am talking about the file name of the image, I am not talking about the caption of the image, I am not even talking about the alt text of the image, now only about the file name Do I have seen many people like image zero zero van or image zero zero tu or image or dummy image or new image or old image or final image this type of people who do the name which is actually not recommend okay if How do you want the image to be in a better way, give me Sir, the file name of your image should also be related to your image, right now it does not mean that what you will do is that your word will be touching like if you Apple If you put the image of simply, if in the example, you are writing apple dot jpg, give more dates in up or if it is red apple, then you can specify the name a little bit more, the file name is fine, but it does not mean that That you do keyboard stuffing in it, okay keyword stuffing, so you don't have to do it anywhere from Su's point of view, even here you feel that you want to give signal to Google through this thing, you want to tell that this content about what or this page about what this video about what paragraph about what so when you see any signal google make sure that you have to do some indicator words for the signal not that there are full of keywords Two, okay, many people fill the keywords directly in the circle of signals, so this is the van point that you have to keep in mind that if the name of the images can be related to the images you are talking about You name the images, let me talk about the file name, after that you upload it on top of your website, if you are doing it in WordPress, then you upload it in your gallery . When we upload the image on our website, then we have two options, we have to do the alt text of the images as well as the caption with the images, I have given a lot of detail above the gas all text. The video is made inside this playlist, I will also give the link once in the eye button so that you can go and see the alt text later, I told you in detail which type of alt text, what is a better alt text, if I talk about the captions If I do, then here I will show you with an example, here if we come to our website and here you see that I have a dummy image like I will go over this image and you here like this Will select the particular image fine here if I come then you can see below here you are seeing alt text here you have to mention the alt text of the image along with date here you see small in the image below If you are seeing ad caption then caption this is basically what this image is about so here you can mention its caption ok alt text is not for users alt text is basically not visible to users from front but which is caption If it is visible to the users, please make sure that your caption is also related. The alt text of the image is also related to the image and your alt text is basically for those people who are little visual which is not sound or for those who are not looking at our image, our alt text is for them. If our image is not able to load, then otext is loaded there or the crawler who does not know how to scan our image tries to understand about our image from the text that is around our image. image kis baare hai caption bhi plays important role karta hai aaj well aaj alt text jo hai woh bhi humare liye important role play karta hai to use all text and also caption this is second tip for you third point ki agar main baat karoon with regards tu image so date is actually image file types ab gas if i talk about image file types here you see majorly three types of image file types hai png which is from gym you like quality wise very good but Gas, you have to do the image type of PNG, you do not have to do it, you have to do the image file type of jpg, and make sir, your images are within 100 times, which you can compress with many compressing tools. Otherwise, you can compress it and make sure that the images you have are always below 100 Cb and the preferred image format is JCG and D region even after compression of the skin, its quality does not decrease that much. Quality-wise, PNG looks better, if gas is small, many people, etc., where you want transparent images, etc. Some big images in locations, if you have to do it, then it is not recommended at all that you should use PNG format of images, so this is the third point that you have to take care with regards to images on the fourth point. If I go to a create image site which is your images they also have their own url and gas anywhere if we mention urls in a format date this is basically or side for us ok then you images Create a site map of any such as if we talk about the site map of our website, then what happens in the site map of our website, all the pages of our website are together, this is the page of our website, then this is our This is the page of the website, this is the page of our website, ok, about, the contractor services are the types of pages, which are basically at one place, they are inside an ejamal file, so that when it comes, it sees that it is a different URL, which is this It is on the top of the website so that it will be understood how many urls in this website and what is their position or locations fine then gas in the same way the different images which are on top of our website also have a site map and gas if you If you are reducing on the website of WordPress, then in the particular case, if you use the Jost plugin, then by defaulter it will give you site maps of different categories, then you do not need to take much tension, but if you images If you are doing site maps, then this is a good practice, just the plugin that by default gives you images in the site, so this is actually the fourth point, then gas, if I talk about the fifth point, consider image compression. If we talk about it, then back smash is a very plugin that you can use which will help you in compressing your images, then you can use a plugin like sub smash and compress your images. You can compress after that gas if I go here on the sixth point, make sir images are placid at the right placement is very much this line's direct meaning, this gas, let us see that our image is with the right text Or not means where the images should be placed, is the images place or not so that the images are very small, well, neither we have cleared its dimensions nor we can see the full page image is large Even if it is small, it is placed at the bottom, it is not so, that means the placement of the images also matters a lot, so always make sure that the images are at the right place, your place is this, again Un very important point that you have to take care of all the points, if you want to note then note down the character, I will shorten it a bit here, then later if you want to take a screenshot, you can take it. To say text on images put text on content means many how I have seen what many people do, they repeatedly mention the text above the images, no purpose comes out of it and the images also do not look as good as they are. So if you have to text it in a contact, then you should use the text in the content, don't write the text on the images itself, it is not a good practice, so this is also an important point with regards to the image so that You have to keep in mind that if I talk about 8 points , then you should make sure that your images are responsive , the simple meaning of responsive images is that the images should be device friendly, now it should not happen that you The big image that is used when that image is opened on the mobile, then half of the image that is there is cut, okay, so we have to make a head that all our images should be responsive, now the feature of image response This is gas in wordpress, if you understand then it is read by in wordpress, it was not there before but after word press 4.4 version which is automatically wordpress which makes our images responsive but if it is done through the code then the source set would have been there. Yes, it is RCST, and with this type of image, the different dimensions of our image are done, small, medium, large, they are coded by this type, so that wherever the dimensions of the type are displayed. If need be it can be taken as the dimension which is small on tablet will be visible in next top comparison then if we talk about mobile then the dimension which is smaller than tablet will be shown there then response of images are also a very important concern After that you can see the gas which is the ninth and final point, even here we need it, where we can use vector images, the format of vector images is basically SVG images, you must have seen gas many times. Whatever your images are, whether they are jpg images etc., when you zoom them, then that image starts to become pixellect, well speaking of which it starts bursting a little bit, the quality of it gets reduced but the SVG images which are mean If we have to do something in line diagram type, people have to do it by type, then our JPEG images etc. are in the format of pixels, while the SVG images are in the format of lines, so if you give them Even if you zoom too much, then there is not much problem there and its quality is not reduced, but it does not mean that wherever you want, you can do only SVG images, it is not like that, gas where needed. If you feel that there are people etc., then you can do SBG image there or some illustrations etc. If you want to do that, then you can do those images there, another concern regarding SVG image is also very important. It becomes that how to reduce the size of the images, because the heavier the images, the more the problem will be for you, which I told you, there is a standard that our image should be under 100. But apart from that and this year there is a very famous plugin called that you can do it if you need image compression gas here it's almost 9 you can see here nine I wrote points here jo more dene almost Everything cover karte hain with regards to image so if you focus properly on these nine points vich mains date ye aapka jo images hai or image related jo bhi aapko optimization hai woh aapka complete ho chuka hai video kaisa laga mujhe comments I will definitely tell [music] Gas Whenever we talk about ranking our website with the help of search engine option, then the first position that comes in our mind is that we should place ourselves on the first page in organic research. want to bring above or want to bring in top five or want to show in top 10 results or we want to show ourselves above the first position, but if I ask you that the search engine result page In what way and at what place you can show your website, then the answer of most people will be that we can make the positions of our website in the search engine result page with two triangles, either we will run from the tree or Then we can run our website inside organic results with the help of so but gas, do you know there are more than 10-12 such ways which Thru we can run our website or our content inside the search engine result page, whenever we talk about the visibility of the business, it is not that we will target only one position in the organic results. Just go to our section, just set the teeth and we don't want anything like this, there are many different locations in the gas search engine result page, there are positions, there are features, there are options, wherever we can make our content visible, we can show it. We will discuss about all these things, in today's particular video, what are the different options we have in the search engine result page, where we can do whatever is the visibility of our business so that we can get business . Fine, which will discuss all these things, let us try to explore one by one, the first option is date, this is actually featured snipit, many people who do not know where it is in the features, I will show you that too. Hoon gas here I have done a query, you can see that I have written here you work on excel and as I have done this search, you can see here in front of me you are seeing the result in the top, this is basically position Zero or this is what we call our features, the result of disposal, gas, mostly what we focus on is that here first position, second position, third position here, somewhere we show up and gas and many more elements are places. We can really show our visibility as a result, one of them is our features, but what you are seeing here, what are the steps we should follow, what things we should take care of so that our website or our content Those features can be ranked in niche, we talk about it in different videos, here I will tell you in detail, by which type we can run our content in features niche, but before that we need to understand that what is potential hai to gas first option aapne dekh liya features nipat second option ki agar hum log baat karein date is actually people also ask for to yahi par if we are coming down like I have any work on excel then if you go down So here you can see People Also Ask Sometimes section is visible and if I open above it you can see Microsoft's website is getting ranked here if I go down here you can see New Horizons website trunk is happening then gas here if you want to rank yourself gas then the content inside your web page should be in the form of question answer if your contact in the form of question answer then there Chances increase that your content, this is a web page, if it gets ranked inside the People Also Ask for section, then these two important features have become, after that if we talk about the third feature here, images and videos. There is also an option of search gas here we know that if we go here then there is also an option of images and as well as next to the images if you see the video here is sometimes an option then gas if Your contact is in the form of video and if not, then you prepare, create content in the form of video as well, host it on YouTube, try to rank it here, fine, the one whom we talk about basically, the opportunity to talk about Sachin In the result page today a business owner or today a website what are the different opportunities through which we can do ranking let's talk about 4 points date it actually video carousel video you are watching here if I am with images Or don't remember on the video section, here also you can see a video, sometimes you can see the result here, date this basically, do the video quickly, here you can also show your content, you can rank Google My I have seen many people listing business, they do not have an account on business in Google, they talk about Google Ads, they talk about organic results, they talk about business, but their profile is not created on Google. hui to gas if I go here like I enter here dentist near me then you can see here which are our results these are basically google my business results so if your business is good then you are doing it Have the right of the website and want to rank it organically, even after that you have to try that whatever you are in the business results in Google, you can also pay top, then this is another potential of yours. It is made in front if I talk about 6 points here then you can see which is actually the knowledge panel so if I show like I have done a query here and on the right side if you see then this is the knowledge panel sometimes here On the knowledge panel, you see the knowledge card, at some places you also see the knowledge card, this is basically the capital of India . But I see the knowledge card on the right side, if you will actually see the knowledge panel, then our content can be ranked even with this type, after that if I talk about the seventh point, then the thought is actually the top story, so if I return here, Narendra Modi Once I type Narendra Modi, I am typing, then you fix where the top story is visible to you, so if your website is of this type, news etc. Whatever is there in the story, but there is also visibility, it can be generated, so gas, this video had only one purpose, that you should develop this type of mind, or else we should not run after one thing and also. There are many potentials, where we make efforts, we can bring ranking there too, it is possible that you may not get a lot of traffic there, potential is the important point, this potential is gas, if I say that you will get 100% from organic results. You get traffic because of man and through these other features, if you get five times traffic, then what is the problem, if you get traffic of even five, then it is happening only at one base, it is not that your traffic is less . It is happening because of your little efforts, your traffic is getting added on, after that if I talk about 8 points, date is actually de rich slippers, then CTR etc. would be very high even on the results of rich snippets. So gas if I go here a you see I have query about big general c query about witch this actually paneer recipe and here if you look here you see this recipe wale rich sniper deez rd rich nipids and other than that You must have seen that in many results below you see star ratings etc., you see reviews etc. then friends and also because of the rich sniper, then you see that your content is ranked on the basis of Ricky as well, if it is ranked as sniper . Along with, if your contact is ranked, there are chances of CTR etc. to improve, then you have another potential, van such RP, to rank your content in it, after that gas here is the ninth and last part date. You know about the art of this actually d'arts, if we have two options to run the advertisement which is on top of Google, then we can show our art in the top and Sachin A in the bottom. On the result page, we do our efforts in only one direction and we miss many such potentials, which we should also understand these potentials, we should learn that by which type we can opt for each and every thing and there But your content should be ranked, behind the same platform, if you run behind the same thing, then behind that means you will only get the potential from there and you will not be able to explore the other sources of potential as much, hope friends . I do the video, you must have liked the video, you must like the video, take the data of your people, its main markup, we are going to understand everything from scratch, about its main markup, then guess what this video is, this video lecture is basically It is divided into three sections. First of all, we will understand what is scheme data, what is scheme markup and how search engines can affect the appearance of the results of the result page and what type of effect is meant. Is it a positive effect or a negative effect and why do we need to pay so much attention to the schemes, we will discuss all these things in this particular video and after that the second point is that we will see how we create the schemes. What are the different different tools through which we can create mass of different websites, if we talk about WordPress website then do plugins support this and if WordPress website If not, then what options do we have, how can we create those schemes, once we have mass created them, after which type of scheme we can You can implement on your website, whether it is a WordPress website or a custom website, how can we implement it, we can cover all these things inside this particular video, it can be a little lendi If it is done then let's start let's talk more first of all what schemes can be done then gas for that I have some examples in front of me here you see I have done normal query pasta recipe so when I do this query If I do this then you see here I am seeing a lot of results, some are appearing in the form of videos, after that you see here, the normal way we see the result in our search engine result page is that the URL is given. After that what you see is title, after that there is description, that's all there are components, but what is happening here that we are seeing some additional thing here, why ratings are visible here. It's ok man also take the rating we are seeing here so in this result or other results why rating is not visible in this result why rating is not visible in this result this one The result which is looking absolutely unique, why is it looking unique, then even in terms of ratings, it is looking unique here and after that if we go here on top of the recipe card, then here also we see that some results are very good. It is visible in a different way and it is visible in such a highlighted way that there are chances that if a person searches for pasta recipe, then he will click on this card, click on the result of this or Click on the sachin result which is showing parents of this type means to say that here city ravi has full chances to be good because we are seeing this result in a slightly different way ok so we understand one thing I have made one observation, now let's go ahead, gas here I have another example in which I have searched what is this digital market, very basic query has been done, now here if you come above the result number nine You will see some additional information here, along with our URL title and description , we are seeing some additional information here because generally URL title description is there, or where did the dictionary information come from, why Google's additional information here What is he showing, why he is showing and how he is showing and can we show all these questions arise from here, let's go ahead and see some examples, one of the examples we have seen is pasta recipe. Ye wala dekha, now we go further ahead, here I have gas, another one of ours, actually, career scope in digital marketing and here, if you see result number 8, I come above, then you can see that I have some questions here. Results are also visible in the answer form inside the search engine result page, it means that a website is also being ranked here and along with it the results you are seeing are here in the form of question answers. Have to see the result ok let's note this thing also now let's go ahead gas here we go above our fourth example where mainequiry was done steps you understand marketing and here I see the features of settled positions A website here is getting ranked above and if you look at its purse and try to visualize a little bit, try to think a little bit, then you will understand that if the results of this type are of your website, if mobile If you see the result in this type above, then you will believe that the view of this result is so long that it means the appearance is so long that whatever person will see the result, it will cover almost 80% of his mobile screen. For example, it will cover 72-80% of the mobile number, if it covers 70-80% of the mobile number of the person who is looking at this result, then there are chances that high city R means a profitable thing. So it is understood that it is a thing of benefit and this is not the result all the results you have seen here as I talk about this as I talk about this as I talk about this result whatever results we People have seen sir in the search engine result page, we understood that all these results are being raised in a slightly different way when the gauge is being raised in a slightly different way and at the same time In quite highlighted way jo hai na woh upper ho raha hai means highlighted is being done with these additional results, with these additional information whether it is ratings, question answers, facts, lists You are seeing here whether it is any other element like we have seen many elements or it is happening in highlighted form means if these elements come then chances are high that the person who is there will click from the front. And if a person clicks from the front , then such a person is a very good thing for us, the site of our website is improving, now let's go back to the basics and try to understand why Google shows these types of results. That question will come later, how can we do it, but try to understand why Google is showing these types of results, why the appearance of some website or the appearance of a web page. It is absolutely unique in the engine result page, so gas ever since we have started sleeping, since then we have been understanding that as good as Google's system is, Google's crawler and Gautam is yours. The better the content that is on the website, the better he will be able to understand the content, the better he will be able to represent or show the content, if you want to understand this thing in more simple words, then the man walks that If I know Hindi okay I understand Hindi okay and you are talking to me in English language you may be I understand that thing but I better not understand that thing but if I Understands Hindi and you talk to me in Hindi, then I will understand all your talk, we are trying again and again to understand Google's algorithm. In what way , what is our web page about, because when the user will make a query, the user will search for something, then we want our page to be ranked, then we want Google to index it, by indexing our web page, Google will Want to tell that look brother, our page is above this specific query, what do we do for this, to understand Google, we put our keyword in the title, we put it in the description, we put it on the important locations of the page, we put it in H1 Let's put our keyboard and there are many things that we do so gas ever since it started like this ever since we started reading the show then we are running behind this thing or doing this thing It is better that Google's system should understand the information about our website in a better way than websites, if we use the word web page, what is the content on this particular web page of ours, if Google understands it better. If we go, then it will also rank our web page on the right keywords on the right queries and this is what we want, so Google also has some limitations of its own . so let me try to understand you here you can see like man ke chalta hoon ki gage this is my website here man ke chalta hoon me this is my page and this is Google's crawler or you You can believe this, this is Google's algorithm, right, so when Google's caller, it will come on top of your web page, then whatever information is there on the top of the web page, whatever information is there, it is necessary to understand about your website. Will try or try to understand about your web page, now gas you know it is a software, it is a caller, maybe you have used different type of language on your web page, you have used English language. If he knows Hindi language, if he knows French language, then gas can be any machine, whoever has a little understanding of this type of language, he may have trouble, just like if I know Hindi and you know French from me. If you talk to me there is a problem in understanding me, I will understand broken things, I will understand your approach, I will understand something from him, but 100% I will be able to understand him, this possibility is very less, because I do not know French, it is also here Gases which are algordams or systems which are colors their gas language is different they understand some machine turbo things gas that's why we keep our keywords in title tag that's why we keep our keywords in meta description Keep it because when the crawler comes, you will see the title This is the tag, the color that will come, it is h1 tag, then he will understand that this is the van tag, which means important location, he is not understanding what you have written, he is understanding that h1 tag means important So it recognizes the h1 tag, then the tag is basically the language of our HTML, it is understood by the crawler, you will write it in English, Hindi, Farsi, Urdu. Does not understand very well, it understands some specific language, so if the crawler understands your website better, then it can also show the results of your website in a better way. Now the whole thing is hidden in this thing. There is gas here, as I told you that these results are not visible to you in a slightly specific way, it means that it is a crawler or Google, because on the top of the Google result page , these are different ways. This means that Google understood these pages in a different way, only then it is showing it in a completely different way. Understanding in a different way, we do many things to understand in a different way, like putting keywords in the title, repeatedly putting keywords in the example description, in the same way, we prepare a scheme data, which you people Its man mar ka bolte ho she markup we prepare we put some information on top of our web page in a language that the crawler understands better again what is scheme markup scheme markup is the code and code it Inside is the information of our own web page, it is okay, but by coding in such a language, that information is understood by the crawler in a better way, then we prepare this type of scheme data, we create schemes for it. There are different types of different types, what information is there on our web page, what is our website about, it depends on what our scheme type is, what will be the gas, we will create our schemes, after creating the schemes We will put their mass on top of our webpage, now when Google's crawler comes, it will read our web page, as you know that Google's crawler will cross our website before indexing, then when it will crawl He will see everything, the contact of our website, there he will also see the scheme, he will also see a scheme code, the scheme data will also be visible, then he will see what is written in the scheme, now what is written in the scheme or what is in the scheme Mention is there, google can understand it better, this is the advantage of scheme route, gas scheme markup, where did it come from, who made it, why it has become such an important thing, then the gauge search engines themselves made it together, you understand it in such a way that There is such a common language which if understood by the search engines, then they have a scheme for their own benefit, which is such that you understand that the word I am saying here is a very general word, so that you understand the thing, we are this man . Let's say that the scheme is such a common scheme data is such a common language that all the search engines recognize that brother, we understand this language, then all the search engineers together have developed the scheme, you can see here But there is a platform by doing a scheme dot org, here you see, I tell you about it and here if you read, see Found by google friends you yahoo other index what is all this all these search open community using de public scheme Org matching list and through get up right to gauge this is a community based approach, all search engines have understood this language, if any web master or website owners put some content on their website in this language Or if you put some content in the spring of your website in this language, then we also access the court of your website, so when you enter the scheme data in the code of your website, then when the crawler will access the court And if the information that is better comes out, then 7280% less in gas sleep, we do the same thing about what is the content on our website, and in a better way, it can tell Google, the better way Google can understand. In a better way, it can also show the result for us, so what gas, now the question comes, it is okay, if you have taken your man, then is there a scheme on this website, or the people who take different types of results here. this is the result So is there a scheme on this particular website ? The website which is here, I open it, both the three which we do from the website of the recipe, and here I control you, you know, to see its code, we have to control you and gauge from here. I do a man search that whether there is a scheme on this website, then gas kims are of different types, so if we look here, you can see here I am seeing a scheme, look, the scheme is visible. And here also there is a scheme okay and here also if you look then you will see it okay I go further in this okay here for once okay here also you will see this is against Kim Here you are seeing that it goes up, see, the recipe type scheme from is made here, so this is basically the scheme which we see on the top of the website, so I have taken an example. Let me show you more examples for one time I go here A okay this is another website and on top of this I control U control F Denge ye aap dekh raha hai na yeh saare jitne bhi jitne bhi yeh elements jo aapko diferent diferent dese r becoz of de scheme wich is present on de website ok thode se line jo hai na woh ek line likhte hai but when you If you create and implement the schemes yourself, then it will be written line by line in this type, then you will understand the code of its man in a better way, like I have shown here, you have been made through this jost people. it's man it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's man it's it's it's it's it's contact We have schemes, so gauge you are understanding that there is some scheme data on this website, okay, in the same way what we do, another website was opened by us, which basically Sachin put some information in the result page. If it is looking differently than I go here and I search here also you can see the scheme here also you see the schemes generated through Rank Math WordPress Plugin and here Look at this type of scheme, date is actually, if you look here, it is an unplaced type of scheme, right in this way, I go down, let's see what other schemes are there, look here, the person is also a man. Well, there are different types of schemes, one more thing, you should note that we can apply multiple types of schemes on a web page, many people question whether we can apply more than one type of schemes for a website. You can put it above or above a web page, of course you can, but the type of scheme should be relevant to the content of the web page containing it, now you will understand fine, after that gas here, the result of this one is fine. If I open then this is his website and this result is showing in a very different way, so is the scheme which is on this particular website also applied, then I control F, is there any clean here also its main sign Let's see now this method is written line by line, that's why you were not able to understand, but if you look here, you will clearly understand that this web page type of scheme is here But there is a mention and what other schemes are mentioned, then you will see here, look at the block posting type of scheme, there is also a mention here, if you go about it, then here you will see another type of scheme. The type of date this is actually the organization scheme, so I had come above only one page, had I not come above the page of this block, then on the page of this block you are seeing different types of schemes. The result that you were seeing here, why you were seeing such a unique type of result, it is because of these regions that you are seeing such a unique type of result because the schemes of different types will be applied here. This is the headlines of the block post here, okay, because of that, which is additional information, when Google's caller comes over this website, it scans the code of the website as well, then the website If he scans the key code , he will see that it is some type of code and this is the language of the code. The scheme started from here, so if I showed you the note in the post here, then you can see that the code of your scheme is of this type . So we can also remove it so that the developer does not have any problem, so the thing is mentioned here because if the developer has seen the code, then he understood that the code of this scheme is installed, so this type of comments are there. They are given in the code but actually the scheme is fine, so you are seeing here that our scheme type is block post scheme type, now this language is not aate de rate kaun test aate de rate type headlines All this language that you are seeing, it is better understood by Google's system, then it is understood in a better way that your web page has become more clear to Google's system. What about your web page, he came to know that this type of information is on the top of the web page, and better methods, now even more accurate information in Google's index, if it is yours, then gas is the benefit of scheme data. Or fine of scheme markup then gas I go back here now you must have understood what is scheme data and in what way it can effect our results and gas are different types of schemes Which scheme is to be applied on which web page depends on the content of that page or the type of website that you have, so now it comes down to which type of schemes. Yes, we can create them, I will make a dedicated video on this, with the help of scheme based plugins, you can create the mass of what type you are, I will make a separate video on this, but here we will talk about it. What type of tools are you going to do, you can create the schemes using tools, ok, so with these tools, you can write the code of the scheme or the scheme data that you create, write that scheme data, anywhere, at any time. On top of the website , on top of other website, you can do it, then what you have to do is to generate gas, there are many generators that will do it for you, you do not have to take tension that here you have a very You have seen the heavy code, now you have to create this code or you have to remember this code, this whole thing is nothing like this gas gas here you have to type generate scheme mark right and here you are watching Yes, this is the first website you are seeing, this is all you have to do, it is very famous, you can make schemes in a very proper way, it is very user friendly, very easily you people can make its meat from here, now gage like I told you. tha ki schemes and off different different types so like if I talk here I have to make an organization scheme look if I want to put on top of my website I take it I put on top of our dot com is the website of a digital marketing agency If you want to put it on top, then I know the organization, then it means that my website is eligible for the organization scheme, that means there is no need to think about it, because my website is an organization, fine, so I search here as you will see. Here you will see many schemes which are there so if I go here and here I will show you see there is an organization scheme so I am going to create it ok so I will take my organization type Here as I take it here is education organization if mine and within that also if you have some preschool or college university high school then you select that too then I ignore this thing once more specific type I do fine, brother, as soon as I select the education organization here, you see, the scheme here starts getting generated, right after that I put the name here like I am random thing here only mention I am doing ok age 10 agency I name it here is our alternate then I write like digital marketing agency if we have some alternate name then I will mention that here right after this gas url then our Whatever will be viral of the website, it is okay, we will put all these pages on top of the website, won't we? On top of this we can do our website means here there is nothing specific that our organization is for about space and in contact and speech our website is organization or not so if we want then we can adopt this particular scheme. You can implement what is on top of all the pages of the website, so here I have put the URL, it is very easy to extract the URL gas also, like if I go to the top of my website here, which is our dummy website. If I go to the top of this, then whatever people have put here, you have to right click and take the copy image which is here, okay, then I take it, if we take anything, like if I take it from another website. I also take people from here I go here and I copy image address like this okay so I will mention that people's URL here fine and after that I will mention our contacts like If we have technical support, we will mention the phone number related to our customer service, in which areas we serve, we can mention all those things here, so if it is needed, then Do not do this because look, there is an organization, it is of different type, it operates fine, so whomever we have mentioned, I will mention our social media profiles here, like Facebook, I will mention my URL. If you want to do it then I can copy the URL of my Facebook page from here, whatever the URL of our Facebook page is, I will mention it here, can I put my urine here ? But if you want to mention, I will do it, this is not an unright thing, what do we have to do, we have to mention the URL of our Facebook page, so I copy it once quickly. From here it became the URL of our Facebook, in the same way, which will be the URL of our Twitter, I mention it here, like if my Twitter URL is this, it is okay, in the same way, my Instagram URL is mentioned here. I will do that what is the URL of my Instagram, I will mention it here, here instead of Facebook, I write Twitter here and here I write Instagram right, what will you do, you will get whatever you want . Whatever the URLs of your social media profiles, you will create your scheme data here, so now you are seeing that your script is parallel. Its main data is created here it is your created fine so for one time I copy it gas and here I put it in notepad so now I am not implementing it on top of the website I I am just explaining to you, so I have copied it from this type and kept it here, after that you can do the same with the copy given here, after that you have to test your scheme. Data is ok, is it correct or not gas here we will go simply ok on top of test and on structure data testing tool we will click fine and if you are looking here then our testing tool here is open Done now this side if there is no error in it then it will tell me that there is no error everything is fine perfect and you can do its man which is on top of your website where you are seeing that you Which is our scheme, it is perfectly visible here and without error and if you see error, then I change a little bit here, after running the commonwealth, you will see the error, it will show you right, then make sir 's key once. You must check because this is the code, sometimes there can be a mistake, so make sure that the scheme that you have is proper, that the scheme that you have is the data that is proper, and then you just go ahead and do it, not like that. There is a mess and you are going to do the same, you went here and directly copied it, once you do the test, it is fine, then by this type we can create our schemes, in the same way, if I go to man that i want to create personal scheme then you see this person scheme name url profile picture social media profile man take any individual website ok or on top of a web page author mentioned about the person What came about, then we will do the person's scheme there, then what kind of content is the website of gas depends or According to the type of contact of the web page, according to the scheme, we will show you that if we are in the business of travel agency, fine, then if you look here, then I will show you that if we are local If we go to the top of the business, then even in the local business, if you see, there are many types of local business, remember us, only the dentist's right is visible and in the same way, if you look here, the government office is visible, the business related to the food establishment. It is visible in the same way, if I was talking about travel, then look, it is the business of travel agency and after that we travel agency's name of our business, its image URL, its URL, URL of website, URL of basically people with image . Right after that, the price range, street cities, zip code, country, all the information given by mentioning all these things, we will create the scheme data in the same way, in the same way that we have seen the recipe recipe. See that also quickly here, if you look at the recipe person, he is asking us for the information related to the recipe, what is the name of the recipe, what is the description of the recipe, what is the primary key word, image, URL, image, basically this thing is happening. date this is basically de image url so that image which is not it, it must be from somewhere here, it must be related to any image of this website itself, that image right, you must have understood this thing, after that if gas we come here like I When I come back, we can add images, okay, we have to mention our steps, what we did in step van, what we did in step you, and all those things will also be on your site if you see. This is the first step, this is the second step, in the same way, this is the third step, so on our website also we have put these steps, what are the steps and what are their images along with the steps, so the same thing We have to mention here that if Google's system is not able to understand the content of the website very well, then there is no need to take tension, we have a scheme which allows the crawler or Google's system to do this in a better way. Will be able to tell what the content on the website is about, then this thing has become clear to you and after that your scheme will be created here also and your scheme code is a gauge to you of something like this. You will see the scheme code, fine, now gas, what is the second question, this is a question, it is very common that how many schemes we can put on a page, then gas it according to the content on the top of the page. You can apply whatever you feel is relevant to it, there is no need to take any tension in it, after that it comes to the point that where should we apply the scheme, should we apply it in the head or in the body, try to understand this. Many people do not understand this thing , but you have to understand it carefully that there is information of the website inside the scheme . Exits only by calling your head section, it will call your head section, it will also call body, it will also call body section, it will also call footer, it will call information, whatever your script is. Apply it in the injection, whether it is the one that iskimawar is applied in the body section, it does not matter much, you can apply it wherever you want, when you apply it, wherever you feel, when you apply it, after that you can download your web page. Also test that the scheme which is on top of our web page is properly applied or not, fine but it does not matter whether you are applying it in the head section or in the body section. If you keep in mind, then gas has become our scheme here, now gas, if I talk about implementing this Kim, how can it be implemented on the web page, then once I tell above WordPress, its mass, what do you If you can implement in a way, then once I tell you on WordPress and after that I tell you, in which type you can implement the schemes with the help of Google Tag Manager. Like if I go to the top of our website and here I have taken the above of my website which is the about space I edit this which is our about space on the top of this page I want to put some scheme on the top of the page from lets If you want to apply then I will edit the knowledge okay this is basically Akot so you go here okay and after going here you You will add a section which is any page builder you are doing it, any editor you are doing it and you will see almost the same type of interface just select the HTML from here which is Customer HTML and after selecting it After you copy this, paste your custome here and update it, one more thing, keep in mind that whatever you do, it is not data for the crawler, it is not for the user, so it will always remain in the code. It is not that you have to copy the scheme and put it on the front of your page, it is not necessary to do so, after that what will we do, this is our page, we update it once. We put the scheme and after that I view this page, if you view the page, you will see that here you are not able to see the scheme, you are not able to see it anywhere, its man is fine, which we have coded. yes but if i control u and here where i try to search its man here i search its man so gas i have searched and come down here ok so now if you see this scheme What is it that you are seeing here, what we have just installed, it is okay, so here you are seeing this scheme, which was the type of educational organization, the same scheme which I have copied, then gas from this type. We can install our scheme and verify whether the scheme on our website is installed or not, this is one way, if you want to use it through, then apart from that there is a lot of gas in WordPress. There is also a small basic plugin, there is a plugin by header footer code manager, which also provides you access to any type of code, because it is code, it is script, in a way, you do not get confused. Don't know which way to install it, this script is the code itself, right, by doing a Header Footer Code Manager, what we have is a plugin, like you are seeing Header Footer Code Manager, through it, whatever page you If you want to put on top of you can put I ad name is organization scheme ok and sniper's time whatever you want you keep html it doesn't matter if site is to be put on top of whole site then organization scheme is on top of whole site You can apply but if there is a specific scheme, like I would say if we have a frequently asked question and it has a different page or fat, the information I have given on the top of one page only and on the basis of that information we will make the scheme. If you want to generate, then you will put it on the space, you will put the specific page whatever you want, as you will put it here, you will have an option in the drop down that which different pages you have, you can take it and where you want. You can see that you have to put before content, you have to put after content, you have to put it in header section, you have to do it on all devices and you have to copy your defect code here, just simply do it with you, that's nothing to do. You should basically know this thing in your code, so from here we put the code of analytics, brother, set this plugin, that too goes to the court, so the thing is that the code of the scheme is in our code. If it should go, then when the code will be put on top of your website and then the crawler which is on top of your webpage, then it will read the code and when it reads, additional information will be in its system, on the basis of that it can better teach you the result. Yes, if I follow the same scheme with the man that I want to put what is on the about space, with the help of ATM, then we can do that too, I quickly go to the ATM, I have different Videos are made so in this particular video I am not telling ATM in very detail just I am telling which type you can apply with the help of ATM then I go above new and here I will give team and gannational scheme aur yeh fire ho raha hai all pages take man on top of it or if I only take it about space man then I mention about space only here about space is not marketing then simply you have to select the customer enter the scheme here And here you go to the trigger and we are doing this on all pages, we are doing it above some specific page, above which page we are doing above about space and about page which means to define about page. condition hai date is like yahan par jo hamara page url hai must contain about ok hai issi type se aur isko gas Hum log kar denge se aur se after doing gas, we will fine this too, so this will become our tag, now we will submit it, this tag of ours will go live, this code will go live for us . On top of the website, there are different different wedges through which you can apply schemes, now I have not told you one thing, date it actually, what type of dedicated plugins you have, dedicated plugins only with the help of which method you people whose mass Yes, you can put it on your website, but if you follow this method, then you will be better because here you have the raw code, now there can be different ways to put this code on the website, like I told you some ways. Given that now the GTA method is a universal method, a website has been built on any technology, once GTA has been integrated on your website, then you will not have to do anything, you will install it through GTA, if you have a developer, then You give this code to the developer, he can also integrate it. If you have a custom website, then he will also integrate it on top of it, and again the same thing comes, if there is a customer website, then the developer becomes the developer. From different types of schemes we get the option to create . Mention some things in the question answers on the top of the page . If you can put this thing in the court, then it can be a crawler which is written in the text format on the top of the page, which you must have written for the users, if the caller is not able to understand it, then you have the fact scheme data in the back end. It has implemented the fact markup scheme, which is implemented, when the crawler reads the code, when it reads the code, it will see that there is a man of facts here, then it will be understood, related to the question answers. There is content on it and if someone searches related to the question answer, then he will see the question answer type like we have also seen Sachin type in the result page, he will see the result, then gas today, believe you now. It must have been understood that scheme markup is an important thing and many people who are not applying it are missing the potential which is very big. You can also test the website which will have scheme data above scheme or not then gas for that you have to come over google ok and here you simply type test limit data ok test price to go ok and gas what do I do here for once Look here there are many schemes that we have put on this particular page, I am just showing you this page for testing, ok, we have to test on the basis of URL, we need to structure data on on-de-basis of url right then I go back once ok source on it we have to remove right this is d url and after that we run it test then now you will see within with these fuse seconds the results will go in front of you now look here But it is reading the whole code right and it is telling us that all this scheme data is look at the educational organization, first of all, while reading now, I have entered here, give the webcam recipe, first I must have put the website First I must have put then these are different types of scheme inside this particular code the and that is present so now see what I have put in the head section is it not reading it is also reading it ok so It is not that if you enter a scheme in the head section, it will not read it, even then it will read it, but there is a problem in the head section, we avoid it because we want the header to be loaded quickly. Our section gets loaded, so we avoid putting a little more code there, so people believe that if we want, it will be better if we give the body to the court of its mass, because it is a content-related thing. And the content is always in the body, so it is definitely believed by some people, but it does not matter whether it is in the head section or in the body section, whatever the website that is getting ranked, with scheme data means that Due to these different types your website is shrinking If you go over them and look at their thinking, you will see that in some, what is there in the head section, its man is lying, in some, it is in the scheme in the body section, such a thing does not make much difference, many things are clear to you Ho gayi with regards tu scheme hai markup [music] In the last video from gas, we tried to be very detailed about what is scheme markup, why do we need it, how to scheme markup inside our content. The information that is available is provided to Google's systems in a better way so that the appearance in our search engine result page can be better and can be seen in a better way, but we have discussed all these things in the previous video. Tha Gas In this particular video we are going to talk that if we have a word press website then is there any plugin through which we can generate the schemes and put it on top of our website On top of the different different pages as well as if we have a WordPress website, that is commerce, that is, if we have a WordPress website of I-Commerce, then what is the most important thing in the respect of commerce that we talk about the scheme If this date is actually a product, its main, then what is it for commerce, we can generate product schemes and automatically put product schemes on all product pages through a plugin, we will see all these things first in this particular video. Let's talk about which is such a plugin that will help us on page wise to implement different different schemes like I will tell you an example that let's take our WordPress website if we have WordPress website then on it I have corrected many posts inside the block, now I want that all the posts, which are our posts, should automatically have the scheme of post type in all those posts on the particular website and in some post I hope in future automatically the post types scheme will be displayed on top of the post, so if we want to do this type of thing, then by which type we can do it with the help of plugin, which we will do in this particular video. The first to see the question was whether there are any other plugins for scheme markup or second this plugin will help you in creating scheme of marks according to the content on page ok like I just told you block type of scheme same for block page How can we create product types schemes for all products, if we have commerce on our website, then first of all we see what is the plugin, which is the plugin that I have here. By opening you can see this ise d plug in scheme and structure date of up and mp to what you will do scheme mark now search here then you will get this plugin you will activate install I have already activated install when you install If you do this, you can see that here you are seeing the structure data at the bottom left here, then by doing the structure data, you will see the elements shown here, here you will see this on the left, this is basically the setting section of your plugin, which we People will do it for creating scheme, then you see, it has different options, so first of all what you have to do is to change some settings of this plugin and after that you have to generate and implement the schemes, then first of all you are here But let's go to the global settings, go to the global settings, go to the general settings, and here you have to tell this plugin what are the different pages on our website, as you know about The page which is there or which is the contact page, it is on almost all the websites, it is not that on some website the contact is there, on some it is not there, it does not mean that it is standard that it is on all the websites. If there is a contact above, then you tell about this plugin, which page is it, it is your about page, so here is my dummy website, on top of it, I have not created any page about it, but you can create it or not. Create whatever you have and then you will select your about space which is here, then I will take my about space sample space, I will take my contact's space, here is the privacy policy page that's my contact page Now here on the top of the Gage home page, we want that the website scheme which is on the top of our home page, after that Gage Blood Com Kim is also recommended, so you can select that also here and give it will go head And c will play from click on settings so these are some of our general settings then gage here we also get related settings from knowledge graph then you go above knowledge graph here you can see ok and after that your website What type of knowledge graph does it mean, if you see it, then generally you see only two types of knowledge graph, either it will be seen of a person or it will be seen of an organization, if you do not understand this thing, then I will tell you here. Like I type tcs here so if I type tcs then this knowledge graph you are seeing here this is of another organization na tcs ka hai whereas if I type Sachin Tendulkar here it searches ok Yes, now you are seeing the knowledge graph that will come, here you will see the knowledge graph of the person, so in general, if we try to talk about the knowledge graph, then there are only two types of your knowledge graph, then your organization is the second one. This is basically a person, here if there is an organization, then by selecting the organization, whatever information you have, you will mention it here and after that, if you are a cotton knowledge graph, then after selecting a personal, whatever information you have, you will mention it here. Will give along with the social profile which is there, if you want to add them here, you will also add and share settings, I am not doing it here, but you will do it, general settings, you will do it, you will do the settings of knowledge graph. Will do it after that gas main man ke chalta hoon that there are some blog posts on top of our website ok and for that I want to generate block post type which is our scheme I want this scheme on top of all block posts which What you have to do for this to automatically become fine nice, you have to go to the top of the scheme types, from here go to the scheme types and here you will see add scheme type, you will see it, click on it, above the type of add And here again he will give you the option to create schemes, so once we will tell you what I have just told you as an example, and next I will tell you that if we want to create a product type scheme, then what methods From that we can create gas, now you can see that it is telling us that if you add the new scheme, then what will be our type of scheme, then I will see here, I will type the blog or post here. I do right then I have typed block posting here, you see I have typed block posting here and after that it means scheme type will be our block post, I do next and where will this scheme be implemented, fine then I I say that if the post type is our post, it is okay to implement, you have different options, this post type equals to page, which we do not want, but here we want that post type equals to post itself. Should be I will create next and set gas date our scheme is successfully added here I will click on let's go and you are seeing this our scheme is added here block posting Type of scheme jo hai woh aad ho hua hai Again if our website was u commerce and we have to put the product main then what type we will put again will go ahead to gas iss baar hum log jo hamara scheme type gas usko us People select the product here and gas I do next, after doing next, you will again ask the option that this one is the scheme, what is the product type, where you want to apply, then what you can do if you can go head. And here you see if you want to put in post or want to put on post category, if you want to put in post format then gas main man ki chal raha hoon yahan par jo hamara post type hai equals tu agar product hota hai jo bhi hum post kar Be this equals product, I want to place this scheme of there, so it is almost all the products of our website, on top of all those products, these products will implement the scheme, then I gas, after that, after doing next and next You will see that this scheme is our implementation, so this plugin itself is a very powerful plugin of mine, there are many options inside it, if you go here, you can see Yes, you will get to see many options, if I go to the settings too, but first we have to understand that according to the type of pages we implement, by generating different types of schemes, we implement Can hukammers, if any, then how can they be implemented, after that, check whether your schemes are installed properly or not, which is your scheme testing tool, about which I told more details in the last video here But I had covered the basic of its image, so there you can see that by which type you go in your scheme testing tool, then you can test all these pages that the scheme is shown there. If you are doing right or not then gauge I believe you must have understood now that if any plugin has to do it and through it you have to generate scheme then in what way you can do [music] that we are some outdated so practice Talking about gas, whenever we learn something new, it is very important to understand that along with learning, it is also very important to pay attention to this thing that somewhere we are not following some such practice, somewhere we have to do something like this. We are not following the techniques, which have been basically updated in today's time, and by doing them, instead of benefiting us, we can be harmed and vice versa, Google's pudding can absolutely penalize us If we are doing this technique, then we will discuss all these things in this particular video, which is some update thing, today I am going to discuss in front of you in this particular video, as you can see, it is written here at the top. It has also happened to me that SU landscape is always changing, it is such a field where many things are dynamic, like if we talk about Google's algorithm, it keeps changing continuously, it keeps evolving continuously, Google's systems keep seeing whether The thing is in the fever of the user, in which way a system of Google can be made better for that, then whatever old techniques are private techniques, through which your website used to be ranked earlier in the olden days, all those strategies. In today's time, it has not been updated, then some start which we will discuss, as you can see here, the meta keywords which are the first one strategy man lo aap or this technique man lo implementation used to be earlier where we here Include the meta keywords that are there and inside the content, we put our different keywords, like if I want to rank above the digital marketing course keyword, then we keep our keywords related to it here. Giving the butt gas, what happened that a lot of people started spamming, it simply means that whatever words they want to rank above, they bring those keywords here and put them so that when the crawlers come here When Google comes, see that all the same keywords are mentioned here and try to rank the website, but the website where the probability of keyword stuffing becomes very high or starts to be made, there Google I myself thought that if I had eliminated the importance of this option, then the meta keywords which were very important before, means when Google's algorithm was not so advanced, it could not do ranking based on content, then these meta keywords are very important. To reduce it in a good way, some people would have run their HTML page simply by entering their key words in the keyboards, which was not as rich in content, but in today's time, it is not reducing, well, you can see. Here also I have written that search engines are not considering it because it was used for word stuffing, so gradually they will eliminate everything that leads to word stuffing somewhere or makes fortunette Masters. For the presence that they can stuff the keywords there, the backlink is related to the article directory which is no longer there, it is okay because Google uses them today as link forms, which means you use them for link manipulation. In case if someone wants to create links etc. which do not even have quality in those links, then in that case many people refer to American directories, but now from Google's point of view, this thing has no importance. Spinning, you used to have an original article before and you can convert that original article to any of the many bots available today. Tools are available at the time of which you keep the original article and spin it, even today there are many people who do this thing but the problem is that this one which is our original article or it You can also understand the original content, which is not original content, it is quality content, it is user centric content, that means you have written a lot of user entry content, keeping the user in mind, you have written that content, so this Our original content is, now when we spin it, then the quality of this content used to decrease, so if the call quality decreases of any content, then it is not very friendly, if it is not user friendly If it remains, now you will start to understand what is the problem. Actually, if we do article spinning, then the originality of the article, the originality of the article, the quality is reduced, and if you are reduced quality content or low quality content. If you do it on your website, then it is not better at all in today's time, right so it's inside technology or process which used to be used before, it is still there and even today many people do it but only D Concern gives you the low quality of this by generating it, if you think that you can do it with many of the best content writing tools and you can generate content from the article , these are the best content writing tools. It happens when they write the content to you, then you yourself make it once whether that content is user oriented or not, meaning user friendly, here I have written the video user centric, the simple meaning of this term is that the user Friendly or not, he is understanding that the content is not right, so it can be done to him, but the condition is that you understand it and look at the content whether you are understanding it or not. Later, if we talk about the gas fourth point or the strategy of the fourth technique, which used to be enough to date it, basically exact match domes, then what happens first, like I think that if I have my own web page above the word of digital marketing course I have to run it, I have to run the website, then I used to take a domain with exactly the same name and after placing my website on it, I used to try to run it again and I used to think that if the domain of exact match Hoga means my keyword which we are targeting, if the same keyword is in our domain, exactly the same keyword is in our domain, then we will get some advantage . I have given my own exact match which are the domains, they do not have any importance in the fact that because of them the website will be ranked, here the fifth point six seven right so 5th point you are seeing these are basically comments So what used to happen in the comment back links, as if I have a website of our digital marketing, for that if I used to go above the block of other digital marketing, then I go there and go to the option of comments which is in the form of comments. If I put some content, I used to go there and make my back link, but gas, this type of vaccines always have powerunity that can be spammed a lot or many backs can be made through tools or softwares, so where But also there is an opportunity of this farming like I told you wherever there is an opportunity of this farming, what will google do, it will reduce the weightage of whatever is the process of making banking by type, so over time this is what happened, give the comment actually The consideration is fine and it can be made automatically by the tool, so Google believes that it is not worth that much and in today's time it is an outdated consideration, after that if I talk about the exact time test, it is very important. And many people do not understand this thing like anchor text if anyone does not know then first I tell that like I want my website to rank above the word of digital marketing course right so for this I will make banking If back links are created, then the back link will be created on top of some or the other anchor text, which means when someone clicks on our text, it will act like a link in a way and then it will come on top of our particular page, so what have I done? did here one I have website van one website you have one website three and one website There is four and there is a website five and on top of this I made a back link and I took the anchor text of the back link, I took the digital marketing course ok digital marketing course I kept the uncut text, if someone clicks on it then this particular website of mine will come above or will come above this particular page this is our back link to this particular page which I want to run above this keyword disturb marketing course website number tu pe i went i did the same thing i did anchor text digital marketing course did it here also did it here also did it here also did it from here also did the number text from here so now what will be the gage that google's system this one When scanning the web page or this website, it will be seen that the text here is Digital Marketing Course which points to this website, well this is the back link of this website, very good thing, this is also a web page related to Digital Marketing Course The backing that is made here is also made on the digital marketing course anchor text, it is relevant, it is a good thing, it is relevant, right, then what will he do, he will check this page as well and Kate will check this web page also, he will see Above this particular page, which is related to digital marketing course, all the links are pointing that all the anchor text for this page is digital marketing course, disturb marketing course, system marketing course, disturb marketing course. How can it happen that every website is recommending it, it means there is some mistake, it means there is some timing, it does not seem natural, and it is not natural at all, so this is the reason, what happens many times. That many people use the exact time of the word on which they want to rank, they do the anchor text of that word and they do it everywhere which is not basically natural, it seems that you have done something. You have done all these things by setting or you have done things intentionally or you yourself have gone to make many bookings yourself and it is natural that you did not play banking, due to which the importance of the text of the exact time It is very less in today's time and this is a dated one which you can consider in it, you can also say that the strategy of updated backlinks is not at all such that they do not reduce the backlinks in the same time, I have told many times. Yes, the vaccine is also reduced in today's time, but earlier you used to get advantage even from low quality baglink, today you are not going to get that advantage, after that six points you can see here, many pages for everything I have also seen people doing this mistake and it is not a good technique what they do like I want to rank above digital marketing course I want to rank above digital marketing training I want to rank digital marketing institute I took above I want to rank above three keywords so what I did means which is not a good technique is that I made a page related to this I also made a page related to this I made a page related to this given it is not a good start ji rather because digital marketing course disturb marketing training and digital marketing institute these are same words right so what can you do around these three words you are same You will create a page or you will create a single page for all these three keywords. Around one page you will create right. It is a different thing that a digital marketing course is your keyword and one is the keyword of your Java course. Right one is the word of your course. If you take a man, then you will create a different page for him because it is different, it is okay because it is different, but if we talk about Digital Marketing Course, Marketing Training, Digital Marketing Institute, then you will not create a different page for him, there is also a keyboard . If you can get gas, these are some points which basically you should understand that these are the points which are not available in today's time, today all these start things are updated strategies, somewhere they will benefit you. [Music] Internal links We are going to understand what are internal links and what is the best practice to create internal links and what impact do internal links have on search engines. Whenever we talk about options, what do we have to do in sleeping, talking about all these things, the thing that comes on the top priority is our on-page, we have to do on-page and then The discussion that happens after this is around the fact that we have to create many boxes, it is also important and we have to do all these things, but there are very few people who discuss about internal links. Or let's talk about this thing that we need to pay special attention to internal links from sleep point of view or need to make good efforts, then we will discuss all these things in this particular video, which is our The agenda is that what is internal link, if we have to perform better in sleep, then first of all we try to understand what are internal links, so even the beginners who do not know what is internal link Yes, I will tell you the basic definition of it first of all, after that we go ahead, then here you can see written inter head hyperlink tha points, then on the page from d to domain, let's assume that we have a website. hai wich is here man chalete our domain here we have created a page wich this page van and this is done our slash a this becomes our one page page van and here We also have another page on this domain which is a dot com slash b yeh ho gaya hamara page tu to gage these two pages are on our domain which we can understand in this way from above website to gas if Any link which is mentioned here i.e. here there is a link above this particular page and it is pointing right above this page pointing above this page if this page is ours and this page is yours This is actually called today internal linking so when the link which is there points from one page to another page or the link which is mentioned on top of one page and it points to the top of another page in two, it is called further internal linking where if I talk about external links then what would be external links we have a website which is actually okay and any link from here this is the page this is the same page okay page van and here Any link from is going over, so cross domain linking is done here, so basically we will not consider it as internal link, so basically if you want to understand the basic meaning of internal link, then that This is the meaning of internal link and here you see the third different than external link which links out to page on the other domains then the difference should also be clear to you . And bot dekho the concept of internal link or the importance of internal link is for both people means for bot also if bots also come above your internal links then they carry some very important information and if users If they come, they do that to your internal links, for the purpose of navigation, that is, to go from one page to another, they do those internal links that are present. Now gas, if you are looking at this diagram, then You must have understood what kind of internal links are like I have taken this is our home page and parallely I also mention here like our home so here you can see this category van The meaning of category van is that from here I provide services, so it has become our services, as well as I also provide training for digital marketing, so this is my second category, which is basically a category related to training, so here But you can see this this category van and here you can see this this category you now try to understand that if a person clicks on this services then he will go to the top of the services page then if If he is going to the top of the services page, it means that there is a link to the services, but if he clicks on the training page, which is written here, the category is mentioned, then he clicks on the training page. If you look carefully, then both these links are mentioned above our home page, it means that these two internal links from the home page should be made If you have happened, then if I try to understand the basic meaning of how internal links appear on the top of the website, then this is the thing that you have seen here in the category van ho gaya category tu ho gaya then post within the category van is van or do not post if you want then you can also use the page this page van became this page tu done And you are seeing that category tu is being linked here , it is being linked here and after that there is some internal linking between them as well from post van i.e. from page number van to page number tu. is page number two to page number three is getting link from page number three to page number four is getting link and back from page number four which is page number van is getting a link so these all are basically internal links but Is there any benefit of this, which we are understanding so many things, whether it has any benefit from sleep point of view or not or we should make any strategy, are there any steps to create internal links, is there any best There are practices that we need to take care of, we will discuss all these things, one you thamrul, keep in mind here that any website which is more than a single page means a website on which the percentage of more than one page should be assumed that there But you will have to do internal links which are there or you will have to apply the concept of internal link there if website with more than one page means independent page cannot exist , the simple meaning of saying is that your website Above is a page which is on this page van here is another page above your website which is this page and this guest take this is our website and this is our website slasht now you understand carefully Try it this is the homepage this will be the second page now there is no relation between these two there is no relation anywhere but on this particular page it is neither mentioned nor on this particular page it is mentioned here only You have made these two pages which take its website man on your word that if you use the CMS of WordPress, then there are only two pages made in the back hand in the CMS of WordPress, there is no interconnection, there is no linking among themselves. Not un great ye ek achhi streets nahi hai toh aap first point jo bhi sakte hai everywhere with more de van page shud be connected with internal linking ya rule of thumb aap man ke chale ki internal linking to humne karne karna isko hum optional nahi We can keep this, we cannot ignore this thing, this is the most important thing, fine, so here, like I told you, if there is no internal linking here, then we should do internal linking, it is very small, I have taken two pages as an example. What are you relating to this, but if I talk about many pages, there are 100, 200, 250 countries, there are such pages, there are so many pages on the top of the website, there is nothing to worry about, one and a half 200 pages. If I talk about the website, then you think how important it is, we move forward, I believe, by now you must have been clear that what is the meaning of internal links and in this way these external links It is different from If I talk about the benefits, why are we giving so much emphasis on internal linking or why today we are discussing this thing, internal, they basically have two major regions, due to which internal links are very important. Yes, the simple meaning of saying site crawling making search is that I am taking the same example in front of you again and again. is our domain and if we mention some links from here, maybe These are the links which are of this type, which are the menu links, our manual ones are our links, right, there may be mention links in the menu, like this is about him, here is an about his page, here I am . Let's take a contact here is his page again if I take the same example then here is the page of services and here is our training page then gas is this page only and if means above our home page it is ok On top of our home page, if this thing is mentioned here in the form of menu, then basically it was an internal link, or gas internal links, when our website is presented in this way, and the crawlers go here When the crawler comes on top of our home page, then the crawler comes to know that what is the structure of our website, what is the structure of our website, what is the structure of each page. What kind of connection is this, when the crawler will come over our home page and cross the home page, then it is not that it will only cross the content of the home page. Along with the content of the home page, it also crawls the links etc. which are mentioned above the homepage, when it is crooned, it will start to understand the relationship that what is the relationship of this page with the home page. If I talk about the services section, then because of the man from the services section, here some of our pages get connected here, like so services are done, ok, puck services are done, content writing services are done here, so here From this, the crawler comes to know that this page is in relation with this page and this page which is not in relation with this page, one to each, you understand in this way, thousand or whatever navigational approach Or the crawling approach that is done, it seems easy to the crawler , but here if you have mentioned the internal links in a good way, which is a very important concept, date it, the concept of link , whenever we link two pages. If we link each other through internal linking, then in a particular case, if there is a link value from one page to another page, then I will cover the gender value further, what is the meaning of your link value? How do we get benefit from value but if I talk about benefits in major major two, today there are two benefits in front of you, one is from the point of view of site structure and second is from the point of view of site rolling, which is the link value. pauses and this is also a very important thing, this is not a light thing, it is a very important thing, so you will take care of it, so if I talk about different types of internal links, then first of all on the top of the home page, you will find different different links. Are visible in the form of the menu which you see the link In the form of the post feed which you see the link means above the post which you see the link and the fourth link which is the contract link means to say in our content this fourth one is very important Understand this carefully and we need to make the most of this start, because you make it according to your retirement brother, if it is a home page, then what type of links should be there on the page, if I have it, then you can see it in the menu. Whatever services you are offering or whatever type of business you have, according to that, you keep the backlinks that you already have or the links that are internal links, bactlinks will not be called internal. If you read directly , then you would have done this less, now we will talk about the post feed, as well as our contract links, I talk about them inside the content, this is the most important thing, like you have written a blog. Let me talk here, you have written a blog here and in this blog you have written what is very detailed inside the particular block, do that information, when you write about what is so, what about the on page here. Will not write about on-page only, will write about your off-page here, will write about that also, you will mention many things here from technical point of view, that too you have mentioned here, now you have mentioned here On the page you wrote the content, from this content you made a bank link, made this link above the other block content of your own block, where you have mentioned everything in great detail about the on page. Wrote only overview because iss particular block ka jo me title tha woh so ke around tha to major content to aap yahan par what is ek ho gaya around likhoge ab what isse ke insider on page a jaata hai to on page ab aapne likha to on You have made a link to the contents here in the page because you have written another very detailed content or blog already on the page, let's go to the man key of 1500 words, here you have written the content of 1500 words or words. If so, now when the crawler will come over this page, the crawler will understand about this page, the crawler will read its back or links and at the same time it will go over this page and the connection between these two pages Will try to understand that as well and this gives a hint or a signal to the algorithm or to the crawler that on which topic these two pages are or on which topics the blog is being written by this website. From this point of view, the crawler would also get help and the other one which I had told the user's point, here I had written a point for you people, here it is useful for both the users as well as for the boat today. In which way for the user, brother, he is consuming the content of What is So, if he is consuming the content of What is So, and if he went to the page of On Pay Kya On Page, then he also went to this page and Then he read the content of the on-page page as well, so now if the person has come over your website, then you also want that he gives maximum time on the website, so what will happen here? If the retention time of the audience is there, it will increase a lot, if the retention time of the audience increases, then there is a negative metric, which we call the bounce rate, if the bounce rate decreases, then it is also better for you, then it will spend more time here and maybe Have you put an internal link from this particular page on the top of another page, then the person went from there to the top of the page, then if he went to the top of the page, then the content there too If he is consuming, then the only session he created means that the user who came to your website once, stays on your website for a long time and this is a good signal, this is a good thing, which is a good signal. Google 's system tells that brother, this website is available, the contact of this website is organized in a very good way, the internal linking of this website is organized in a very good way, only then the person is repeatedly going over the valuable content and He is not exiting or he is not going out from this particular website so this is a good signal and it sends a signal to the algorithm that the website is available in understanding and we are doing less in the beginning In some way, we will convince the crawler, basically through the crawler, we will convince Google, we will convince Google's algordam, our website is not a very good website, so this is what we are doing, so now you must have been clear that what are internal links. And what are the benefits of internal links and in what way internet linking reduces, Google can easily workout on the relationship of the content present on the different page, so whenever you do internal linking, I told you the point now. If you do internal linking of page to page van, then it becomes very easy for Google to understand about the content of both your pages and what is the relationship between the content between these two pages or you You can understand like this, what are the similarities, okay, even with this type, the caller of Google gets a lot of information, internal link health and provisioning, this contacts, you birds means more contacts, means here is basically information, you are better. If you want to understand in a way, here it means that they provide relevant information to the boat that what is important on your website and what is the relationship between the different posts you have posted, then your content. If we understand the bot in a better way, then the more lightly we take internal links, the more lightly we should not take internal links, now gas if I talk about link value like I have pointed here It was written that at least it helps the search engine to understand, it is a good thing, we have discussed it in detail, now what is the meaning of passing the link value, so first of all, let us understand what about the link value. It means look, here if I tell you in the easiest language, then the link value simply means authority is okay, authority or if you want to understand in more easy language, then I should say power, if you say that we have a page, this is it. Now the authority of the page is more or less, how will it be known, then the authority that is in general, the strength it has or how many valuable batsmen are pointing to this page, the popularity of this particular page and what is the rest of the issue Space has done it in a manner that the content that this page has put is according to the guidelines or not, keeping all these things in mind, keep all these factors in mind, this page has some value of its own, some authority is made. Now you will not see that 30 anywhere in the eyes of Google some tools which are used to measure authority through da and ka but that is not 100% accurate thing but we do not have any other way to measure that's why we People measure the authority in the form of de and ka they say that the domain authority of this page is 100, the value of this domain is 100, the value of this page is 50, so they judge some factors do tell you It is given that how much is its domain authority and its page authority, but it is not 100% correct, but if we talk about the basis on which they measure, then they also measure on the same basis that this page has its own How strong is the profile of this space, how good are their bank links, they are pointing to such strong backlink speech, then backlinks are the determining factor, by which basically these people justify their authority. Backlink means if we talk about tools, how do we tell that this particular page has a lot of link value, it means that the major contribution in it is backlinks only. I am talking about the authority of this page, the authority of this page is very high and if I am telling you that the authority of this page is very high, then it means the back link quality of this page and the higher number of package quality. If this number is high, then page authority is the link value and if I talk about all three of the link juice, authority, power, link value or any other terminology, the one whom we call the link, then all these things are particular to him. Dayo fines the strength of the page, toh ab gas hum main ke chalte hai ki jaise ye wala hamara ek page hai, ok this one is our page and one page, this is two pages, there are other pages too, but we will discuss them too First I go to Man Ke Chalta Hoon, we have an APJ and one we have this B page and both these pages have some authority or some link value and that link value is being represented here in the form of stars. The link value is being represented, now if we talk about passing the link value, like what I did, I did not give a link from here to the internal link here, then you are seeing that these two stars have passed here, okay. Very good thing now it has few less stars that will be left here if I talk here you are seeing these are two stars out of which it has passed some stars here almost half the stars have passed here look at it If there are stars, then two are taken in it, it is okay, four, no, after that, start and send a link here, so that its link value goes here, then 50% of its link value goes here and the remaining 50% of the link value, if If you see it has come here, then this star which is almost visible to you, where did it come from, it came because of here, half of it came from here and the remaining two of it because it took out four links, this bpch took four from itself If the link comes out, then the link that it had was divided into four parts, so four internal links were made in it ; If it is done, then the link juice of two will be divided into four, then brother, half will come in everyone's share, then the same thing will happen, then the link which is the link which is the authority, then what does it mean to say that the authority can be divided, that is, if on my website Understand very carefully if there is a page on my website whose authority is very high, then can we do that to its authority, which is our new page, yes this is D point and this is D most important Benefit of internal link The most important benefit of internal link is that when we write a new blog, it does not have any authority of the blog page, then we want our existing page which is our already existing page. There is a lot of banking built on them, that means they are pointing to many stages, so the authority of that page must have already been made, so why don't we take a little authority of that page in the process of our new Even if the page grows, that's why we use internal links, so what many people do is that they try to take a lot of links from the home page itself, because most of the links are on the top of the home page. What do people do in most of the cases of having the highest link value above the home page, like I want to sleep on my website, then when I want my website to be like that, then I put the home page on the page, after which I can make backlinks. Most of the vacuings we point to our home page, somewhere on the other website, if we are making backless, then all the packings point to the homepage of our website, so if they point to the home page If you point to our website above, then the authority will be very high. If the authority of the home page will be too much, then we start giving links from the home page, then this is not the right way, actually you have the maximum link authority in the home page, it is clear that the link juice is there. The page is famous, it has the value of the page, but it does not mean that all the links which are internal linkings, you start making from your home page itself, you have created a new blog, put its link on the home page that on the home page We have the most authority, so if we get a link from the home page, then this one of ours, which is our internal page, will be ranked or it will also get the benefit, whatever its link value is, it will pass. Ultimately the link value will be passed , then if we have kept the rest of the factors as such, then ultimately after some time we have kept more, then that page is our rank. I am talking about ok so here I have dedicated all these points and written Google device link value from page which I told you if you link your new content visiting content or blog it is actually beneficial for you now Let's do all these concepts, we understood that why there has been talk of internal linking, okay now we have decided that internal linking is a profitable deal, brother, if we do internal linking, then it is beneficial for us, but some things to keep in mind There will definitely be those points in it, we discuss one by one that in which type we will have to create our internal links, then first of all you look at Creating More Content and give it the scope of Creating More Internal Exam. The thing is, let's say that our website was and on top of it we had a blog section, so the more we create content, the more we create blogs, the more we have the advantage that we can better manage the internal Linking is they can do link here link here link here link here link from this link here link It is not like that, okay, the direct meaning of taking the link is that keep watching from 11 onwards, like the example I just told what is so, if it applies to type things, then you should do internal linking, it is not like that. Without meaning you are forced to do internal linking, then you don't have to do it, so this is the first point second is used relevant anchor text don't over same fresh what do many people do like this particular page They want to rank man liya they want to rank the page with on page on which the content related to on page is mentioned, so they just pick up the text of this issue and test this issue on their rest of the pages. I also go and put it like this page van hai page tu hai page three also put it here and you have taken the link from here nice thing above this particular page ok you see the content above this particular page is relevant Can there be anchor text, it is not necessary that the text is from everywhere, it depends on what is the content here, in which contact you have it, after that you mention the anchor text there, then what you are on top of this page. You can mention internal links because when I talk about internal links, it is not that we can ignore anchor text, anchor text is also an important concept, so the point is written third is avoid link to top page in D Hair key, you do not have to do this, like the internal links that you have created, you are taking all the internal links above the home page, this is not an right thing, there is a lot of authority above the home page. Link the deep pages which are below the pages in your hierarchy so that the link value is passed there, the link value is always passed from top to bottom, that is why I had written this point which you are seeing here near the home page. So there is already link juice or there is already a lot of link value near the home page because there are many links on it that are pointing to that page, the traffic is highest on that page, so in most cases your website's It is the home page, isn't it, from the point of view of the link, this value is the richest, so brother, the one who has more people than him, or will you give it back to him, you are understanding, do n't you want to do this from the second page of your home page link to It has to be given so that its further link value which is increasing or not, which is your new page, but you have to divert the link value here, it is okay, towards the minimum which is the rule of nature, higher pressure, you lower pressure, type it. Keep this thing in mind that always hi tu low floor hota hai kabhi lo tu high flow thodi na hota hi tu lo always flow hoga ok so from where link values ​​will be high we will make the link juice flow to those pages Above where we do not have that much link value and for this the method that we will do date this is actually internal linking after that natural link for the reader is not even that the reader is reading here what is it so now you are in between I don't know from where you talked about Google AdWords or forcefully talked about Google AdWords and this Google AdWord has to be taken over your block, this is not relevant, so keep the user in mind Always have to keep Google's bot happy for the bot, brother, Google's bot will be happy only when the user is happy, so first priority is to keep the user's bot, Google's bot will be happy automatically, after that do follow links are used in internal Likings In most cases we have to do two follow links, do follow links, so we have to do that because what I am telling you again and again that this is a game of link juice, is it a game of link juice or in link value That's why I am repeating you again and again, after watching the video, once you watch the video, the link juice link value will flow only when you give the do follow link, the meaning of the do follow link is that this one who Page hai na page van yeh bol raha hai Google se ki dekho bhaiyya maine do follow link gaya se page van se page tu pe ek link gaya aur ye two follow gaya I am recommending I am recommending page van ka raha Hai main comment kar raha hu page tu ko yahan par link pada hua hai na aisa toh main recommend kar raha hai face tu ko to to recommendation kar raha raha hai date is actually de do follow to do follow mein link jo slow hoga otherwise link The concept of juice is over, in the case of internal linking, most of the people who implement it, actually follow it, but understand what is the strategy, we have to make a strategy, which page to link, which one This is all about how to link to a page, that's why I am making this video, if you tell me, you will also know that internal links are important, but what are the things to keep in mind, they are more important than that, they can reduce the bounce. The rate as I just told that if the user goes from one page to the second page to the third page, then it would definitely be a negative, which Google does not like, the bounce rate will be reduced, you will see the bounce rate in Google Analytics, you will see the bounce rate in three . You will keep looking but bouncer rate will not be visible, in this series of four, I have made a video on this that if you understand bounce rate in jio phone, then you will have to understand engagement rate, it is not direct but voucher rate in google analytics in gs3. It happens because I used the word bounce rate two or three times in this video, now you will see that brother, how will we know the bouncer, how much is the bouncer of our particular page, then how much is the bounce rate of this particular page? It is known through google analytics and if you do not even know what is the meaning of bounce rate, then I clear that too, from lets 10 people come on this particular page of yours, 10 people and 10 people from space again . Some people don't go ahead, some linking you didn't mention, there was no connection, so out of these 10, some people don't go ahead, they take some men, even if they go ahead, five people went ahead and five people went back from here. If you go back then this bounce is 5/10 and if I am talking about rate, then it will be about percentage, we will multiply it by 100, so it becomes 1/2, that is, 50% of your bounce rate is here. Our bounce rate of 50% is visible here because how many people bounced from the page, how many people left the page, this bounce divided by total, how many visitors came, if we talk about the simple formula, rate ki baat The word rate is happening anywhere, don't get confused, it is a matter of direct issue that he is asking percentage, rate means percentage, the rate which is visible here, then bounce means five, again I write here. 5 / 10 * 100 it is 50% and what is this, these are the numbers of bounce and the visitors who came, I wrote it again because you guys don't forget once. ok then saw the bounce rate of reduce and this is in gs3 if you have done ga3 hai universal artist jiko bolete woh, then you will see the bouncer in front of the page ok go and see what is the bounce rate of home page and second page What is the average bounce rate of all of them, then how much is the bouncer of the whole website, you will get to see the number of internal links. There is no fixed number of three, four, sir, how many have been made ? Creating a link is a very beneficial thing, the link juice will reach, the website will be ranked, so stick it anywhere in this affair, you don't have to do linking, so take care of yourself very well, then see the relevancy first and then I go by this man that if you have thousand world content then you can make darklings which are four links which are properly distributed which means the internal linking which is done in the beginning is half available means if I Let's talk about content, this body of content is body of content, that's why I am talking about below, our split is above, our header is here, so if I talk about this body of content, then the link stock in the body of content There are no pay, it is not more valuable, nor in the beginning of the content, if you have kept the linking, then it will be more valuable for you, okay, so if I go above the numbers, then I have mentioned four links here. You can put on and average, if you want to put content around 1000 words, it is okay, now you have written 1400 words, then you have not sworn like this, will you make poor people, brother, if you are getting punch, then put punch, it is okay. Link These huge sections of content are always available to gas I believe a lot of things are not with regards to this internal linking and the concept of internal linking you must have understood it now you should start applying it and start understanding the benefits of internal links But majorly, if I tell you that there are only two benefits, then the crawler helps a lot in understanding the structure of your website and the second and the concept of link juice is also very important, friends, today I would Hoon video aapko suna hoga video ko like zaroor tak pahunchaiye who want to learn search engine option in right way want to learn search engine option in latest way I do not tell those strategies which are outdated in today's time we use them as strategies Let's do round discussion when I am teaching you the same strategies which reduce in today's time or by doing which I have ranked my clients' website whatever it is or I am doing it right then I believe many things you guys With regards to internal linking [music] we will talk about the introduction and then we will discuss some points on how we can optimize the crawl budget. Gas scroll budget is a lot of technical so Important concept is a very important factor and when this factor becomes even more important when you are reducing on such a website which is larger than the website, now the meaning of the larger website here is that if your website is late If your website is more than 5000 pages or around 10000 pages, then in this particular case the concept of crawl budget becomes even more important for you . Big website also sleeps, so if you are reducing on a website which is a big website, then you have to try to understand this video in more detail, Crown budget is not that much important factor when we Let's talk about a small website, a blog is smaller than a small website, so in this case your call budget automatically gets optimized practically, you do not need to pay attention to too many things, there is some basic thing like your sitemap if it is proper. Which is your robots.65 That property that is the structure of the URL, that property is that if your server is good, well, if all these things are basic things, then you need to pay a lot of attention to the optimization of the crawl budget. No, everything is done automatically for a small website, but still we need to understand the concept. So it should be known that what is the meaning of this crawl budget and what is the meaning of the option of crawl budget, then first of all if we talk about the basic definition, do something to understand what is the meaning of crawl budget, then here you can see Ho basic definition given here crawl budget is d number of page google bot cross end index on a website in a given time frame look here we are talking about resources we have to understand this thing very carefully when crawler of our website It comes up like this is our website and this website has different different pages like this one is P1 this is 32 this is P3 this is P4 if our website comes on top of our website it is ok then when this problem comes on top of our website In a given time frame, let's take man's walk time, we take any time according to our own here, like man's walk for one minute, how many pages will he call within 1 minute, who gave this one minute time to the scroller ? It is called the cross budget of our website. It is okay that you are seeing the time of 1 minute. This caller can forget to call all the pages of our website within a minute. It can also happen, so now what is the point of understanding that the crawl budget which has been allotted for our website is okay, the crawl budget of Google's crawler is 1 minute and if ours is not reduced in one minute, all our pages which If they are not crossing, it means that our website should get more crawl budget in respect of crawler, it should get three minutes, it should get four minutes, it should get five minutes, then all the pages will be able to be properally, then it means to say that It happened that if the crawl budget is more , then it is beneficial for us, isn't it? If the crawler will spend more time on our website, it means that he will be able to understand the other specs of our website in a better way, as well as he can understand the aspects of our website, he will be able to scan it as well, then the scroll budget is an important factor . Yes, but this is a matter of time, if your website is small, then the matter of time does not matter so much because even with limited crawl budget or even with small crawl budget, if your website is small, with less pages, then less Even in the budget, the crawler understands your website very well, there is no problem in that, but if we talk about 10000 pages, where 10000 pages, you understand that no matter how good the call budget is, there is always one thing here. The rate is kept that it should not happen that some of our important pages are of our website, now I will be able to make only two to four pages here, but due to there it is ₹ 10000, if here then the crawler of some important pages will not cross them. found because crawl budget exhausted there again if try to understand the definition see here it is d number of page google what cross and index on an website with in a given time frame so if there is a crawler whose crawl budget is something It is understood that due to 25 pages in one minute man, this is its scroll budget for a website, the crawl budget of this particular website will remain as it will call at 25 pages per minute, while there is another website, this website van this is this website tu aur man ke chalte hai the crawl budget for this is 30 minutes on page there is another website website three here let's go on 35 page okay here we don't have to focus on this thing that is 35 It is not worth paying attention to the minute, which has been talked about that the crowd budget of this particular website is the lowest, it is more, it is more than that, so what is the thing that determines that Also, how much should be the particular website means first of all we had to understand what is the meaning of call budget, then when a crawler comes on top of our website, then he would have been allotted some resources that look brother, you have so many pages so much time If it is okay to crawl, then call so many pages in this time and come back, they are being missed, no problem, they will be seen later, when the recalling is done, then they will see it . The budget was given, the crawler was given some other visit for the second website, so why is Google's call, when it is only one, then it goes over this website, then it takes more crores of budget, if it goes over this website, then reduce it and takes the budget Why is this, why is this discrimination happening, so what is the budget, it does not depend on what, why different websites are getting different crawl budgets, to understand this, we have to understand two more things here . crawl budget is d level of attention your website get from d crawlers on search engines how much tension they will get ok get high raw budget in higher authority website now here is all the hidden thing what you are seeing what it means to say high authority website If your website is a bit old, if there is better content on the website, if there is regular content on the website, if there is fresh content on the website, if the website is garden free, then the server of your website is good. If the authority of your website is good and according to whatever factors are the guidelines of Google, if your website is good and content is going on it regularly, then Google also thinks that this website is a regular content team. There have been some updates on a regular basis, so quickly move on to this website, which is above us, by crawling and indexing, keep us in your server, which is the new content of this website or new articles or new blogs. Why because Google also wants that Google should keep the information of all the new articles that are being created all over the world by indexing them so that if the user searches something, then Google can show it very easily, then Google also has a purpose. That 's it, so now Google has understood that brother, this is a website and these people do not keep putting too much regular content on their website, the first time he came, he saw 10 pages, then again when he When he comes to your website, he sees that there are 15 pages, then he comes to your website and he sees that there are 30 pages, now he has understood that this website is an authority website, this website is a good website, if this website is good If there is a website, then let's keep it in the category of high quality website, let's understand that it is a high quality website and we will allocate our crawl budget to it, which is the higher Clairol budget, we will allocate it to the budget which is the call budget. 25 pages in four minutes or 30 pages in minutes or 300 pages in minutrol budget comes with a crawler, who decides on your website, you decide only your website, if the website is someone whose authority is very good website then its crawl budget will also be more. To understand the crawl budget in more detail, we need to pay special attention to some other things or it also needs to be understood in a better way, in which the first thing is crawl limit, host load, this factor. We need to understand that it also determines that our call budget, how much will it be, okay, let's go to the man, the caller here comes on top of your website and after coming to your website, how many pages does the crawler visit? Only parallel can roll now understand this like this is a page van, this is a page tu, this is a page three, this is a page four, then how many pages the crawler can parallelize, now how many pages should be crawled parallelly? It depends on what thing brother, we understand this thing like this, how do we determine the power strength of our laptop, how do we determine what is our internet connection, how powerful is our internet connection, we go to chrome and We open many of our tabs and see if there is any problem, whether all the types are opening properly or not, this tells us that our laptop is very good, isn't it? Types are opening simultaneously no problem is coming many applications so we are running what we have together in the same way when crawler comes over our website and sees that many pages are crawled Crossing a lot of pages means crawler went here also went here also went here means pages are coming from the server If I understand, hosting is very good, then how good hosting is, it determines how many parallel pages the crawler can crawl, within the given time frame, the date is actually called forward crawl limit, so the lower the crawl limit, the lower the crawl budget. The lower the crawl limit will be allotted to you , why is it happening brother, you did not pay attention to the server, your server is a bit weak, so your crawl limit is less, but your pages are not crawled, because more pages are being crawled. If it is not happening and this is the problem, then your crawl budget will also give you less. Google's okay brother, you increase your Karauli limit earlier, if you increase your crane limit, then you take your website to 30 websites, as I told here, then in the particular case, next time Whatever it is, your cross budget will increase, now here another question becomes whether crawl budget can increase with time, yes crawl budget can increase with time, when your website is new, you start the website. If you do it, it does not have any authority, then Google does not spend its resources on your website without any reason. When you start doing it, you start building its authority, by the way, Google's crawler, which comes on top of your website with more crawl budget, then the over-d period of time, if you have properly reduced the top of your website, then the crown of your website Budget is also there is over d period of time increase then one more thing you got the answer here second what is the demand means what we are saying to the crawler from our side bring more brother bring more call budget bring more crawl budget why we are asking to bring it because our url which is worth crawling based on it's popularity and offenits being updated here what i told you we are updating content regularly add new page We are doing something or the other in the website, its population calling seeduling also does one thing, which means that in which order all the URLs of our website will be crawled, according to which order they will be kept on the basis of priority. Know which URL is important, which URL is not important and you have some basic idea that if we talk about the importance of URL, then the importance is defined according to each key, that means if we talk about the structure of our website. home page about services page after that when we talk inside services then we came to second level and inside all those services also if we talk then we came to third level okay so when we talk So the pages of the website which are on the top of the hierarchy of the website, they always get more priority, fine, so here which URL is worth crawling, which one will cross on priority, so if many of your URLs are above the level van, then You have full chances of getting more crawl budget, then first of all, how much your website demand is being generated according to the crawler, are you doing less or not, the more you reduce on the website, the more demand you generate . The more crawl demand is generated, the more crawling scheduling will reduce, that means the step that comes after crawl demand is crawl scheduling, how to crawl, and after that, there is also an important factor in all these things. What is the cross limit, how many pages, pages it can crawl only parallel, if the crawler is on top of your website, then all these things also answer the question of how the crawl budget is assigned, then I believe you now have both these You must have understood the concept, what is cross budget, what does it mean, who brings the website, why does the website differ, and if the website differs, then how is it assigned ? Rest, I will put a recording here. In Google search console, you can also go to call start max and you can see that the information related to crawling is visible there, so if you want to understand this thing, call status. What is the crawl budget, what is it, how many pages are being crawled, what is the demand, what is not there, then you can see all that by going to Google search control, I will put the recording here on the side so that you people There should be no problem in understanding the rest of all these things in more detail, the conversation inside Google Search Console will be done in our playlist with Google Search Console. No, you optimize for crawl budget means you this It is understood that if we reduce on many technical factors, then our crawl budget will be optimized like this, there is no need to do anything, so now understand here that URLS with parameters can create problem like here one Looking at the example, this type of URL, which is basically when some user searches, then from this type of URL, you see that it is generated, just like any of our e-commerce If there is a website, then you see that the URLs related to the product are generated here, now in such URL additional URL, the URL of the issue is ours, this is, this is slash products, this is and after that if I have shoes here So this is here I man take belt then this if I man take chairs then this if I man take camera then this is all our important url but here if parameters are A then I don't want this And perhaps what I told you in the Robot Dot Tasty class is that we have to ignore all these, so we can do this with the help of Robot 60, that we should ignore these types of URLS or If we do not allow their crawling, then if we do not allow their crawling, then the roll budget which is meaningless will not be wasted, what is the call budget? So if I have told this to the system, look brother, this page is not important, otherwise we are doing proper optimization of the call budget, see what the word optimization means, the word option means how to do something effectively. Debt is actually an option, let me tell you that you have some money for budget optimization, talk about that option, it simply means that where are you spending your money, are you spending it at the right place or otherwise in the same way If our urls are getting indexed or crawled regardless of whether we are spending the cross budget in the right place or not and we can stop them in some way the way to stop is robot shot if we can stop them If possible, then we stop them because they are non-important, well, after that, the second thing is date, this is broken links, which are also dead and create and broken links are also such a thing that basically hampers our crawl budget. or crawl budget option hampers after that more reduction stand create problem there was a url like your / a reduction is happening from here slash also read reservation is happening from here slashree reduction is happening from here slash di So, if you do a lot of ray direction, brother, direction is being done without any meaning, here some resource here, resource here, resource is being wasted, it was ultimately to reach the crawler here and it has wasted so many resources, so in this particular case, we have to have to be patient with the optimization of the crawl budget because the scroll budget has not improved in the cap no ok content should be crawling friendly no problem in crawling ok html etc we can do it without any means java script etc new it Do it if it is not needed then pay attention to all these things Hosting I have already talked about it if the page will not be able to load properly in our way if the response will not come from the good server then how will the crawler also render the page ok the page itself Pages are not loading properly, pages are not being rendered properly, then optimization of crawl budget will be hindered. It looks very short but that's why I told in the beginning that there are few pages, it doesn't need much attention, but you should know the concept, if you are learning like this, then you must know, but the tenth is 50 pages and You are thinking that if we optimize the crawl budget that we are getting for crawling, then there is no need to think much, make a site map, etc., and give all the directions to the crawler, look, this is the URL, this is the URL. This URL is important, it is not, you have already blocked the non-important thing from the robot shot, so if you are doing all this, then the call automatically gets optimized, okay after that the off-de website of structure and thousand Make sure important pages are higher in the hierarchy because what I was talking about is that it also checks which URLs are worth crawling, which URLs are important, which we should call in the starting, which URLs are like this If you put the most important url below in the thousand key, then the same problem will be created for you, then we need to pay attention to all these things, our crawl budget will be automatic, a lot needs to be done. Not only this, but many people do not talk about this thing, the reason is that in most of the cases, we reduce above the normal or small website. Where it doesn't effect so much I believe many concepts must have been cleared by you [music] What is the meaning of naked links and if we have placed a naked link on any of our web page then in what way it can be linked to us. We will see all these things which will affect the Efforts. In this particular video, gauge is a very basic concept, sometimes we pay more attention to the big concepts which are complex concepts in understanding them. Many people spend energy and time and do not pay attention to such very basic concepts, first of all we will try to understand what is the meaning of naked penis and then we will try to understand it. that if we do the naked link to it, then in what way it can affect our sleep, then gas here, if I talk about the definition, then you can see any link that I have put on the top of my web page here. I am specifically talking about the reference of internal link that I have any one of my page like I take here this this web page this is some web page of my website and I have put a link on it and I have given it a link Anchor text not given If I do not give anchor text to my link then it means that it is a naked link without anchor text is actually un naked link To point reason this this web page you are pointing it now gas here comes the question here one or two questions arise here I will discuss them the first question you ask is if Google gives us any advantage First of all, try to understand that if I have given any such link which is a naked link, it means that no contact should be removed with it, it is a simple matter when the crawler will come here on this web page. If it comes up then see the content of the gas web page and after that there is a link here which is going to the top of this page means no contact is being justified between these two pages, any relationship between these two pages If there is no justification between , then if you put a naked link on the top of your web page, then it is just like a normal link, if you think that someone very special, if you get an advantage from it, then you will not get it because the links are Neither specially the internal links which are reduced on the context, which means that the value of internal links does not depend too much on the fact that one link is going towards another page or is connected with another page. What is the contact between both of them or what is the relationship between each other but that relationship is actually defined like here if I write here I write what is so this is my antique and when I am above it I will click, any user will come and click on it, then it redirects to this page, and here the detailed information about sleep is mentioned, then Google's crawler is Google's system, when try to understand this thing. It will be understood that the internal link present here is taking it above a relevant page, so there is no relevancy here. We are not going to get any special benefit in this, so we have to keep this thing in mind that if we have to do internal links, then it should not happen that we can do naked links directly, so that you can get any benefit from the point of view. not going to get right but what happens here is like this is the link I did but I linked it so it will have anchor text then what if nothing else is there no text look at it's anchor text right here Jo content hai na woh aaj anchor text ushe hoga as I have written point here also you can pay attention itna naked link itself since kisi ko kam ka nahi hamare health there is no contact where it is linking you fine to wahi me The matter was explained to you again and again, after this another question comes up from here which is very important that on the basis of the content around Google where my link is, I have mentioned a lot of things. He can't understand where this link is pointing trying to understand like I am saying here this is my web page and here I put internal link and which link is this this is naked link to me Anchor text is not given but here I have written a lot of content around it. From Let's I have written content here around digital marketing, so what is Google's system or Google who have become so advanced, can't understand this thing that the one who is linked here, the content of digital marketing is written around it. So this link is a link related to digital marketing, so if this link is pointing to any such content or is taking you to any content which is related to digital marketing, then what is the relevance of this way? Can it be known that in this way Google's system can give any value to a naked penis, see, Google can understand, okay, the first question I raised was to you guys, should we do it or not ? So first of all I would say that he should do not naked length, okay second thing is that the question comes that from the content around naked penis, does Google's system understand very well that what is this link about? Yes, but according to priority, it is very secondary or after that, you understand it like this, means even if Google understands it, it does not give much value to it, which is the value of anchor text or anchor. The text that provides contact between two pages, that context will not be known from the content of one page that this link is around that content, so it means that this link is around the same thing and the page that this link is pointing to. is also around the same thing, then it is not such a thing, but if the second question is, brother, what is the link here, Google will not be able to understand from the content around it that this link is about this What is the link about but it will not have that much weightage so these are small concepts ok we don't pay attention to complex things but we should have answer for such things if we can understand better s u want to learn to do whatever i want to do after reading these points also i have mentioned here can surrounding text contact d page provide same contact this question this set kar provide but not measure it it not recommend means if i Try to increase like final conclusion it's actually not recommended then it's naked links [music] person why we submit our website inside search console what are the problems which google search console tool solves in We will discuss all the things inside this particular video, it could also be that I start directly that how we have to submit our website in the tool of google search console, but that step would be done if we have a good If we want to understand Google Suspension in a proper way, then we also have to understand why Google Search Console was needed and in what way it helps the search engine, let's start and try to understand all these things in great detail. So gas first of all we understand this thing that the same submit website you search console why we have to submit our website inside the search console then gas main man ke chal hoon look here we have our website and website and Try to understand here in easy language then we have different different page inside our website this web page is van this is you this and here if you see this web page is four actually we want what is that this which Google's search engine result page is not here, if there are any queries related to our web page, then show our web page here, that's what we want to show in the first page of Google and slowly Hai na top mein lage show this what c want aaj u person or s website owner now the basic process for this is what happens when Google's crawler comes over our website after our website comes up Scans our website, the date actually crosses our website and after crawling the information of our website, it is understood that the different pages of this website are based on the type of content. Like this one, our page, which is let's, is above sports content, this one, which is our page, let's is above news content, so after reading all this content, after scanning, after calling, people understand I go to this page about what, then when it gets clarity, then it makes an index of this web page inside its server and stores this web page and if you understand in easy language, then store it. In such a way that brother this one who Hai page hai na yeh sports se related aapko agar koi query related to sports so there are high chances ki hamara web page hai woh rank ho nahi process hai but gas ye jo caller ka aur website ka interaction hai na yeh aur smooth ho So that we can know whether the caller is crossing our website properly or not. Is there any problem in scanning this web page? Is there any problem in scanning this web page? So no, this web page is not facing any other problems, it may be that this web page has been crossed, but it has not been indexed, so many such things, if the user wants to know, then he wants to take reports. Where will we go, we do not have any option, so the name of the tool that Google has given us is Google Search Console, then Google says, look brother, first of all, then you do this, if you have a website, then first of all Google Search Console You submit it as soon as you submit your website inside Google Search Console, it means that you have come in direct touch with Google's bot or with Colors because Google Search Cancel is a product of Google itself. This is Google's product, now you have submitted your website inside it, the direct meaning of submitting website is that you have submitted your URL, now you have a URL, ABC / A, this is your URL, now it is submitted inside Google search console. So now if the crawler will come from there and will cross your url, this date will actually cross your page and whatever information it gets after crawling, it will make a report, see brother, this is a problem in your page, this is a good thing . Yes, this is a wrong thing, it has to be fixed, then it will show you the reports, how will it show those reports, through Google, so now you have understood that this is the Google search console, what is it doing, these actually crawlers Acting as a bridge between K and our website, it is trying to tell us how the crawler of the tool should interact with our website, what problems are they facing, what is the problem with our website. Is it or what Google is giving recommendation, all these things which are less to tell, our Google does this, it means that if we submit our website on top of Google search console, then there are many small and big things inside Google search console as well. There are tools that monitor different things and give us reports on that basis, which means Google search console is made up of two things, date is reports and the smaller tools inside it, now these tools and We also understand the way in which the reports give us information, fine, so if I look here and try to understand you , what is lacking in Google Search Console, if we try to understand it in one line, then here But you see the first step is written it monitors maintenance and trouble shoots your site present in google search engine which is our ultimate goal we want our website to appear in search engine result of channel on some specific queries For this, we have to do some process, then in those processes, the efforts we make, monitoring them, maintaining them, whether our web page is properly scrolled or not, and if there is any problem, then notify us and we will fix it. Tell because types we can trouble shoot in all these things which is the tool of google search console helps us fine it gives you report so date you can make your presence in search engine now what type of report it gives us the most The first and the most important report for which we do Google search console on primary basis means it is very important for Google search console that we want to make sure that our brother has 150 pages on this website. Now tell me how many pages I have, tell me how many pages I have indexed, so this is the information that the Kurabability status of our website, what is the status, what is the most important information that Google search console gives us. After that reduction, I thought that my brother, this was a particular paste, on top of it, I changed some content, in this I made some updates, so what does Google do, when Google came over the first one which was your old paste, it scanned the page After scanning it had indexed the page with some information but now what have you done if you have made some changes in the page then you will not want it again That Google's crawler index my page again, then whenever we have to do reindexing etc., then for that also the tool of Google Search Console, it has a lot of performance reports which Google Search Console gives us. Look at the performance of the type Google search console, which is less, it is here, if you see what is the work of Google search console, here what is the problem in displaying your results in the Google search engine result page, isn't it? This is the thing that is not there, inside the Google search console, we see its solution, we see the report related to it, then what query is someone doing in the Google search result page, after querying, which page is shown? After that how many impressions were there after that how many clicks came from where the clicks are coming from all this information it comes under the performance tab of google head console so it tells the performance of your website where in google search engine result page Do not think that the performance of our website is how the user should perform on our website, Google Search Console does not tell this at all, how is the user's interaction on your website, Google Search Console does not tell from which location the user is Okay, what did the user do on your website, Google Search Console does not give you all these reports, Google Analytics gives you all the reports, the less of Google Search Console is that brother, your website or your web page is not even a website, if I If I use the word web page, then it will be more correct that how our web page performs in Google search engine result page, any web page is shown 10 times, good punch bar clicks, ok to 10 impressions, 5 clicksue, you will get this report like actually called this d Performance report and then website in de google search right cleared then we get this thing here and we also get this information if spamming is happening okay if any malware etc. is on your page It's okay, malware etc. has come on your website, something has become corrupt, if your page is all this information, you get it, okay little information about detail information, you don't get the backing, but you will find it inside Google search console. You get a little bit of information , but then for backlink information, we use other pet tools, etc. There are many free tools too, which are available for trial versions, etc., so we use them . And through them we get the reports that we have, actually we should go towards Pet Tools only when we have some good projects or some of our returns and initially from the house website you don't need to go towards Pet Tools. Unless your website is not very big, if your website is very good, you are offering a lot of services, etc., then in particular case you will have to go towards petrol because then all those things which are not your normal tools are not yours . After that, it also helps you in indexing site maps, etc., keeps giving you lots of updates relative to security, etc., so for now you must have understood what was the purpose of search console, why tools like search console What is it exists and gas I am talking about actually google search console tool not that only google has its own true console tool whatever other search engine like if i talk about big then big too Apna jo hai master stool hai its earlier name which was google web master tool of google search console so wing also has its own bank console or big search console hai master tool ka aap toh bhi toh bhi so if we bin above If you want to run your website , then we have to submit our website inside the search console of Big. Fine [music] We go to submit our website on Google search console or we can say that we Want to submit your property, the website is also spoken by the word property here, when we go to submit, we get two options, the first option inside the Google search console is that we have to give that property as the ash domain. Whether we have to setup it or we have to set up that property which is s url prefix, then in today's particular video we are going to understand the same thing, what is the difference between these two and what is the method. When should we adopt all these things, we will understand in detail, some confusions also remain with many people. Also, we will try to discuss here, here I go directly to the top of the Google Search Console, whenever you come to the top of the Google Search Console and you have not done it, then the first interface you see is this type of interface. For this beginners you have to simply click on start nine as soon as you click on start nine because with this particular id I have not created any property before here or I have not created any account That 's why you are seeing here, you are seeing this type of interface. If you want to add the property again, then you add the property by going here, fine, then you are not confused if you already have any website in Google Search Console. Submit it, then when you log in, you will see the insights of the particular website or the property that you own, and further if you want to add more properties to it, you can go head and add a property over Every here one thing I make you more clear that you have the option that you can add 1000 properties here fine but do not add that many properties but the option is up to 1000 properties you can add here After that gas, I was talking about this thing, when someone comes here, he will give you these two options, one is that you go to the domain or domain level and submit your property here or you can use the URL prefix Submit your property at the level, now what is the difference between the two, we try to understand it in detail, look here, if you look here, you will get clarity from this image itself, as if I talk to my website late My website is http slash slash man let's take this is my website fine and maybe my website's what it is in words it may be or another version of my website man let's take this is another version of my website okay this this d inside version this is what i was talking about in the words i take the man here by m dot here is a mobile version okay By doing here one is mine, all is domain, then different from this type, which is our version, you understand it like if I talk here, then both of them become version C, but here if we talk, then it is mobile version. Gaya and here if we talk then it is done in one word then gas if this type is our website different from this type is different web page in words above our roman mobile version is all this thing so in this particular case if I Here I go to the top of the domain and add my website or property to the domain level, then here I will get the option to simply mention the domain , like if you look here, you only have the option to mention the domain here like I If I mention here, I will mention umar smuggling dot in. I will neither write http nor https nor m nor I will not write anything . Also my domain will be mentioned here, dot com dot in, then dot in, now all the mobile versions will be there on top of this domain, if I have made some mobile sub domain or I have made some respect words, I have made something else. There are some non-HTTPS versions that can rate the version, so if we add our property to our website by going inside the section with this particular domain, then there will be as many URLs related to this domain as possible. You are adding all of this here and when you see its insights, you will see the report, then you will get the collective report of all of them, so good way, this is also a good way, but when you continue on this and here when you connect it i.e. you will try to submit the website, then when we try to submit the website, it asks for some verification from us, we have multiple verifications in the URL prefix, whereas if I talk about the domain prefix, then the domain We do not have multiple verification in the prefix, we have to do DNS verification, for which we have to go to our hosting and then do DNS verification, then it is not a big deal if you have a website, then you have hosting. People will be able to verify it very easily, the second option is the date, this is actually the URL prefix, the meaning of the URL prefix is ​​simple, you can see here in the image also you can see it as if I walk like this, my website is a b c dot com ok this is my website and inside it i have made all folders like this type b ok so if i go to url prefix and mention this url then i will get this url only Insights will be available and after that there will be urls like 20 lakh abc then I will get insights of this it is not going to happen that here I will get insight of fight so if I add slash a today url prefix inside it So I will get the insides of this and after that I will get the insights of the Urs that are being made by me, then I will clear the difference to you, now there is a big confusion here, people ask the question that Sir, which method should we use? Do this method is good or this method is good, then see, the first thing to understand is that this method has its own purpose, it is okay and this method has its own purpose, but one thing is very important. That is, you can do both method, if you want , you can do both method. There are many versions on this domain like I just told you that here I take one is ok and one is / services Now you are feeling that the report you will see here When you go to the domain and have added its property to it, here through the domain settings, then it will show you the complete ABC's that all the URLs of ABC are being created, whether they are being created on the domain or here It is being made further, okay, it is being made in all directories etc. No matter how many viruses are being made, their combined report will show you that brother, so many impressions have come, so many clicks have come, so many impressions have been made on so many queries, all of them in the form of a combined report. will show the butt right there when we go to the url prefix then if we want then we can add it to the url prefix also like what I did here again I went to which is domain level and added it after that i want if it is so i can go here and add it also in url prefix so now i will see both the properties through url prefix when i go here i will see here What is my domain property. Well today I will see what is my URL prefix property, so when I go to the URL prefix property, I will get its insights and the subsequent URLs, that is, the URLs that follow from here. I will see the insights they have, I will see their reports, so you don't have to think that I should use the domain or I should use the URL prefix, the purpose of both is different, how do you want to see the data? How do you want to understand the data, it is up to you, now it is up to you, through the method of domain, you have verified here and in this way you have also added the property, now you want it. It is okay to study, brother, then you will get this information, because the domain picks up everything and it can give you all the reports and insights, but for this, you have to apply the filters here. If you read, you will apply filters, then you will be able to study it here or you will be able to see its insights and reports, only then you will get clarity that you will get to see a lot of data in the domain, but you will have to apply filters again. You will have to extract data from because everything is here if you want to understand things in simplified version or your retirement is only of url or it is only your retirement beyond royal then in that particular case you can do it like another I tell the example like you have a website very important example this is your website a b c dot com ok what have you done to it you have done domain method which is you have done verification now you are on regular basis no less in your block If you are doing this blog because it is part of this website, slash is part of this website, so its information is also here, but you said that I am not very regular, but I am doing less on the block. Every day our blogs are going in a lot of traffic control so I want to see this separate property so that I can study it better so what did you do here ABC dot You have added the com slash block by going inside these URL prefixes, ok, if you go here and add it, then now this blog, which you can understand, is not a separate property of the Google Search Console, it has become yours. And with this, you can see the complete research, analysis, report, now you have understood the purpose that when we need something, then you can do this, you can do this also, it is not that In this you will miss some data and in this some data will be extra, here some data will be mixed, here some data will be extra, there is nothing like this, the data remains the same as if I am running on abc. Whatever information of the slash blog that we see here, I will see the same here, but only the difference of representation is cleared, and when you try to submit the website for the first time by going to the method in the URL prefix or in the domain. Yes, the methods of verification are different, but this is a van time process, which I have practically now you have many different ways, how to do it for them from different types of websites, I will tell you one by one. Will give so that if you reduce on any type of website, then in future you will not have any problem, ok, what I just explained to you, I have taken these insights from the support documents of Google . Si or points hai ko aap ki ki ki aap main ye point bhi mention kiya tha u can add up to thousand properties in google search console it enclouds url with specified prefix including de protocol ye dekh rahe ho aap ok hai if u want your property tu MATCH OTHER PROTOCOLS AND SUBDOMAINS IN THIS WAY CONSIDER RIDING DOMAIN PROPERTY IF YOU WANT TO REPORT ABC.COM DOT ABC.COM M DOT ABC.COM ACADEMY DOT ABC.COM DOT COM Then you have to add it in the way of domain property, here it is written that domain property date include all word flesh and multiple protocol right, there are many ways of verification, only DNA record is there, here the example is also taken that If this property is taken by us ok this is D property fine then in this url prefix this isko to jo hai woh read karega ok isko jo hai woh read karenge and its which you will read from inside but here like we have added http Will not give you the information of HTTPS, okay, because of man, when you had created your website earlier, at the time of creating your website, you had not taken the certificate and you had created your website on HTTP, you had run your website on HTTP for two months. And after running for two months, you felt that you should take HTTPS, you took HTTPS, so now your website is on HTTPS, if it becomes yours, then again because this URL is different, like if your website is an HTTP/ and the URL of one of your website is https slash so in the eyes of google these are different urls it is not one url in the eyes of google these are two different urls so when you submit this next url Prefix then its date will not be visible to you then when you have done sttps after many times then you will have to submit it again because when you have done ttps then its information is different now its information is different So I believe now you must be understanding that these are two different things, fine, this is what happens when we put the URL in the Prefix property, you have all the information in the domain property, and all the information is visible to you. In the same way, if you look here, you will see triple and dot here, okay, this is an additional thing, we had added this property, so it will not match, you are seeing that this also does not match. Will do and you will not see its insights, so it depends on you that on the basis of how you want to see the reports, you will set the URL prefix or domain property here. Once you set the domain property, then one thing becomes free that it is not that we are missing any data, all our data is now inside Google search console, we apply filters. Ok, if you submit the properties of the URL prefix, then the information about all the domains etc. that will be created will not be yours, then you will have to either add other properties on the URL prefix, or else you will have to add other properties to the domain property. [music] so of course in this particular video we will see how we can submit our website inside google search console by using url prefix method so gas as you see You can open our google search console dashboard on top of my laptop skin and as you go over it and go to add new property you see these two options so this is our domain method We will discuss later, first we see how we can submit our website on the basis of URL prefix, so here you are looking, first of all, you have to mention your URL here. So we open our website, as you are seeing, this is our demo website, this is our demo website, so we open this website and we will pick up the URL of this website, fine and We will mention here now very carefully you try to understand look here it is written http colon double slash umar taski dot xs aap if my blog is on this particular website and I want to blog more After the block, the URLs that are being created by us means that within the URL that is being created by us, we only want them to add only our property from there, inside the Google search console, so we had to add this type in the particular case. If we add this type then here above this particular URL which is only up to dot excise or we go to the home page which is our URL, if there are any interactions on it, then the reports of the search engine result page There are reports, how many impressions are there, how many clicks are there, we cannot see all this because we have kept it in the URL prefix, so for nine, we want that here we submit the HTTP version of our website here. If we do, then we have to select it here, mention it here in this way, after that I continue, now after continuing, the verification which is done to submit, it tells us its different different method. Method is from gym, this is the method with domain name provider, because we are the method with our DNS, when we go to submit the domain completely, then we will see it, let's see the rest of the method, we are going to discuss it, which is the most The method that is going to happen to him is our method with this HTML tag, apart from this, you can verify your ownership file by using Google Analytics here, and after that, if you want, you can verify your ownership by using Google Tag Manager as well. Can do so gas, here I first tell you the method of GTA with Google Tag Manager, then it is a simple matter that the ATM code on our website, if it is already installed on our website, means if you have ATM account must have been created and GKM code will be placed on top of your website and if it is installed then you simply have to verify here and you do not need to do anything extra ID is on the same Gmail ID, your search console should also be there, then it will sing and verify with each other, you do not need to do anything additional, then it is a very simple process, in the same way as GTA, the process of Google Antiques is also very simple. Simple hai man lete hain aapko website aapko gmail id google analytics ka code lagna bhi kiya hai dekho ur homepage must contain idar your analytics dot js aur jitags sniper means here is the code so if it is already installed on our website And the Google ID from which we had created googletics, if we created Google Search Console with the same Google ID, then we do not need to do anything extra, just simply click on verify here and our verification is done. The website owner verification will be done here, after that we get the option of this HTML tag, what gas we have to do here, you can see that you are seeing this code, as you see the instruction here. raha hai copy ka data a below and patient d sites home page it should go in d head section before d first body section to aapko You have to copy this, see if your website is custom code, simply give the code to your developer, he will paste this code which is in your website, many times this also happens, in the back hand, the developer should make you an interface like this. Admin section is given to you, people are given these sections, from where you can easily paste this code there, so if you have a custom code website, then you need to think about all these things, if your WordPress website like That it is very simple you have to go to Appearance and after that you have to go to theme file editor here and after leaving here you have to search header dot php on the right side I go here look at you here Header PHP will be visible in Headed dot PHP, you have to see the head section as you are seeing, you are seeing the head section only in the head section like this opening of the head section and here if you see it is closing then I am here I go and if I paste it here, then inside the head section, let us paste it, I will go head update this file, our website will be submitted to Google search console and the verification of our website is If it will also happen then we can do this in this way, after that if we come back here, the fourth method you are seeing, here it is the butt of our HTML file, here when you paste it, you will paste the tag in it. After pasting it, you have to come here and click on verify also, within a minute, it is done, no more time consuming process can be done, it is said that the recommended verification method is the HTML file. The method is what happens in the HTML file, here you will see a complete file, okay the HTML file is one, when you download this file, after that you have to upload this file to the root directory of your website, so when I I am saying that if you have to upload in the root directory, then for this you have to go to the hosting of your website, then I go here and from here I go to the public HTML and after coming here, you simply have that file which is No, it has to be uploaded here, that's it, apart from that you do not have to do anything, then in this way you have different methods, with the help of which you can verify your website, which is fine because we have already coded here. As you can see here our code is installed and if I update it here after updating I verify it here then gas you are now seeing here which is our The verification method is that it has been successful, so after gas verification, you will see this type of interface and these are the different methods through which you want to submit the website to Google Search Console through the URL prefixed method. I can do that [music] we can submit our website inside google search console with the help of dns verification method so we will see this in previous video we tried to understand how From this, we can submit our website by using the method with URL prefix, inside the Google search console, you can see the gas here, on my laptop screen, I have to select the property type here, which is basically the domain here. Have selected and from here again I pick up my website for one time which is our demo website and its domain is mentioning us here, the thing to note is that here stdps you don't have to mention all these things just you have to mention your domain you don't have to put any slash etc. just mention your domain here after mentioning the domain when you will continue here You can see here the verifying property is visible to you and it has been written here verify domain ownership via DNS record which we have to do fine, so here they have also given some instructions, according to you DNS provider is fine So we will select the other DNS provider here and here you will see a Txt record which we have to add in the DNS configuration, fine we have to copy it and add it there, so for this Gage here you can see I am already in my hosting account and here I select my domain once like here you see it is selected it is 10 dot excise and after that we have to come down here But And we have to search here dns zone editor so you will search here dns zone editor so I have to open DNA zone editor here and after that I will tell you important update here and see what is written here Hai Nas Update 24 Arts Tu Propagate So If You Submit Here Whatever Your Record May Be Even After That It Is Saying That It Takes 24 Hours, I Have Not Seen It Practical That It Takes So Much Time, Be Quick It goes but immediately in 30 seconds or a minute, sometimes it does not happen, sometimes 15, 20 minutes, sometimes even half an hour. I have seen my experience that it takes gas to verify our property. Here we go back for once and from here we have to copy our tasty record, after fine copying I go back here and now you look carefully here, what type do you like? The DNS record from is to be mentioned here, now look, I am doing it here on my hostinger, so I am seeing the interface from this type, maybe the interface in your case is slightly different, different type It may be different in off service providers, it may be different, but you will get the field to manage DNS record, you will get the same in all, fine to gas, we have to go here in type and type you see Here you will understand yourself, look, it is written here T x T record, so directly you have to come here and search T x T, T x T record is fine and whatever is your domain in the name If you want to mention that my domain is the dot excise we have, I mention it in the text value, which we will copy from here, I will paste it here and the one which is null, you will get it by default. Do not keep anything else, do not do it here, simply record the ad from here and now you will get the notification that the DNS record which is successfully created, after that you go back here and you verify it. So many times it doesn't do it immediately let's see here whether it is doing it immediately or not, see now it has been done immediately here you are looking here in domain name provider verification method you are looking here But many times this happens, it takes a little time, but you should not get confused, do not worry, maybe I have done the URL prefix that is here before, so maybe it immediately Done but many times I don't see the website when I do it takes a little time sometimes it takes 5-10 minutes also after that gas I click on dan here and after clicking on done if If I go back here, now you will see that we have added two properties, one by the URL prefix method, which you are seeing here, with the URL prefix and the domain one, look here. Looks fine, so both of them are separate, now if I have any words etc in the domain, then I will see their insights here and I go here, if we have decided to update them, but now the reports are not populated. It will take a little time , but now we will see all the reports of all its domains right here, all directly, which we will not see fine here, so I believe you must have got a clear now that what is the difference between the two. The way we configure it, you can configure both if you want, I discussed it earlier [music] How can you guys talk about how we can give access to different users to our Google Search Console property In the gas chapter, we also talk about getting access to the users, don't you pick up any tool, whether it is Google Ad, Google, in every tool, in every platform, there is an option to give other people access to your property. Or you can give the website access to your ad account, but what is the purpose behind it and when we want to give access to another ID inside Google Search Console, in what way should we give what roles should we sign them We will discuss all the things that should be done in this particular video, if we talk about this feature, then technically this feature is a very basic feature, it is a very simple option that you have access to your property through another ID. On top of giving only this much thing happens but why is giving when to us If we discuss all these things then we will get a little more clarity, here you can see that I have a Gmail ID on the top of the laptop screen or whatever you say is Google ID and above is my Google search console and its Inside, I have added two properties, now let's understand this thing, look, maybe I have four websites, maybe this one's ID is the ID of my agency, then it is also possible that above it There are many properties here, they have access, but gas, when you want to give access to one property to someone else, you will not want to give this email id to him, give him the username and password, if you have done so Look what will happen, along with Google search console, he may also get access to the Gmail of your brother, okay, he can get access, if he gets it, he can read your emails also, see your Google Ads account. Maybe whatever is above this particular Google ID, access to all of them will go to him, if you give him his username and password, then there is an issue of privacy, so every platform has given this type of feature so that You don't have to buy user name and password, just give them access to your property that too with limited control, now why am I working in limited control, see I am telling you a very practical example, many business owners for whom we used to work. For whom we do digital marketing strategies, for whom we do digital marketing projects, many times it happens that when we have to prepare a report, we have to make proposals, for our prospectus, at that time we need some insights from Google Search Console. Brother, we also need some information from Google Search Console, like on which particular queries you are currently ranking or from which particular queries, how many clicks you are getting in the search engine result page, some basic reports like this. It is necessary so that on its basis we can give some concrete and solid proposal or we will be able to tell them solid numbers or we can give them an estimate, which is a justified estimate, for this it is necessary that they can do their Google search. Give us access to the console, now it is not necessary that this applies to every client but those who are big clients where numbers matter a lot that whatever we have to say to them or whatever information we have to give them that concrete And there should be solid information, nothing can be given in the air, so in such a particular case, we need a little bit of access, so in such a case that website or that business man, what will he do to give us an access on our ID so that We get some information from here and then we make a proposal, now he will not give us owner's access, if you look inside it now, we get the option of giving three types of accessories, one, we get the option of giving full access, second We get restricted access from the owner and the third, so in this particular case he will only give us restricted access, well if he understands my point and feels that it is safe to give restricted access, which is to some extent. It is safe because in that I cannot change much inside their property, I can just view the reports, so if the business owner feels that he is only looking at the reports, then there is no big problem, then he can give us access. There are restricted excel, so many such scenarios are created where this option of access becomes very important, after that we assume that my proposal has been understood by the client or we can proceed further . In particular case they will then give us full access ok ok owner access will not give even then why won't give now I will tell you then they will give us full action so that if we have to add some site maps etc index some page etc. If we do not face any problem in that, then you are now understanding why these options have been given, now if we have to do it, then in what way we can do it, I will also clear it to you. Here I have done on my property, so I can select one of the properties with my URL prefix from here, so now you can select any property, whatever is your property and after that what you have to do Here you have to go to the settings since I am a business owner and give me someone so here if you go to users and permissions then here you see add user option is available so what do i do i have another id i give access to that so as soon as i go here I will select you see now it is giving three options see owner then I will never suggest because what is the problem in owner see if you give owner access to someone then he can remove you also means from there owner He has this authority, he has the control that he can remove the other users, so I will never suggest it, you are fine, after that, full access is here, in full access, when the agency is finalized A project is given to them with full tax so that they can not only view things but can also edit, if they want to change something, they can also do so. Restricted access is very limited access, only reports are viewed in this. If you can go then I give access here once with restricted access so that you can understand things okay and I add fine in this so here he has given restricted access to his property and look here you have restricted access here under the user you are also getting to know now if we go to this particular id on which we have given access and i refresh once and come here i see you can select the property ok after selecting the properties because here is restricted access so can i add sitemaps let's see so i go to sitemaps here and if you see i haven't got any option here sitemap to submit there if you look here where i have full access i have option side mein aap side meet karega same if i go to removals here i can res request for removals but here I will not be able to request for removals look you are not seeing this option here grade is here I can not do anything fine so these are different different scenarios where we have to give these accessories ok after that I think What will we do with the agency, or we simply remove the user's access, many people who do not have the knowledge of this thing, many business owners, what are they? Do they give username password I will not raycommend that you give username and password it is not a good practice from your security point of view no matter how much you trust the agency you never use username and password don't give password right gas I believe now you must have understood the option how to reduce it is a very simple option something very technical nothing too much to or something like that but in the right way if we Only then we can take advantage of this option in a better way [music] Whenever we submit our website inside Google search console and if we assume that we are submitting our website for the first time After some time, let's see that many reports are generated inside the Google Sach Console, now there is a lot of confusion for a beginner as to which report he has to pay the most attention to or where to start from. He has to see the reports and which report is giving which information and if there is any error etc. then how to solve it, then if any business is watching the video then I will recommend you that first of all you The coverage report has to be covered and it has to be understood and the issues in it, first of all you have to solve those issues and after that you have other reports like performance reports and there are many reports on them. First of all, we understand that the coverage which is the report, we get to see inside the section with the index, as you can see here also, you can see here on my laptop screen, my URL here is open, it is fine and Here in Google search console, we are seeing the coverage report inside the indexed section, and inside it I will discuss all this information, but why we should first understand the coverage report, look, the reason is simple that Google search control Why we are doing this so that the crawlers who are there can understand our website better and if there are some issues with the riggers you are crawling further Well further with regards to indexing then we will know how to know right then in the middle Google has given us a tool called google search console, see brother, if your website is having some crawling related issues, if some indexings are going on inside your website If there are related issues, then we will notify you through this platform, along with the suggestion, if you do this thing, then your issues will be solved, now if we have created a website and we thought that we should If we want to sleep, it will come later that on which keywords our website is getting ranked, on which words our website is not getting ranked, where it is getting ranked, where it is not getting ranked, on which position it is getting ranked . This is all about the fact that until the pages of our website are indexed, that is, they will not come in the coverage until Google is able to discover that the top of the website is this page slash services page slash contacts page if Google will not know this, then the whole story ahead, it will not reduce it, so first of all, if we have a website and we submit it inside the Google search console, then we have to check that our All the important pages are there, whether they are in coverage or not, that means whether they have been properly indexed or not, it is not that our important pages may not be indexed due to any region, is it not so? We get the report of all these things inside the coverage, so now you try to understand yourself that before the performance, we need to understand whether the coverage of our website has happened properly or not or which The indexing of our website is that all the important pages that we want to run have been properly or not. Many pages of the website are not indexed and we also ignore that thing because we know the reason why this page of ours is not indexed, why this page of ours has been excluded. If it is there then we see that if it is excluded because of the correct region, then we ignore it, fine, then we will see that coverage is important here, what we get to see, so here I have two Properties are kept open means keep two console open so that I can tell you the difference also both are dummy websites not much data is inside it demo typed dummy type you can understand them as website but points you have to understand carefully see When I come here, inside the coverage, I am seeing the first all loan page here and I click on it, then I do not see anything, that is to say, find all the pages in Google search console. Through whom have they found because there can be different sources of access to your page, like one way it can be that the back link is mentioned somewhere, through which the page is discovered, it can also happen that cycling If you go through the pages that are discovered, then there are different ways, you can leave fine, so here you are seeing all the pages that are discovered on our website, all the pages are here, they're discovered in your website you'll see them inside the coverage section but here's where if I go over to the other website you're seeing the one you don't see in the drop down but here's the If you look, you will see how many all loan pages, all submit pages are there and after that, if you see the site map which is our site map, how many pages are there inside the section, that too you can see inside the site map as well. So if there are some pages then those pages will go to all submit page and vice versa all non pages may be any source you may have discovered from anywhere but Google has discovered those pages so that's why I have kept two things open So that the difference that you have is also properly understood, now you will say sir, why is it not showing here, it should be shown on the side wherever you are, if you are showing us here on the side, then it should be shown here on the side as well. It is not showing on the side here because we have not submitted the site map here, so if we do not submit the site map here, then the URLs discovered from the site map will not be shown in the coverage, it means another You got the answer to the question that it is not necessary which site maps R D source of Indexing, understand this thing, many people understand that if you do not put it on the side, then our website will not be indexed or pages will not be indexed, it is not at all justified from here, because here there is a site map. No, no, there is no side map, yet you see so many pages which are showing valid, here if you look, you are on the side and the site map is also submitted here and here if you come back, you will see the side How many pages are there in the page, that too you can see here, one thing is clear to you, after that you will come here, so whatever your page, you can make sure whether it is more visible here or less visible behind you. How many pages are there in your website, because many times it happens that many URLs are created in the website, especially in the I-commerce website or if your website is messed up, some of the malware etc. have come inside your website, which you virus You can say etc. So even if it is something wrong, you will see that here you will see a lot of wrong URLs, especially this happens less when you have a WordPress website, then I will clear this thing here too. so that you don't have any problem in future fine then here if you see here you will take this particular website here the page is less you will understand things more easily if i go above all non page then you First of all, you will see here you will see the section with errors and if you come down then you will also see the report here, if there are errors, then what is the error and in which URL is that error, because as much as it is, let's go to the man. You must understand that whatever happens like this is page wise, whatever you study, whatever you make any report, whatever you make any bank links, whatever you do on page, whatever you do, you win the page . You will always keep one thing in mind that if the page is successful, then you will never need to be confused, so here you will see errors, so here it is telling us that there is no issue now and you have to make a head. This thing should always be zero, okay, errors should not come, so if any errors come, then here you will know which error is typed, when you click on the object, you will also see that the error is coming. In which pages it is appearing and along with it you will get solutions also, how can you remove it, fine, then you have to make head, after that valid with warning time is visible here, simply means this. That our page which will be visible here is fine that our page is valid but with some specific warnings, then you will reduce on those warnings, then you will get the page which is here then the valid section. I will go if you remove the warnings then it is very basic thing then if I come in valid then you can see here 11 page which is showing in valid 20 page r submit and index ok there are 10 pages which are submitted and indexed and one page which is indexed but not submitted in sitemap so it is not showing in submit look submit means we from our side when url google set control inside give then date com under de submitted thinking i gave myself now what can be the way to give now can be thru of site map so if i upload site map it means we submitted u r ok google find from somewhere Google calls and finds my URL, it means that if it crosses and then indexes it, then it is indexed, but date is not actually submitted in the site map, so the status we are seeing here 11 urls are showing as valid because they have been submitted, no urls, whether they have been submitted through our sitemaps, whether they have been found by our direct crawlers, that is not the issue, but if our website is properly submitted, which mains date All these things are valid, now the important thing which you will see here is that excluded exclusive means that these URL scores have been ignored by Google, now this is an important thing, why brother, why has it been ignored, now if you understand this, then you will understand everything clearly. go look I'm on excluded now it's telling if I turn them off because only I want to show you the data with excluded right now we go down then it's saying that it's excluded because an alternate page is mixed with proper canonical tag means two pages the and above both pages had content ok from which google says both above continent we do Why index the page, we will index only one page because it is the original and master page, I talked about it in detail in our lecture on Kanunikal, so I am saying that if you want to understand the thing in detail. Then keep following the video properly for a little bit, then things will be understood in a better way, then there are two pages and above the content, then you are confused that who is sorry in this, then whatever is the original page, it will be the index. the other page which is not the original okay that page will be ignored in the language here that page will be excluded so if i go here alternate page with proper so i go over this now look here you yourself Will understand I open this page here look at the url very carefully what do you see about dot html you see the url here about dot html okay one this url is done if I only open about Aap dekhi yeh bhi toh se hi hai content toh se hi means content is coming from two different url space here I open about dot html you see this is also url this is also url above two different urls It has been a continent since, now you will say the same thing sir, this is also about slash, this is also about slash, but I told you that if anything changes, it is HTML, Google considers it as a different URL, Google considers it as a different URL. Different URL's are considered exactly the same as triple and vale versions, non-triple and vale versions, call both Google different URLS or call it page, then you will understand more, then what is the different page, it is considered, so now you tell me. Here is one page or two pages, what is the content on both the pages, what is the content, if the content is similar on both the pages, then the problem has been created here, otherwise only one page will be indexed, so here you see Be it that they said that many such pages the gym was the issue okay 14 such pages the gym was the issue okay so that page has been ignored in the same way if you come here not found many There are pages which do not exist in not found so we have to solve them properly duplicate with without user selected canonical now this page is duplicate but it doesn't have canonical it doesn't have any master page ok If this is the case, then if we make them properly economically or if we solve this issue, then these pages will also be solved, okay, if you solve something in this, then it takes some time and then Whatever changes you have made inside this coverage report, if they are of yours properly, then they get reflected here, so as you will see here, the last update is on three eight, which means March 8 last. There is an updated report, it takes some time, today's date is 11th March, so it is 3 days ago, so if you change today, it may take some time to take effect here, then you have now understood that Inside the coverage report, we are getting to know that which of our pages are being indexed and not being indexed, so what is the problem, what is the error in some pages, is there any important page that is not being indexed and Is the region coming behind it, all these things that we come to know inside the coverage section, so I comment that first of all scan the full coverage report properly and from here you can export this report. Karna chaho to dat u can also do to gas I believe abhi aapko bhi sachse clear ho gayi [Music] Gas in Google search console, we have tried to understand this thing in what we have discussed so far How our website is crawled, how our website is indexed and the reports related to it, where do we see inside the Google Search Console, which we discussed in the coverage section, that is also the same thing. It is related to which web pages you have, which web pages have been indexed, what problems are there and where warnings are coming, which is valid and which is not valid page and what type of errors are there in it. We have seen all these things inside the coverage report, yet I have not reached the performance report, that is to say, how our web pages are performing inside the search engine result page, till now we have didn't reach because first of all we have to make a noise in this that our The web page is properly crawled or not, there is no error and if it is crawled properly, then it is indexed or not and if there is no error in indexing, then all these things are No, we will insure all these things first, after that we go over the performance and other things inside the Google search console, so if I talk about what the URL inspection tool will give us, then I have divided it into four parts. The first work URL infection tool does is the current indexing status i.e. our web page has been indexed or not, so we are getting to know the status related to indexing. Second, the live URL of this testing which Right now we have live URL on top of our website, if we want to test it, how is our URL showing now, sometimes we get the option in URL inspection tool and you are getting to know it by the name of URL inspection. It means that our web page has to be inspected completely, you can see what is the right third, requesting google chrome late, there was a page above your website, it was already indexed, you have made many changes inside the switch. If you have done it, now you want to request another indexing immediately, then if you want to do that thing, then you will have to take the help of URL inspection tool, for which point is date, see the actual information about page loaded resources when a page If it is loaded, then its java script, its HTML, all these things are also loaded, then there is no error related to it, there is no problem related to it, we would have come to know all these things through the URL inspection tool and if our page If there is any scheme data on top of it then there is no problem in it, there is no error in it, all that our page is mobile friendly or not, all these things we get to know by throw url inspection tool, then the performance Before the report we also need to understand all these things I have done a demo website above so gas here as you can see inspector other url is written click here and I will put my url here Yes, I interrogate it so that it can pick up some data from Google's index. Now there can be different ways to inspect the urinal. You can do it from here. Look at the URL infection here. Ho and if you are looking at the report like I open the coverage report here, if you are looking at a report and anywhere if you want to learn the URL, then here also you see this small search icon here. also you can go to url inspection by clicking now you look here url is on google means index has been done fine if you want to request indexing again you can do it from here which is call page if you want to see that You can see from here, if you want to do live testing, you can do it here, now I will do this thing, if we come inside the coverage, it is actually divided into three sections, when you come inside the coverage, you will see your How was the url discovered, then here this url was discovered with the help of site maps, is there any referring page, what is the referring page means, is this url somewhere above another url, such a link is mentioned, then it is not, no one is not detected, last Crores also happened and when the crawl happened, which device called it? Google's Google bot, Google with a smart phone, it called it. Crawling is allowed. Yes user declared canonical jo hai it means that if you see this self then you will understand that in user declared canonical here jo hai hamara this is our home page and its canonical url is also the same ok google selected you canonical What is that inspector URL right and after that you get reports related to the scheme data etc. in the enhancements. yes ok and after that if we see here then in mobile usability page we are seeing this mobile friendly fine so here you are not seeing any error I have parallelina open another property here where there was some error like you see here the url is on google but it has issues to issues kya hai if i go to coverage section you will see this url jo hai na woh index So yes but it is not submitted it is ok in sitemap ok fine so here if you look in sitemap also you will not see it not applicable because it is not submitted even the referring page is not detected Maharashtra crawling when did it happen and so on The reports that you are seeing are mobile usability and because this is a website made of WordPress's Who Commerce, then there are some issues related to the product, okay, you can see here, there is a product item in which Nur Reviews Aggregated Ratings Many things are missing, so whatever these errors are, you get to know here, whatever is important, related to URL, related to its crawling and indexing, you also get to know here, right, both things. You have seen that if our URL is perfect, then in what type it will appear and if it is not perfect, then how will it appear if there are errors, etc., like I said, if you want to request indexing again, you can do it from here . Yes, if you want to see your crowd page, then you were told from here that the other resources of the page that are loaded are visible to us here, HTML etc. and if we want to test the live URL, then when you test If you do it on the live URL, it will take some time depending on how big your resources are, it is testing it on the basis of the page, okay it will take some time and after that it will show you the result here, then gas Now you can see that we have done live test, that is, what type of Google search console generates the report of our URL, here you are seeing the Google index here, okay, this is Google's index means Google's server. I am telling according to the information I have, but if I do a quick live test now, then what report would come out, you are seeing it here, then I believe you must have understood what is the time for URL inspection. Happens if you want to take any screenshot then you can take screenshot from here so that you will know what is the work of url inspection [music] in very detail we are going to understand that inside the performance report we have What are the insights and what is the data, what is the information that we get to see, then first of all we try to understand what is the meaning of performance here, see if we have any of our website, there are many Web pages are pages, they are right, so how are those pages performing above the search engine result page, we get the information about them inside the performance report, the simple meaning of saying is that I take it if I come from here Above Google and above Google lets let's type here India right here I type India and you see here we have many websites we have pages we can see from let's we have this A page is showing here Reserve Bank of India, so if we try to check the performance by going inside the Google search console of Reserve Bank of India, then we will come to know that our page is Wala our page which is running in India on this particular query and it gets so many clicks and so many impressions right then if we have any web page then how it is performing in the search engine result page if we need to understand it If yes then you can see here we have this performance report now one more thing here in very detail we will understand that when we talk about any report then you understand what is its purpose I see What do many people do, they come here, they know all the things that are here, click mentions, impression mentions, CTR mentions, average position mentions, they come here, they see all these things, after seeing they just see. Whether my CTR is increasing or my CTR is decreasing or my average position is increasing or decreasing, what is happening and after that they do not get any confusion from it. See, when we talk about reports, the simple meaning of reports is this. Is that you have received a report on the basis of some data, what did you analyze, and after analyzing it, on the basis of analysis, you have to take decisions, what you have to change, what are you doing right, maybe someone There is no need to change but you have to agree that yes our report is like this that everything is going fine now there is no need to change but if there is a need to change then can you justify this thing or understand from the data that What type of changes do we need to do, then we will discuss a little bit about all these things. Another very important thing is the date, the actual date of the date, at what time we are seeing the report. We are seeing the period report, fine, then gauge if we come here on top of this report and try to explore its elements within this report, let's see what we see in the performance section of Google Search Console. gas is found inside here first of all you see the search type we are seeing here means when a user goes to google here like I typed India right here so if any user type this type it Many results will appear like I have taken the example that our website was fine so here if our website shows then date it is actually called ahead web like here you are seeing that we search engine results page all this comment What are we performing or not doing in the web section in the section, what are we performing or not doing in the section with images, like if we talk here, you can see here Maps of India, Maps of India The website which is this one which is the web page which is Google's search engine result page is performing in its images section so if we have to understand that as I go here we have to analyze the performance On which search type we have to take analysis, that search type is web, that search type is images, that search type is video or news, means we want to understand how we are performing in the web, on the top of the search engine result page we If we want to understand how the images are performing in the news, in the video, then we can go further and apply the filters, like as an example, if I go over the images, it means this. Now in the images section, we have a page, website, how is it performing fine, so here I go back to the performance, so if you go to the images section, the last three months in the images section In this demo website of ours, it has around 1200 impressions, we have got the impressions here, we may not get any clicks here, on some queries, the impressions of our images are getting very low . If it is happening then impressions will happen like I talk here so if a person is searching something then if he scrolls then like this one here the image is loaded then we will go to the man's place But its impression was done in this way, it is possible that the impressions that we have here are many impressions, but it is possible that the position of our image, that ranking, was not that good or that image of ours was not that good. That he didn't achieve a lot of clicks, isn't it, but he got impressions here, but clicks are not available, fine, give there this average seat, man, for this, the through rate, if it does not come from clicks, then how will the click through be red and What I was talking about average position, now here you can see how much is average position is 60 so average position is coming very low so if average position is 60 then chances are less that we will get very good CTR there it is very good Relevant we will get clicks there right coming back to the important part which is our web part only if I go back to that part then you can see that the total clicks we got in this is 46 total clicks last In three months, if I want to see six months, if I want to see 12 months, date is totally up to us, how much time frame do we want to take, if I talk about reports, then a little bit, if you are taking more time frame, then only it is good man. Let's say that there is a lot of traffic on your website, you get a lot of visibility in the search engine result page, you get a lot of impressions, there you can also take a short time period, it is known that you are getting thousands of impressions daily, 568010000 impressions daily. If you are getting, then if you see the data of even one week, then that too will be of more data because already if you are getting seven-eight thousand impressions daily, then you are getting a lot of impressions in seven days. If you are getting good clicks, then there you can see the report of 7 days, 10 days or 15 days or 1 month, but in most cases people prefer to see the report of a short anchor period of time. are if that much If the data is not coming then it is okay but again I would recommend you to test things and see the report of 7 days also go and see the report of 28 days and try to get some conclusions from it then another feature What I personally like very much date is actually de compare feature right then we here compare last three months to de previous period like between present 3 months and previous 3 months if I want to do comparison I know that I have done a lot of efforts in the last 3 months, so did I get to see some results of those efforts that we are trying to improve the ranking, so did the ranking of our web page improve, did we get more impressions, then all these To compare things, if we want to compare on the basis of time, then here you can see it, compare last three months to previous period, by selecting it, we will simply apply here, so now you can see Fine will show two things here so if you see here how many total clicks are 46 in last 3 months and before that 55 came the right so because as I told dummy website we are not doing much less on top of that just this education purpose Right here, from 55 to 46 here, if you see, 46 has gone down a bit, see here the number of click impressions have increased, but our number of clicks have gone down, so that our CTR has also come down and our Average position hai bhi downhiye means we earlier if our average position was 17 then now our average position has become 21 now average position here means we are many people who are not they get confused in average position Sir what is the meaning of average position look average position means that man taken above a query is ok in this way we try to understand it I understand you here you will be more clear man take here But different different queries are getting right and above one query this one page of ours which is page van ranks on fifth position above second query which is our page tu hai it ranks on six position above third query of ours The page which is three ranks from our lets here I take man aa six punch 11 so here four fourth position man takes right so if I talk this page is ranking us at fifth position This page is ranking us at 6th position, this page is ranking us at 4th position, so if I ask you what was my average ranking, then you would have guessed that the basic formula of average is 6 4 10 5 15 / 3 = 5 So I will say the average position of our website because this one which is our page is ranked on fifth position, this one which is our page is ranked on 6th position and this page which is on fourth position is doing so we have a In this way their average will come out and we will say that the average position of our website is not our 5 right average position five, similarly here if we take it as if it was five then it would have gone to point 5510 and 16 / would have been here So this is around 5.3 which is our average position here comes fine so that's why you are seeing that here you are seeing some average position in this way that our average position which was in the last three months is 17.8 average position was and now our average position is 21.1 if we try to calculate average position of last three months then our average position is 21.1 now one very important thing i will clear you here look average position i don't find very relevant is matric because if i tell this to you then you will understand that average position is not that much accurate like man ke chalta hoon ki mera brand name hai umar tas ki aap aap bhi ko samjhiega this thing my brand name is age smuggler and so on se my website is now if someone goes to google and type age 10 then there are high chances my website will be ranked on first position digital marketing train man took this digital marketing agency there i am ranking 10th position But now if I get the average of both then how much will it be 11/2 i.e. 5.5 then google search console told us that the current ranking of your website is 5.5 then you will think that I am ranking on fifth position but you are not If you go and see that you are ranking on the fifth position, then you hang on the first position on some queries, hang on the 10th position on some queries, then what is the matter, we have understood that the average report is not that accurate. It is not okay, let me tell you with another example, accurate means here it is accurate, if it is seen, then the calculation is accurate, but it is not as much as our less, we understand it like this, I will give you another example. ko bada interesting exam hai let se a student's exam numbers come 60% marks aap bologe han ok hai iske first division marks a gaye isko 60% marks milte ok ok fine 60% marks ok but when we ask him more Let's discuss more we ask him how many marks he got in maths he says we just passed we got 35 marks in maths we ask him how many marks in hindi he says he got 18 marks I got 80 marks in hindi We ask him how many marks came in physics, he says it is 40 marks, so what are you thinking now that once you came to know the percentage, you have come to know that what is 60% marks, but when you start looking at the subject wise So you see that his marks are different same thing here also I am trying to understand you that when you go here in performance section and you will see average position you will say I am ranking at 17th position it means I am ranking on page number but within this you will be ranking on page one on many queries, you will be ranking on good positions and on many queries you will be ranking on fourth fifth positions as well, so this is his Average gives out so if you have to do very deep analysis then what do you have to reduce above average no if you have to do very deep analysis then you have to be a bit specific how specific on which query which page our how many average positions On which query, which page is making how many average positions, it is okay to understand, as it may be that the same page is on the second position for some time on a specific query, then for some time different locations for some people. I he is on third position right so if I calculate average then how much will be 3 + 2 / 2 ie 2.5 average position next to him so here it is ok average position because I have become more specific here on which particular query which What is the position of the page or how much is the average position, then this is a discussion for one time, if it is an analysis, then it is fine, but here I am talking about the average position of the entire website, so there it means that it is so clear. If there is no data, then you will have a little confusion here, it is right to understand, so I was talking to you here, after comparing the comparison, we can do the analysis of this type of data here and you will see if you Here you are seeing two types of lines, you are seeing a dotted line and one you are seeing the complete line, so here is the dotted line, like look here, the dotted line in the mention is basically the previous three. This one is of the last month and this one is of the last 3 months right, so I believe this thing must have been clear to you, I will compare here for once, but I will remove from here for once. I do it and I put my simple filter of last 28 days or last three months here, fine, now we come down, if you look here, it is telling us which page you are on. How many clicks did he get, how many impressions did he get, what was the CTR of his page and what was his average position, right, now you will say here too, you are also telling about the average position here too, so what about the average position of this page ? Means it means that on top of one query van our this page is ranking on third position, right above this query this page can also rank on our fifth position, any other query above query tu like If my website is ranking on third position above digital marketing course then it can be if my website is ranked fifth position above digital marketing training then 5 + 38 / 2 this is our 4 average position in the same way if three Pay was ranking and you were ranking on one query, our page was ranking on three, on one query, you were ranking, so if you see, then 5 / 2 2.5 Our average position is here Our average position tu point five jo hai woh a jayegi right toh i will leave Now you must have understood that what is the funda of this average position, then the more specific data you study, the better it is for you, so here if you look So now you will understand the difference that look at this one which is our page, it got so many impressions 121 impressions But it doesn't have any clicks, you must have understood the reason behind the clicks here, what you are seeing here, let me tell you, its average position here is 41.6, in the same way, if you look here, there is no click No, even after 701 impressions, there are no clicks, why not, position is 40, 43 position, you are ranking in position almost 40, right above the word different with this page, then you must be getting the idea. What is the fund of this average position, what is fine, so the data that we are seeing here is the clicks, we are getting to know that how many clicks came from this page, how many impressions this page got, what is its seat, how much was all this It is known about the thing right page, from which countries we get how many clicks, impression sheet, what is our position, then if we talk to India, then on and average, which makes our position of India, it is okay for all the pages to be taken together. By combining the queries , our online average position in India is 13.2, fine, here is the data from device voice, how is the performance of the device, and after that if I want to see the date wise, like the 19th of the specific date wise. How much was our average position on 20th we can see by this type date wise also right after that there is a very important section here which is called further query right so now if you look here you will see What is this from the language count, it is actually a brand name, so if you look at the brand name, then your position on the brand name is almost equal to Van, that means you are ranking on the top, above the brand name, then English Speaking Classes in Mumbra ok this is a general keyword if you rank above it then it is good thing your average position above this is 3.8 Want to see what I told you that performance means that we are about to start some analysis, so now I am going to do this that I have to understand that on which page above the particular query, what is our average position. ok ok so now look carefully as soon as i click on it you see above one more filter has been added ab jo yeh data hai na yeh puri this is the data for this query fine so here if we see then what is the search type written hua hai web web aap we search in the last three months on this particular query i got three clicks friends got impressions this was my ctr and this was my average position ok so on this particular query we have these different different pages This one that is our page is ranking above 4.6 This one that is our page is ranking at first position This one that is our page also ranks above our first position Fine on this particular query, after that if I talk about countries, we have got so many clicks from India on this particular query and the on and average position that is being made in India is so much that I believe you understand that too. Here you have multiple options, page wise, page wise, you can analyze what is there, you can apply filters, country wise, you have to understand that even if you want to see the complete performance report around a specific country. you can sir i close it from here end lets go to new top country here select i want you study around united states what is my performance in last three months in united states i to date c can do right So here we see a lot of filters that we can do, another very important thing with regards to this performance section is that when you option your website, then the main thing is that you have selected a keyword . Digital Marketing Course in India, this was your keyword which you selected and you started working on it, after some time you will see that when you took Digital Marketing Course in India, this was the key word, so if you are working on it If yes, then you will see that even on the burning queries, your other pages or the same page starts ranking fine and the reason behind this is that when you optimize your web page for a specific query, then It gets optimized even on queries similar to it, automatically Google starts to understand that Digital Marketing Course in India is the query, it means that the query related to it is Disturbing Marketing Training in India. On top of that there are high chances that your page has started getting ranked, if it starts getting ranked above the queries it gets, then those are the queries on which your page is getting ranked and despite being ranked, how many impressions it has, how many clicks What is its average position, you can see here in the section with queries, as you can see, there are many keywords in the section with queries, like if you look here, you can see 74 key words. If we are reducing above 74 words, we may be reducing above 8 only 10 keywords, but we are reducing our website position or website even on many keywords that match it, if we say page then It would be better if our pages start making positions, due to which we can see many more queries in the queries section here and on the basis of that we can analyze here if we feel that it is very There are only important queries, so if we want to create new pages on their basis, then we can create them, if we want to write some blog on their basis, like a query, I liked it very much, it is a very solid query and clicks are also coming on it. If impressions are also coming, then meeting this query, I will do some keyword research, then I will write some blog related to it, I will try to rank it, then from there also I will try to bring potential traffic, so all these things have come in the study part. What I told you that the report does not only mean that you have just seen the report, we never have to do this, we have to do some analysis on the basis of the data we have seen on the basis of the report and to do the analysis. After some or the other we have to take some steps as well, what is the meaning of performance report, if you are not analyzing it and do not have to take any steps, then I believe you must have understood by now that what we have to do inside the performance report. -What can be seen, in which way the average position people reduce the points that I have told you, take a little care of this, many people get confused in this, this average position, I never focus on the average position, right, I am always here But this one which is our query, how many impressions, how many clicks, how much is its city and how much is its average position, so by this type I try to study more, if you look at the average position of huge data You will also be confused [music] Gas Many times it happens that there are many pages on our website, but we want that some of those pages or some URLs should not appear in our Google search, there can be many reasons behind this. We may have our own retirement that we do not want some of our specific pages to appear in Google search, so if we want to do this, how can we do it, we have a removal tool within a Google search. Gets through which we can remove those url scores from google search then when you go to top of google search console you will see inside index you get a section of removal and from here you can submit new request which is It simply means that when you go to the top of the new request, it asks you which URL you want to remove from Google search, you are mentioning it here, many people get confused and they think Here, if we remove the new request, it means that the URL will be removed from our website, look, that URL will not be removed from the website, that URL will only be removed from Google search, which means that URL inside Google search is not upper. That page will not be upper, now another very important thing is this, now if you look carefully here, I also cancel it and if you look carefully, here you will see temporary removewle means it is not permanent removal. Means here, even if your website is removed from Google search once, then it may be back after 6 months when Google's crawler will come over your website and it will see the URL, then it will again put your URL in Google search. Can show means to say this is a temporary URL removal as you are seeing here by name also this is temporary page removal as you are seeing here also by name but the question here is also that Sir if If we want to remove what is there then what should we do, what are these steps, see for permanent removal, you will have to remove the speech itself from your website or you will have to remove that page from your website. What is four zero four, you have to make it face 404, then that one way, which is your permanent removal, it can be a solution, or if you do it, people will date this actually de permanent removal. Right but here we get the option of temporary removal, so how do we have to go to the top of the new request, here we have the option, we will enter our URL like I am just telling you here for the example. That if I enter my URL here it is okay and after that if you see then you get two options remove this URL only if you want only this specific URL to be removed from google search then you can do this If you want that after this URL, something else is being created by slashing all the URLs, if you want to remove the different URLs as well, then you have to select this second option here very carefully . From here, we have to select that if you do not do any wrong removal, then keep this thing in mind, here I have just explained one thing, it is also written here, block URL from Google search results for about 6 months. And clear current cash version means if google has already some deal has become typhus means here you go like if I go here and after coming here I type digital marketing from lets here then this you sniper watching like here we go here here like you it's becoming a snipit right so clears this deal which version clears it's store as well because it's the one Which is our specific page, it has some cache version which is also with Google, it will store that how Google sees this page, red actually de cache version, so it clears that too, if we remove it here, ok hai to woh cheez aap dekh ki current sniper time kaise version de will be regenerated after de next crawl ok for permanent removal either block page from indexing which i told no index tag either you can block or remove dem from de Remove the site from the website itself and you redirect to four zero four pay then gas I will. Now you must be understanding what is the meaning of this new test here and what is the meaning of temporary removal, after that gas We get the option of outdated content here, now here if any user marks on the internet that your web page is a web page with outdated content, then here you will see the URLS of that page etc. And what is their status, you can also see it because it is not in our website, so I cannot show you this here right now . And its status will also be visible to us here, so the important thing to note here is that many people consider it as a permanent removal option, but it is not, it is a temporary mobile option, after that the gas that you will get here. This safe search filtering option is visible, it simply means that if a user marks the content on your website as adult, not just marks it, then you will see it here from the URL whose request Race must have happened then gas I believe you must have understood by now that what is this removal option [music] url parameter tool gas here when you come to your Google search console you can see here But you will see a tool inside Legacy Tools and Report called URL Parameters, so in today's video we are going to talk about the same thing that why this URL parameter option is given here and why we People are talking about this video and the reason behind it is that what you are watching here this report will not be available after 26th April means after 1 month almost if you are watching the video on the right day today I have uploaded , so after about a month this tool will disconnect Google search console, so we will not see its option , so the point is that why we have brought this video here. For it is that if the section with URL parameters will go away, then the problem that URL parameters tool solves for us, then what is the solution to the problem, okay, then we will discuss all these things, look carefully, it is very important. video is first of all we understand that url What is the parameter, then the gases are brought here, we are on the top of our word press website and you are looking at this famous website, as soon as this website is here in front of you, then if you see any one product here. Let's open as I open this product, now you look at its URL carefully, you are seeing its URL here, but if I search anything like I went here and I searched here I search in new and new, now you look carefully, what type of URL is yours here, so what you are seeing here is not what you are seeing here, this is actually the parameter, so the point is That we do not want Google to index the URLs that are parameter based, this is the reason that we remove the parameter based URLS with the help of the URL parameter tool, we do not want Google to index them. Because if you look here, this is our parameter and when we search, whatever new URL is created, whatever products are inside the URL, the products which are already uploaded are rearranged like this If you want to understand the matter in a better way, then I go here on Amazon, now you will understand what is the funda of paramitor URL, so here on Amazon, I search for one time, laptop is fine, as soon as I have laptop Searched, now you will see that there are a lot of results here, okay, you are seeing the content of the page here, you are seeing a lot of results from the laptop, if I sequence the laptop, it is above. If you do it below, there will be no change in the content of this page, understand this means that our page is normal, and second we are talking about another page, let us talk about another new URL Where what we are doing is to put this laptop down, now you are seeing that two pages have been created, but is the content on both the pages not different from the content on both the pages, then when the second page is generated by us It happens like this laptop has gone up and this laptop has gone down, this listing has gone up and this listing has gone down and such that our secondary page which is generated, we do not call that particular page with the parameter url Want that page to be indexed because here the issue of duplicate page will be created because the content will be rated, but the arrangement is different, that listing has gone up. This has gone down or some of the below listing has gone super . urls are different then two different urls google will consider it and there will be issue of duplicate so if you want to see practical then as soon as i go to now you will see if i search anything here like i did here hi tu lo search okay so you see here hydro lo as soon as i search so here if you look here you see an s here s okay this it again a parameter you see here Here you are seeing the CRI, this is also a parameter, so why this ID is visible here, you are also seeing a parameter, so there are different parameters here, so when we have made some changes here done here so what is the content of our page that has not changed the content of the page remained the same but there is a sorting done hi tu lo in the same way if i come here and i go here and lo tu hi ok Hai to lo tu hi me bhi agar aapko aapko aapko aapko page content nahi hai nahi hai nahi change kya hai, it has been successful, just that the products whose prices were low have come up from the bottom, so this is some arrangement, then such cases I do not want that when we have changed this, here when sorting is done, then what is changed in the URL, then we do not want the second URL to be indexed, so we exclude the paramometer itself, okay. With the help of URL parameter, now it is less difficult to understand it with the help of and Google says that brother, when robots shot still, we also convert URLS to mean parameters . What is the need of URL parameter tool when we make these URLs which are URLs and in today's time Google's crawlers have become very smart, they understand that the parameter Based URLS are being created, pages are being created, there is no need to index them, index those which are normal pages, that's why he is discontinuing it from 26th April, then understood the reason why he is disconnecting, get an answer for this too It has been said that if such a problem occurs again, then in this particular case, we can use robot dot text or Google itself is so intelligent that Google's system is that Google's crawlers understand that URLs with parameters have to kill exclude but if we had to do it first then how would we do that also see you guys here as I come here and look at our parameter this one is the parameter you are looking at s = And the new you are seeing is the value of the parameter that we put here, then what we want to exclude, we have to do this, so I copy it, we come back from here and here we add Let's go to parameter and what is the name of parameter I paste it here ok now look carefully what is written here ten this parameter change page content scene by d user han bhai page ka content ko ye change kar raha hai But it is not affecting the content of the page, what is it doing, changing it, re-ordering or narrowing means that you have applied a filter, it is okay and you see on the whole website, if the filter is applied, then the filter Jab lag gaya to kya kar kar raha hai new hai kar kar raha ko to page so here I will write yes change re orders kar raha hai or narrow kar raha raha kar raha hai to narrow kar raha kar raha hai ten this parameter affect content how is it affecting kya narrow kar raha hai yes agar me narrow kar raha raha toh ne chhodga raha raha hai shorts raha hai toh me shot likh raha hai ok and after that what to do which url with this pramiliter should google bot crawl so i will say no u r this parameter Limit all the URLs that are being generated with the crawling, don't let them get crawling, you can do it by doing this way, you should have a proper understanding of the URL, you should have a proper understanding of the parameters. It should be there, only then you will be able to use this tool with URL parameter, but you will not even need to do it because this tool will go from 26th, it was necessary that you get some information about the tool that is going to go, so that you Don't be confused that what was this thing and if you have such a problem then how will it be solved? What did I tell you about the way to solve it? Robot shot is the problem, it gets solved, so the syntax you have in Robot Taxi should be It goes, I will also show you what type of syntax it will be, so here I have opened Myntra's robot taxi, so if you look here, and I pick up the search here, as you see Ho no, if any URL is created with the search, then you are seeing here, they have made this alo, so in this way the URL can be scored. Cleaner amazon also robot 65 which is picked up here now you see here here you will understand better here if you look here then what are you seeing in this alo after search you are seeing here or not Iss type se agar cheez hai aa rahi hai to woh saari this aalo hai aur issi type yaar par hog rahi hai dekh s question mark ke is equal tu this and this is equal tu this to yeh saari jo cheez hai na agar parameters Based on this thing comes in a URL, then due to this rule, what is allowed, then this option with URL parameter will now be solved by this particular thing also, which robot stalls [music] where enhancement reports are shown. If you give then you can see here in google search console you are seeing this enhancement report but one thing which is very important now if you talk about this website then here you are seeing inside the enhancement The same thing is visible Date it Lagos but many times it happens that if you go to another website and you see the enhancement report then there you will see different different things, I also show you by switching over to another website So now if I go over to the other website and if you look over here you can see within nanosment you see blood comes you see lagos you see reviews nipids also you see here you see cycling search box And those pasabel structure data is visible here, so what is it that we are seeing only one thing inside the enhancement section of Google Search Console in a website Look, where we are seeing multiple things, to understand this, we have to understand that in what way these enhancement reports of ours are generated, Look, the enhancement report tells you that the structure data on top of your website. And easy words if you want to understand then you put the scheme on top of your website like if you put the review scheme markup then you will also see the reporting of review sniper inside the enhancement section if you have related to the late lagos A scheme is applied, now there is no scheme related to the people, you use the website, inside that you put the URL of the people, which is the image of your people, then you put the URL there, then if you have used the website scheme of your website. Placed above and inside that you have mentioned the URL of the people mentioned there, then inside the report of Google search console enhancement, you will see the option of Lagos here in the same way as you are seeing. Cycling search box, so if you have put the scheme of cycling search box on top of your website, then in the enhancement section here, that thing will automatically be generated here and you will see this type of report here, so many people The beginners especially when they ask that Sir very few reports are visible in my enhancement report, but a lot of reports are visible in your husband's sports , it simply means that whatever structure data of our website You will see the same thing detected above, here in the enhancement report, you will see that thing here, now the second question comes, what does this report tell us, look, when we implement structure data on our website, then It is possible that the structure data may not be implemented properly, there may be an error in it or it has not been implemented properly, then Google wants to give us a warning related to it, if it has been implemented properly, it will say that all these If the thing is valid, then it means to say that the scheme data which is implemented on our website is implemented correctly or not, we see all those things inside the section with enhancements, now why is its name enhancement, you yourself You will understand, look, when we scheme data in our website, what is your purpose that we are our presence in the search results, the way our website is appearing in the search results, the search engine is appearing on the top of the result page, you are Very precise, we want to laugh at it a bit, we want it to appear in the reviews, we want to see the search box of cycling there, we want Brett Karma to appear there, so when we want different different scenarios, we want For that we put the scheme data, right, basically we do and here if you look, you can see the logoj here, okay people, in the enhancement, now if we look here, you can see that it is written here that there is an error No means with whatever scheme data I would have done it to Lagos everything is fine now we will also check it and after that if I go above valid then you will see here you are seeing complete status is complete type is complete items and everything is fine fine so when i will click on it right and here you will see then on which particular url they have found out this people enhancement and said that it is ok you can see it here Ok and when they give that date also you can see so if I click on it then you can see as I clicked on it here the source code is open and I am getting to know where the people here Did it as you can see right here you people are seeing here so in this type you create scheme markups this is basically scheme markup also if you go up here you will understand I will go to this scheme data here, look here it is written http, if I want to show you a little copy, then I can show it from here so that you can see a little thing clearly here, once I copy this from here and let's open notepad and here I show you like this which is our scheme data you can see here there are 21 type organization scheme now in organization scheme name url people now these people The ones that you can see, there is information here, because of this you are seeing Lagos here in the section with enhancements, whereas if any If there was an error, then that too you would have come to know that you have an error here or create some problem in the scheme data that you have, like you have stopped earning or you have stopped putting your brackets, if you do not write the syntax carefully. In a particular case, it will detect that there is a scheme data, but there is some problem in it, then you get all this information through enhancements that if there is any problem in your scheme data or if there is a problem in the structure data, then you can find it here. But you can resolve or solve, so here you are seeing a lot of enhancements, inside you are seeing the report, but if I talk about the error, then look here, I show such an error, look here Error is visible here parking error, we missed missing comma or curly braces, when you click on it, then you will know that URL above which problem is there, then you can solve this problem by going and give After that, when your page will be indexed again, then this problem will be solved and the error from here will be removed from here, so it is a very small feature and many people are confused about this feature. That's why Sir, I am seeing more enhancement reports, but you are seeing less, is it why? hai woh generate hoti hai achcha karta ho video aapko aapse pasand aaya aapko [music] we will talk about this which we are seeing the option of security and manual action here inside which we are seeing manual action here as you can see Be that as of now there is no manual action on this particular website or any issues related to manual action have not been detected but what we are going to understand here is that what are manual actions and why Google takes manual actions on our website, what can we do to avoid manual actions on our website or manual action issues, what can we do and if Google takes manual actions on our website In this particular video, we are going to understand all these things in very detail, what will be the harm to us in a particular case, whether it is in respect of manual action or in respect of security issues, now first of all we understand that manual What is the meaning of actions that you are seeing here that any manual action on this particular website has not been detected, but first of all we understand what is meant by manual action, see our website Google can impose penalty in two ways, one is that you keep calling bots of Google, if they find anything suspicious, they get to see any such activity which is against Google's policies. There, the ranking of our website or the quality of our website can be affected because Google or Google's bot seems to be against the guidelines of Google, which are the master guidelines. Yes, it is that there are many such employees of Google and there are such representatives who manually check your website, if they find any problem in your website, now we will separate it, what is that problem, what are the reasons for which Because of this there are manual actions, but as the name itself suggests, manual actions are those actions which are taken by Google's representative from the real representative or humans, you call them humans, who are on top of your website, such actions are more dangerous. Because it is not that easy to remove them, but manual actions can also be removed, so if there are any manual actions on your website, then you will see here that this global action has been taken on your website and its complete Manual actions were taken on your website and you will also be told some steps to resolve the problem that has occurred due to this particular action, that if you do these steps, then your problem will be resolved, so this It has been talked about manual actions, what are manual actions, now the second thing to understand is that brother, if manual actions happen on our website, then what will be the harm to us, see if there are manual actions on your website, then first of all The thing is that you can take some URLs or some pages of your website. They can disappear from the search, which means they will not be really visible. This is actually a penalty on your website that now some of the URL pages of your website will not appear in the search engine. Really will not show means that their ranking will never happen, it can happen with some URLs and sometimes like I told you that manual actions are quite strict, sometimes it is for the entire website of Puri. It is possible that your website may get penalized and then it may not be upper in Google's search, then you have to avoid these manual actions, now do we need our own methods or what are the guidelines for manual actions? For this, if we go to the official documentation of the manual action report here on the Google console, then if you look here, the basic definition of what is this manual action is also written, Google issues now against manual action. Me na human reverse aate google date page on de site are not compliant with Google SWAYAM master guidelines fine so if we come down then you can see here which is the list of manual actions which type of manual actions are your website be over like site abused with third part it generated if sperm is over your website ok there are lots of comments pumps etc date particular case also your website may be penalized under manual actions should be spinny free host structure Data should not have any issue Unnatural links should not point to your website Unnatural links you give from your website to other website These are all causes These are all regions that can trigger manual actions on your website Fine You can see many here, this is the whole list, once you follow this thing, you will understand it properly, then you will understand what things you have to take care of, basically Google's master policy. Keep in mind that I keep telling you this thing again and again, don't do this peng, don't do clocking, don't try to receive the crawler, keep the user in mind, you have to write content, you don't have to write spam content, you have to do all these The thing that I keep telling you, the same thing is written here as well, but you will definitely comment on this list once, go through it and you will get clarity, after that if I talk here Now what is the meaning of security issues, if I click here, then if you look in security shoes also, you are not seeing any issues here, but the meaning of security issue is that like your website A visitor comes over and Google feels that if a visitor is visiting your website and hampers its security, then there may be a security issue on your website, meaning if the user enters the information of credit card etc. on your website. And Google is feeling that man, this website is not of any malicious type, this website is trying to steal the details of its card, whatever it looks like Malaysia activity or it seems that your website is already hacked. There is some head content on the top of the website, there is some hacked script on top of your website, ok, so where there will be security related loopholes inside any website, that website will travel to security issues, now what are the security issues ? Things we have to take care of, you can see here like in security shoes report if we come and here you can see like pages and sides affected by security issue can be upper with d warning label in search results on interstitial warning page In de browser when I user price then you will sometimes see that you try to visit some website and when you visit those website you see that the browser receives some notifications, there are some security notifications. Those warnings of this type are fine inside the browser etc. So if you talk about security issues, what are the regions that cause security problems, then here you can see the malware content if found inside your website. Means hacked malware content, some code, script is injected, some content is injected, some URL is injected, it is a deceptive page, well, after that, the simple meaning of a deceptive page is that you are making such a website like this page. Ho which is a replica of another trusted website, which looks exactly like a tested website, but it is not a trusted website or a trusted page, this is actually a deceptive page receptor, imbated resources are ok, have you missed any resources to guide you? Ambedkar on the top of his website, if you open it, you will see many more things here, which are related to this particular region, are now encouraging people to download something like fine, download some unwanted software encouraging people to download unwanted extensions, encouraging people to download, okay, so if you do this type of thing, then all those things will come in security shoes, because all these things in a way are security I am creating an issue for the visitor, so you can be penalized for that too, so you will see in most of the cases that if you are not doing anything wrong, not trying to receive something or not trying to spam something. If you are not trying to receive the crawler, then in such a case you will not see any issues here generally, you will see most of the websites here clean, but we should know that this option inside the Google search console What do you mean, I am requesting you again that you people please read both the documentation and I will try to put the link in the description so that you don't have any problem [Music] Backlink Report Both speaking are the same thing, so first of all we see where we see these reports inside the Google Search Console and what insights we can get from these reports, on the basis of which we take the type of decisions. If you can then gas here you can see as I come on top of my google search console I select any of my property then here below you see this section this is the section of D link and after that You have some report of this type, it is visible here, now one thing I want to clear you in the starting itself, many of the sources do not follow this report, that means the report of backlink from here is very much . You do not do much analysis, you have the option definitely given inside Google search console, but those who are seoz, they do not do this option, if they have to study the back link report of their website, they have to analyze it, on the basis of that they do something. If we have to take decisions, then there are many tree tools for that, whether we talk about F, whether we talk about this juice, these tools, this is the vaccine profile of your website, it is provided to you in detail. Which of your banking is broken, how many new banking snakes have acquired, what is the velocity of your back links, how much banking you are losing on and average daily basis, then there are many such insights that you It is not available here, so Coke prefers that they can analyze the backlink report in detail and many people want to analyze competitors etc. which you cannot do here, so this option is actually useful. Of course we have given it here, but many procedures do not do it, so gas if I go to the section with links, then once we see here, what type of reports information we can see here. So the first thing you can see here is the external link, it simply means that what other websites are there, there are web pages that are pointing above your website, your back link is there. So if I talk about the top linked page now, then which are our pages that have the most back links on top of other web pages, then you can see here first you will see the home page and it is quite common. There is also in most of the cases you will also see that many of the backlinks or most of the backlinks are made on top of our home page fine and here you can see then this contact is its page here we have external links What we are getting, how many are we getting 14 external links We got here, now you have to understand one or two things here, which I am telling you clearly, here is your domain from late, if I go by the example man, your domain is and here is some page like is a page by is a page by is a page fine now a page has got external links here c dot com slash a by c dot com This page from slash B, which is the web page of the website, it has got external link, so here, if it got external link from here, it means that there will be a link somewhere in the middle of the content which will be on this page, it is okay, then one link got from here and one link got from here then how many external links will be count you know these two external links will be count but same but if i remove only this particular basis only from this particular paste if two links are found To say that it has got two external links, it may mean that this content is on top of this page, one link can be found here and one link can be found here, then if two links are being found from the same page, any of our website Any web page will be counted as the number of external link in that particular case, only one account will count as two cups, when we are getting external link on a particular page from different different pages of the same domain. If I talk about this report, there are 23 links on the language, then it may be that it has more external links. External XP should be made by this type on many pages, on top of one page, four external links should be made, which point to it, then only one external link will be counted from there, then many reports can be combined in the link section of Google Search Console. It has been given fine by combining a lot of data from this type, then you should know this thing, then if I want to go to the top of the home page, then you can see how many total external links are there, 23 and total sides. From how many 11 sides we are getting links, so if you look here, we are getting links from yellow page, if I open this also, from which page of yellow page, we are getting links, so if you look carefully All pages are different like slash is given in the middle slash is a n slash as is ok it is not that if you are getting four links from the same page then it will not show that you are getting four external links from the same page Fine, it will show you that you are getting only one link, then there are some things of this type, you should understand the basic basic thing, after that here is the report of internal links . The links they are getting from other pages of our website, how many links are they getting, it used to provide this type of report to us so that we can understand whether the start of our internal linking is correct or not. The pages we have are properly interlinked or not, then here you can see that if we talk about this page, then it has got 11 internal links, let us see here the top linking sites from which type of domain. From which type of website we have got the maximum number of links, here you actually get to see the website or domain, here what you are getting to see is that on which page we have got links, so if I When I open it, from where do I get the link, you get to see it here, the same thing is also being shown here in a way, look, you are the top linking site, here we are seeing different websites, those domains are visible. From whom we got the links, after that if I talk then here the top linking text is top but the simple meaning of the text is that it will definitely be above some anchor text, so we can check here that the anchor The text is here and it is relevant to our website or not and here also we check the same thing that our top link page is this and it is linked to these particular website means link was found from these particular website It has happened here that we can check whether this link which is pointing to our web page is relevant or not, then we can check all these things in the reports here, but again like I told you. Many people do not do this report, very detailed information is not available from here, you get the overview type from the point of view of analysis and when the analysis of backlinks is done there, which is the analysis of our competitor's actions. Although it also plays a very important role, because that part is not known to be here, then many people do not prefer to do it more within the pet tools, which are all the tools from backing to analysis [music] ] Scroll start report then gauge First of all, we see where we see the crawl start reports in Google search console, after that we will see what the meaning of these reports is, then gas here as we are on Google search console Come on, here you have to go to Simply Settings and after going to Settings, you will see the section of crawling here and this is the report, this is actually the start report and here which is selected by default. Last 90 days is selected, now you will keep this thing in mind and the cross request that has been done in these 90 days is about 100090 crawl requests, we can say that there are less than 1000 requests, that is if I open it So I will see the detail report here, now first of all we understand what is the meaning of start report and what information does this report provide to us, then gage we understand crawling and indexing that most First, the crawling of our pages is done and after crawling, our pages are indexed and after that our web pages appear in Google's search, if there is no indexing, then you know that our web Google will not really see the page, in this way, Google never came to know about those pages, but if we want to understand the related tats from crawling, the status means the number of pages, how many pages were crawled, how many crawls What is the request of our website, what is the domain, what is the caller of Google, how many crawling requests came, all these things in the form of If we want to study the numbers, then we have to go to the call start report, this report It also helps us to understand how cross crawlers are viewing our website, it is a very simple thing, the more crawling request, the better your website, the more your website will be updated, the more your website will be open to crawling, the more calls you will get. You will see the request which is on top of your website, now the point here is that the crawl request is getting successful because if the crawler is coming over your website and trying to cross the page of the website And let's take some page there may be some technical issue, there may be some region due to which it is not able to cross, then this is also a negative point, so all these things, if in the form of numbers, we have to study If yes, then we reach directly above the cross start reports, the same point I have written here that actually tells you about the crawling history of your website. Important point gas, this is the report of the start, it is not so useful for small website, which is big website where there are millions of pages, where you have to keep an eye on this thing, I have so many pages, now in its proportion which The crawling request is being generated, how much it is being generated, how much crawling request is being spread, you have to take care of all those things, which are small websites, there is no problem in them, there is no budget issue, the call starts there. They are generally positive because all your pages are not crawled properly, fine there, so if we go over the crawl starts, then here you see the report according to the first 90 days time period. You are getting to see and the last updated one is 18th April ok if we see here you see total crore request which is generated by google crawler in 90 days here you can see about 1000 crore request The fine generated here , if the request is generated, then the page that will be loaded will be fine, Google will also download some resources etc., so the resources of that size are downloaded, when our page is loaded, then the average of the page load What time is it, how much is it, you are seeing here, okay, our average response time, how much is this whole thing, now we are seeing all the things right here, if I come down here, you are seeing the host status. In the new status, if my sub domain etc. was here, then we would see it here, but according to the host status, what problem has come, the meaning of the status is simple, here you understand that while crawling our website, what issues came in the last 90 days. I will see its report here so you can see here like in phasing robot start 65 it didn't have any problem here you are seeing it is showing tick ok so if something has spread In some conditions, you can see here, isn't it unacceptable spread rate, even if it is spread, then it is an accept table, there is no problem, then this thing is fine, after that there is an acceptable spread rate in DNS resolution too, so no Not a problem everything is fine but here you see server connectivity server connectivity which means when there is a request race and there are some issues in the response that comes from your hosting and here you see what is in this post First quite high but now the spread rate is acceptable so I will open this report so you will see here this one what you are seeing spread rate is ok here field crawl request is very high ok but if I Let's see here which is the time of March and if you look at the time of April then field crawl request which is less then if your crawl request which is field crawl request if your request is increasing field crawl If the rate is not a good signal, it means that the crawler wants to cross your website and due to technical issues or due to any issues, it does not know how to call your website, then what will happen gradually, what will happen here. The total call request is visible in front of him, he will reduce their numbers gradually because he will feel that there are many changes on your website, your website does not remain updated, if there are technical issues in your website, then it will slowly reduce your website. It reduces the crawl request, whereas if your website remains updated, technical shoes do not come in it, then gradually the number of your cross requests will increase, which means that the better response your website will give, the better you will get here. Number will be seen and hire's crawl request with me date your website is better in terms of google find if I go down here by response you can see here the breakdown of call request by response you can see here Ok 200 ka means karol request of those pages which gave 200 means ok ka jo response wo diya na ab dekho 57% of the page whose response came ok means 200 status code was there but not modified permanent ab here But this one because you would not want the crawling which is above the 3 O' Van page or the crawling above the not found page, so basically you are wasting the resources of the crawler, so these numbers will be as low as possible. There are non-important pages which are not giving a response of 200. The lesser the crawling on them, the better your crawl budget is optimized and the better your website is in the eyes of technical Google. bike file type you are getting to know here crawl request by file type so html tight java script you will see most of it after that brother in purpose purpose if you look first here refresh and give second this discovery look refresh It means that the cross request came on those pages which page already exists, the date is actually refresh like a page on my website is already fine and it is already indexed, Google has already called it but When the crawler which is not on our website will come again, then it will call again, then the date will come in you refresh . Is it very little discovery means new page is ok and through which google bot the request is the crawling request that was generated you can see here so basically the numbers related to your crawling are the call request etc. How much is it generated, is the crawl request increasing or decreasing gradually, you get all these indications from here if the crawl request is decreasing which is not a good signal if the crawl request is increasing which is not a good signal but like I Told you that these insights are necessary for a very big website, if it is not a very big website, then it is as important from the inside point of view, no, if you ignore it, then there will be no problem, but to learn new things. No problem [music] about domain authority date is da and ka these two metrics developed by mods today we understand Let's talk about how this metric is calculated, as you can see here, the agenda of this video is divided into three parts. Whether you take them as a metric, which provides a score to our domain, that is, to our website, out of hundred icons, then on what basis is this score being given , what are its parameters, considering which factors, mass is ours. Domain gives our website a score out of 100, we will discuss all those things, after that if I talk about page authority, mass also provides a score out of 100 to our page, so after all it is out of 100 , on what basis we get the score, what are its parameters, then we will see that, it is a simple matter, how this metric is calculated, we will cover it in this particular video, the second point is this. Is it really such an important metric because today when we talk about the authority of the website, you ask anyone, ask any person that if you want to remove the authority of your website, then which tool will you do it? Or what are the ways by which you can tell me that how much is the authority of your website or how much is there any number that we can judge that what is the authority of your website, see Google has any such tool I have not made it so that the authority of any website can be checked directly, like if you give an exam, then after that you get a result, fine, on the basis of the result, I can check what you did in the exam, tell me sir My 80% has come, they will say that my 70% has come, someone will say that I have 50%, then on the basis of this I can evaluate what is your position in the class, but Google has not yet made any tool to judge this. We will be able to take the knowledge that the authority of our website, the value of our website, how fine it is in the eyes of Google, then another company took advantage of it, they said, look brother, not Google, someone like this is giving you such a tool. Giving method through which you can judge the 30 of your website or judge the authority of your page, so what do I do, I make such a tool, many other companies have initiated this thing. Basically, you will tell the domain authority of your website, which means what is the 30 of your website, it will tell you what is the authority of your page, then these tools take some factors of Google into consideration and then calculate those factors. On the basis of your website, we give you an authority of these terms of numbers, which are easily understood by you, like if I tell you that my brother has come to 80%, then you can judge that people are fine, there I am. If you say that this guy has 50%, then you will say that he is an average or below average student, then a simple score clears the whole story, you do n't need to understand that this guy has 50%. % marks came but maths c is 40 in hindi and according to that there are difference marks in other subjects and according to that average it is 55% or 50% ok so we didn't go into rest of the details but we Decided on the basis of every piece of information that this person is average or below average or above average, so there was a similar need, so the presence was needed by the website owners because Google had not yet made any such tool by which we Directly able to check how much our authority is in the eyes of Google, but Google has reduced the rest, Google has created different tools to analyze the different factors, like if we check our website or the different pages of our website. If we want to check the speed with respect to devices, how much is the speed of our website on mobile or how much is the speed of our website on desktop, then we can do this, Google has its own speed inside tool, so in this way Google is different To judge the factors, to analyze the different factors, it has given us different different tools, like if we want to analyze the rich data of our website, then inside the Google search console, inside the enhancement reports. If we can analyze it, it is not that Google did not provide us tools, Google provided us many tools but there was no tool that could directly tell that is a website whose authority is so i can judge of 100 or 50 authority it means it is average authority or good authority whatever it is there was no such tool which can tell that b dot com slash a is a page its which authority one over all sur ur ranking over all The SU score is 60 out of 100, so many tools took the initiative, but mass was the first organization to introduce this type of metric, followed by many others. Organization came like here mall what does it say isko domain or 30 where if I talk about f rfhf whatever you want to pronounce I talk about f then what happens here is about dom rating and here it is talked about There is pagerating, that is, there is talk of dr and par, but in a way, the thing which is calculated by Moss, the authority of website or the authority of page, the same thing which is Arabic, it calculates and if I talk about what both have- Which parameters it has done, then the parameters which it does it, almost select parameters, R also does it, so the simple thing is that both the things basically tell us, not only that what is the web page of our website needed. But they have separated the name of his representation ; I can say that from the very beginning it means from the very beginning, the fun that is involved in making so base tools and so based content, so best resources are involved in making learning resources, so many companies, death came long ago It was involved right then if I now talk about death, we have been given two metrics, Da and Ka, how these two metrics are calculated and is it really important today if we talk about sleep, because if you There are one hundred persons and I ask you that what is the third of your website, then you will not be able to tell me directly and directly you will either go above the mass or go above the F and is DAP or Dr's Basis But you will tell me that this is the authority of our website, so today it is a normal person or such a website or today such a person, should I trust these metrics, does Google take da or such metrics into consideration, does it fit in Google's algorithm Is that if the da of this website will be 60 or that of this page will be 50, then we will rank this page or we will run this website, it is not so because it is an outside metric, if Google Gautam fits It is not a trick that Google will provide you ranking on the basis of data, Google will provide you ranking on the basis of data, then you have to understand that by looking at data and data, you cannot say that if a website's data is If it is very good, then this website will rank, if any page is good, then this page will run 100%, you can't say that, but what is the metric of what number you get. If that too is obtained by analyzing some factors, then if we understand that after analyzing which factors are given the score of Da and Ka, then you will be able to understand that what is the major contribution of Da and PM like you. Said that you have got 90 out of 100 is ok then the next question should be that if you get 90 out of 100 then in what you got I said if you got in sports then you will get it it has nothing to do with education so here It is also the same thing, if we do not understand how it is calculated, how it is calculated, then we will not understand that what is its importance . But look at the first point, this is not developed by Google, so don't think that it is inside Google's algorithm in any way, and if we improve our website's ranking, then we will be ranked. If we improve the web page, then we will get ranked, so you have to take care of this thing, there is no guarantee of ranking here, fine, after that, if we talk about domain authority or page authority, then this is a relative metric, according to mass relative. Metric means like here I write 60 and ask you if this is da's score is domain authority's score then is it a good score or bad score then it is relative see if any other website The score becomes 90, so if I talk in its respect, then it is not that good score, but there is another website whose score is Domain Authority. The score of which is 30, then it becomes a good score in its respect, otherwise this thing is called relative metric, which alone has no existence, if I look at it in a way, if I compare it with It becomes good and compare with this if I compare in its respect, I compare with it in relation, then it is not that good, fine, da and ka, if we talk about it, it is a relative metric, aaj well, aaj ye logarithmic scale pe Chalti hai log scale means you understand as if I am making an effort to do something less or I am making an effort to bring the number in the class, then once I bring it up to 80%, I will not have any problem, I will make a little effort. Will do Lets I used to study 4 hours everyday and I got 80% ok after that to reach 80 to 90% I had to study 8 hours then to reach 80 to 90% I had to study 8 hours but after that 90 From 80 to 90 I have to study 16 years instead of 8 years to reach 95% so what do you see here even though it is decreasing means from 80 to 90 only we increased 10 points and here only we increased 5 points But as you grow like two things, your efforts are also read, it is very easy to say that you achieve 30 or 40 domain authority or tree authority, but after that When you increase the above and your approach to increase it will be quite two, it is called the scale which is in the anchor, then you must have understood fine, now as the name suggests, da means domain authority. What is the value of our entire domain and in simple language our entire website including all our domains including our blog etc. has a combined value, how much is the date this is actually called as domain authority in the same way if I If I talk about page authority then page is 30 basically that page which is full authority is fine authority of a single page if the authority of the page of your website will improve gradually then definitely it will make a difference to your domain authority too means if the page authority Authority is improving gradually, so with time you will see that your authority also improves, it also increases, if we talk about what are the factors that contribute in making Da and Ka. So from the point of view of mass, let me tell you that incoming links are very important in domain authority, meaning if this is my website and there are many links coming from it and many relevant and quality links are coming, then this is one of the biggest factors. which can increase the domain authority of my website, ok if there are too many bookings on top of my domain or on my home page, then we can improve our domain authority by increasing Maybe this is the most major factor, after that according to you mass mass itself says that it is not only that we take only bottling profile into consideration means these back links are incoming links on top of our website, these are our It is not that only the domain authority will affect the user's experience should be positive only then the domain authority of our website will improve and our website should be technical fit whatever the basic parameters are technically fit from Casio's point of view There should be and one more factor is the domain front which takes mass consideration in its system in its algor if it calculates the domain authority of a website, similarly if I talk about page authority, here also Your incoming link is as well as your internal links like this one was your page above any website, it was high authority paste, it is getting a lot of traffic, it was a good quality paste and from here if you get good internal links Here you have a good internal link strategy for this particular page, if you follow the target page for this, then that is also an important factor, with regards to your page authority, so here also your page which is 30 should be improved. Maybe user experience and another factor that gets added here is the social share factor in the case of mouse that even if your page has a lot of social shares then the full probability of your page getting increased Now let's try to understand here, this was the second question, and it is really important, so is it not suitable that we make a back, do the user experience, do a little more technical Look at Le and Dominate, it is not like this, content plays a very important role, there are many other factors that play a role, they are not considered majorly, and even if they are considered, they are considered at a very small level. That much importance is not that much importance, those factors have been considered at a very negligible level, because the rest of the factors are not important, those factors are also important, so is your website's data 100% perfect? Just because the authority of our website will be the judge from da itself, it is not like that, but then why do people do it for dip and the question came, look at the depo, most of the people who do it, they do it from the point of view of back gender. From when you have to make your website, then you have no other way because there is no other way, ok or other than Dr. You can check the authority of the other website, so many people who are looking for box opportunities or want to create backlinks on another website, what do those people do, they give a lot of importance to And it is okay for a week too, there is no harm in it because you do not have any other way so that whatever website you are taking the betting from, the authority of the website is the actual authority ; You do not have access to his website, he does not have access to Google Search Console, then you will have to check many things that how much traffic is coming on his website, on which organic keywords the website is running, on which particular page, his website Most of the traffic has been A. Their spam score is how many factors are there, so if you are doing it for your website, then if you have to analyze 100 websites, then think for yourself how much time it will take if you analyze each and every factor. It will take as much time as the time you sleep on your website and analyze its factors, then as much time it will take to analyze those websites from which you are going to get backlinks but The right way is that if it is taking time and you can do it, then you can do the analysis and from a great and better website, there is no other way but I will say that there is no other way to judge the authority of your website. So we are dependent that we follow the domain authority and page authority and there is no harm in it, okay, I have given a small extension of my own in fun, you will download the extension by going to Google Chrome, simply you will have to do it. After doing this, you can see the top of any website you go to, there you will get to see what has been given by the website and what has been given, even in today's time from the point of view, this metric is given to it. There is no harm in it and as I told here that social share which you are seeing here is a factor which is taken into mass consideration, Arif does not take social care into consideration in the official document of RK. This is what I have read so I am telling you and R is ok to calculate your RPR and how many social shares that page is getting to calculate Pyaar and Dr. This metric is not taken into consideration after that which One more thing is left here our candies are also manipulated very funny question sir can we increase the da within a short time see here I am telling you a proven thing from my experience 2017-18 or Between 16 and 18, we bought some trees from fever butlins, that's okay, that's the website, we saw that its domain rating has improved, so it's definitely understood that no matter how much death we say, the rest There are also many other factors which we take into consideration, but from Dr's point of view, but I did not get to see it practically because I told you the time frame, during which we saw that the tree links were fine when we made them on our website. That our domain authority has improved because of those links, now this service has reduced a bit, till two-three years back, there are not many people who use tree bakilinks services on fiber etc. or other market places. Let's sell and sell this thing by saying that we are your Dr. If the rest is not doing so, then we will improve it only on the basis of butlins, then it can also be concluded from here that backlink profile has a major role in RPR or DAB, rest of the factors are in consideration, but if I then If we talk about the major role, then for the backlink, the concept of so nine I believe jo diya aur ka must have been clear to all of you [music] Gas, the major thing we are going to understand is that after all, what is the spam score? First of all, let me tell you that spam score is also a metric like DAP, which is represented in percentage and it has also been developed by Mauj, so if there is any metric, then calculate it . There are some parameters behind doing this, then what are the parameters that make spam score means spines and if it is 5% or 10% or 15% then what are the parameters due to which spam score increases or which There are parameters due to which the score decreases, then we will discuss those parameters and whether spam is really important for us. Spanish is important because many people say that if your website score goes above a percentage, then there is a high probability that your website will be penalized by Google . After all, how is the spam score calculated, what does the mass say, how does it calculate the spam score and give you the fine, so I clear you the same thing first of all, look here as the man walks that your website The spam score of 5% is now how will you see that what is the fan score of your website brother, if there is a matriculation, then the official tool of the month will be fine, you can see this by going inside the official tool of the month. If you can, then I will show you the practical, in that you do not need to take tension, then let's say that if the spam score of any website is 5%, then how is this 5% calculated and spam What is the actual meaning of score in the eyes of mass then mass says that we give spam score of your website to him on the basis take more or less man if your website is more in spanish it means some character stick of your website or your website Some of the features we can find here that some of the characters of your website stick or some of the features are similar to those websites which have become websites by Google or those websites have been listed by Google, so if a website is to be penalised. Hey bye Google , they will have some of their own characteristics, Mass tool has studied this thing that brother, this website has not been penalised, brother, Google, what was there in this website, due to which it got penalised, or the characteristics of this website What is fine, like I tell you this student who is the topper of the class, then you will say brother, if he is the topper of the class, then I will just see his quality, what is the quality brother, he wakes up early in the morning, 8 hours He is studying, doing coaching classes, that is all his quality, so you have seen that brother, another guy is standing, he also has 50% quality inside him . Its probability is 30-40% that it is also a topper, so Mauj studied the characteristics of the website that Google made, many elements were studied by Maus and on the basis of that the other website in Word was compared . Brother, what was the feature in the website that was created and your website, the man takes your website, then what is the feature in your website, then if he sees some overlapping in those features, brother, she was also doing the same thing that has become a website, you are also the same. Reduce the date that she was stopping the word, you are also stuffing the word, so there is a signal match, there is a high probability that your spam score will increase, now here I will say one more very important thing. Many people believe that the spam score of your website increases only because the banking services of your website are built on the Spanish website. Look, this is also a reason, but it is not a reason, according to most definitions. If I show you the definition of mouse here, then look here it is clearly written, I am showing you from the document of the month itself, with in link explorer spam Score represent de percentage of side kya likhta hai percentage of sides with similar features to de side date you are researching By Google, if this fan score of your website is high, it simply means that your website has more characteristics that the closed website gets, now another question becomes from here, sir, until we know that What are the characteristics found inside the website that is being built? Moscow and on the basis of the characteristics, the spam score of our website is increasing, so let us see which are those regions, then mass said that we have almost We have figured out 27 such regions which we found inside the website, okay brother, the website which was built, these 27 regions or the 27 factors which are common, so now on the basis of these factors We increase the spam score of your website, one of the factors is that your website is getting backlinks from many spam websites, but when we talk about reducing spam score, we do not pay attention to that. Which are the 27 factors on the basis of which Mouz increased the spam score of our website, but what do we directly do about those who are our spamming backlinks, in anticipation that our spam score will go down . It is a good practice, this is also a good practice, we should know which other features are ok, but we should know which other factors also, due to which the spam score increased, according to you, in the mouse again I am talking to you, according to you. Mall says that now look at the mass of these 27 factors that even if low number of pages are found on your website, there are more chances of your website being penalized, so we can increase the spam score of your website. Yes, now this is not a reason, your website may have only two pages or three pages, so when I analyze these factors, I am not convinced, personally, these factors increase the spam score of our website. If there is a lot of spam score of our website because it is because of these factors, brother, I have not installed Facebook pixel, ok mine, here we can see more factors of this type, I have not installed Facebook pixel. Or I don't have the link of the link is not found ok I do n't have the email address is not present in me double click is not present google tag manager is not present then the mass says that all these things are not present in yours we have such I have seen the website which went online, this thing was not present in them too, then there is a high chance that your website may also get penalized and the spam score of your website appears to have increased inside mosquitool. Now you tell me if your website Spam score is increasing because of these factors, so is it absolutely solid, it is not a metric, it is not even a big spam score website, the chances of getting penalized are very less, because Google does not consider these factors to be penalized. But han does consider some factors like here if we see people off meta keywords in today's time they don't have meta keywords google also speaks ok and there are many things ok like poison words if too much is happening to it are ok and if there are any backlinks etc on your website then those are some factors then to some extent if you think that by removing the baiting we will increase it then ok but that was not the only reason to increase the spam score Here you are getting it okay so if I talk about their official documentation then you will see here they have given this run down of 27 signals in very detail low number of page found tail related with domains means by moss Saw that the website that was penalized, what is the tilde, what is the tilde, like dot download dot stream, this type of TL di the which actually became so mass felt that this tiarali also became a factor because this type of TL The given website was majorly built, so if your website is also in the stud, there is a high probability that your website is also built, then your website has a spam score, it will appear a little bigger, then I believe this concept. You must have been clear and give here I have also written some points like if you see here like DAPS also develop by mouse witch it is present in link Tora report of mass isko abhi aapko dikhaunga google ten not follow this famous score you understand about the authority of your website it determine the potential of website you will be panelized by google ok google will panelize your website nahi tell its potential hai but batta kaun hai mall so there is no need to take too much tension and if you remove your isami backlink through this about tool then there is high probability that your spam score will increase then these 27 features What I just told you and if I talk about the grading of spam score, okay then 30% sperm score from van is the lowest prime score and this is again according to mass only 31 to 60% is medium and 61 to 100% High spam score is now if we go inside the tool and test this thing once as you see here right I have been inside the mouse in link research we come to spam score and here But I enter a random url like India and I analyze, so if you see this, its spam score is 1% and here we are getting from our website, how much is their spam score? Gas here if you see between 31 to 60% then 9.2% off we are getting backlinks from such domains whose spam score is between 31 to 60 so here if you see then all these 100 spanish score you will get here But if you want to see the domain from which you get backlinks, then if you get backlinks from this high spam website, then your spam score will also increase, but this is your score of 1%, this is a reasonable spam score, there is no need to take tension in it. We don't need it but anyway these are our inbound links which are basically if we get them from the primary website then we should make them this about what we will do for that here you select all of them and export them Take it in CS format and show it by exporting it, once you export its data, it will be exported here, and after that you only need their URL, you will need the rest of the things, otherwise I will use these I delete everyone and from here we delete this too ok for once only we will need urls dates it and we will not need other things so these are your urls which are spam websites basically because The spam score of these websites is very high, so what you have to do is to create a database of these websites, normal, you have to create a text file and after that you have to reach directly to Google's This About Tool, okay here you have a Go to this about you in google search console you are seeing here you select this about tool from here and from here you select your property from lets I select my property and here you will see this about list What is there is to be uploaded and after coming here, you actually need dot text file which you have to upload, which I also show you your romance romance, so by this type you have to mention the information of your domain here. Do it and after that you have to upload it here, fine, then you will see here, this is a simple format, which will be understood by you, this is the two format, otherwise gas, I believe, you must have got this concept clear after all. What is this spam score and it is a metric created by mass, so you do not have to think much, what you have to do directly is the official documentation of mass, how it is calculating spam score, if you If you understand properly then many things will be clear to you, we will discuss back gender related topics, then this video is the first video of this backlink related series. If we discuss, then I have divided the whole session around four major points, which is the first point, you can see that we are going to discuss what are backlinks, which means basic backlinks and In today's time, we are going to understand why we create backlinks, in the second point, we will talk about what is the definition of a better bottling or what type of good backlinks we will speak, what are its characteristics, in what way We will identify that this is a better back link, then it will be discussed around the second point and after that in the third point, we are going to talk about the types of batteries, which we create for the fourth time. The point we are going to discuss is that even in today's time, do we need banking, are there situations where a website can rank even without butlins, and if so, what are those situations And in which situations backlinks will be needed, we will have to make better backlinks, we will not be able to rank our website, then these are the four things that we will discuss in today's particular video, look at the backlink related one. Another thing I clear you guys in the starting itself, it is very important to understand the foundation of backlinks because I see a lot of people jump straight to the process and they have to learn how to get backlinks. If they make fine then they have learned 3 4 5 ways that banking should be made in this type, back link should be made in this type, direct submission should be done here, article submission should be done here, we should do forum posting here Should we make comment boxing here, then they only understood the process and they start making the concept very quickly with backing, they don't even know why batting is needed, how many ways are there to link it. What is the concept of relevancy, then that foundation is not that strong and they only focus on the process, then in the coming time, when that type of backlink creation process is updated, then they do not understand. They think that we should learn some new methods quickly, someone just tell us the way that if you make a backing with this type, then your back link will be created, that's why I am not jamming it directly on the topic that by which type You should create a back link, that's why I am first laying your foundation stone that you should understand what is the meaning of banking, why is Google giving weightage to bottling and does Google give weightage to all banking, so many such questions When you will get the answer, after that when you go to make banking that I am going to make an article submission type of banking, then you will understand whether this banking is available for me or not, this banking is good for me. Is it okay or not, after that there is a point written here with a note which is very interesting and when I move ahead in the video, you will understand this point in a better way, I also make it clear, first of all you have to understand Google jo hai na woh two things Google loves tu things van is 11c and respect van is authority what is the meaning of relavanshi here the meaning of relevancy is that if the user has made a query then he has the intent behind the query Google tries to show the relevant result of what is it means like if I am searching digital marketing course in India then google will make sir to query whatever is my intent or whatever I want to search I am related to it, I should see the page that is fine, Google will try to show me the 11th results in the search engine result page, so if the content of my page can be understood by the user, here it means on page. How better we sleep on the page, how well we want to design whatever we want, how well we keep the content around it, which is on the top of the page of our website, whatever page we want to rank, this is actually relevant. And when we talk about authority, then the authority of a web page increases. Batli se Baat kya bhi understood that it cuts the relevancy and makes it like on pay, if we make it like on pay forcefully, then the issue of relevancy is over . We will achieve relevancy, on the other hand, if we make authority banking, make quality backlinks, then we will fully fulfill what is Google's concern related to authority, then you must have understood what role play backlinks. Let's do now let's go to the issue first of all try to understand what is the meaning of bottling ok whether we call it creating process whether we call it off page whether we call it inbound link it's all the same thing Now let's understand what is the meaning of backing, look, because of the man, this is our website and its address is that I go to the man, this is his address, it is viral, we are assuming that here web page and this is the url i took from many other websites all over the internet here But there is another website which is our b dot com and there is a page above it which slash is also ok, this is also a page on the internet and in the content of this page, the link to our page is mentioned somewhere. I have taken a link mentioned here, then we will say that the link of our website is present on, if we talk about the domain, then we will say that the link of our website on domain is present, if we If we talk about, then we will say that the back link of our website or our page above the Welcome slash B page is present, then it simply means back link, so when you people are browsing the internet, you will see You must have visited many such websites where you will see that in the middle of the content of the website, you will see the link of another website, if I want to make you as an example, then I can show this thing here. But like here I have come over an article from India and I am browsing this content now if you look here you will see that insurance is ok and if I click on it So you will see here I go to Bajaj Aliens now this website is of but in the middle of its content if I come here I see a link which is Bajaj Aliens Which is leading to a backlink of men's date's bajaj aliens is present here on top of okay so these are our backlinks if I talk about the syntax of technical backlinks actually what kind of bowling It is seen that when you go to create, then in what way you have to make backlinks, look here, this is a syntax of backlink, you are seeing it here, okay, this is our address on which when a user clicks Will go okay, then whatever website we have to make a back link, we mention it here, as well as what you are seeing, this is our anchor text, so as you are seeing here, digital marketing is an anchor text. will happen and when someone clicks on this anchor text it will go to the top of the url so this is our back way syntax fine so if you come over it back here and if you right click on it and you will inspect it then also you will get here But you will get to see some of the same type of syntax, like here if you look, then you are getting to see the same type of syntax, but the thing is that the URL here is very short, I have only used Umar is written but here the URL which is going above is very big like you are seeing this URL here is very big ok that's why you are seeing such a big URL and here what I type If I do off back then there is a type of batting no follow so here the relation which is showing no follow, it simply means that this is a no follow back link and here it is showing you tax insurance, this is basically The anchor text is fine, which you were seeing here is fine, on which we are going to click and go to the top of the page, then the insurance is done, our anchor text is fine, so what I was telling you here, this is our target . The URL on which it will be clicked is fine and this will be our text of something like this, if we do this code in the way of HTML in a web page, then in this way our back link will appear fine. So if we go back here, then I have mentioned the same thing here too so that you people can understand that what a dark link actually looks like , so now you have got clarity that what is the best one. How does it appear on the top of the page, now we go ahead and try to understand why buyback is needed, buyback is okay, so you have to understand that even today Google's algorithm is bottling. Such vote of trust understands what is the meaning of vote of trust, you understand it like this, recommendation is fine, recommendation is fine, or reference is fine. And this forward link as I told earlier it is present above other website above X1 in the same way it is present above X2 in the same way it is present above X3 and in the same way it is present above X4 so this is the link of our website different Different website is present above now when Google's crawler will come Google's caller will come here and scan the content of this website So see that the link of a website here is mentioned here, okay, then Google will think that look brother, this website is not being talked about on the Internet, that means this website can be a good special one on the Internet. Yes, it is popular, that's why its link is mentioned on many other websites also, it got a link here, okay, this is a link on a website, ok fine, Google noted this thing that brother, your website has a link, that Found above the website, after that when Google goes to the second website, it sees that there is a link to this website above this website, it also finds on the third website that the link to your website is here, it finds it on the fourth website as well. Google has a link to your website, in the same way, the more your link is found on the top of the website, Google thinks that many people should not recommend it, like a student comes to me and I give his recommendation . Hey brother, he is a good student, if someone asked for his recommendation, I would give it to him, okay, he gives his recommendation, the second train is given now, the third trainer also gives the fourth train, and many people are giving his ray recommendations. They are saying that he is a good person, he is a good student , so whoever is judging him, is judging him as a student; The link of Google's crawler will be found on many websites, then Google will understand that whatever website is the website authority website, this website is an available website, so here I have written the point, in front of you guys, that top trust from respect website which like it kibanklings are recommendation from respect website now that is a different thing bro when this X1 X2 X3 x4 I mentioned these four website maybe the back link we got from X1 may not be that much quality back link X3 The backlink that we have got from the exporter is very quality backlink, the backlink that we have got from the exporter is not a quality bowling, then it may be a different thing that on which websites our backlinks are made and those websites What is our authority or our backing there quality remains excellent or not, that is a different thing but Google treats those backlinks as vote of trust, now another question comes that Is there any direct question of butlins ranking means if butlins is more or backlink present then there is probability of ranking of those web page is high has anyone ever tested this or experimented it here I have taken a graph of a bottling co, here according to the study of bottling co, we say that we have checked that the websites which have more back links, like here you see that whatever website Chances of getting hired for his position, so here he has tried to tell through a graph that as the number of backlinks are decreasing, you are seeing that your position is also decreasing, so there is a relationship between them. Between this average number of backlinks and Google position means the numbers of backlinks which can influence the position of Google, now I am only going to talk about a good average type of Bagli here. So don't talk about them not good batting because if you talk about bedlings you have made bad backless then no matter how high their numbers are it is not necessary that they improve your rankings so here I am going to man that if good There are vaccines and the quantity of good vaccines is increasing, the numbers of good vaccines are increasing, so definitely your Google ranking will also improve and it is proved today you can see over every like back gender not shown Ok, here is another related to backing, let me tell you a very interesting thing, backing, which was Google's original page run, its foundation, meaning how pages will be ranked in Google, how to get ranking, how to get organic ranking Will get this Algorithm was vice decided in starting only from back link means higher number and backless means more ranking it was fixed in Google's algorithm if your website got your page very best then you will get ranking in this way algorithm Design was the same and here if you will see very interesting thing I am going to show you on February 24, 2020 a question was asked here Do you still do page rank to him means John Millers you were questioned, now you can say that Google was questioned whether Google still does page rank to him where the talk is link only and only the factor means earlier like this It was not that Google used to take many factors into consideration and then run your website, it was not that backlink talks were the primary factor, so this question becomes very interesting and here you see John Mullers' reply to you. But this sweet do you space rank internal, even today it is used to rank the page, it means that one thing has become clear that the importance of backing when the algordam was made, when the type of ranking in the search engine result page, its algorithm was made. In particular case in starting me to back link was primary but now it is not ok it is not cute d se aage d original paper they are lot of works ok like about links ignore links and again see use un lot of other signals date can be Much Stronger Ok, so it means to say that it is not that you should start directly on making baking, there are many other factors and the question he asked was related to this thing, want to understand that in today's time also the backlink Look at the importance of backlinks, it is very difficult to say anything mathematically, like as an example, if I tell you that brother, backlinks have 20% role in ranking, when 30% role, then it is very difficult to do 65 because There are many other factors, if I even talk about batting, then is it a good garden link or a bad back link, if there is a back link, how much will it play, if you take a solid back , it is built on top of a very good website. So how important will it be, there are so many variables that it cannot be justified mathematically that how important is the role of backlinks in ranking, but this thing is true, 200% sir, even in today's time, good backlinks are a signal. There is an important signal for Google's algordam which can improve your ranking, fine then I believe this concept must have been clear to you, another thing comes out from here that all banking are not the same, I say this again and again. I am going to say that this is your website and this website has got a back link from B.Com, a back link has been got from, maybe it has been from D.Com Google should consider what is related to B.Com, but Google should not consider what is related to B.Com, or Google may give some weightage to the authority of your website based on the link that your website has with B.Com. Or Google should give some weightage to this bowling and Google should not give some weightage to this bowling. If I talk in terms of score, then it may be that out of 10, if Google is giving number, then it gives eight number and it gives punch. Number or three numbers or two numbers, whatever the man goes, it simply means that all the batching is not the same, on top of your website, if you create 10 bye links for your website, then after 10, you will carry the value by gender. This is not going to happen okay maybe some backlinks are carrying very good value some backlinks are carrying very bad value so it means that there are good and later things also it means that we have to understand this first After all, what is the definition of goodlink, if our website is on top of any website, then what are the conditions when we will say that this one is our link, this is a good link, see the first factor, which is the meaning of good backlink. This is that again we are running from man only we have a page and its backlink is made above b and its backlink is made above c its backlink is made above di Now this website is related to our new website, this website is related to entertainment, this website is related to sports, this website is related to news, so if we have our own type of website From or our own type of content is above China website, if we get back link from that website, then we go to this man that here the relevance of our banking is very high, see Google also gives weight to this thing. That if you are getting raycommendation from somewhere, then you got the recommendation from your niche's website, as an example, I again take a very basic example, here as a student comes to me, he is a student of digital marketing. Friends, if I recommend such a trainer to him, then there is value, but there is no student near me. If I do, then there is no value brother, I do not have any subject, not physics, then you have not understood that relevance is an important thing, so if the link of your website is built on such a website, it is built on such a web page whose The content matches the content of your website, not that both should be the same website or should be exactly the same website, if I am providing digital marketing services, then it means that the other website should be of digital marketing services, from that we will get the rest of the links. It is not so that if I am providing digital marketing services, then there may be a blog related to digital marketing, there may be a blog related to IT services, and from there also if I get back, then that too is fine. There is no problem but there should be relevance, it should not be that we are getting back link from irrelevant place, ok then this is 11c and if 11c remains which mains date your back link is a better thing link second this uniqueness From point of view what does it mean like this is your friend's website ok and this is your website b dot com slash also you got from here so what will we say that from this domain we need a. com domain we got plus van in one thing now what did you do here got another page made ok with name and from here also you took it so now how many from your domain Backlinks ho gaye plus tu ok hai do backing ko to yahan to aapke total no . Actually, in the eyes of Google, if you make more baking than the domain, then the value of your baking decreases, which means that in the beginning, the one or two batting you made above this domain is fine, then you have got their value. But after this, if you are taking back link from the same domain again and again from the same domain, then Google will think that the same student's exam comes to me again and again, brother, by recyming the same person, I would give him a recommendation. Yes, next time he comes to me, again I am giving raycommendation, brother, his root is telling him that brother, bring the recommendation of 10 people, every time he goes away with my recommendation, once or twice. So the judge will listen to my recommendation, after that the judge will not listen to my raycommendation and will tell him that brother you are taking the recommendation of the same person again and again, the same person is happy with you, he is giving your recommendation again and again, what will happen from this? If you get batting again and again from hair also domain then trust me rest of them do not add as much value as starting then I believe this concept must have been clear to you. Third which is natural placement of back. Look , it should not be that even here the backlist team is given ; Placement was done forcefully, banking bus was to be placed anywhere, banking has been pasted anywhere in the content of the entire page, there is no logic to paste it, as I had just shown you here once. I open India Times again, see here, if you have and finalize design for your insurance plan, it looks very natural, if I do this, I keep my bottling anywhere, I am keeping it here too. Well, I am making this my back link, so this one which is becoming our backing, it is not natural, it is not natural, it will look like it is a forced back link, which Google does not like Rich and Ka Like tax, I make my background on the content here, I make it a text, I mean I make it like it is fine, I make it like this, so it is not a natural type of text, isn't it, it is forceful? If anything is made of their text, then you have to see that the text of your number is also relevant, so this is the fourth point which is in the characteristic of a good gender, after that fifth point bottling, which also sends traffic to your website very much. All the people who do not give weightage to it, do not understand it, they think that only back link is not for our user, you think that if your back link is made on a website which already has traffic, then there are high chances of the traffic from there is yours The website will also come up and it is obvious that if there is already traffic on a website, that website of which mains date is already 40 websites or is a good website, then if your website is getting a great one, already a fine- It is even better than a good website, then if your website gets a back link from a website which is an authority website, which is a genuine website, on which there will be traffic, then if I talk about the types of vacancies, I retail them in the video. I will discuss because this is a separate topic, but when you go to create your banking, you will see that you see two types of options to create bookings, one is your do follow and one is your no follow. You will also be studying the back link profile of the website, many times it will happen when you study the banking profile of your competitor, vaseline profile banking profile means like your competitor's website is and their website is above 52. The backlink data is not date, it is actually like our website backlink profile, if I talk about what is or how is the backing profile of our website, then all these things are included in it, how many websites are there on our website. The links are found, the backing time is found, how many do follow backing, how many no follow, all these are our backing profile, so when you are studying the backing profile of the competitor, you will also see that it will be written here like total Out of 1000 wings, 600 of them are do follow, 400 banking and no follow are basically types of back, so whenever you go to create, you have to understand how many do follow backing and how many no follow back links we will create in the next video. Will discuss but what are we doing here Basic Foundation of Backlinks In today's time quantity of backlinks does not matter quality matters if quality of backlinks along with quantity of backing snake is maintained then on gold Suhaag hai look nothing is too bad but if it is not right then it is worse means if you are making more than bed back ling then it is bad if you make more than good bye link no problem Means make more than good then many people say quality is greater give quantity I agree totally on date but I say one more point here that you maintain quality but don't compromise with quantity also quantity is also important If someone comes to beat you later, it will create a lot of problem for him, he will not be able to beat you so easily because the authority of your backlink is also very good, as well as the number of your backing is also very high. So he will have to create powerful backlinks like you in trying out, only then he will be able to download you, then I will leave many things, you must have understood vidarghat tu backlinks and one more point which was here which is the last The point was here, that was ours, do we need backing in today's time, yes, you need it in today's time also, second question sir, can we run our website without bottling, yes we can run, then look at the man's Let's say that you want to run your website on such a query on such a word, on which there is no competition, then you will only write the content of the on-page and it will be ranked as well as the time it will take to be indexed. It will take some time and after that when your page will be indexed, then it will be ranked, you do not need back, now let's go to the man, what you did on page, you did solid on it, okay now another competitor He also came and when the competitor came and he also targeted the same word as you, he wrote the content, he also wrote very confident, now he has also made 10 backlinks, on page like yours, on page of collision and 10 backing too If you have made it, now tell me, will your ranking be maintained or not, your ranking will not be maintained, your ranking which will fall because he has got backing, they will push him and his ranking will improve now. What will you do if you made 25, he made 10, you made 25, here I am talking about the quality, here I am telling you the number, the simple meaning of the number here is that if you have made more quality backing than that So if you beat him, then you understand the competition with the rest, in which way you backlink is running, then If I ask you the question that do you need batlinks to rank a website, do you need backlinks to rank your website and also to maintain the ranking of your website from vacuoling because the backlink is the backlink. He has been making quality back mins, he is also doing on-page, he is also doing off-pitch, so if you stop, he will overtake you and go ahead, this is what happens on the search engine result page If he continues to make efforts, then he will overtake you one day or the other, then I will leave many concepts with regards to backing, you must have understood the basic foundation, you must have been clear that the backlink is not there since today. Since Google has made its algordams for ranking since then backlinking is an important signal ok but why do we get confused because we focus on the process of making backlinks we don't focus on the basics of batting They don't even understand that there are so many ways, many people don't understand followbacking, they just want to understand that by what type they should be told the strategy of making backlinks, and when they know the category of making backlinks, that's it. They go on making batting and their website is ranked, then an update will come, it will be related to some back link and your website will be down and your basic will not be clear, then you will again start looking for new ways, what should I do now? Make the type of backlog that our website ranks, then it is important that we cover these basic concepts first, then you will learn the process of creating a backlog, it is a practical concept, it is not too much, friends, I will be a lot of things to you. Clear ho gayi hogi concept basic I hope it is clear ho gaya na clear ho to ek baar phir se video ko dekh liyega [music] In this particular video we are going to understand everything with regards you do follow backlink and no follow backing So the agenda of this particular video will be around these four punch points, I will tell you the points one by one, first of all we are going to understand the difference that what is the difference between do follow back link and no follow back link. If it happens , we are going to cover the major differences, so from the point of view, which bank links should we create , should we go for do follow back links or should we go for no follow back links? There are such vacclinks which help us in ranking because where we are talking about so, the simple issue is that what type of links can help us in ranking, third jo point hai which has more value for so and fourth jo point Hai ho mein do follow aur no follow backing tu create mean if I talk about ratio talk about percentage then how many number of you follow how many number of no follow backing should be there should we create only and only two follow backing no follow back Links should not be made, should we make only no follow back c, do we have a competitor's profile, that is, those who follow no follow back links, should we follow them, should we make a profile of ours, of this type that we follow only 50% We will discuss all these things in today's particular video So this is very important video with regards you back regards you do follow and no follow backlink we will discuss in very detail one more thing I clear you here in the starting that is the last few videos if I talk which This playlist is related, so there I have made videos related to backlinks, one, if you watch the video just before this, then there we have discussed basic and backlinks, what exactly is backlink and what is its importance. We have discussed it, so if you come directly to this video, then please see that video first, then you will see this video also, apart from this, I have also discussed what is before this. There was two-three videos earlier, if you go to this playlist, you will see that there was a video with a dump, that too is related to the back link only, that when we go to do our banking, we check that on any website We are creating vaccines, the delay is the domain authority or the page authority. How much is the space from which we are getting back and what should be its standard, so in this regard also I made a video, after that we also talked about spam score and that too to some extent from the backing Hi related hai to three-four video hum log discus related to backing se aur ye van one of the most important video hai with de regards to different types of back c can actually create to agar main do follow or no follow backing kya hote hai Let's talk about them, first of all, they come directly to this issue, then this is the syntax for creating your hyperlink or you can understand it in such a way that it is your HTML code, this steamer tag which is a link to create a hyperlink. In this you can see that here is the address of our website, that is the mention, as well as here is our end's next, so if you are seeing something like this here and you are not seeing relation no follow . So you should understand that this is a do follow back link and you should understand it, but if you see the syntax of your backbenn, if you see the relation is equal, you no follow this type. So you understand that this is a No Follow Backing, now the question comes that how do we check Sir, you have shown many things on the internet, how do we see kills and what is their syntax? It is something like this type but if we want to check whether this garden link is do follow or this one is baking no follow, then how can we do that, see the simplest way is that whatever You see the link on the top of any page on the internet, you simply go to it and after going there, you right-click on the link, do the inspector, when you see its code, then when you see its code, there But you will see the code from this type of the link, if there you are seeing relations equal, you no follow, understand that there is no follow click and if you do not see anything here, then you understand that these are two follow back links. So if we talk about WordPress especially inside many websites, then by default you get to see what is the do follow backlink, later it is converted into no follow, then in many places you will see that you will get here But nothing will be seen and it means that this is one or two follow backing, it is different that how do follow no follow back looks and if we have to check then how can we check Well, here is another option, we have many such extensions of Chrome in today's time, which you can do, if you install the Sanctions in your Chrome browser, then those extensions will inspire you and tell you that they will be useful for your page. By highlighting above, we will tell you how many followers are there inside this particular page and see how many no follow backs. I personally do not like too many extensions. And I do not do too many third party things, which are some famous extensions, I do them, and to identify this type of follow new follow, there are many third party extensions available in today's time. I will not suggest you the extension thing personally because I don't do that too much if you still want to do that you can see there is no risk in this but still this is my nature not too many third party extensions If I do that thing, I am telling you that if you can check it manually, then you can check that thing manually . How to identify it is a matter of fact, but what is the difference between the two, look, this is a very controversial topic, okay, now you guys will understand it very carefully from here, actually they are less, what is the difference, like when a man walks that this is our website and it has a web page man took this is our web page and I named it web page van I am another web page web page X here is a garden link mentioned and here I am running this one or two follow banking means the backing of this page is mentioned here and which banking is this particular Look what happens in this case, here two things appear on top of this page, one is the crawler and the other is the user. also comes here, if there is any do ball low back link mentioned, then that user will come here, the user will see a link and the user can come to our website from this link here, this is one point, the second point is that When the crawler comes over this particular page and he sees that a back link is available here, then when he studies the bowling, he will see that this is one or two follow back links and do follow backing means that we are talking to the crawler. If you follow this, then he will follow this and go above this particular page, that is, he follows him and whatever link is mentioned here, he will go above the page and cross that page as well. Will read the same but if there was no follow back link here it means that if the caller comes on top of slow follow backing then he will not follow him, he will identify the link, he will identify this thing in his database that there This web page wp1 whose link is made here and only then he will be able to understand that brother, how many follow backs are made of this particular website, how many no follow backs are made, so it is not that he does not know by identifying no following. Identifies no follow backing that it is no follow backing but the point is that it does not cross it and goes above this page and will not index this page but here Google used to say that this is okay Understand that Google used to say earlier that brother crawler who is ours, if someone identifies the no follow back link, then the no follow back link means that he will not follow him and after not following him, he will not be on the top of this page. Will go but Google also says that in most of the cases it happens that it does not follow but in some cases it can also follow, so there is a big problem to understand this. I do not follow no follow back links, Google does not follow, what does Google say that in major cases, we do not follow no follow back links, if there is no follow back, then we will not follow them, but then Also, we get a lot of information about this website, about this website, about the content of this website, about the content of this website, through this backing, we get a lot of information, which we do in the way of hints. Because of which we can call this page later, it is understood that we can call this page later, but initially the major thing is that brother, in most of the cases, we do not follow any followbacking . Do not cross the page, now try to understand the point here, this is the only thing that has happened whether Google's crawler will call it or not, but as I told you, Google now believes that no follow backing We also get some signals from it, we get some hints, so even then it can reach that page, okay, but what tells Majorly that Majorly we don't cross it, okay, so this point is done, the second point would have been this. Is that if any link on any web page has two follow links, what does it mean, see the second point of this, it comes out, I have taken it here, I am making the same case, here is our website van Or the web page is van and here we have another page on which its backlink is present and this backlink which is do fall, so it is a matter of whether it will cross or not. One thing has happened, the other thing has happened that brother, this page also has some authority of its own, authority means here, this page also has some value of its own, that's what we call this page also has some link of its own. This is what we call juice, this page has some page authority of its own, whatever you say, here we are talking directly that this page has some value of its own, fine if any do follow back link is present here If it is then this value is also transferred from here to here ok that value is also transferred here but if it is no follow then in date particular case no value will be transferred from here to here now difference let's understand what it means Hai what is meant by value transfer let's see here let's assume there are two trainers ok two trainers one new trainer out of respect and one very old trainer very senior trainer ok here a student comes with an exam to him A new trainer gives raycommendation to him, a new trainer gives raycommendation that brother, this student is a good student, fine, so now understand that a new trainer is also giving him a recommendation, the old trainer should also give him a recommendation. Stayed Now whose raycommendation will be more available, whose raycommendation will be considered more powerful, you will tell him for the student that the one who is the old trainer, the old teacher, his raycommendation will be considered better because he is old, he must have understood it in a good way and that is an experience. It is a person, so we will accept his recommendation, this thing also happens here, I am running that if this website is an old website, then its own authority will be very good, so if we get a very good website, which has its own authority. Which is very much our website's Nishma means if I talk about content, then if I create content for digital marketing, then the content here is also about digital marketing, on this page also around disturb marketing. hai is pe bhi kya par bhi digital marketing ke round hai yahan par bhi it education ka raha hoon ok to nishk hai similar miss hai similar type of content hai in date particular case if this is a very old website and what is this link from here The link is just a kind of reference, the link is just a kind of referral, so if we get the link from here, then because of this link, because it is on this old website, some of its value is transferred here. But in the case of no follow backing, that value is not transferred here means in no follow you have found the link here, crawler A has also seen and identified the link is fine, will not follow him but here you follow what you follow. It will happen that the value of it should also be transferred here, that means, I am saying that look, I have given it a reference as well, and at the same time I am running a hidden race for it . You have understood that if crawling can happen from there, then whatever page has a link, it will go to that page, that crawler, then crawling can happen . With regards you do follow, now we will talk about it later, brother, should we follow or no follow, how many follow, how many no follow, how to do that is a different issue, first of all let's understand that What is the difference in do follow no follow, now the question comes sir, was it made by Google from the beginning in such a way that all the links that will be made will either be do follow or will be two follow, it is not like that in the beginning. All the links that do follow links, just like I told you that from one page to the other page, if two follow links reach here, this link reaches two follows and this is a very powerful website. If its link juice is from here or its link value or the authority of this page, this page also gets the advantage, which will ultimately help in ranking, we have understood it, okay now understand one thing This is a web page, there is a comment section on it and I came here, I put my comment here, my website is very bad website, full website, content is not good, spam type website, and I come here a There is a very powerful web page, there is a comment section below it or there is a very powerful blog here, what is the comment section below that, I come very comfortably and paste my banking here in the comment section and bye Defaulter because that back link agar main man ke chalta hoon ki no follow ka existence nahi hai no follow nahi nahi hai nahi duniya to woh wala jo hamara kaise banking ban jayegi do follow so did you give me reference in this not from your side but my website It is a spam website, yet I am making a good website and people are starting to understand that banking can be taken from Lena authority website, which is not a quality website, which is not a good website, then it is a search engine result. Will rank in the page or rank in the search engine result page because because of banking they will get ranked if they get ranked then is this ranking justified or is this ranking correct no if this ranking is not correct then Google should take some action for this If Google takes the same action, around 2005, when Google started to understand that many of these types of comments which are framing, this whole thing has started so that whatever RP is being corrected, and there are many The spymi website is also getting ranked and it is getting ranked because they jugaad and made a comment by going over the high quality website. That's why Google said, look brother, we do one less thing, now we bring another type, which is actually no follow tag, no follow tag produced, talk about the day, date, in 2005, for what, so that sperm banking If it can be fought with, then this was the reason for the arrival of no follow backlinks, it is okay, all these things in today's time, if you go and make your banking at all these places, in this date particular case, your banking will be by defaulter only. Which will be your no follow means you will see by making it in the comments section of the block, when you will go to many block section and you will see the people who have commented there, then you will understand what they mean if they have links. If you infect , then you will understand that it is no follow from social media, if you are getting links, links which are user generated content, like if I talk, review, its reviews are user generated, like this is a website and there is no one on this website There is a product or a service and if I am submitting the reviews here, then what website does the review submit, otherwise the user submits it, which is actually called as user who is the related contact date com under d No follow is ok like here I have written example in forum post also give or general no follow so now I have understood the difference what is do follow and what is no follow see I already told that this issue is little Controversial is but one thing I clear you in the starting only for a good back link profile do follow further well further no follow both are needed don't think that if two file follow are available then only these will be needed Absolutely Valuable 200% It is true that do follow backlinks are more available than no follow backing, their value is more but it does not mean that you will create only and only two follow back links, you will not make no follow. Keep the thing in mind from now on, it is a different thing that what is the difference between do follow no follow, how do they appear when introduced, that is a different thing, fine, after this, I will give you the search central blog of Google here. Four take want to show you here because people who say that Google ignores no follow back links at all, many times you will also see this, maybe if you are reading very old block then you will see That Google which are no follow backlinks are mentioned here, many such blocks completely ignore Google's no follow backlinks, neither they have any value nor they have any advantage, nothing means we are like this world. I am not there, they do not have any existence of their own, it was there in the beginning, look, it was there in the beginning, but later Google released that no brother, no follow back links are also there, every one does not give follow back or every website has no follow back links. Above there are only two follow backs, it is not that no follows also exist, so Google says brother, if no follow backless are also existing, then can't we take some information from them, can't take some hint and give that information to them If Hint is needed to do it in the ranking of the website, then Google's system and this line I have picked up, this block of Google has come out of my line and this article which was of 2019 is not too old now look here what is written he no follow was introduce google we didn't count aane link mark this way today un signal tu use in our search algor de starting me nahi tha this haj nau changed that's what i wanted to tell you guys this haj nau chest ye important all d link attribute responsored ugc and no follow eight rated aaj hints about which links you consider or exclude with in search Try to understand anything yourself with a little mind, if Google will consider anything, then there will be an effect on its basis, otherwise it means no follow things to some extent. Can effect fine after this what is written will see you along with respect signal you get understand ho you un appropriately analyze and use links with in our system then I believe abhi aapko baat samaj mein aayi hogi itni kahani ka agar main sir If I try to tell you that there are no follow back links, no follow back links are generally valuable backlinks, but no follow can not be ignored, even today Google believes that Google also no follow backlinks. Takes further hints, it is a different thing that when we create follow back links, we will see only contextual backlinks, I have no quality water, they do follow or no follow is a different thing, but don't agree to the right thing, make it click on the website It has come to know that you are making no follow like back click, but if you are making a website in spy, then the garden will be fine, let's go ahead, we have some more interesting things, here is a data which is taken from a blog. There is an analysis that people have done here is an analysis they said that we have created a lot of no follow backs on our website a lot of no follow backs are happening now when we have created a lot of no follow backs our ranking is few Reached from 19 to 1 in time means 19 pe which his keyword which was ranking directly reached position number van pe ab kya isko isko kya dekh hai ye jo liya gaya hai ye liya hai hai hai back ling ko se ok Hai back ling ko has been taken from the article, ab isko aap kya karte ho bhai, this thing is proven bhai, here the author is speaking or there the one who did the experiment is saying that when I did the experiment, I did a lot. After making all the no follow back links, I saw that my ranking improved, it may mean that Google does not directly consider the no follow back link and on the basis of the hint point, Google will also rank your website on the basis of no follow back links. Some value associate does not follow directly from the website above which is mentioned, the value is not carried over to your website, but Google will identify whether this website gets follow back links or 2009 follow backing then its basis Pay whatever advantage your website has to get, you will get it and whatever advantage you get, I will also indirectly affect your ranking, so if you ask me a direct question, can sir no follow back ranking affect it? What is the straight forward answer to all these situations or not the straight forward question is that in the same situations it is not that they will always influence the ranking but in some situations they can as we have seen here another The experiment which is also removed from the block is ok here and this will also confuse you a lot look here survey monkey did an experiment and he told that we have put a link above our four and four put a link and This was a no follow link and this was a no follow link and it used to go on top of some page brother, this link is not a link to any page, so I took it, this page used to go on top of the van, says Survey Monkey, they said as soon as I mentioned this link here as no follow link Google's caller came on top of this page this page also became my index now here understand this page also became my index means Google followed this link then To say no follow, it means Google picks up a lot of information about our no follow backing in some situations or many things from there and on the basis of that, after doing a lot of things, gives fine, so now you Cleared third one more thing understand here this is also a very old case study of R which I have taken out from the block of RFS okay what is R doing here we have some correlation sweet look they They said that they have a lot of data on the number of backlinks of any website, they don't have a little bit of data, otherwise they said that according to the number of backlinks, our ranking is being made. Look at the ranking score of 0.2793, understand that our ranking score is because of what, now understand carefully, because of the number of do follow backlinks, our score is becoming 0.2576, so our ranking This is the score of total backlinks, this is the score of two follow backlinks, this is the score of two follow backlinks . Kis mill bane hain no follow se plus tu follow se to agar main ka raha hoon total batting ka jo score 0.2793 no follow agar koi kuch value kare karte hai to zero then two follow by default this should be Neither is it 2793 nor is it understandable but it is not what it is that it is less than this, it is telling how much less it is, if this brother where did the rest go, the rest must have been definitely calculated in the no follow, then the total This is reaching, I understand that it means brother is doing So three to four issues have become important for us, there is no doubt that two follow would be great types of banking, but there is no doubt that no follow backlinks also give us some advantages from point of view. Yet from experiment because Google never talks about it in too much detail, no such thing was found from Google which is too much detail, okay for no follow and do follow, so people or those who are big blogs The big ones who have data like RFRF tool is a very popular tool, if we talk about juice, it is a very powerful tool, then these tools will get a lot of data, they keep calling thousands of millions of websites every day. So they have a lot of data, so by making some relations on its base, by making its permutation combinations, by analyzing the data, they can give us some analysis of this type, then we also depend on the same thing that we have such a tool. No, there is no such software which can call thousands of websites or millions of websites daily, which can study whether it was as good as 500 websites, then the ranking of these 500 websites was so high or if it was no follow backing, then its ranking was so much It is not a matter of a person to be able to do analysis on the basis of factors and so many factors, it is not a matter of a person, it is not a matter of being done manually, it can be done through softwares, there are many variables in that too, so they have done this on the basis of many variables. Some people came out of relation type, so that three-four things that I just told you were cleared, then the issue is that in a healthy daakling profile, there are both follow and no follow backing, if someone tells you that only Only do follow you follow you keep making it even then there is a question mark ok let's move on there are other things which you will understand ok now even when we got Greek on this point also that do follow back link is powerful link yes if i compare it with no follow then you follow is more powerful so why not sir why not only two follow after all no follow why see first thing link diversity google doesn't like that you get only two follow back link ok It is not liked means if there is a student, brother, let's take the example of a student, it is a very interesting example, if there is a student and 500 people were asked what kind of student he is, out of 500, 500 people are very good students, very good students. If it is very good, then the person in front will also have a little doubt that man, what is the matter that out of 500 people, not even a single person is saying anything in his favor, then it will not look natural, it will look like scripted type, won't it? Something good is being told, so that's why your link diversity should be natural, it should not happen that you are getting do already do follow or you are getting no following no follow, then the link should be diversified, it can Bring good traffic if I talk about the benefit of no follow look like core aap pe tumne bana diya ok to quora pe wapping kaisa banega no follow banega kyun because social media way but on top of quora if someone ranked my answer na On my brother Quora, in this particular case, a lot of traffic will not come from there on our website, so this is also an advantage, if a good traffic is coming on your website or it is a good traffic source develop from the link If done, is it not a benefit, empty benefit is the same if we get ranking, then no follow back links can be a good so soft traffic, this is point number, you point number three, let's talk about provisioning, more information about de link nature Like in today's time, our no follow banking, in these also we have other attributes, like sponsored, UGC, then Google gets more information that what is the nature of our banking. The good part is like I said diversity and understand that if I talk about ratio then 72 75 you target 25 then 30% follow follow target don't swear that you will follow even if it becomes 55 45 No problem but don't follow back try it slightly more now another funny thing you will say sir my follow backlink is less Still my website is ranking in comparison to see what happens you come to me and talk to me sir my 60% marks have gone again Also I topped the class, now tell me, what does it mean that if no one got 61 marks, then it means that your profile is a little weak, then it means that the banking profile of other people is also not very good. Because when you try to run your website or rank your web page which is in the search engine result page then basically you are competing with other people so there is competition here also fine so if your back The profile of the link is a bit weak and still you are ranked which men's date other people also have a weak back profile if I am the rest of the factors constant maru ki aam page on page bhi aapne dumdaar kiya hai aapke competitor bhi on The page is numbered, now the decision will be only on the basis of back link, in that particular case, there are so many factors, studying each and every factor is comparatively not the same [music] gas, when it comes to creating backlinks We have a lot of different options, different approaches, with the help of which we can create what is the backing, there are different different strategies, with the help of which we can create the backing, now there are different different types of backing, right? Some of these typelinks are very good, meaning if we are following the strategy or the type of backlink approach, then the rest that we will get, which will be quality backlinks , there are some types of backing that earlier would have been too many. Over the period of time, as Google updated itself, you updated the system to the algorithm, those types of banking have no value left and if in today's time you make those type of backlinks, then they If only such spam will count, then in today's video we are going to talk about what are the different options we have or how many types of banking we can create, then we will see this thing further. By which type we can create practical one-on-one bank link, then here we must first understand that what is the actual process of creating banking Dekho bank simply means you know that like you have a particular website And I want to make a link to my website, then I have a hyperlink on top of your website, whatever web page we have to back or whatever website we have to make banking, if we have our own domain, that means back. If the backing of the home page is made, then today it is a hyperlink, I will mention what is above your website, in the middle of the contact and there we will have a back link, but the thing to understand is that how will I get access to your website like I want if you want to make a backing on your website then how can I make it that it is my website, I do not have any people for it, I will go, I will create a page, I will put content there and there by myself But I will create a link and that backing is my website, it will point to my page and our back link will be created, it is going to happen, no, how will it not be back on other's website, so understand this. We have different different types of content, like our video has become a form of content, PPT has become a form of content, blog has become a form of content, comment has become a form of content, so this is all. There is a different form of content and there are many websites that have accepted this type of content, like if you go to the top of a block, then at the bottom you will find a section to enter the comment, there is a section to give a comment, then date This is again a form of content comment is also a type of content, so what do you do, you pick a type of content and whatever website is accepting that type of content, you create content and put it in the middle of the content. We put our link and go and post it there, in this way we make banking, so if we talk about types of banking, like I am talking as an example, if I am the first one, I am telling Like you, if we talk about guest posting, we talk about guest block posting, then guest block posting means that many such websites which are accepting blogs, should we write our blog to them, they accept the blog. If you do then which form of content will they accept Block form of which keep then I will write a beautiful blog After doing research on whose word etc we want to write we will write a blog after doing research Well On page optimize will write a blog and in the middle of that we will put our link and submit that blog by going over their website because they are accepting the thing, they are demanding that you write us the content from them. There is also benefit, isn't that website also benefit because they will get prepaid content and you will get the back link, in the same way if we want that we have a link which is on the website with infographics. If that post goes or whatever is mentioned there, then in this particular case, you will have to find a website that accepts info graphics, that is, a form of content that you have to prepare for the form of content that is infographic . And when you go to post the content on the top of the website, you can put your own link along with it, then it means to say that whenever we talk about creation, there is no form of Content is definitely there and on the basis of this there are different types of banking like I told you that there are forum vaccines, there is forum type of content which is discussion type of content it will go there in the same way if I social media links Should I talk about or talk about profiles, if I talk about social media profile links, you will have to create accounts on social media, Facebook, Twitter, whatever social media platforms and there are many other platforms, you will have to create accounts on their profiles. If you have to put your link, then it means to say that when we talk about creating a backing, then what type of link will be there, it is also justified by the fact that what type of content you are behind. By creating the link which type of content you are creating that back link, on the basis of this I have written some points here, which you can see, I will tell you in different types of banking, but now you are the basic point of Try to understand these things from the view so that your base becomes strong which I have marked red here now man let's go they are not considered a good type of bank link in today's time but if I am good type of vaculling If I talk about it, it is not only that this type of back is not considered good, see those who are also considered good, like if I talk about guest post, then if I am telling the guest post that this is a good type of back click This is a good type of banking strategy, but if you have made a useless website or you have taken backing from an irrele website, then the same backing will be useless for you, even if it is a guest post type of backing, then understand that it is not so. Is it that only on the basis of type offline will you tell that no no, this type of type off is not good and this type of back in which is good, it is not at all like that, it depends on type of acting as well as on this. Is the website on which you are making your bottling, is that website somewhere else, is that website ok, is that website genuine, is there a regular contract coming on it or not, ok, it depends on it too, then maybe Whatever it is, it will be useless in your case because you have made it on top of a very bad website, so here if you see, I have counted a little bit, 3 3 6 3 9 10 and 617 types of backlinks here I have mentioned . There are other different types of backing but now for the base as I told you first of all understand the type of backlink is the date this is actually link creation using guest posting so let me show you here look at all these things This is a website which has accepted guest post or guest blogging, they are saying that look, we are a website of digital marketing, we are telling you some of our type of content, like if you come here, they have also mentioned here. What type of content are we accepting, look here, search engine optimization, social media and tree advertising, we will accept this content, okay, in English or related to this topic or its related topics. If you will write a blog, it is okay to write a blog, which they have mentioned the guidelines here, like your submitted content should be of high quality, you have not stolen it from anywhere, it is okay to type it, these are some guidelines from basic, they are guidelines if you Will write a block content by following and after that you will give them that block content that brother, if we want to publish this content on your website, then definitely in return they will give you backing and here they will give their Policy will also be there if you look here only include non promotion links you relevant sources maximum you three links in d content body you can do that ok ok somewhere we mention that we will do follow backing here Will give two follow backing but mostly these two follower 's back, when you will do inside discussion, will communicate date particular case, you will also clear this thing whether they will do follow or no follow, then these are the type of people we create. Can we find such a website in our dish like if I am a website that sells nutrition, then where do I make my back penis, I will find a website that writes content related to fitness related to health, writes a blog Or are you accepting blog posts, I will find such a website and I will go and post my blog on those websites, now I am a nutritionist, I have done guest blogging on a website with late dance, so the relevance is messed up. Gayi aap bologe sir guest un posting to kari humne here guest blogging to kari humne aur aap bol rahe ki guest blogging is a good markling strategy because if you do it on the wrong website then it can back fire you I believe This thing became clear second this block comment so like I said in the last video I told you that earlier block comments were a very big source to cure the backlinks but since then Google has made block comments no follow. The block does not give any value to the comment, in a way it is considered as spam type and backing only, after that the third type of back link is social bookmarking links, first of all you should understand that what is the meaning of bookmarks, direct bookmarking It means as if you go to the top of your Chrome browser, then you will see that somewhere if you are browsing on top of a website, then you have the option to bookmark the link, what does bookmark mean? That you have done it from somewhere in your chrome so that if you want to reach the ceiling again, then you can easily reach it, then it is related to our chrome browser which is a feature of bookmarks, in the same way from many such websites on the internet. Where you can drop your link, that means you have bookmarked it there so that you can visit it again, now if you drop your link there, then the link is mentioned there, or the link is pensioned, that particular website On top of that, if the link is mentioned there, Google's crawler will come and it will also index the link, it will also cross the link, so basically another type is added to your link building start, which we call social bookmarking. type of link building strategy okay so if i want to show you this i go over here look at the commenting block i just put out for you guys here i was over a block over patel's over over the block if you Come on Neil Patel's block, look here, the block is over, there are 1125 comments here, and in some of the comments, you can also see the links, so I'll see if we can see the links here. Let's go and after that if I show him to you as an inspector, now you will understand that he will take a no follow back like here it is okay it is not Neil Patel he has inserted his penis but okay here is a link so let us see the link tha yahan par to what I can do is I can go head aur main isko inspector ke upar klik karta hoon ok and yahan par agar aap dekho to aap dekh rahe ho relation is equal tu no follow to aapko yahan par relation is equal you no The following is visible along with the UGC associated with it, the additional attribute that is given is user generated content, then the comments that are there are always user generated, that's why it is written UGC, I look a little further down One or two, if I see any batting here, then it will be better, you will understand, but if you have seen it in the inspector, you will understand, then even if you make this type, then you will get a lot, not which link exchange schemes at all Nahi recomend ki main bhai aapko ek link deta ho humko usko ek link do do do this this link exchange it is not recommend art all Google nahi nahi nahi hota hai fifth directory page link dekho aapko internet many online directories avaiable hai directly kya It happens wherever there is business information, the date is actually directly like phone directly There is name, phone number, address and all this information, in the same way, if there were online directories of business, then when there would be directors of business, then I would tell that my business was homework, we are a digital marketing agency, its address and its website, so like Yes, I said that this is a website, so it means that the URL of the website is that directory, we go and submit it, then if we go and submit it, then what actually happened there, then we have actually created it, haven't we ? Now Google will come and call him, then he will identify that there is a back link, but in today's time, this is also a thing happening to him in the way of spam techniques, we will not recommend that you make too many direct backlinks, after that look at the author's bio links somewhere. But you get the option to post a block, but there you get the option to put the link, you get to put it in the author's section, okay, on many blogs you must have seen that the blog is okay and after that Below is the author's section, it is the content and below is the author's section, you can mention your link in the author, then this is again an type of banking that can rate you sir, how will you find it I will tell you how we will find this website, when we will go over making it practical, then I will tell you, but now you understand that author type of banking is free, directly, link exchange, social bookmarking links. If I want to show you the practical, then if I go to Google and search, look at the social book marking website, many websites come in front of me, out of which I select one of the websites, you have the option here, okay you Here the creator will do the topic and after that here you have to type a post of yours basically you have to create here as I click on it my topic is already created here okay I am already here people so so you have to drop the link here ok so late if i want to drop a link like i drop this link here i will tell you in detail ok but now i will tell you to understand So here if I have dropped my link which is there and after that you have more options, you can mention your insights etc here, you can add tags, you can edit it, you will publish the sheet. You have a social book marking done here and your bank link of social book marking is created here, after that there are PNB links which is a private blog network means you yourself in some way because of the man. You yourself turn on your 1000 websites and try to take those rights on your website, then these types of strategies are also there in PVM, which will be covered in detail in Bhima and further . So the simple meaning of PVM is that as the name itself suggests, you have a private blog network, you have many such blogs from many such websites which are your own and from them you want to be bappings of your website. If you are making all these things, trace it, reverse engineer it, Google understands that you are doing something to make through PNB's backing, and it can also penalize you, something as dangerous as the rest Will penalize you, maybe 5 years ago, they did not penalize your website, but in today's time, they will penalize your website, now penalizing does not mean here that a court case will be filed against you and you will be jailed. It does not mean that the analysis of the penalty will be done , it simply means that your page which is out of the ranking will be out of the search engine result page of Google . Look at the Article Directly website like there are many websites that are Business Directory Websites, which I told you here are Directly Page Links, there are many websites that are Business Directly Websites, in the same way there are many websites that are Article Directly Websites That she accepts from you article that if you write us a lot of articles then you sn author make your profile on those websites and you go and mention your article which is there when you go there yourself and make a contact. You must have been posting your articles there Mentioning is done in this particular case, you have scope that you can share the links in between, now there are many article submission websites which will give you do follow backing by default. Will give you a no follow, okay, you will have to do a little research, then what is the article directly website like and which normal business is active from our direct website, in which way I also show you that, I go here, I have done it here Directly Submission Website Had put so many websites came now look here I had opened a director submission website now here you have the option of submit link so you are submitting your link here you are also taking this tree at some place There are tree links, it goes to their website immediately, which is not a tree link, which is a regular link, it does not come immediately on their website, it takes some time to come to their website, it is free, so here we title URL will mention the description of your business and all these things, then when we mention the URL here, it is the rest of the link for us, this is actually directly submission, in the same way, if I talk about article submission website, I search and show the article submission website. I give you the article submission website, so here you see from many websites where we can submit articles, so this is a website where many websites will be mentioned, so I am a very famous article submission like you. website article submission submit your best quality original article on this website so there are different categories to categories ho gayi to directory ho gaya na in one way here what is submitting here brother a lot of articles are being submitted so in one way articles This is directly that you want to see legal articles, which articles you want to see, then here also you can submit your articles and in the meantime you can submit your articles with your backing, there are many articles like 7 Bibles. Reading Tips for 2022 So here you will see an article, then when Google comes over this particular page, here it is okay, Google will call these websites, then it will see that there is a link to your website, which is here in the middle of this article. Like here you see this link is made ok and if I show you by inspection here whether it is do follow or no follow then you can see this is a no follow back link but this one is batting made here Ok promoting your book, making banking for it, so they have written their own article above the design article, here ok I paste it once, here we remove the need No, here the website is also a kind of blog and for this block, he has submitted his article here for a little bit of promotion, so from the point of view, he has submitted his article here, fine, on such a website like yours. But you are seeing that you will have to create a profile, after that if I talk about social media links, it is an understandable thing, you see that on many social media websites, you get the option to create links in the profiles, this is also in a way There is no follow, this is also very special, it does not have CO advantage, but it is not a form, in a way it is neither spam nor it will penalize you, it will penalize you . Ok but this social media link is not spam, links coming from social media are not kept, no follow will be but not spam, after that what are the links on like you have some agency, okay some agency, you gave him ₹ 50000 Brother, the four articles of your website of your company will appear on different different websites, then even in the middle of those websites, there are links like you said brother 50000 spending you get your article on lets from times nine dot com ok i am taking the exam only any website can be so the articles which will go on top of these website will also be in the middle of those articles that you can put your batlix there when you discuss with them How many can be made, then this is also a street for backlink purpose, give infographic, there are many such websites, there are many websites that accept infographic content today, I show infographic website here, submit info graphic here, if I will mention on So many websites will be visible to us, here we take it, once I put the keyword submission website in the infographic submission, then many of us will see the website, then that website takes the content of the infographic, so you are with the infographic. You can submit your banking there so if I go to any website like there are many like I go to this particular website let's go to this website here if we want to go to the website then this There is also a website which we can do and if you want to do some website here then you will have to pay some amount like there is a lot of discussion on Raid etc. By going there, you can create your own banking, in the middle of the content, this is a completely user generated content, in a way it is also a no follow, someone very special, you do not get such an advantage from here, after that image submission in this way There is a website for infographic submission, in the same way there is also a website that accepts images, after that blog submission means what was here, you find the other block, the meaning of guest blogging, what was the other's blog, there you go and leave your comment. Dal lo dot this guest blog in there if I talk about blogs submission then here you are making your blogs ok and go there and then upload your blogs and from there you are taking backlink date this block submission After that classified submission, there are many such websites on which you can post free classifieds, you can post ad type, okay and you will put your banking in the middle, competitors, broken links, this is also a street, like one of our websites here is ok and this was one of our competitor it has website so through tools we will know from where this competitor is getting banking I have seen that he is getting many, he has got it from X but this one which is backing, isn't it, it has been clicked in some way, so this page has been deleted, whatever it is, because of that the link has become broken, that means The link of this website's competitor is present on its page but when it goes here it becomes 44 or if it is a broken link then what will I do, I will contact it, I will call it, see brother, you have given a link to it, it has 404 Kar diya tum se link na mere ko de de me me bhi have similar content so we call this the strategy which is through the broken links of the competitor. Submission The Images Submission The There are many websites that accept PPT or PDF in the form of content, so what will we do, this time we will make our content in the form of PPT or PDF and there we If there is a back link, then we will create it, so now the right thing is that to make so many types of bookings, what streets should we follow, how many vaccines should we make daily and which way should we find the website to make us back? Have a look at all those sources, I will tell you from where to find website etc. But you should always make genuine vaccine c, you should keep in mind that in haste or in making higher number of backlins, you should not do so that you are genuine. Try not to make bactlinks, you should always make genuine back links, do not make fake back links, it means to write where there is no content and your backing is lying or naked backing is made, I also made a video of naked back link, your naked Backing is made, all of them don't hold any value, rest are made, so what should be the strategy of anchor text, that is also an important thing, video will come on that too and I have made video on that before [music] Guest blogging Approaches are made banking by doing them, we will also cover this thing practically, but before that we have to understand what is the meaning of guest blogging, look at guest blogging, say guest blogging, say guest posting, say guest post, it is all the same thing, first of all understand What do we mean by this, look, we have to identify the block from our different website, if I talk about the process, what is done in guest blogging, let's take an example if I tell you our website furniture. It is clear that I sell furniture, so fat table Chair let's sell all these things from my website and for that I have to make with the help of guest blogging approach ok so what to do I will identify my own nishky second website now here one thing you should pay attention Understand that when I am going to identify my own website, it does not mean that I will identify my competitors like I am also selling furniture and there is another person, his website is X, he is also selling furniture. He will not give it to me, otherwise we have to approach our other such website or find this website which is writing information content i.e. from blog type article type website here many articles related to furniture related to interior designing. The articles that are there should be present there, now as I am talking about my website which is related to furniture, it is not that we will identify the blogs where we have to do guest blogging, I will identify the website which is related to furniture. It is not at all relevant that if we talk about our business, what is the website relevant to our website, which websites have to write content about interior designing, so this type gives us our nishkri on our website. Which is similar to Niche or which is related Niche, around which people are writing contacts on the internet, their website has to be handed over, that means we will manually go and select their website, see brother, this is a website and from this particular website I want to get the back link, now I told the method, what is the banking, we have to make, the baking we have to make, the date, this is actually guest blogging, so guest blogging means that there are many such websites on the internet which say Brother , if you want a backlink, that means they will speak to us, if you want a backing, then it is straight talk, by writing a blog of 1500 words, you optimize one page, optimize perfectly, the way a block content should be real without copy pasted Write us a real blog from anywhere and put a banking wherever you think according to you, and we will give you one or two follow back links, then you will get the backing and we will get a content. Will get a blog and we will get an author, in future if you need more content you put on our website, knowing that we are getting an author, the content of our website is increasing, now it must be in your mind I have an advantage means if I have a website of furniture then if I get vaccine from his website then I have an advantage and if I get do follow backing then also it is my advantage, what is the advantage of that person see resources in writing article or content He has to research, after that someone who is a content writer writes the block, then he also has a cost, so whatever website is to be from where we are taking backing, whatever website is to be, if he himself blog etc. likhvaega so it is not that his cost will not come, he will also have to spend something and he cannot write so many blocks, so what did he say, he said, look brother, we have a new website, there is a lot of reputation, my website also gets a lot of traffic. is above my website so if you want to take banking from our website and you have done your research you have found our website our website is relevant to your business website then you take banking in return we just you Write the blog that is there but there are some terms and conditions, whatever website accepts guest posting or guest people, they have some conditions of their own, not that they just told you directly that you give it in writing and whatever you It is not even that you will give it in writing , they will check their real edit team, they will properly check whether your article or blog meets all the guidelines etc., after that they will publish your article on their website, then it will be beneficial if I Let's talk on both ends then you will get a banking and they will get content then win win situation now here one more point when you go on top of many website which accept block post then you will see some amount from you See, there are many such websites whose authority is very high and many people are engaged that if they get a guest post on their website, then they say that you should write a guest post and bring it along with some amount to us. Give because the authority of our website is very high and if you get backing from here and do follow backing, then you will get a lot of benefits, okay, there are many other websites which are doing this type of thing too, fine I have The points are written here, like the first point, now I will first tell you the fundamentals of guest posting and after that we will see the practical, what type of different websites you have to find for this posting, how to approach them hai powerful what type you will get backing then here you look like it is written chus guest post website wijlily make sir you are writing for website users now here one thing is going to pay attention to you like i told you like this of your farmiture The website is okay, this is your furniture website, since late and you have picked the website of interior design here, and here you want to set up your banking, this thing is understood now. Understand that you are writing for this website . You are writing for this website, basically you target the users who are there, because from here it is not that the caller will come over this website and will only call your banking, you will get another advantage, then you will get that there are users here too. So you always make a noise that when you are writing the block post or the content of the block that you are writing, then you always make a noise that you are going to make banking on the above website from where you are going to take banking. According to the website, you write the content is fine, so I wrote the first point that I have seen many people make this mistake, create backlink on authority website and it will happen because here you have the option to manually pick the website. Brother, I have picked this website, I want to make banking on this website, third, create author bio, whenever you write your blog, make sure that you have a section below and Thar's section, Google is enough for the author's section. He takes it seriously, understand this brother, there will be a blog, otherwise a machine will not write that blog, it is fine, the website will not write it automatically, then some person will write the block, and whenever a blog is written, it has no one of its own. There is definitely some expertise brother like I talk about a reader I am normally telling you people like I am a reader I block different different block which is on the internet I read unblocks so you tell me one thing a blog The block below which is the proper author, he has credibility, I will take his block more seriously, I will read that block more thoroughly or I will read that block which has no credibility, authority is missing here, so definitely such a user perspective if I talk Those content, those blogs, those articles that have the author below, users also give value to them, within As Well Aged, if I talk at all right, I talk at concepts that Google follows, then Google comments accordingly. That your author section should be there, then when you will write an article or when you will write your blog, then you will take care of this thing, in fact today one more very important thing is that you are writing a blog, not like you are writing from late exam. Normally only Five Places to Travel I mention here means the title of the blog I am telling you if you guys are writing Five Places to Travel in India lets say you are a travel agency and you are writing this type of blog From the point of view of the guest people, if you have written it in thousand words, then you make whatever is on page, whatever is the point, whatever is the checklist, you have to follow here, whatever is related to on page, if you If you want to put images, then you are putting images, then you are putting all text, because you are writing this content and it will go on top of a website, then you will make sure that whatever the on-page guidelines are, whatever the on-page factors are. You do not have to mess with them, keeping in mind that you have to do all these things and write your content, fine, after that you try that you will get do follow backing because no follow back links will give you a lot of trouble. The problem will be found from the place, the real will come for two follow backings, so if you are looking for a website with so much effort, on which you have to do guest posting. If you are looking for such a website, then you try when you will communicate with them via email etc. then you try to get the do follow back link . Those people also give because if there is an authority website and you are getting backing from there, then definitely whatever it is, it will help you a lot and will also provide a lot of advantage from your sleeping point of view, so in such a situation, some people will give some money. Even if there is a need , they don't hesitate to give money, okay so this is some basic thing, now the matter has come that sir, let's take your website, you have taken the example of such a furniture person, your website is related to furniture. If you want to find a website for guest post, then how will you find it, then see, I take the help of Google operators, what do you have to do, like furniture, then I told you, no interior design, you type here, plus I mention here. I give like these titles and here I mention Write for us, see how you will recognize that this is a website, this block accepts guest posting or guest blogging, then definitely write for us accepting guest post on any page of your website. Accepting guest blog must have mentioned this type of thing brother, if you want to rent a house, you go to the road and see that there are many houses, houses and if you want to rent it on rent If you want to take it, you must have seen that they put a slate there, they put a mark that brother, the room is available on rent or the house is not available on rent, then the same thing happens here too, if a website accepts a guest post If she is accepting guest blogs, then how will people know that she is accepting guest post or guest blog, then somewhere she must have created a page related to it on the top of her website, in which she has her guidelines and all that There are things that will also be mentioned there, so we have to identify that brother from which website whose title has right for or accepting guest post or guest post or blog post, these are many because different The website can do many things to it, it can be mentioned from many triangles that we are accepting the guest post or guest blog, so I have only taken the example here, right for us, you are different according to yourself. Let's take a different example and I will search it after that if you look here you see 7420 results here you are seeing 7420 results means you are not seeing many results and these are filtered out results So like here look at home decor ka kuch hai toh main isko open kar lagta hoon architecture interior designing hai right for s home decor se related hai isko bhi main kar dita hoon interior designer right for us opportunity isko bhi main kar lagta ho fine Right for s home decor isko bhi open kar leta ho to yahan par main a jaata hoon ab yahan par dekho haq and right for us inane puri guidelines jo hai woh mention kari hui hai yahan par topic suggestion for guest posting house do it yourself right For us architecture home interior, then inside this category, if you sell furniture inside this category, then you can write a blog inside it, now you have to select very carefully that what is the topic of your block. The topic of your block should also be unique, now whether the topic is true or not, for all these things you will have to go towards the tools like you have selected the topic Furniture History for Home Decor Right or Furniture History for Office by this type you have selected the topic. If it is selected, then you will have to write proper content related to it and you will have to understand that whatever topic you have selected, what is its search, then the tools you have are different, whether we talk about Arbus or whether you are Neel Patel Let's talk about the suggestion, any tool you can do it, it is okay, you will have to extract some insights from the tool first, whether I have selected the keyword, how much it is looking for its search volume, etc. If there is satisfaction, then a proper article. Write and write that article to other website, those people who see that article, brother, we have written this article, you want to do guest posting on your website, if they accept, give the balance fine, if you do not accept, you can You will start searching for Move for Date and other websites You will also get reactions and the reason for the rejection is that you did not do proper on page etc. or did not follow their guidelines properly, so here you see like guest posting guidelines are mentioned in every article should be well focused. On specific topic for example for this return for furniture it should define furniture only house integral team over block categories baat samjh mein aati hai c do not inter tan any kind of self promotion and c only accept nish block date provide knowledge to d audience it not b manipulative and wrong information ok hai pata gaya factually hai aapne koi cheez wrong kar di woh toh gaddi hai to number of words in an article must be more dene 800 words ok article range should be from 800 to thousand words d block should be written Only after proper research and development aage c do not entertain any kind of un wrong information sahi hai c only accept 10% flag region meaning copy paste nahi karna hai ok writer is using someones content d writer should mention d source website somewhere If you have used the content of any other website in your blog and date case, you should also mention the source there, ok, these are all good practices, which should be the best practice, then do accept post with van and give more van banking but It should not read direct van of our competition for the sales page do not forget to mention meta description hai rest all they have given here rest you can contact on their email etc. A jaye doosra write for us ok toh u can write for us on these topics he mentions hai he bhi post 800 word c alo van link par kahin par he uska nature nahi likhta hai ki hum kisi type ka jo backlink hai They will provide you all right, but they have also given the details of their own traffic here, the traffic that is coming on our website and whatever is a little related, they have also given their insights here, so it is okay. We are doing this by being very open, after that if we go to another website here then here also you will see same type you get un do follow back him on your band and personal name you d home no keywords aloud U b kam aate trusted advisor on your topic ok toh ek aur cheez main dekhi yahan par aap yahan bhi aap dekho for you follow backing responsor post contact this to me b me b yahan par jo hai woh paise ki baat kartein to this type From this, you have to see their guidelines etc. properly, it is not very much to find the website of relevant guest posting, but let's go to man, this is not as easy type of banking creation strategy as you think that you thought that we just went here and We have to pick up the batting and we have dropped it, it has not reduced, you will have to communicate here, only then you will get the available characters, directly submission, you can do that, but there is no value, what is the comment back links, you can do that, you can do that. No, you will do it unnecessarily and your time will also be wasted, resources will also be paste and you will get any value from it, talk to him, here you will have to make a little effort, let me pick up some more niches from here once and see. People like I go to fitness from here I see 2970 results related to fitness here so okay right for us but I went to you good right for s I want to post a guest blog like here So that too I will share here I am getting to see more than 11000 results ok so 10 you read I select here ok from late so I am seeing health guest here ok ok he So a whole article is written here actually that website which accept the block that whole proper they have written articles ok and here this health guard's what are our terms and conditions everything is hair right so all of them There will be details here, you can see what their policies etc. will be and what type of vaccine will be provided to you, so all you have to do is simply put your niche, here you have to put all these things in the title guest blog posting. And after that you must take a little bit of an overview, like if you are going over any website, then you should take a little bit of the website's insights, if you have a stomach tool, then take a few sites of this website by participating in it. Can you tell what is the performance of this website, how many vaccines are there right now If this website is getting ranked on which words, then you will get some idea of ​​traffic etc. But generally this website is not that much messed up, you will understand that yes, this is a good website and if If we don't get the rest from here, then it will be available, by the way, I don't pay much attention to the metric of the mass, but from the point of view of baking, if you want to follow it, you can follow it on DAP, I will make sir, your website is A little bit more than that is fine, by the way, if I talk about standard, then anything about 30 with respect to da and ka is fine, you can take banking from there, but still we will comment that you will definitely make head for any page. You are taking backlinks, it is okay that the pressure of your website is always a little less in comparison to the website from which you are taking backlink, so if you are taking action from any website, it is good if it has DAP. If his DFP is high, then it is a good thing for you, then I believe you must have got clarity now that what is this guest blogging, what are its fundamentals, what things do we have to take care of and what type of guest blogging do we need to do different? Website is found, after that you create any other, you have to create a database of it, I will make a separate video of it, the database of all the back links, you create in this way, whether you share it with the client or not. What do you do, what is shared with the client, I will tell you all that, but now you understand what is the meaning of guest blogging and what type of bookings can be done with the help of guest blogging [music] article The method of submission is a very popular method, and we get the backs of both follow and no follow methods from here, it needs to be noted that on which type of website we are submitting articles, now the first article Let's understand the meaning of submission and then see how practically we can do article submission. This is a very important video and all the doubts related to article submission will be cleared in this particular video, so first of all let's understand the meaning of article submission. What happens, let's talk about the article, we will say like we have a website, let's say if we have a website to provide digital marketing services and for that we want to create one click with the help of article, then our website If we provide digital marketing services, then we will write an article or we will write a blog which will be basically around digital marketing, we can assume that we can write a blog on the scope of digital marketing like we can write content basically article. We can write a blog on the future of digital marketing, we can write about the different techniques used in digital marketing, then there can be different topics that we can pick up and on the basis of that we have a Which is perfect, we will write the article when we write our article and what happens after that, there are many such article submission websites which basically accept articles, they say that you write the article and our website Submit those articles above, now pay attention, you will say that sir, this is exactly the same thing as we do not do in our guest blogging, there used to be a website in guest blogging where you submit your blog. It was a website or it was a blog where you submit your blog, which was a win-win situation, they used to get a content in terms of block but when I am talking about article submission, it is in article submission. Your article which is submitted is not submitted on the blogs, they are article directories, that means such a website, which is accepting many types of articles, accept every type of article, that means it is related to fashion, related to education and also related to college. Related bhi un let 's have music related bhi technology related bhi architecture bhi kya karte de ghar If we have a digital marketing agency, then we find such a block which is writing around digital marketing and then we submit our blog which is there, submit the guest block and from there we take the back link but here the article The website of submission is basically It is a directory, they only accept articles and they accept articles from every loyalist, that means one of your problems has been solved that now you do not have to check whether this website will accept our type of article or not. There is a website with submission, which is a website that accepts articles, like I said, it is a directory, it is only article directories, and if I want to speak in technical terms, then article directory submission should be the name of this process, but people call it article submission, it is okay. That is also fine but we create backing on technical article directory submission website, then this is the website which accepts all types of articles , now what type of article should we write, first of all I will tell you. I will show the article and after that we will see how we will submit it practically, so here I have a demo article, look, first of all, here I have written the topic Advantages of Digital Marketing, I have selected this topic around it. We have written some introductory content here, a small paragraph has been written, after that whatever are our advantages of digital marketing, I have written them in a proper structure, heading is again related content, then heading means proper. It is structured exactly the same way when I show you the on page of your page, so that what type of structure we have to follow, proper h1 has to be given, proper h2 has to be given . In a way, we have mentioned the entire proper article here, now there is one thing in it which is very important, see whenever you write an article, it must have an introduction like you are seeing here and there is a conclusion below it. It should also be there and along with it the profile of the author here is also fine like if I want to write my profile I write my name in Umar Tasker here it is fine and here I will write age 10 digital marketing Expert ok having 7 plus years of experience in digital marketing I can write this so whichever author you have here you will have to mention your bio or profile here ok one type of profile will be two-three lines here But you will have to mention because whoever writes the article, he will write the authority, no person will write and the article will automatically appear on the website, so wherever you submit the article, you will see any information about the author there. If you have to pay, then you will have to prepare for it in advance, now this is our article, which we have structured properly, now we have to make batting in the middle of the article, okay, so now understand very carefully, some article submission website, in the middle of the article Two follow does not give backing, but there are some websites that give you two follow backless in the middle, there are some websites that you create an author profile here, in the middle of this, if you take backing, then from here they give you Do follow gives backing, then you have to understand that you have gone to this type of article directly submission website and keeping in mind what are its rules and regulations, you can do a little quick back link now. Here we go to the article submission website, then gas, if you go to Google also, normally and after going to Google, you will see the article submission website here, if you mention it, then you will see many article submission websites. You will learn the website, I have one of the websites that have come out here, as you are seeing, this is a website called Super Article, now what I was telling you, this is basically an article directly website, then you left Look here, here you are seeing all these categories, under which articles have been written, you are seeing all those categories here, we will select our category from Lets, if our category is internet, then we will have articles inside it. Will write but before that what you have to do here you have to create your account like if you go to submit articles then look here because I am already in it I have created my profile which is why I This type of interface is showing if I log out from here then I will go to the top of normal website ok and now if I submit article then look here it prompts me to log out Has been or is telling me that if you are a new author, then you mention your information here, fine, so here I will keep my author name, see, keep all these things genuine, it is better if the specific line Do less for or else you tell them that you give us your name, email address, give proper, all these things should be genuine, respect, there are high chances that these websites do not give you approval and your profile is not the same here. But if it is possible then it is necessary from the point of view ok then you will keep the name of the author real name like I want to keep the age of 10 years old email address if I want to keep it as my own then I will keep my email address here by the way I have already created yes but i am just telling you to tell ok here we will do it by typing we have to keep our password we have to verify we have to keep country if we have any website of business then well and fine if not then no problem Here we will mention our author's bio here, we will put our photo, I am not robot, dates it complete, we will register, whatever email you send here, an email related to the related verification of a confirmed mission will go on top of that, ok And from there again after you confirm then you people can do what is here, so now I go straight to the point, fine for logging in, once I quickly log in from here, so now I see people here Taken so now my profile is open here ok if I had written any articles etc then here I see inside the articles but what to do I have to submit the articles now the thing to note from here is what we- What are the things to be taken care of, so if you go here, you will see please chick category, now from here you select your category, then like us if you want to select internet or ecommerce email marketing then internet marketing I will select internet marketing here, after that we have to select the title of our article, so we have written it here, so I copy the title from here and we will paste it here. Summary of the article means a little high light type article about the article, about what I can write here, related to digital marketing, I can write two lines here, okay, you get 300 characters, here I am here I will copy this much and here I will write a summary type here, like if your keyword was digital marketing, then we will write it here, if it was digital marketing services, then we will write it completely from here. I will copy ok till the conclusion ok till the conclusion i don't want to copy here in the author i will copy till the conclusion and i will present it here ok then see our all things which are here are properly pasted ok If you want to bold somewhere, if you want to underline somewhere, you can do that now, see what they have mentioned here. You will mention your author signature, which I have mentioned here, then look here, I select this digital marketing expert, if I feel that this is my texture, I want a backlink from this, then I will select it and here Look there is the symbol of the link, you select it from here and you will do the URL of the link, here it is okay and after that you simply have to insert it in the target here, that means if someone clicks on it, then the new window will appear. If I open or open in a window, then I open the general in a new window, then you will select the open link in a new window from here and after that you simply insert it, then you have these two following backing You will find it here in the author's signature or the author's bio, in a way, you can do the process of your article submission by this type , so I told you on a website, generally, as many articles as you want. You will see the website of submission, you have to do the same type of process on all those websites, the question comes, Sir, I have written an article, can I mention this on different website ? Can mention above because this is a duplicate of a method, see if you put one particle now on two different website super, then two different domains will become two different page URLs, two different page URLs will be created, if the content is from them, then Google how to consider it Will do it in a way if it will consider the copied content then it is not recommended that you write unique article only this is the right way now here the second question also comes that should we generate the content from Sir I and then put it here But put it and see that if you are generating it is fine, but see that it is natural and there should be no plagiarism etc. Well, if you are doing it with the help of AI tools, then plagiarism etc. will not happen. It will not happen, but still keep in mind that it should look natural and if you generate it from the eye, then only take a little help from it, it is not that you have written the whole article with that, now you will say this then a little. Si which is a reducing process, Han bhai, it is a reducing process, if you want to submit articles, put articles directly on the website, do follow backing, then you will have to write a part, you cannot ignore it, and if you If you write well, then it is a good thing and if you do not write it properly then it will not be valuable, then you will say that we are not getting a good link, we are not getting an available back link, then I will comment that everything is fine with you. To do it properly, I believe, now you have got some one or two points clear, and in the starting, I have written here, which I can tell you, okay choose the topic of your article, then in the starting itself, you will get your website related to your own. What do I do? In general, I make a doc that I have, I make a proper document and we have different topics related to it. They go on writing and our content writers immediately go on writing the articles on top of that, okay then we do not have a general shortage, create unique article with all on page guidelines which I told you that you write this article You are making sure that you also have to make it proper in such a way that you understand that this article is going on the top of the website and in that way you have to write it perfectly, okay from the point of view of on page means technical point of view. Ahead of view, well ahead of grammatical point of view, and I would recommend 800 plus words, this thing should be there, after that when your article is submitted here, you will get a link, okay, maybe your article should come immediately, submit it Generally this happens that it will not be submitted immediately and even if you look here, they have mentioned this thing here that it will take some time, okay, generally every website has this, see only public, unique and well return post of yours. Post Must Not Be Published Elsewhere If Editor Manually Check This Post Depending Upon D's Size Same Times It Will Take Up Tu 24 Tu 48 Over Post Excluding Weekends To Thoda Saath Lagit Mein So You Have To Create Database Also Means Where Have You- You also have to create a database of the links of where you have submitted articles, then you will have to maintain some format of this type, like I tell you, we give you today's date, okay and of which website? We submitted above yesterday, we will mention it from here, it is done on this particular website, so I will copy it from here, okay and I will mention it here, how much is the dump of this website, you are out of death K kar lenge which will generate your link of the article, you will present here what was your target keyword or anchor text, you can mention it here, the user of the profile I had created in the beginning for people to visit this website. name password you will mention here and what is the status of your link it is live your link is not live yet or it is proof whatever is your status date you can put over here these username passwords etc. Keep this thing that whatever your email id is, if someone is doing it, then you can also mention it here, then I will also mention it here. Email ID is ok, now all these things are done in article submission. But there are many such websites where you will not need a username and password, no problem, we will leave the option black for this type of website, but there the username password is a type of format, on the basis of which you have Whatever you have made, you have to mention them here, as this series of ours will go ahead, all this data will be populated and then in a final I will show you the report, back mains actual report or The format that we do, which is the reporting format, then things will be clear to you, but now I am telling each and every thing, only we are seeing that by what type you are maintaining its database. They prepare, what type of records they prepare, it is also important from the point of view of the client, it is also important from your point of view, it is also important from the point of view of what your team is doing. It is important that you have kept the data from here with you so that you can refer to it in the future, if needed, friends, I hope whatever doubts related to article submission are cleared, if you still have any doubts, please Comment [music] Social bookmarking technique, by doing social bookmarking, we will see the practical way of creating backlinks here, but before that one thing should be clear that what is the meaning of social bookmarking, which is the word social. How do we understand bookmarking, so see, let me tell you with an example, look here, I have been on Google and I am going to walk with this man that this is any normal website, it is possible that I can visit any I am consuming the content of the website and it is a normal website of the type on which I was browsing and if now I want to bookmark the link of this website i.e. keep it from the key then what can I do? If I want to do it from Chrome browser itself, then I am doing a shortcut feature of Chrome browser, here I will put it in the control team and here I write like new bookmark test is ok and this one is our URL which we People are marking so the url is ok so the new bookmark text is written here I will donate it so you see here is one of our bookmarks which is created now if I click on it then see Here you will be seeing the link, it means that the link of this page of ours is stored in Chrome, in the same way there are many such websites on the internet where you can drop your link. Today bookmark means this time . We do not do the link in our Chrome browser, but there are many such websites on the Internet, on which we will do it and by going over those websites, we will drop the link that we have, now what is the meaning of the link here, whatever web Whatever website we are doing on the home page of the page , we make a link to that page, then we drop the link of that site by going over those social bookmarking websites. Will do the second important thing with regards to social bookmarking, which you are seeing here too, I have written a point, there are many websites for social bookmarking, there are many websites, but social bookmarking is not a technique that we Will say that if you are making through it, then you will get very solid, very quality wapking. Social bookmarking is a normal thing that you go to any website and drop your link there. You will note that social bookmarking does not come from very powerful star thing, the second thing is that as I said, there are many websites on which you can do social bookmarking, you can drop your links, which are from many websites. All those websites are not quality, there are many such websites which are from low quality website, if you are taking the back link from there, social book marking nature's backing, then you will not get any advantage, in fact, I will recommend you which top There are some social bookmarking websites, you website them, then finding those websites is not too less, okay, you go here, directly above Google and after going above Google, you enter the social bookmarking website here, you see many websites. If you go and see 10, you will see 1000 plus here, you will see 1000 plus here, even if I open this, you will see many websites where you can create social bookmarking links. You can see that there are many websites and they have also mentioned them here, but I have seen that in some websites, what you get to see here is not that perfect, so please go and check it. Must check that if you are going to make betting on any website by looking here, then it is real or not. From the website on which you can do social book marking, I am seeing some website like you are looking at Scoopit, this is a very famous website and if you take it from here, you will get the rest of the good social margin. Reddit is visible here from Reddit. Also you will get a better backing link from digo to plug ok from tumblr from all these places you will get very good back links, so many websites from here on which you can make backing, many People also do this, see when you work on a lot of projects, then you will get the idea that this website is a good website, as soon as I saw you , I told you that this website is a good website, on top of it you can create social bookmarking. So what do some people do Vardar period of time because they reduce on many projects then they keep a list of this type for themselves that brother this is my 500 or 2500 or 300 social bookmarking website which is good From the website of social bookmarking and I keep doing projects on a regular basis, then if a client comes to me, then I will create the back links for that website too, so many people do not search by this type, but they By giving time for yourself, let's create a database for ourselves that brother, these are 200 top websites of our social book marking, which are good and on which if we make back links of any client, then we will get a good response, then this By type, they keep that thing for themselves as it is, make data and keep it, if you also do this, then you will also benefit from it, there will be no loss, okay after that as I told. Whenever you do sleep activities or onstage activities, you will need data for whatever activity you do, okay, so I 'll show you the format for that here, serial number of social bookmarking van okay here but aye gaya here our date hai woh aye jayegi like I give today's date team ok here if I talk about the website then on which website we are doing social book marking what is its da what is its And there will be many such websites in which you will need an email address to make people on the website, okay, then you can mention that email here, what is the username, what is the password and the link you will create, the link you will create as a social bookmark. Here you will put which keyword you targeted and whether that link was published or not, otherwise you will manage your database by this type, you will create a database and the database is also very useful, see that on the basis of this database, your client understands that What work did you do? On the basis of this database, you understand whether your team is doing quality work or not. On the basis of this database, you can track and talk about where our backlinks are made, because you need to understand this also. Try that when we talk about backlinks , our effort is that our backlinks are always made on unique domains, unique domains means if you have once created a backlog on, then you will get Should search again, it is better not to create backlinks on, because the more unique domains are, the more solid your banking profile will be, so now how will you check that I have created the links mentioned earlier? .com or not, then you will not remember that brother, I have created, so you can come here and do a control F and search that I have not created anything there or not . So how many clicks were made, then if you have that database, then you get help in many things, then this was a little theoretical conversation, a conversation to understand the concepts , what is social book marking, what type of data Making which type we can find the website, now in the beginning if you are a beginner then see that you do not get everything cooked, you will have to work hard, so if you want to make a list of your own sides, then when you do one or two projects At the same time, when you select a quality website, let's talk about social book marking, for social book marking, you will select a quality website, you should make the website from your sheet and keep making data of it, that all this is our quality website. In future also if any project will come to us then we will do it from here right adervise you will have to find everything from this type of social book marking website again and again on internet ok now as I have given you some good information here social book I had also told the website of marking here so out of that I have already put people on Tumblr here to save your time Tumblr it's very good website ok inside van if I want and I can also show it now Yes, but you are fine, you will understand from two, now we have to make a link to the social book, so what we have to do is click here above the link, okay and whatever is your URL, you have to paste it here. Ok I paste any of my url here in a way ok so as you put this url here then on the basis of url already here you will see some content ok if this url belongs to any page Lets go here to, okay because there is no data on, so you are not seeing anything here, but if I close it and here India If I do then you will be able to see here you will see the proper things, you will see the title, here you will get the banner image and here you can mention your description, so if I If you want to make backing for this particular page, then you are seeing here that we are making our own here for this particular page, we will write our description here 2 3 lines which are related to the page for which U r creating backing and the tags will go here ok so you can open the tags according to your page like digital marketing after this what you have to do is simply click on the top of the post here you see here then your This post is done here if you click on it so this is actually your post then if you go here then you can copy link from here this is d link is ok and if I paste this link here If yes then you see this is your link this is your back link source then you will copy it from here and here you will go and you will mention this link here and d keywords date you are targeting you will mention here Doge jo aapko status hai agar yeh publish ho gaya ho gaya hai u will go head and mention over her and what I did here to people here in tumblr username password hai kiya tha email him kiya tha u can put date thing over her so With this type, you can create the rest of the social book marking and you can create the database that you want to create in this way, after that we also see our second website, here we will fix the scoped. If it is fit then I have already put it here people have done it ok and what you have to do in it look here you paste and link you create a new scoop you can see it even if you go to read it you will get option here also Will go ok I come here ok look paste link you create new scoop so me here also which was our India Times link from the point of view of understanding you I select the same here and we Paste it here the link is ok and I will click on it then it will also fetch some information on the basis of the link here ok after that if you want to edit something like this you can go head and edit It adervise you will simply mention the tags here Kind of # Kind of un terms related to which this page is yours and your link is made here means don't think that you don't recreate here the link you paste right here But the same act like your backing, so if I go to edit mode, then you have the option to edit some things here, if you feel that you need to edit, you need to change the image etc. and in the same way From there you will take the link from there and you will go and do it from your database, then I told you some website which is a good website and if you see then the traffic on this website is also very good, if you see then from these website to your website. bhi good traffic a sakta hai to dj website sir good source of creating social book marking type of so i believe yeh thing must have been clear to you [music] we are going to see how to do directory submission but more important than that The thing is that whether direct submission is an important type of bank link creation strategy in today's time, does Google consider it, should we do direct submission, is it beneficial for our website, not at all, gas today's time I have zero value of direct submission, even if you ask me 100 times, I will reply 200 times that in today's time The value of directory submission is absolutely zero, many people tell you even in today's time that directory submission has some value, but I discuss a little there and the reason behind it is because Google is straight forward. In a way, it says that we do not give any weightage to directory submission, if it is about Google, then I will not go into any debate whether directory submission has value or not. If I can make it, then I should go to him because directors always have type of banking, I should make it, Google has been there, there is no weightage of direct submission, there is no value, even after this some people say, whose weightage is it, if it has value, then I make it. see i don't make if google consider shade forward then i don't make i have many other ways to make we will reduce on them but still many people who are there they do director submission ok If you think you can do it, if you agree, then I avoid direct submission 100%. Now even in today's time, people who are always doing directors are also doing wrong, actually, first of all understand the directory. What does it mean that the directory was basically created for those businesses which are local businesses like if someone is my digital marketing institute, let's say that institute is in India and I am doing director submission, I am from Australia. Some business is listed on top of the mission website from any person, in such a way that we talk about relevancy, if you are getting it from the website, then will there be any relevancy or not, if it has any traffic from the website? Coming to the top of the website, will there be any relevancy, if there is no relevancy, then even from Google's point of view, you are missing the trust factor, that is, you are missing the relevancy and if I talk to the user's point of view So if the user also comes to your website, then what is the guarantee that he will convert because he is from Australia, okay that directory and I am only taking the example from Australia and the business you are promoting there. If you try to understand this logically, then you will understand yourself that directory submission does not hold any special value in today's time , but according to me, it holds zero value and if you are in too much debate If you don't want to read and want to listen to Google directly, then listen to Google, I will also show you here, here is a recent tweet on Twitter, in which you are tagged John Millers Nine Google Article Submissions Online bookmarking see full 2000 general master guidelines here direct submission no special advantage in today's time technology is around 2006-7 technology is around eight means technology is 10 years back but today At the same time, there are many people who make direct submission, okay, so I will tell you some points related to that, like here you see, according to Google, you agree 100% second this director submission also. If they are there to rank the website locally, then even today if your website is from India and you create a high quality directory on top of a very authority website, which is India's website, there is traffic from India. If India is listed there, then you will get reliance from there and if any traffic comes from there, it will also be relevant for you, so if you are doing director's emission, then location ka aswell aaj miss ka You have to take care of both the things, then it should be location specific and the fourth point is ticket directory which has lesser number of categories, so if you want to make any progress, then you should pick such a directory in which Categories are very less, if there are more categories then there will be more diversified website and more diversified website means that the niche which is there gets diluted, so wherever the niche is diluted, you will not have the advantage of relevancy. If you get then I believe this thing must have been cleared, now if you still feel that sir, we will make direct submission, then it is okay, I will tell you that by which type you can do direct submission, see directors doing or block commenting. It is very easy to make both these types , so people run after them and many make them. Yes, but understand this thing, try to understand it carefully, we have other ways to make bookings, so why should we go after it and why debate, I mean, I agree that the rest is your choice, here we simply type the directory The submission is fine, the website is fine, I mention that many websites will come to you, which will be related to directory submission, so if I open any list, the direct submission website will be there, so here you are looking. Yes, there are many websites, okay, so lets see if we see any website here, direct submission is okay, then we will pick it up and then we will fry it to make our back gender. Fine then look at this here we are seeing a direct website forever so this is a copy so what you have to do now I am seeing you here the submit url is visible in the corner by the same type whatever direct submission you have on the website You will go somewhere, you will see the option of the URL that is submitted, then I open another directorymission website, and if you go here also, see, it is not even a seeker, well, on top of it, the HTTPS is the one. Even you are not able to see means all certificate is also not on it fine so I close it just like this fine here so many directly submission website also penalized by google for what period of time they also get search engine result first What is there is not excluded from this, so you should also know this thing, okay, so here if I go directly for free, okay here I go directly for free, so here also you are seeing related The site is visible to you, here what are you looking for, submit URL or submit link or whatever you will see, then you will understand that basically the link that is being talked about is dropped here, second thing if you have to check Moscow You can do that too, okay, I have not installed chrome extension here, so I am showing you by checking it from the website, okay, I open it here with the mouse, whatever you are, the extension of the month You can install the chrome extension of the mouse, which is called mass bar, you can test all these things very quickly, but here if we want to do that through another website's domain. So we can do that so late if I want to do it here I copy it from here okay fine and check authority okay that's you're seeing 35 right here okay more information We need till date otherwise we are seeing page 30 and domain 30 so if you see logically then page authority is domain 30 from point of view then it is ok but d point its directors always technology is very much in today's time It is not popular, so here if I go to the person that I want to submit directly on this particular website, then I will go to the submit side, okay, and here you look, you are seeing this featured listing and you One this regular listing is visible regular listing in this and the featured you see is basically tree ok they have some fee but if you do this fee then your link will be immediately uploaded here whatever you You will enter the email address, if you get approval, which is the listing, which is the link, then there will be a notification mail, basically your listing is approved, then I will select my category from here, if my category is late business hai business advertising hai to dat i will select and submit regular site now you can write the title of the site here as i will write best digital marketing agency ok if you have a website providing digital marketing services then you can go head and put Now it is not necessary to take care of your URL here, you will put the urine of the domain here, whatever page you are making, you will put the URL of the page, description of date page, what will you mention, highlight some keywords, your email address verification and date sheet URL You will say here that we have taken your back link for submission and once it will be proof, you will be notified on your email through mail . Have to copy from here to here go back here I mention more website and what is here is the waiting approval which is our status here Let's mention and here the email address that we have mentioned, we are also mentioning here, okay, above this email address, we will be notified whether our link is approved or not, otherwise by this type you Its database can be created but we do not do too many linear submissions, well, we do not do it wide, then you will not see any such database with us, but in this case, if you want to create one, then you can use this If we can make it in a proper way, then I will also understand that what is the type of Directly Submission which is Backing Streets [music] Gas, we are going to understand how this infographic submission is made practical but from that First of all, we have to understand that what is meant by a graphic, because when we are submitting articles, we have seen what articles are and by what type we submit them on other websites, then from there we People take back links, so here we have to understand what are infographics, so if we try to understand by name, then we understand the simple thing, information in the form of graphic is actually infographic, but how it looks If I would like to tell you this, then we go to Google for once and here I am doing a query, infographic digital marketing and I search, if you look here, you will find some infographics of this type. You must be seeing the information here in the form of graphic, so now you will not have to keep this type of content and graphic in advance, only then you will be able to submit them. Second thing is that your question will be that Sir, if we If we do not know graphic designing, then can we not make infographic, we can make it at all, if you go above the canvas, then in Canva you get many templates for free, of infographic, you will do that and even on top of any other platform, if you go to canvas type If you go to the platforms that are there, then you will definitely find templates inside it and they will also be free templates, so by doing that you can make the info graphic, now very important thing when you make your info graphic. And when you go to submit your infographic by going to the infographic submission website, it will ask ok, we will take your infographic, but what is the source of this infographic, where is this infographic present on the internet, or just you submit the infographic. If you have gone, then it will ask for the source from many such websites, which had asked for the source, so let's say that my website is and on top of it there is a blog. You do this infographic inside the block, after that you submit this infographic on top of any infographic submission website, it is understood that how to submit graphics to them, then you have to make it infographic You will have to prepare a little blog or content related to it, which you can submit on your website, then you can do it there too, if I talk about the block on which you put the infographic and the blog, then this is yours. There also you can save it and under content re-purposing, which was your infographic, you can submit it above the infographic submission website, the other important thing is that when you go above the graphics submission website, many websites will give you You will get to see like this which will be basically trees, ok then you will be able to submit infographic there only when you will give some amount adervise there are high chances that your infographic will be rejected on top of the free website, it can also happen that your It takes a lot of time to submit infographic and it is possible that you only submit infographic and if you do not get any bottling from there then you will have to search but you will find many such websites from where you will get back link and If your info graphic is also submitted, then you will have to work hard, you will have to make a list of those websites and after that you will have to submit the info graphic which is on top of the website, let's see which website looks like this and How can we submit the infographic that is on it, I believe the process must be understanding that the infographic has to be prepared, writing content around it and putting it on top of your blog, after that it is okay to submit the infographic to the information submission website, so here I am But I search for their graphics submission website so gas here you see many websites have come I open some of the blogs etc. which have infographic submission websites inside here you see many is a website which opens it And that's the basic thing, isn't it that whatever websites you are submitting are quality websites or not, well, you have to see basically, okay, and here I also enter what we are. am and here look firstly d list of submission website secondly title of image up to 70 characters third generation image must be related to your project information with your project url in it wahi jo main source ki baat kar raha hoon more ever description with anchor text tax three to four than d second last thing you consider d website u r n last ki word for d this is actually the process of making backing done so if i show you the website i have come here i got it from this website our okay you see somewhere here submit info graphic will be showing this you are seeing okay so I click on it above submit info graphic okay for once so here you see some latest which from infographic Well but I will select back submit in for graphic ok for once so here you see infographic's submission terms proper mentioned here ok and here you will know whether they will give you backlink or not If you give , then here you have to enter your name, enter your email, which will be the title of your infographic, and where can find the infographic, it simply means that where your infographic is linked, then that infographic is not on the top of your website. D form of blog, then how will you put the link, give commas and after that whatever your infographic image is, you will upload it, a small description dates it related to the infographic, and then send the captcha code and the email you will enter, then there you will get You will get information that your infographic has been submitted for review, but whether it is approved or not, you will get to know on the top of the email from there . So you are seeing the option, you look below, there is also a thing from here, name, email, infographic, title, short description, category, infographic, URL, backlink, URL, and this whole tree is promotion, okay, if you ignore it, then you will have to find this website by this type like here but also there are some websites ok here you are seeing there are many websites infographic archive is one website all open this website also cool info graphics from many websites here we also open infographic show case there are many websites ok If yes, then you will have to do some hard work and after that keep a database that it is from the website on which I have done infographic submission and it will come to you in future as well that from the website on which I have done infographic for client A. Submission was done, give inside the client client too, for that also we can do infographic submission here, now you do not need to tell that your infographic should be of high quality IF traffic right here We have a website with an infographic archive, on this we have submitted an infographic, here you will see some rules and regulations, here you will see, you submit in for graphics info graphic archive, make it, you submit in for graphic on you. on our in for graphic submission site and the best part is c have a pinterest account with over 2.7 million views per month ok toh ye matlab bol raha hai if we have account then you can get benefit from there too share it ok it is possible you submit in for graphic free c accept free submission please understand your convenience to be eligible please b share our submission guidelines read d guidelines detail here within seven days here within seven days here with in Tu des but yeh quite costly hai 150 dollar no van gives to submit an infographic most people do this triangle so now you must have got clarity that what is infographic submission and from which types we do infographic on different different website Can submit [music] very much like it first let me tell you that so that you can understand its benefit look man ke chalte hain ki hum prepare an image type of content, create the content and we We go to the website that submits the image and upload it, and there are many websites that accept images, for example, if we talked about Pinterest, we went to the top of Pinterest and shared our creative. Can upload it and its title with creative its description there we will put our link ok whatever we want to make backing there we will put our link this is the process whenever we talk about backing The process we do is if we are submitting an article then our content type is vertical, if we are submitting an image, then it becomes an image, if we do a video, then it becomes a video, then the nature of the content changes. It changes basically but we have to stick it to our banking with content this is the process of off page so main man ke chal raha ho scenario ye banaya hai maine ki on pintrest i upload a creative along with date i I also upload a link to my website there, here I am going to say that that link is a link to our home page, okay, now here we believe that I go to Google The image that I uploaded above and from Lets was related to digital marketing or was that image related to so, so I mention what is off page here and I come above the images, now because of this man, let's say that that was our image okay just the exam we are taking this that was our image now this image that we uploaded this where we uploaded this on pintrest and this also I am going to man's place that if that image of ours What we uploaded on Pinterest, if Google indexed it and after Google indexed it, it showed the image here, then what would happen, then this image of ours is present here, now that person clicks on this image. Let's do the user who clicks on this image, then when he clicks on the image, where will he go because this is the image that got ranked, this is the image of Pinterest that got ranked, didn't we upload it, that is a different thing but The image got ranked, that image of Pinterest got ranked, so it reached this page from the late, this is the page of Pinterest, it reached the page of Pinterest, now there is an image here, the same image because we uploaded it to the printers. | So he also has a back link with the image, when the user clicks on the back link, then he will come to our website, then what is the nature of the traffic, if I ask you, is it organic traffic or is it referral traffic? The answer is that this is a referral traffic, there is a traffic on our website from some website, then it is not full organic traffic, then the second question comes, sir, what if this type of traffic is coming on our website If so, will we benefit from it, no, there will be no benefit, that means I am talking from the point of view of ranking, you will not get any benefit from the point of view of ranking, then the second question comes that Sir, if the referral above our website Traffic is coming as you are telling so if there is a lot of referral traffic on our website then will our ranking improve see indirectly then our ranking can improve like a visitor comes to our website and spends good time on our website Consumes the content and gives some positive signals to Google from there, then Google will think that this website is an information website, so indirectly your ranking can be affected, but if you are thinking that if the referral traffic is too high A lot of referral traffic goes to our website, if it goes to our website, it means that our ranking will improve, then it is not a direct relationship, okay, referral traffic comes and it does some activity that according to Google Better activities than this gives a positive signal to Google, then in particular case the ranking of your website has chances to improve, but directly it is not possible, ok, now you will say sir, then see what is its benefit. We will not get the advantage of direct ranking, but we will definitely get the advantage, then another question comes, sir, then where does the direct advantage get, in this case, he will get the direct advantage; But the organic rank is done, okay, as soon as the keyword is entered, that website goes there, then that website becomes organic, then a user will go to that website, then that traffic is date this organic traffic. this website full organic traffic but he had link inside website what i told you on pintrest you had link our so when someone will go over our website date is not full organic traffic date is refer referral bhi one way organic Traffic is there but if I want to do the classification then date this is actually referral traffic is fine then it will not be completely organic that referral travel then referral traffic does not contribute to direct ranking write it somewhere ok so what I was talking about advantages to you I have written the first point here which I explained to you in itni dil mein it helps in bringing referral traffic so your website second days images can rank google images as i aapko find your butlins it help scrollers to find your back link bhai caller bhi to same image If it indexes then it will find your backlinks too, then you get advantage even from the point of view of bottling . Let's try to take more advantage from it, the second thing is that how much traffic can we take, can we take a lot of traffic, of course if you are uploading a lot of images on different different image submission websites and use it as an image. Ek proper jo hai so kar raha hai, proper so here means that the title of the image that you are writing should be correct, the description that you are writing of the image should be correct, you have to mention the alt text of the image there. Long with image, if they ask you for some keywords, etc., then they should mention you properly there, means you have to upload the image there properly, then let's talk about its advantages, sir, how will you see it here, to save time For this, I have already searched quickly here, for you people, here if you go to Google and search image always website, then you will find many such websites, you will go to them and you will go to most of the websites. If you have to create an account, then I had also made a pick here, one website is fine and on top of this I had created an account, now there will be many such websites, you have to do it in the same way, see here, there is a lot of list of websites here. But okay so you can do that so if I go to the top of the load here because now we have to submit the image look here select photo is a and here I have selected a photo which is that photo here Uploading is ok photo privacy will be your public and whatever is your title then whatever is your title like learn digital marketing in hindi ok you can mention here ok you get 100 characters you get good special here Whatever is the limit, if it is found then I write here digital marketing ko nine you can write description also and between description you have to link ok so like I am writing here a description learn digital marketing from India's best I do Digital Marketing Trainers in India here so what you are seeing is Digital Marketing Agency in India ok now if I want to make any link directly from this I am not getting the option to mention the link here so I copy it okay and here I quickly make it a link okay so you guys understand okay so I'll copy it or just the tag I'll do it okay from here and here We go back and I replace this with marketing okay digital marketing here we have to select basically the word okay so here also you are seeing this business is a key word okay tag type These are business streets, then by this type you select the people category, you see in which category it falls, then it is related to business etc. Will give him all these things now no option of your image is actually ok then I keep them categorized Submission will be done ok so our image submission above this particular website is done now if i open this image ok for once i open this image by clicking on the image you will see Ye hamara jo image ka url hai woh hai ok hai this isse you are along with dut ab bologe sir kaun gaya woh link kaun aapki kya hai ok hairstyle agar aap dekh rahe hai Our link is Digital Marketing Agency in India, I had created it, isn't it, this is our link and when you create your account, you have to mention the proper profile etc here, as you will get impressions etc, you will also see it here. wali image it can rank in google so from there you will get benefit adervise aapka ek banking to ban gaya toh i believe you must have understood the process of image summation, which type of image you have to do always [music] We can create backing for us by doing the technique of classified submission, there are two or three things which are very important related to classified submission, I discuss them first, first of all you have to understand what is the meaning of classified submission. It is as if we had talked about article submission, then it was understood that we would write an article from many such websites which accept articles by going over those websites and checking whether that website is correct or not . You can submit whatever you want, in the same way, many classified submission websites are available on the internet, where we have to submit our classifieds, but what does this mean, see many times you must have seen that you are in the news. When you see the paper, you see the section of classified ads in it and below it you see many ads of different different businesses, so basically the thing is simple that the way in which many business owners in the news paper Yes, they put their ads in the classified section, in the same way, there are many such websites on the internet, on which we post the ads, if I talk as an example, then OLX is a classified website, in the same way Sulekha There is a classified website , it has many websites which are classified websites, now what was the meaning of classified submission, you must have cleared one thing that sir, this website means location specific which reduces because if I have a business and I If you want to advertise your business, it is not that my business will go to India, I will advertise in Australia or fine in that, so the first thing to note is that while doing classified submission, you have to keep in mind that where you are You are also doing classified submission, that website may be of your country or your location, only then you will get benefit from it, now it is a matter of benefit, you get benefit generally in two ways, you get the first benefit by doing classified submission technique or process. It happens that one you get the back link, but I will tell you that in reality those vaccines are not very available, well, the second benefit you get is that you get traffic from there and traffic only You will get when you are a very good classified samission website, when you post your ad on them, only then you will get good traffic, there is a new classified submission website run by you, it is accepting classifieds, there is no traffic already Only there will be no traffic if you post an ad there then you will not get any advantage in the form of any traffic from there . So you will see that some websites do not give the option of backlink only, that means you cannot put backlink there, you cannot put backlink there, there are many such websites, there is another thing which is also important, that is Many of the classified submission website which is free, accept the post which is free, accept the ad which is free, but remove the ad after some time, so if you want their regular service, it is okay for more time. In this particular case, you need service for this date, you have to take their tree subscription, etc., then by summarizing all these things, I have mentioned three to four points here, now let's see what type of website is displayed and if we If you want to submit , then how can we do it, but classified summation should not be primary in your backlink strategy or in planning, well, the way we talk about high quality baingans, it is very high quality backlink. If not, then it should not be in the primary part of your battery creation strategy, so if we go here on Google and here I search like classified submission website simply you have to search a little bit if country name too You If you add further, it will be better for you, then you will see many, here you are seeing the classified submission website, there is no tax on it, OLX is okay, it is Lokento, then you will see many famous classified submission websites as well. So if I pick up from here look at some website here from the sponsor side means here you also have to submit your ad after seeing the amount and here if you look there are free classified submission sites okay many Hai kukkar hai aur dell hai hubli hai aur aapko saari aapko agar dekhne to aapko aapko aapko agar dekhne hai to aapko aapko hai very common jo naam hai woh deegi hai ok like Sulekha dry this is also on very famous classified submission website so I am here Sulekha jo hai woh type Let me give it okay for once, then you have to go to the many different websites that will be of this type and here basically you have to do a classified submission. Classified submission means that you have to publish your ad here in this way. There is another very famous website which is locanto so I search locanto which is here ok once so if you look here then the website of free classifieds is visible to you here ok so if you here Will click on like if you click on the post free ad, then here you will get the option and from here you can post your ad for free, so as I mention the title here Digital Marketing Agency in ok Yes, I will proceed, then you will ask the category, in which category is your ad, specifically in which category is your business, then we see here the service, if it is our business, and here we see any marketing web services are related to etc. ok so i pick up the web services here ok and after that it is telling you to do it then i will do it here from google ok now you need to know about this thing Keep in mind that if you are doing classified submission for a client, then you must keep in mind that you use their ID and password so that whenever you create a database, you will have to mention it as well . Here I have selected the web services which are there, now let 's see from the web services that here we mean the service is there or not, if it is not there, then I will do the respect service once here, ok now See, you will select the category very carefully in detail, I am only teaching you, so I have selected a little category here in a hurry and D point is nine, you have to put your description, you will put it and then website Here you will put the image, you will add here, you will add the phone number and after that you will post your ad, now you see here what is written, you are ad will remain active for 42 days, after that whatever is yours. The ad will be removed from here because it is not 100% free ok so this is the thing and here the website which you enter will act today un back for you so you can do it by going over it in the same way if Main Sulekha ki baat karoon post of free ad I do see this if not now then later it will ask you id etc ok then I talk like list here if we talk about property we if property which is real estate doing for business so if we want to sell real state business new residential ad we want to run our cities Lucknow now contact number is email which is now here name is contact number phone number ok this I I will mention something random once here it is ok and after that I will mention a phone number which is here I will verify it once with OTP here ok so here you have more details You have to mention the apartments, your reed ishal is the apartment, it's okay, you have to select your location, everyone comes, you have to enter the name of the building, land mark, you have to fill all these things here, it's okay, there is a lot of detail here, type the form. of and after that you have to submit it, then your ad will be published here, so this is actually the process of classified submission, I believe you must have understood what is classified submission and how to do it. What is in the streets of backlink is done, again I would also like to tell you that if you are going towards classified submission, then first thing, do not keep it on your priority, if you want to do it in bowling, one thing is this. the other thing is you try Which will be a classified submission from your very famous website, but you submit whatever you want, you do not submit on every class wise submission website, it is okay and if I tell you in Majorly, then it is back gender from the point of view of traffic. You will not get much advantage in [music] Now in the way we will create it inside the activity, before that let us understand what is the meaning of profile backless and whether it is really a very powerful backlink street or not. Look, as you are getting to know from the name, profile is not back, it simply means that you will get to see many such platforms where you can make a profile, as an example, you can make your profile on Facebook, you can make your profile. You can create a core, you can create your profile and when you create your profile above these platforms, then generally you also get the option to mention your website, that brother Umar 10's profile is above Quora, then you Mention your website there too, then you create a link to your website there, the date is actually your profile type of baking, this is what the profile is called . We have to create a lot of profile backing, see if we talk about profile backless creation, then if you have a new website, then you initially create some profile backlinks and keep in mind that the profile you are creating is Create authority on big website only, you can understand one more thing from profile back link that you will get profile generally on top of social media type of website or on social media portals or on forum website which is there. If we get the opportunity to create a profile backlink, then if we get those website links, then do we get any value because that website itself is very powerful, if we talk about Facebook, then Facebook is such a website if we only see If you try, then this is a very powerful website, so what you are getting from there is a power total dark link, now to understand this, it is necessary to have clarity of this thing that Google says that if anything If you get the link from any social media website, then bottling it does not have any special value, as long as your link is normal website from other website, you will not get back from there, till then you will get that much advantage of banking it. You will not get it and in most of the cases, these backings will be for you, they will be no-follows, so the concept of the link will not be applicable there. I have written here before that they are generally created on social media today profile so de bowling it is not date much powerful han but ye social signal zaroor provide karte hain means from there you can definitely bring traffic to your website so if your social There is a back link above the profile of the media and from there you are getting a lot of referral traffic, then you can get an advantage of it, you can get a good advantage, the third advantage is that Google maintains the profile link diversity. It is said that it is not that the links that are coming on your website are of the same type, even if we say that the two follow backlinks are very powerful backlinks and it is true that the truth is also that Do follow backing incompletion tu no follow back links aisi ho gaye point of view se quite powerful hote hai but google ka bhi say ki aapko do follow backing mil jaaye aur no follow backing na mile yeh bhi jo hai natural nahi lagha It looks like you have planned it a lot that you have taken follow backing and no follow backing, you don't create it, it doesn't look natural, then the diversity of link profiles is again on Very important thing is that your link profile should be diversified, every type of link should be present in it, only then the collective effect of those links will be seen on your website, they do not benefit in direct ranking, but directly He helps us in two or four things, like I told you here, with his help, you can get a little advantage in sleeping too, now how to make it, then I will show you some examples, like my profile on Quora, so when your profile on quora If you go to make then here if you are looking then here you see I have the option to paste the link this is my official website link if I will inspect it then you will see here people will see you clear here no You will see the follow back link here, if I show it here, it is okay, then you can see it, here you will see the small no follow link, I will show it to you by bringing it to the left. Here a no follow will be visible like this look you are ok then it will take a no follow back in the same way if I go to create my profile above gate hub like I create my profile above the platform which is here If you can, then if you come here, there is an option to mention your name, bio which is here, there is an option to mention along with date, you can also mention your website here, so when you do the process of profile creation. Along with that you mention the website, the link that you put here, date it actually your profile back gender is okay, so it means that you have understood how to create it, then you go directly to Google and profile bank . Search the links here it is okay like I am mentioning the year here too okay and you will see that you will find many such websites, here you will get a list of websites related to profile banking, then all these From all website you are viewing about dot me you are viewing a website secret you are viewing a website aapko kora jo me abhi abhi aapko dhi gaya gaya gaya get up main aapko par aapko aapko dhi rahi rahi hai ab get aapki to domain hai 30 It is quite high, but like I told you that these websites do not actually help that much directly, because the traffic coming from the website, from the website, from the social media website, from the form website, from the social media website, from the forum website, is directly so. Matric is not the one who can shake, you get benefit from the point of view of social signals, so in this way there are many websites here, so whatever websites you go to, like this Divyan Art is a website, it is a very famous website, okay mix There is a website here so on top of this website when you create a profile and with the profile you create a backing date this is actually and aa profile backing now you will be clear about the concept of profile back [music] by doing broken links We can do our link building, this is a very important video and another very important thing is this tool based video, now when I talk about tools, you can use any tool to do it. You can do it, you can do it with LCM Rush, I will also show you practical how you can follow the strategy by doing LCM Rush, you can make powerful backlinks from here because you select the backlink yourself. What type of clans do I want to make, you can get good quality clans from here, but it takes a little effort, because you have to do a little outreach, I will tell you all about it now, what are the steps. In this way, you have to build your link by doing broken links, now for this you will have to understand the website of some website which are your competitors, okay you will have to figure out the website of your competitors, you will have to search once. And it is very easy, no two things, because understand who is your competitor here, your competitor is the one on whose word you want to rank, if your competitor is ranking above you on the same keyword or anyone The website is the web page that is ranking above you, it is basically your competitor, so there is no definition of competitor and many tools will immediately tell you on which keyword you are ranking and which website is above it. If you are ranking and which website is ranking below it, then you will come to know about your competitors, then the total meaning of saying is that what we have to do in the starting, we should have some website of our competitors, I am here late. But I am going to go to the five website you have now, the more you have, the more scope you will have to do link building by breaking the broken link streets, but it depends on how many links you have to make, how easily you can make links. Yes, for now I am going to walk like you have taken out the five website, the second type of website you need will be this type of website which is basically yours. Niche or category website now what does it mean look here it means that due to man taking example that if this particular website is getting bottling from any one website late from to this website Which is another website, which is your own category website, it may not be your direct competition, but it is relevant, it is your category website, if this website is getting backlinks from And do you think that from whatever website it is getting backlink, if we also get back click from the website, this is our website, if we also get it from the website, then it is beneficial or relevant for us in a way. You have to figure out this type of website, which is not difficult, by using any tool, you will easily figure out all these things, what will be the website, what will happen next. Look, next to this it will happen that you have to do LCM Rush like I told you, now I will also show it practically, we have many tools which you can do it, after that as if your competitor had a website, you have to make the website like this. You have to enter inside the juice, now the LCM Rush tool will show you the pages of this website, which was our competitor's website, very easily, how many pages are there in this website, now you can also see this by applying filters. Can see which are the pages which are four i.e. which are the pages which are not existing ok now that page is man liya it was our competitor's website and it had a paste whose status is 404 That is, this page is not exiting you, now you can see the buttons of this page, that is to say, from which different website this page gets back link, then due to man, you have identified some website, one website X One website was the same and one website was the same, these were three websites from which this website got backlinks . Had given backlink but what has happened now this backing has been clicked because it doesn't exit at all so either this guy would have some sense then he must have already replaced the link because like He must have done a technical audit or backlink audit of his website, he must have come to know that look brother, there is a garden link above my page, which is pointing to the page, which no longer exists, so my point is linked. Broken back link must have been removed very wisely and another Batalik must have been put in its place . I am saying that this is less of a bit of effort because you will have to make outries here, you will go to you and say that look brother, you had given a backlink to a website because it was your competitor's website, then you will tell them that look brother. You had given a backlink to a website and we also have a similar website, this is our website, now this banking does not consist, then you will replace our banking with the content you have written . Mention it or if you want, give us another content, then we will give you another content, whatever you have in the content, put banking on us, whatever you want, you give the back link here, so this is basically what you are doing. Which is fine on your competitor's page , on which there was a broken link, you are looking for the sources of those links. If there is, then where will the game start from here, there is also hard work in reaching out, hard work will have to be done from here, but you understand yourself, by looking at the website properly, you are trying to understand which website it is, where it will be, what will be the position, all these things. You are understanding that this strategy is called, how do we create backlinks by taking the broken link in it, then the conclusion is to do the same in the fallen website as in the niche category website, which we have kept here in LCM Rush and After placing his website in HCM Rush, we came to know which pages he has, as well as we also came to know that those pages should be indexed, they should be indexed as well. If that page is four of four, then where are those pages getting backlinks from? If they see it, then we will see some pages, well, this very relevant page is ours, this very relevant page is ours and this relevant page means page 11th means it is not only our page but whatever our niche category website was, its The page is relevant to our category, our Yeh Man Ke Chalo Na is relevant to our content, so the 11 pages we saw are good, we also have content similar to this, so let's see the links that are pointing above it. Which are the broken links, then with the help of these tools, you will come to know in two minutes, now I will also show you how quickly you have this strategy. If you do not understand the video, then watch it again because you may be a little confused This is the process of making bookings with the help of broken links, this is the process of making bookings with the help of broken links . Due to man, any website which you think you believe is okay, then this thing is clear to you, now we see the practical directly on the laptop screen, so now from the point of view of implementation, I have come over the rush and I have to mention here my domain or our website, I have mentioned india as I told you in the exam, ok now what we have to do, we have to go back Related to gender, here we have the option of analytics like this, we have to go to the top of this, we have to go to the top of the index page, that means we have to study those pages which have already been indexed, then later we will see that which Those pages have been indexed, who are the four out of four pages, okay, then I go to the index various, okay, very simple steps, after coming up on the index page, you can see here the details of each page. Above how many bookings are made big website that's why you are seeing so many backlinks if you have small website then you will not see so many backlinks ok now we have to apply filter here broken page so I apply a filter of broken page here Now you are seeing a lot of status here, isn't it, what you have to do is to see 44 statuses, okay, as I saw here, now look here, you will have to do research, okay, as I saw here, this is a page, okay Hey man let's say this is a page ok and this page is 4 is 4 i.e. this page doesn't exist you are inside the status of not found but this page is pointing to 5526 darling which is and If I think that this page is not relevant and the backlinks that are pointing to this page, if I start pointing that backlink to any content of my website, then I will be benefited, then you have to understand that brother, you also have content like this. Or not then research is here okay so as I go further down you think this one is also an article okay look at it now in four and four how many backlinks you are pointing in the same way We see another four here okay here also we see some stock watch type okay so here you have to identify you get it won't take you that much time okay from another article like here okay If yes , then this is some article of Ratio of Male Girls Child here and pointing to this article 306 backlinks and this page is broken, so if I feel that this page is similar to our website If there are pages or content on top of it, then it is beneficial for us to get backlinks from its backlinks , otherwise what will I do? This page is getting bookings from so many different different website like you are looking to get from this website you are getting back link from many different different website like history dot time dot com getting back link ok from this website He is getting the backing here, so what do you have to do, like if you go here, then you can see whether this article is correct or not, then you can approach them that brother, you have a back link there. Have given but that is now a broken back link to you, so we also have similar content, you give us back links, then by doing a little research in this type, you can help those who are broken, take them back for yourself. Can create I believe you must have understood the concept Now this I found and told you, you can have different methods, you can add your competitors' domains, you can add your competitors' website, it is up to you how you can add that website. Let's do research and find out here ok I believe concepts will be clear to you it is very simple inside every difference tool you get to see some options with the help of which you find broken links ok first which is broken Links are pointing to the top of the page of the website and then you contact the source of the link, do outreach, send emails and from there you get the best [music] our people we create Some people also speak these types of submission types of back because PPT and PDF are document or doc in a way, so whenever we talk about creating backing, we backlinks of our web page on top of a website. When we go to put it, it does not happen that we only have to mention the back link or we have to mention the link of our web page, along with gender, we also do some content when we do blogsmission. So there we do the article when we submit the article then there we do the other type of article in the same way when we create different types of bookings then wherever we are making backless there we We also put some content in its support so that the content can be built around the relevant and that content is relevant to our web page, from where we are taking the batting, then our back link will be around the content or whatever the content is. Also, we will say that it will be more correct that whatever content we have with our back link, it will be mentioned on the top of the page, if the same type of content is also on our website, then the content that is above our web page, then it is from a relevant It will be maintained, which we know is very important from the point of view of sleep, so the content that is being talked about here, we are talking about in the form of PPT and PDF, so I believe this thing is clear to you. Must have happened now I am telling you an example from Lets I wrote a blog here I am just trying to tell you how to maintain the relevance Lets I wrote a blog on my website and block it The title of which is Future and Scope of Digital Marketing in India, here I mention Future and Scope of Digital Marketing in India , I have written a blog on it in a block section on my website and in this block I want to rank on some specific keywords, so I want to make the back links of this block on different different websites, so now what will I do, I will make a ppt, right, I will make a proper ppt, in which the content I have given in this Whatever points are written inside the block or the highlights of the same, the images related to the same, if I mention them inside the PPT, then it will be relevant, as I have done in the blog which you are seeing here. Like I have written in the blog also what is the future and scope of digital marketing in India, then I will make a PPT around the same content, maybe mention some points, don't even do that, the content is written in the blog itself. We have to copy the same completely and paste it here, don't even do that, we have to prepare the relevant or similar type of content there, we have to try inside our PPT, many people make 12 pages in PPT. But I will recommend you that you make a PPT which is six pages from the punch, mention a little bit of the content inside the PPT, structure it properly and mention the content inside the PPT, where images are needed, etc. That there you should also put images etc. inside the PPT, that means you can make PPT in the best information way, do not think that you are doing it from the point of view of the back link, then you will use it very Do not think that you will not give good content in ppt, even if you do ppt for the purpose of backless, still you will have to create a better content which is device in ppt. You have made beauty like I am walking here You have made ppt ok I am just telling you an example like we have prepared our ppt which is here now where will bottling come from in this ppt because banking also we have to mention If yes, then the question must have been in your mind that Sir , on the website where we will upload the PPT and we will put banking there, will there be banking within equity also? Take whatever you want in the document, whatever you want, you have to do whatever is inside the hyperlink, whatever you want to do, it is very easy. If you go to the top of the insert, then here if I want to make any anchor text, I can make it like I have written here Digital Marketing Scope in India and after that we have to make it a hyperlink, simply go here and go back to the insert. By going to the hyperlink, whatever URL we want to make a hyperlink, we will make it here, okay, we have mentioned that thing, sir, here it is only on marketing, but now you have understood the hyperlink, on the whole, we Have to do as you can see right here, when I am hovering, I am not able to see that on which link it is going to redirect, so in this way you will create the link which is here, then once you You have also placed the link inside your content which is in the form of point, now you have to go to such a website which accepts ppt or pdf sub, there are many such websites, you simply have to go to google here and here You type hi de ka and here you will get ppt submission website from very famous famous website here so as you are seeing here is 99 plus free high dept submission site for once I would have opened this Yes, here you will get a list of websites and you will understand some websites as soon as you see them, it is better than a very popular website, if you want, then over a period of time, whatever good websites you are getting, you yourself will have a database of them. Many people do this, they think that this is a very good website, a good website, then for that people do not create their own Google sheet or Excel sheet separately and inside that website which is the height and the website. Hai them they go on mentioning so if you want you can also do date like you see here is slide share dot net then I go over it once you go over slide share dot net fine here you guys Have to take it ok on top of it let's load the website for once we come here after you guys do it and let's do it like I want to do by email here I can do that I have more different sources Let's do it from Facebook or LinkedIn, if I want to do it, also do it once, I will show you quickly, okay here we mention our password, okay, I haven't done it yet, here you see. Maybe I have done it now what you have to do if you want to see there is a lot of content here you can see them also for once like you are seeing a lot of content here but what you have to do is upload Have to go above and here you have to upload the share document then from late I pick up any ppt from the desktop like this just to tell you guys ok and here I have selected a ppt after that whatever your Title hota hai ppt ka woh yahan par aa jaata aap make sir karenge title aap a bit relevant aap aapko aap raha hai aap jo hamara content hai woh aapke aaye chukhi hai ok ppt jo hai hamari woh aapko chuchi aapko here But you have to mention the title, you have to mention the description here, you can also mention your link in the description, along with you have to select the category very carefully, let's say if I am teaching something or I am about marketing If I am telling , then related to it, I can select here, then our category is marketing and here I will put tags like digital marketing done, okay, scope of digital marketing done right, we will put all these tags so that our content Is it reach in the right category as you can see here na adaptive 20 key words you increase discover ability by 30% so talk about 20 keywords which are basically tags which you can do it here after that you simply publish it Publish dates it and your post will go live here or your PPT will go live here, so this is a way through which you can take help of content i.e. PPT is PDF so you can take help of documents. You can create your banking which is what you have to do after that I told you the sheet It has happened that you are making any type of backlog, you must maintain its database so that you know where your backlog is being made, then when you will keep the database, then if it is needed in the future, then in this way From this you can create your PDF related backlink [music] in today's video it will be discussed, first of all we have to understand that what is PNB links, first what are the streets to make PVR links. Over the period of time, how the link builders evolved themselves and started making back clicks by doing the wind method from other triangles as well, how does Google penalize your website, does Google do this thing? By checking, it is known that the back links made on your website are made from PBM so that they can penalize what Google has to think about wind networks, in today's video we are going to discuss about all these things. Gas, first of all let me clear one or two things to you people, look, in today's time, Google believes 100% that the PNB technology or the PNB you make banking by doing it is according to Google's guidelines. No, it's okay, but I will tell you one thing at the same time, at some places Google's Thoughts are not able to identify the PBM network, if the link building people take care of some specific things. That is, you can escape to some extent even by creating PNB network, but it has also been seen that initially you can escape, but later somewhere you must be fast and Google would have been able to identify it very easily. Is it that you have done banking through Pawan Networks i.e. through Pawan and then your website is either given rank or penalized or your links have no value at all. Look, there are three main effects of badlinks. You have to understand that if you have created toxic links or links that are not good, then which of the three concessions are there, they can face you. The first consequences are that you will not get any value from those links. Those links will remain normal, it is okay, neither it has any positive value, nor it has any negative value, so there is no use, your resources time, everything is wasted, it is the first thing to make such type of links, the second thing is that the ranking of your website Yes, it can be down, what are the second sequences, third are the consequences of your website, it can also be a panel, but Google has two methods to review all these things, one is the method of its bot. Automatic, which bots can understand what you are following or not following Google's guidelines, what you are making according to Google, or not, all these things are bots. They verify the board, they scrutinize it, the method which is second, which is Google's own human employees, that is, the human who is reverse, they also review the content, they will also see your website, who on top of it Banking point is happening from OK this one which is back link is from this website this one which is banking is from this website you don't have any connection in these two websites if there is any connection in both websites there is high probability of PNB There are many more links inside which are pointing to your website, then study them, then on its basis, human reverse also check the thing, then it is very difficult to escape, even if you leave in some way, then long run. I am not going to reduce this thing, it is a very debatebatibal topic, many people of PBM do it with different triangles, they do it with the technique of PNB, and people have different experiences. Let me clear that we do not follow the thing which is against Google's guidelines, see blackhead doing a little bit is worth doing or doing black head strategies to rank for a short time, I never stay in its fever for a short time. look for you can definitely test things from 10 15 20 website you have then you test things if this thing does n't hold value for you ok my website it will be down then you black head technique on it which Yes, we can test it but we can test it on our client, if our website is black on them too [music] Strategy Google may not catch it, but after some time in the anchor run, you will be at a loss for it. If it has to happen, then the point of the matter is that I ask to avoid it. Now let's understand that and what is the over-d period of time, what tricks or techniques have people used so that Google cannot catch them and what are the things we have to take care of in today's time . If we understand, then as the name is clear to you, look , I have written a big point here, PVR nine considered as a complete black heart attack. The side is that or the page of our website, it is the page which we want to rank, at some places you will see it is also called gem side, so don't get confused, okay, this is the website, now what have we done? It is okay to do many websites on one hosting . That's why it is called because we only turn it on or we have a network of blogs, so I made a website w1 made another website w2 it is easy to make it, there is no much technicality in it, you need Is it or is the thing not possible very easily because like blogs are made, you can quickly create a website on your word above it, bought a new domain, created a website, then this website was created, another website was created, many such We have made these 10 websites from Lets, now these 10 websites were there, what was done, content was written on it, ok, hard work was done in writing the contact and after writing the content, a link from here was given on top of this website. Gone from here also a link was given from here also from here also from here also you see these 10 websites or 15 websites as many as you have created website inside your private blog network Given the link, now understand one thing, these 15 websites will not run regularly, will you do this that on every 15 websites, you will put the content on them properly, they will put the content which is unique, they will put the content on regular basis to the authority of those websites as well. You will try to increase , no one does this, so when you do not do this, then this website, which has its own authority, will not increase. yes it is found ok and now when google will call the links of your website and will study the links then it will identify good brother this is a website there is a link on it it is coming from this website it is coming from w1 website ok good The thing is that it will be seen that there is a link here from a w2 website as well, it will be seen that it is billing from a W3 website, so Google will not take time to identify it because you people leave a lot of footprints that this website and This website and this website and this website, this snake, the whole website is connected to each other, means it is a part of a private block network, now we will say brother, all the websites are connected, but how did Google know, brother, you have only one hosting Rakhi Thi, your IP was only one, so it will identify it, if you connect the entire website to the same analytics, then it will identify it. There are many such footprints, whose health can be easily identified by Google's There is a website which is taking links from PNB network, ok this technique worked well in the beginning but this problem came when the update of penguin came from google Stopped reducing because Penguin was less able to catch the link schemes, those people who are making fake links of this type, catching those links and not allowing the value of those links to be transferred to the website means no link To maintain the value, it was less, Penguin's link used to deal with spam basically, Penguin's algorithm was there, then after the arrival of Penguin algorithm, the links that were being created by other people and through Penguin, Google's system came to know about this algorithm. Brother, the links that are being made through K, these links are being made of low authority, okay, now what did people think, what to do now that if links are made from high authority, then people modified it a little, what did people do this time? They started buying expired domains ok there are many different sources from here people started buying expired domains now what did people buy expired domains they made a little bit of a new website on top of that Content dala pan de sports dali took it from here then second which took it from expire domain then took third expire domain took it from fourth expertoman took banking in this way people started doing what they have their wind networks and from there Started taking backlinks, but it was not very difficult for Google to find out this thing, after some time, these strategies have also started spreading, Google started identifying very easily that this type of thing is happening to it in the networks. Well, Google started to understand this thing, well, in this thing, a new type of business was also born, people started selling their services on Fever Pay and other full answer marketplace websites. Look brother, I have a private blog network of 50 websites, I give links from these websites for your website and give me some sum of amount, such services also came in the market, but all these things are not available today. So yesterday Google slowly started identifying them and in today's time also these services are available and the surprising thing is that if you take such services then maybe for some time you will see that your ranking improves. It has happened but over the period of time, as soon as it goes into the review, you will see that your ranking will decline again or those links will have no value and there is a danger of getting penalized on your website, so I will never ask you. I will say that you become a player of danger, if you want to test, then test on such a website, if it is going, then you do not feel sad, then people have started buying backlinks from this type, now that too. Through Google, people came to understand that we do this, that Google catches factors, with the help of which Google identifies these factors, it is good that this website is not a part of a private blog network from those factors. If we start playing a little bit, then in today's time those who are doing it to PNB, they do it in such a way that they do not leave footprints, it is very important for the tractor that it does not leave footprints, what is the meaning of footprints? It means that you should not give such signals to Google, so that Google should understand that these two websites, which are part of a blog network, should not have any relation, it is okay, as you came to know on the same analytics, as I told. You have done it, you have done it with only one hosting, now if you pay attention to all these factors, you will take separate hosting, if you pay attention to many things, then the cost will also be more, then making a private block network and running it successfully will also have its own cost. Let's start and let's also see what are the factors with the help of which Google identifies that the website from which it is getting backing is part of the private block network, okay look here It is written in the letter people started by domains, you pass the date link, you are there, because banking is already done on expired domains, and by not doing proper research, people buy expired domains, not like any normal expired domain. Have bike done, don't see that the expired woman, which website was there before, how many back lips have been made on it, what type of bookings have been made, the more high authority that website used to exit, the better the back lips are on the expiredomace Pointing out the links expired domain was as good as it was for them, the one with authority or link juice, which is the concept of getting high authority website, 11 websites are getting banking, so they would have ticked that part, that means they If they would have fulfilled the thing, if they had bought the expired women properly, then it is still possible to run the PNB network properly, but I am again talking about the same thing, not for the long term, I will not recommend that you and Go to networks ok now like how Google identifies if I talk about it then the first point you are looking at is the IP from hosting on d ok like I know everything from this isn't it it's register Which is it, many details are known, then with its help, Google also comes to know that whatever domains are there, give them whatever they are registered with, their registration name etc. Whatever domain If there is related information from, then these are all the signals that Google gets very easily. Second side designs such a website which is made inside the PBM network. Na, generally people do not reduce much on their aesthetics and all these things, well, they post type of content from type of theme, type of layout, type of everything, because they need backlinks as soon as possible. No one reduces the content its quality on all these things okay similar themes as I wrote third point site ownership if common then brother you have given it to Google but brother see this is the domain If you are not bought, then this whole thing gives a signal to Google, PNB network easily identifies content duplication, meaning the same content, why do you have multiple websites, it becomes a challenge for people to create unique content, and if unique content After making them, then they should run from 8-10 proper websites and take banking from there, but if you are repeatedly banking them from the website like I said that sir is fine, you are saying all these things, we Ignore, let's do less, we create no proper 10 websites, take different domains, take different hosting, take everything separately, make team of 10 people sit separately and then start taking banking sam from those 10 websites, but you have this It is known that the backlinks that you have to take are taken from a unique domain, what is the meaning of a unique domain that if you take banking from one website and if you take betting again from the same website, then you take betting again from the same website, which is actually You have got the value from the first banking itself, you have not got that much value from the second banking, then you can create 10 websites and write content on it again and again, if Google cannot identify this thing, then what will happen? Brother, it has been coming from ₹ 10, then the same thing has come that then you will have to create many multiple websites, then the more unique links you want, the more unique links you want, the more websites you create. Will have to do now when you will create more website then there will be resources also brother money will also be spent buying domain to mention content are many things ok and after that if Google has identified that you will resort to Pawan network If you are taking then all the hard work is in vain ok from the type of bank link which I told you that you are getting the backing from the same type of website again and again from seventh point using google for google antics means gmail id which we People say Google ID is fine, all are connected, you are linking to the website is fine, how does it happen, these are all like domains, they are all linking to the same website and linking to the same website again and again. Come on, this has become a factor which will give a little signal to Google, Han brother, there is definitely some problem, but there are many such factors, in today's time, if in any way, all these jugaads are lupols, keeping them in mind. Even if you have created a PBM network, you will not be able to sustain it for a long time, it is okay because in whom it comes, it comes in black heart technology, now black is technology, what is black technology, the simple meaning of this is Yes, this is the technique that Google does not recommend, but there may be some loopholes in it, so that you will get temporary ranking, if you survive, then you will get ranking for a little longer, so many agencies have also done this. Over the period of time they have bought this type of backless for their clients from fever etc and with such wounds which I never recommend backing should always be made manually props should be made and which are basic to make backing relevant c High Authority Website Content Best Batting If you keep these things in mind then you will make backing . And those who are providing service to you, if you want to make quality web links, then it will definitely take time, any business, please do not push that I want 50 backlinks daily, 30 backlinks daily, 40 backlinks with quality. If you compromise in the box, then I am telling my experience of so many years, we have seen many times with toxic backlinks, the website runs tremendously for 6-6 months, after that it saw a downfall, then the reason behind it was the same. Was because if we are continuously uploading the content on the website, we are constantly improving the content of the website, after that What could be the reason for the website being down, it means that the profile of our back link has become corrupt in some way, then you want to run any website with the help of anchor run, you have to use the concept of PBM. Yes, it must have been understood, I have also mentioned the factors etc. here and in which type PNB has evolved, I have also mentioned and still this topic is quite a debate table, but for some people, it reduces. This is true with 200% guarantee that langar will not reduce in them, well, if not today then tomorrow Google will identify in a better way that this is your PNB network and buy it, it doesn't mean which on fiber and which on other place. You get to buy PNB links, don't avoid them at all, ok, I believe a lot of things are clear to you [music] about tier link building strategy, what is tier link welding streets, why is it so popular and why This is kept in blackhead so technique many people claim that we are doing Tier Link Building and we are successfully ranking our website using Tier Link Building, not a very advanced link building technique. Understanding you in this way or unless you know a lot about link building, you should not go over this type of technique and I would not recommend that you do tier link building because for me what There is also blackhead technique, I never recommend it, but like I said, link building is a very subjective topic, that means every person has different streets and some people get results from streets and some people Streets do not get results, I never promote gray or black head strategy, I do not talk about it, nor do I read all those things, but actually you should know that this is tier link building. reduces and people who are doing tier link building, how are they doing it, I am giving one thing again, I do not raycommend because it is a black head or you can call it gray head, so technology is definitely there. Let's start to understand how it reduces, see this technique, this is the best, on top of this thing, you are creating back links for your backlinks, now let us understand this a little. See in detail, because of man, this is your website or we can also call it Mani website, okay, this is Mani website or your website, what did you do earlier, you made some backlinks for your website, for example, let's go to Man Ke Chalen Ki Ye Batting aapne high quality jo backlink hai woh banaye in d form of guest post or other techniques hai to make high quality baingans u aapne u kiya us aapne aapne kuch back link for example yahan par hum log guest post ke man chalte hain to here But one guest post that you have done and from here you have taken the back link that is pointing to your website, it is important to note that these tier van backlinks should be high quality backlinks or people who make this type K batting they make high quality only, but here it happened our arrow van backlit now understand carefully like we took banking from a website website post was written and in between we took banking which was pointing to our website now You try to understand this, it may be that this domain is powerful, that means from Ba's point of view, from domain authority's point of view, this domain is powerful, but because this page has just been created, a new page has been created. We have done guest post, guest blog is written, so if this page is seen then there will not be any strong page authority, it is clear that there will not be any strong page 30 here, so the concept on which this tiered link building start this build hai that concept i am going to tell you where it is done what we will do what we will do we will make other posts which will make butlins which will basically point to this page okay will point to this link so that this particular page Authority is that it can be big, it can be built and when the authority of this page will be built, then the link from here will be passed on top of our website and because of having this link juice, our website will run. The concept is okay now as you see here tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 I have mentioned but not so only TR 3 tha is mentioned many people tier a tier Whatever is available up to 9 tier 10 is made, but this straadi ji also involves some cost, it is okay, in the same way, you will not be able to make this backing easily, there is definitely some cost involved behind making the backing of every tier, okay So what did we talk about brother, first of all what did we do like for example guest post was written here ok or got guest blog written and from here we took the back link on our website now because This post which has just been created is a new page, it does not have its own page authority, it is not a very powerful page 30, so to increase it, we have created a second level of links, we have created some more content here, okay second Created some more content at the place and from there we gave the link to this post, we rightly gave the link to this post in anticipation that the link from here will flow here and the link from here will flow here. Will be and keeping this thing in mind that none of our website is pointing to this website like this website is not directly pointing to the website here which is another website in Tier 2 it is also not pointing The third website in Tier 2 is also not pointing, so this is the whole purpose, this is the whole strategy, what type of link do we have to pass on to those of Tier 1. There are banking, they should be very high authority backlinks, quality should be back in, after that the people who make backing of tier 2 are of moderate quality and are made of tier 3, now tier is fine, what is the meaning of backing? Brother, this one who is bottling, to pass the link juice to this too, we have made another back link somewhere and these ones which are backing, generally there are many spam type tools or there are many websites which create backlinks. There are many tools, there are many softwares, by doing that, ie automated backlinks are created here, automated backlinks are fired, so many vaccines have been made here, their link juice is here. Going and its link juice is going there and ultimately its authority has increased or page authority has increased a lot, so if its page authority has increased then it is believed that when it has increased and link to your website from here If you are getting then your website will also get some value of the link and there is a high probability that your website will be ranked, then this is the whole idea behind the arrow links but here you see the tools here Automated tools have been used to do it here which is of moderate quality and quality backing has been built on this place and many more people to avoid this thing so that Google doesn't catch them fast enough to avoid that and Those who have too many tiers, they keep on making and those who have too many levels, they keep on making and start passing the link juice, now many people have made this thing a business, it is okay like this is my website. samjhiega you this is my website since let's it's old website so what did I do by passing link juice in this way na here I have given what is ours and what is ours we have increased a lot after that Went on fiber and I said look brother this is my website and its DAP is so much if you want backlink from my similar website then here is the amount and if you give this much money to us then we will give you many similar websites Se backlink de denge but ye saari strategis aap man ke chalo na google ke aapko hai and I will not recommend you any thing which is against google ke bhai bhai hard work if we can write proper guest post guest people can do it but If you can make related banking, then it is very good, but many people who want very quick ranking, they do this type of tax, many people here like took back link from guest post on top of their website, after that many All the people take back link from their PBS also here, I am talking about Tier 1, what type of backing they make on Tier Van, like this guest post became as well as Pawan became and others The high quality back link is made on top of tier 1 and after that other moderate quality is made and in low quality then you are the man's let's say 90% of the people who are there do it only to Sperm Butlins and here also almost 40% of what they do with spam, but these backlinks are not directly pointing to your website, that's all Because of this, they feel that they have survived a little bit, but nine Google of tracing back things makes them understand what the source is and what type of website it is, from where you are getting back links, then if We got guest post written from somewhere, after that what do they boost this post, let's increase it, this is the only theory to increase the ranking of your website, there is nothing unique about tire link building, what should you understand as base man Are you not that tiers are made and then an attempt is made to rank your website, I will not recommend it, it is not a good thing, and at all, if you have to purchase, etc., then you do not have backlinks from anywhere, on fiber, etc. You will find many such people who will show you that look brother, how high is the box of my website, then DAP Manu can be plate kari, see, in this way I can plate kari brother, by making many tiers on this website, we If you give back then page 30 of this website will jump very quickly because page authority is not something that Google gives, page authority is giving a tool called Mass and on what basis the tool named Mass The page is giving 30 different parameters that brother, if this thing is good, this thing will be like this, then it is yours, it will increase, out of that, when there are too many backlinks, then definitely in some time, which is the page authority. It increases now the page has increased to 13 so I went to other people look brother my website has 30 pages its domain is 30 so much if you want back then give this much money so this is all a game is going on and if you do research then you will see that the tiered link building is a black technique, you create normal content, you create links, you do guest posting, you do guest blogging, from there you email out and reach out to other blocks If you try to get backlinks from there by writing your own content, then it will be much better, just after reading the conditions behind running your website by doing this type of techniques, why many people Because they have many affiliate blogs, if their block is closed, then they will open another block, so many people keep experimenting like this, but if you are doing all these things, then you are always on Google's radar, sometimes your There can be a website, that's why I do not recommend this thing to you guys, but we should know how it reduces all these things, which we call black heads, what is that after all, friends, I hope you understand this quick video. Aayega [music] i.e. we will talk about how we create a backing by doing a press release. One thing I want to clear you at the very beginning is the press release type of back link creation for every type of website and Not for every type of business when your business becomes little flourish and you can spend some money then you should go towards love strategies when you will talk to many so and ask them which type of banking strategies If you do it then you will understand that many will tell you that we love start ji very little, that means very few of the darling strategies that happen to him, there are two reasons for this, one is that it is from one type Ped Start ji is the first reason, and the type of content we need for press release, that content is generally not available to people, so they are not able to do the thing, so there are two big issues, due to which this backing There are streets to create, all these types of websites are not for all types of business, now understand that what is the meaning of press release, then you people must have seen this thing that sometimes when you are reading news paper, you will find Zomato key. You are seeing the news, you are seeing the news of Unacademy and you are seeing the news of many business, fine then there are some events of those business, then that news is seen there, then it is not that the website for which you are working. Always reduce it for business, be it any such news of business or some such events of business , which can be published with the help of press release, in newspapers or in newspapers, then the challenge comes here also because it Events do not happen in the organization, so how will you do the press release and even if there are some events, then the budget available there becomes a confidant because when you go to do the press release, what you will do for the press. will make content to press Passing it through the editorial team and then submitting it to the press release website, and after putting some effort to distribute it to other channels or our news publishing websites, they may also need some amount. Giving amount to them is also a process that basically company does when it grows a bit and when they do press release they basically benefit from two triangles one is that they have branding like if I There is a company and its press release is going so its name which is going in the newspaper going in front of the people so my one branding is happening second thing I get back link from the press also fine then that back Gender will also be important for our website, so the overall thing is that press release is a strategy to make such a backing, which you cannot apply for every type of business, the same thing I have written here, once we ko bhi dekh lete hain it's a way of publishing news from inside related to your organization industry you press and ho it can be done three methoded hai free website ke bhi aap press release karna hai like we make normal backing if you google will go up and here if you type in if I go over to google and here I type in free website right free love website you will see a lot of websites where you can submit press releases They will be found, but if you look at those websites, then you will not see much authority and whatever website's authority in terms of pressure, you will see even a little bit, you will see that that website will charge you some amount or the other fine. This is our free thing, if I come back, there are some websites which are tree websites, now the same tree website submits your press release and also distributes your press release in other places, that is, other news channels. And the third method is our agencies' method, but there are agencies in many markets, you will go to them, they have proper packages, now I will show you this thing, they have proper packages, brother. Look, this is your press release, it will go to punch newspapers, it will go to digital newspapers, this is your press release, they have packages like this, if you want to get a package for six months, then this month we We will do two press releases this month We will release one question This month we will do three press releases depending on how your events happened in your organization One means of saying is that the primary press release is to give information about your company, your website, your brand to the people, well ahead, from the branding perspective, but because we link it with the article. We can also apply, so we get a great one from there, apart from that, you get a lot of free websites, even if you build on them, you will get some very special benefit, otherwise, it is okay, so if I go back here A go and if I show you here like I go to google digital marketing agency press release this I type fine and I go here if I go to the news and after coming to the news I see some links like this is the first one The link is a general, if I open it, then you will see this type PR and look here from the URL, you must have understood digital on the slash and this is on the title of this is ok and published by You are seeing that done and here you will definitely see a singleing somewhere, like here you are seeing the backing and if you are looking at the left, which website you are pointing to, you can also see it here, then by this type Let's do purses only by the way of articles, they are yarded exactly like this type and then you can take banking from them, okay in the same way, if I go to Google here, here and after going here, I go to or press release agency in india i simply type the same thing so here you see many website you are seeing here ok if i open any one particular website i opened this website and this I also open the website once, many websites here which are coming in organic, now I open And here if we go on, you will see their proper packages, Distribution on India, India First Comprehensive Distribution Service and Proper, they have to submit your press release to you, and they will audit it, you can buy their package also They will also give you the guidelines proper package look here you are looking at van press release you can do here you can do three here and the amount is given to you initially for many business honors It is not feasible that they can buy this type of packages, how big you have to keep the press release and you will get all the information related to it here, fine, according to which type of industries, you can press release, almost all industries are covered. There is no need to take tension in it and also if you need any information from them then you can go and contact over her right then this is basically your PR distribution to hum log priseling strategy usse to karte hain because jo hamara pyaar jaata So banking will be done in the middle but factually it is more than branding point of view, then if you listen to banking type of strategy and you think, let me create for my website too, it is not necessary that thing for your website as well. Applicable as well as when you do the press release, then you have to take care of some things in that too, on which distribution network you will follow or through which you will take service, they will give you some guidelines as to how your title should be. How many times can you mention your brand in the content, how many backing sir can you give, then all these guidelines are given to you by the distribution company or agency, if you want to do it on an individual level, like I said, if you Go to Google here and like I told you that if you type here for free website, you will find many websites here like normal when we make people then search for website then you will see that you will get many like Here is a free love news UK website, ok, you will find many websites where you can register and submit your free love release, well you must have understood that what are the methods of backing Let's reduce it when it is needed [music] Gage related to gender building and understanding the concept we are going to talk about link reclaim gage Whenever we make our back then most of our focus is on this thing It remains above that we make new backlinks quickly, never we study our backing profile properly and do not try to understand this thing that over the period of time keep making But along with that our old banking is also our loss, we keep losing that too, so from which triangle we can claim back our backlinks which we have lost by reclaiming them We can only call this reclamation, now what you have to understand for this, first of all you should see the profile properly and you have to understand that keeping in mind the basic, which type you are on your four and four pages. We will identify which links are there on those 4 and 4 pages, we will point everything, that is, the basic method of studying the tracking profile should be clear to you, only then you will be able to do link reclamation successfully, so let's go Here I have written some points and we also talked about the reasons for link loss, here you see it is written here, Building New Links, Always Daffer, Retaining Old Links, which are old links, which have been maintained before. If you are not retaining them only, then you will create new links and if you are losing old links, then the concept of link juice is going to be your hamper, right it is also important note that you lose other links on our website. Currently like this is a page of our website okay and here is an external page from where we got back link okay now if this one which is our page becomes 4 and 4 then the link above our domain The juice was passing, isn't it, it will be lost now, because if this link is broken, then we have lost this link; was passing our page If we do, on the one hand, we are creating new banks, working hard, and we are not able to maintain the old ones, we have to understand these things, so here is the basic definition of link reclamation. You understand it is a process of finding broken and remove links to your side and fixing and replacing them with updated urls now there can be different regions like d meaning remove your link from d linking page like it was your page whose link is here But it was present on some other external page, now here you have put the link, now you are not the author, removed this link from here or delete this page, then your link is lost, so what is the other method that It is your page, it does not exist, so if it was your page whose link you had created somewhere above the other page, if this page has become 44 and it does not exist, then the link you have now is loose. If you do, then these are all the regions which are basically link loss, how are three van redirected, which is the linking page, okay, you have created a back link to the one you have linked, so even if it has a 3:01 redirection, its link is also The value of that second thing will be passed to you, then what was the use of linking this page, you understand, see this page is ours, like if I explain to you here, this was one of our pages and I have linked this page here. But I had given this and space to you, there is another page of another website, we back it with great effort, and here we had a link, okay, and the link juice comes on top of this page, now this page, if we three o' van mary direct Ok , so the link juice that was coming here has gone here, don't you know that 301 reduction is a permanent reaction ? The links that he was getting from this page went away, in a way, fine, in this way, forth this linking page, no anchor index day, Google, this situation is not only you, but yes, this can also be a reason for linking. If the page is not indexed in Google, Google did not even know about your gender, then these are the regions, due to which your links may be loose, as you are seeing, I have taken a random banking profile from here. Open it and keep it inside the uber suggestion, then you can see the new links we are making here, that means 350 smilings have been made and we have lost 290 links, if you look at it, the ratio is not low anywhere. Here we made 386 links on 24th June and lost 232, but here if you see, about 466 new links were made and we lost 342 links which we were getting from referral domains, so in a way our The website is compromising with the link juice that our page is getting, not only the old links are being handled right, so what should we do, what type of steps should we take, I will also explain to you, see what we should do first We have to do our internal broken links first of all we have to solve them now why I am talking about internal broken links because look you have complete control over the internal links we have so first of all we have to fix such things over which we have control so for example here this was your internal page i am writing ip and this is some of your other pages the other block pages of your website we man lete hain ye block page van tha this is a block page Tu tha yeh ek block page you are thinking that the blog was page 3, we have provided links to each other page, ok, now I take this one, we have deleted 4 more, ok if this is deleted So then these links that are pointing to it, these are broken links in a way, so what you have to do is whatever tool you are comfortable with, whether it's how you rush, whether it's just deep crawl, you're doing it, screening frog, Doing any tool, you do it, what you have to find first is that you have to find 404 pages on your website and after that you have to filter out which links are on these pages. If you are pointing then those links then you have to fix the broken links that you have, this is the first thing, second thing, in the same way, you have to see only 404 pages of your website, but those pages Those who are now pointing external links above, you have to fix them. Third, you can also see this. It happens many times like let's take agar meri brand hai age task ki to many places. Umar Taskar brand was mentioned on the internet, but along with mentioning, he did not put the link there, like someone wrote the name of age 10 in his article, but if it is my website, then that link is of our website. Yes, he could have given that link too, but he didn't give that link, otherwise we have many tools for our viral, whether we talk about Google Alerts and many other trees, those mango tools come, which you can figure out by doing that. You can see where your brand is being mentioned, where your brand is being mentioned, then you can connect with them, brother, you mentioned our brand here and there is an opportunity here. If you can give us a backlink, then this also becomes an opportunity for you, then we have to create new links, but at the same time, we have to keep in mind that our old links, which we have lost, let us see We do not make them 100% Lewis, if they have the opportunity to claim back, then we do it, it is a very important concept, that is why I have made a separate video on it, Reclaim is very important right to gauge because the name may sound a bit new to you. Link There are strategies to create a lot of backlinks from Round Up, whose names you must have heard, but there will be many people who have not heard this name, so first of all, let me tell you how to actually see the link roundup backlinks, so here But I have kept searching, let me show you, look, here we come to the top of the page and if you look carefully, here a specific niche or a specific categories box is shown here by karate together. There are many websites on the internet that basically do their weekly link roundup or monthly link roundup, there are also many websites that do daily link roundup, so now what does this mean, look at this one here. There is a website which has created this one page of Weekly Link Roundup, like above, if you look at the URL carefully, then you will understand that Weekly Link Roundup No. 16 and the links related to the latest web design and marketing, they are one Why are you staying together, then there are many websites that reduce different categories and there are many other websites related to that category and their niche, they have a lot of content, they have their own weekly link roundup. Let's do karate in that means bring together so that if anyone is coming over this particular page, coming here, he can see all the links of the same type at one place, so this is what this link roundup is. Kehlati to hum log bhi here as you are seeing here five type text tu upper here something is written and if I hover over it then you see below you will see the link of Quick Sprout in the same way I I come below to read inside and you can see the link of that method and below I see the link of business to community, so in this way you can also create your link on this type of website, so this We have understood the matter, now it is also an important thing to understand that there is any power in these links or not, see if the link is around then it became very popular around 2018-19. Actually there is one more thing if you look at the popularity of backlinks Talking about pop popularity of overall backlink, if you do a little bit of study, then you will understand. Backing is very popular around this time. Means backlink was a very searchable term on the internet but over the period of time like people understood that many algoridams have been updated, now it is not that easy inside Google that you will make any vaccine, quality backing If you will not make and your website will be ranked, then people have reduced their attention to what is not there and the rest of the factors like Google updated its algorithm and started giving priority to other things as well. did better content ok et got the concept and so many mobile options speed optimization so many factors that went ahead in priority so what happened in this case is that people started paying attention to all those things as well and If I show you the proof of this, I had searched here out of curiosity, if you see, I would have searched here you create back links and if you look carefully here, you will see from 2012 to 14-15 The searches that are around are not very high on the internet, that over the period of time, it kept on decreasing. You can see that link building is very popular here, okay, so if you see, between 2010 and 2013, it was in its peak, and after that, over a period of time, people here Interest is there, it will be a little less but it is not that the value of back clicks has decreased, which is not good backing, their value has decreased, if you take good backing, take back links from good sources, take back links from relevant backlinks, then they give other No, it is useful for you, so gas, we understood that this thing is a good link around, now if we want to round the link for our website, then what we have to do, see for this first you have to find a website like this There is a website and then this website will have to be approached that brother, if we want to mention our link in the name of your weekly link around, then this is a little process that you will have to do, for that you are Google's search operators. If you can take their help then gas, I have typed the digital marketing link router here quickly, now if you see, as I open it, I open it here, you will see that on the top of these pages you will see many The links will look like there is a digital attention span, here you are seeing a lot of links, so if you see this website of 11 lakhs and you think that if your continuation goes above this website, then it will be beneficial, but all these things For this, one thing you have to keep in mind that your website should be genuine, it should be proper, it should be authentic, on top of that you have mentioned the content that is authentic, then you have to take care of that thing and here if you want to check this website Will have to from here because you are going to get backlinks if I talk about popularity then it was very popular around 2019 but now it is not that much popular but steel you from the point of view of the diversity of backlink profile from the point of view of backing variation You can consider it from the view, so here, like I have opened this page, you are seeing here also there is a link around abs, here I go, if you see, here you will also see the link roundup. You have to study a little bit and I will also show you a template very basic template serial number and you mention the website what is the contact of the website what is the email contact of the website what is the dai of the website and your remarks then type this You can make a sheet type of any website you are looking for, from the point of view of the link roundup, you make a sheet of them, after that you will have to outreach them, so if you want to use this tool for outrage. There are many tools available in the market, they are also available, if you want to prefer, then you can do that too, the list is small, then you can send emails to those who are valid, but keep in mind that you are crafting emails. Yes, be it right, be genuine, be proper, all those things you have to take care of, ever and we know what are out reach emails, how to craft them so that you can get success, and on top of all that, we are in the next video. Detail mein jo hai baat karenge abhi jo hume understanding tha woh link roundup kya hote hain [music] siddha sa matlab hai help reporter out By doing this, we get banking, many people always ask that in what way we can take banking from big media publications, media houses, is it even possible, yes, it is absolutely possible and if you can do this, then you will understand. We are the first to do this thing. What is the system of making it, how many things are involved in it and then how these backlinks are made, then gas like if we have to make a link to our website, then there must be a website owner, we take ourselves as We are the website owner, for which we want to make banking and what we want is our content which is above the big publication houses and from there I get backlinks. The website is very different from us, you will see, so now I am telling you in the starting, here the source is fine, then the website owner who wants to make banking for his website should be a source. Gaya after that there are many media houses, there are media publications, okay now these people want content, so what do they have, they are generally, but generally they also have many dead lines, so that very quickly, within this time, they have Content has to be written, they have to give this article within this time, then in such cases generalists also come out and approach other people, that means they will approach this website owner, can you write the content that you have for us, if you If you write the content , then we will provide you a back link app, now understand the point, there are three things here, media house, journalist and here is the source, the website owner who wants the back link, he is the person with the source. Generally it will help that's why its name is help reporter out he will help this report computer to create content so that he can meet his deadlines and publish your article or content here in this media house or media publication If it is done and from there you will get it in the bank, then this is the whole process, now the problem is that where will all these three be found, what is the platform where all three will be found, no gas, we have an official website, if you look here then helper or hey ro if you go to google and type here as well like I simply go here on google and I type every other here you see you will go to this website ok then you will go to this website Go up and this is the website which basically here you understand that it creates a kind of bridge between the journalist and the source, so journalists post their retirement here and today un sourced you get that retirement if you are in that retirement. Full full kar dete hain means give them the content then you will also get backlink from there ok now this white tree website is also there many ways they have option plans if you go inside the subscription section you will see but your Less free will be done for once, so what you have to do, you people yourself tell me on this website, by commenting, you will tell me that you have to sign up on this website in the way of journalist or source By way so how will we do by way of source we will sign up here because we are website owner so we will sign up here by way of source normally when you go above sign up here like normally You create many accounts in the same way first name last name email phone number company country password all these things team you will sign up here then you will get a small dashboard which is what it is so in this way you can find such a source here But will sign up, now what will happen, look, who is the person who posted retirement, is he a journalist, so when you email your subscription from the general list, okay, you will be emailed from that generalist and three emails will come daily, now in his email What will happen I have a screenshot that I will show you first like if you look here then you will see an email of this type that see here these requirements are in Biotech and Healthcare, this is retirement in Business and Finance then this type You will get emails where the general list or reporters send their retirement through mail to you and when you click on it as you are seeing it or not you will click on it then there will be a thing in it that who is the person sending the brother. What is their expectation, what type of content do they want, how many words of content, how much is their deadline, what is the deadline, basically, how long do you have to give that content, then you will mail them back, but keep in mind that it should be relevant to you. It should not happen that you do not belong to the finance category, your website is also not of the finance category, the authority you have is also nothing in the finance category, in the greed of vacillains, you said that I will write on it, do not do this. You reply according to your expertise, ok, so when you reply to them, date is basically you pitch and when you pitch them, it is not like that, normally you will say yes brother, I want to do what you have to do. You have to give your introduction of four-five lines in the mail that I am self age I am owner of this this website which is having this much of traffic and this much of the a on t a whatever metric you want you share something basic tell them Will have to say that Han Bhai is an authentic person and has credibility if he It is written above that according to whatever their retirement was, you should maintain the proper content and send it to them . You send any part of our content, what will be the content, what will be the proper title, what will be the headings of the content with the structure, and then what will you mention in the last that if you use our content anywhere Let's do it, sometimes it happens that it is not necessary that the entire content is being done by him, sometimes some content is done to him, then you will tell him anywhere, if you do it to our content, then here is the link. Yeh us please credit jo hai woh dejiega so this is actually called aage un pitch toh it is not necessary that you get a reply to that pitch. You will see him inside the hero's dashboard that he is accepted, if he is not accepted, he did not understand your content, your information, no problem, but Media House, a great way to get the best out of this, genuine and great way, but wouldn't we work hard? We don't want to do this first, we want someone to give us the link, tell us the website and we just go and paste the link on the website, we want that it will not be made like this, batting will not be made in 2021-22 at all and Content based backlinks will not be made in the coming time, the backlinks that are genuine along with the content are the same, so these are all genuine sources, I will definitely request you to browse the website, now look at the media houses Using harrow if you look there are big media houses Chicago tribune time ok mashupal invit ok so new york times so big media outlets here now you understand what i told you is a system It must have been said that the link that we want to get is to get the link from here, okay and when will we get it when we are giving our content to help a reporter and if they do that section, then they will link us. That's why its name helper report sign up it is not very difficult it is very simple interface now after signing up you will log in then it is very simple interface and where do we have to register in source not in general list source memories Have to do right I will leave now you have cleared this thing, check the data also, you have many sources, there are many generalists and bloggers here, generally so bloggers keep posting their retirement [music] after all this resource page What is link building tactic and how do we do it and by doing it how do we generate backlinks, sometimes we talk about a new link building strategy or link building streets. Any discussion takes place, two-three questions are the most common, I discuss them with you first. The first question is whether these are the streets for making banking, is it right or not, is it not so or not Hum koi black hai tactic ko or koi blackhead approach koi hai usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko usko so in this particular case you will get noise from this resource page link building is a powerful batting strategy and from anywhere in it anything like black head If not, then one thing has become clear, the second question that comes related to link building is that whatever approach we use for link building, it should be scalable, which means that it should not be done through the same strategy. We can not make more backlinks than we can make or can not make it right then resource page link building which is a prank, it is also scalable, here you are seeing the image, it is basically mass, which is our tool, there are some insights of mass research which You see, around 2017-18 season, a research was done and many people were asked that what type of vacillains they are creating in today's time, so if you see here, many people told That resource page and link list page, which are also called, the other name of resource page is link list page, so by doing that, many people who are creating backlinks, now the most important thing What we have to understand is that what is the meaning of this resource speech and how back links are made with the help of resource page and in what way you will make practical then these You discuss all things right then gas look here we are running a third party website means there is another website here we understand in simple words that there is a third party or another website or easier If you want to understand in a different way, there is another blog, okay, this is a blog, now it writes content late, rounds of digital marketing, it has made a resource page on top of its website, okay, now it is a resource page, so I walk with man. Like website so here it has a page by resources dot html or by resources a page now on top of this page because this blog is not this blog is related or this website which is related is related to digital marketing So a lot of people would be coming over this website, who want to consume the content of digital marketing, so here they have provided additional resources so that people go over this resource page and read from other blogs or other websites. To be able to access the resources that are there also means here like someone comes to the top of this page, here is the section of sleep, here is the section of puck, here is the section of google ad from let, here is the section of content marketing and In the section of many links so practical, you will understand even after seeing this thing, where there are many links, it is point to other resources, it is not your website, now here is your website, for which what can you do? For which you want to make backlink and you also write about so you also write about puck and you have written very good content na so ke round hai so written about so above You have written very solid content by doing proper research, the content you have written about Puck, then your content is an ajar resource for many people. You will search what you are seeing here and you will identify which is your website which has its own resource page and there you can put your link which is there it is less of a little hard work because that is because when Whenever we talk about this type of approach, that is, we talk about outreach, it takes efforts, if we don't approach it properly, then the success percentage is very less, but this type of bucking is also very much. Powerful as we talk about guest blogging, then your out reach emails among guest people should also be very powerful, when we talk about broken backlink strategy, then your outer mails should be very powerful. Characters, your success rate can come below 1%, so we have to take a little care of this thing, that means what is the whole game that you have to find such a website of your own nishky, your own categories gym resource page exists And if you find the resource page here, then you will edit the website, audit the same so basic you will check whether the website is mobile friendly or not, the structure of the website is correct or not, by mentioning the content here as a resource page. It should not be the content of his own website, look at this thing, like there is a website like, and in this, on top of its own resource page, it has given a link to its own other resources, then it is of little use to you. Otherwise, you have to understand that it should have outbound links on top of the website, the links of other websites should be there, in a way, you will have to do a little research, which is the basics of all these things. There should be an understanding so that you feel that brother, this website is fine, if we get a back link from here, then whatever is beneficial for us, it will be a back link, now these two things are brought in front of us, to whom and in what way Will do okay the first one is what is the face prospecting will mean in two phases only prospecting means finding the website and the second one is what is out reaching okay so how will you find the website here you see we Those who are going to do it, they are going to do it to Google's search operators, okay, very simple way, and now you will see how many resource pages you will see here, so I am going to do this thing, okay for one thing. I copy this which is our syntax over here and I paste it over here okay if you see I want my title to have resources and the url to have resources dot html then resources dot HTML means that we want to find the resource page, so we have done it with advanced operators and if our category is digital marketing, then I write digital marketing, if it is health, then I write health, if it is like this, then it will be like this. It's okay so I have mentioned the thick soil which is below us . Here is one page, I open it, I open it, I open it, here also I open a page, so I have opened some pages in front of you, now if we are here If you go to then see now this is a resource, isn't it, there is a mention of marketing props here and this is not a link to this website, if you look carefully then look below you will see a marketcom here on the left you are seeing Here we will see spot, here you will see paper, you will see different links here, so in this way you can also mention the link of your website here. If you have power in your resources, then it is okay, then you will have to reach out to them properly, you will have to send mail to them, you will have to connect with their person and after that you can talk that you have resources page like here you see essential There are resources of online marketing, they have so many such that if we try to show the search results, then there are 15000 search results here, if you want to scrape these URLS, then by scraping the URLS, you can also find these websites inside any tool. You can study together, if you want to reduce it, you can do it, but it is important to understand what is basic, like I come here on the effects, so here if you look carefully, then these resources are from their website. So for once, we will ignore it, because brother, if they are mentioning their own website as such resource here, then they will not mention our website, in the same way, here also we are seeing some resources. More resources from you are given here So many resources are given here related to accessibility and UX Many resources related to website designing are given and these are all different different pages if you look carefully then here you have opportunity If it is made, then after finding such opportunities, they are proper from there, which you say that we are creating campaigns of back links, all these backless campaigns, we have opened another website, that too I will show you here . But as this website was, now see here also you are resources, that is, you will see it as it is here, see there are many free digital marketing resources like this, you are your Nishma like I mentioned digital marketing here, you want to mention fitness To do fitness, whether you do sports, you do sports, like I am doing sports, you will see many resources related to sports, here if you want to do fitness, then you do fitness, you want to travel, you can travel. Give whatever your nishch is, you can mention it here, you will get a lot of resources related to it, the number is quite high, when you understand the basics a little bit, then you will be able to do that thing. If you want, take a screenshot too, okay, I have told you a simple Google search operator, and there are different types of Google search operators, if you search on Google, you will also find a lot of Google search operators . For a little advanced searching, all these things have a character period of time. You must have understood the purpose of link building and how these links are made. You have to follow, out reach is a very important thing, I have cleared you, done outries means that you have to reach someone for the same purpose, it is known from the name itself that outry is okay, so what are the strategies of out reach? There is a separate video on it from the point of view of Backless, okay, in which way should you see outry emails so that you get banking and there are chances that your outer Gmail is considered, the success rate can increase, okay whether it is our guest blogging The content of our gender building out reach emails matters a lot [MUSIC] Very important concept we all understand what is keyword cannibalization it is a right thing you are a bad thing i.e. if it is an issue then how to detect the issue what is the right way we are following the issues To detect this, many people know that what is the word walaization, but when we talk about how to detect this issue, then two-three are very important things, which should be ignored. Let's do it, we will discuss it in today's video and if it is an issue, how can we fix it, what is the possible solution for it, we will discuss all these things in today's particular video, very important The concept of video is also very important, try to watch the video completely, let's start, first of all, we will start with the basic definition, the concept of keyword cannibalization says that when there are multiple pages on a website that targets D se and similar ki word and complete against i respect tu har de sides organic performance to yeh pura concept hai dekho seedhi si baat ki upar hamari website ke let se do page hai ek ye page van hai ke paste tu hai ok hai yeh do up hamari website There are two different different pages, now it may happen that this one which is our page or not, it is ranking above any keyword van, it is ranking above any specific keyword, above which word this page is ranking. Rank this page above the same particular keyword i.e. the keyword van which is similar to the keyword you may not be exactly similar but still we are running here but in this particular case it can be Its intent should be similar to this or it should be very close ok similar type of keyword will be it is written there from website target d and similar word and complete against respect fine so now see what happens generally we all know That is how our pages are ranked, if we want to rank our page above a specific keyword, then according to its word, we do on-page of our page and we do the technical search of our page. People do and then when Google calls our page, it tries to understand that this page is built around which keyword, what type of content is on this page, then whatever queries are related to it. If he shows our page on top of that, then in the same way he indexes your page too, in the same way he indexes others' page too, then which page will be shown to the children, which page will be shown in the true eyes of the user. The most close to the query will be fine from the point of view of relevancy, so what are we doing basically, we are doing something to optimize our page in such a way that we will be able to tell Google that look brother, my page is not that specific keyword. This page is not the most perfect for this and in this way we are beating the competition, so if you see here, if our two pages start fighting for keywords from the same two pages, then we will be fighting among ourselves. They are fighting but actually when both your pages are getting ranked then a little problem is created like what type of problem for example the traffic which should have been received by this particular page of yours is divided here because both se type keywords then some traffic now came from your this keyword and that this page took some of your traffic It is okay to have a common page and if traffic from both the places or both the keywords was coming on top of this page, then many matters would have been improved like the competition of organic traffic would have reduced here because you have only one search engine on multiple keywords . If the page is ranking fine, then the chances of getting maximum traffic and CTR are fine, so it was understood that if two different pages P1 and P2 of our website are ranking on two different keywords of the same type. If it is not a good thing, then it is called as word walaization and we have to avoid it. If the ranking of the keyword is not there, then the chances are that it will rank above the receiver and also run on many other variations and different types of keywords, if my page is taken, I have taken a position on digital marketing course. rank on number van If it is happening, then the chances are high that it is ranking above such 50 words or above hundreds of hundreds of keywords, these chances are made, then for example, if your page is P1 and this P2 is and this one is ranking on top of some keywords fine so on top of its word so let shop position number tu pe ranker hai along with this it is ranking on top of 50 more keywords in the same way it's similar Is ranking above keywords which is K2 ok it is ranking above similar keywords from late to position number six but it is also ranking above 60 70 80 other keywords too Only one number has been taken, it can be any number, man is ranking above 100 words, so if you try to solve the issue, you have to do only one page, so basically what are you doing? Not that you were getting traffic only from this keyword, you were getting traffic from all these keywords too, so you are talking about its potential also, it is understood that these are the words from which traffic was coming. If I merge these two pages or remove one page, I should not say that this page is creating word of mouth, then we will remove this page and keep this page, then it is okay. Detected the issue and also resolved the issue, then after solving it, will you get ranking on these keywords, if not, then you had to lose the potential traffic that you were getting. So keyboard is saying walaization that if two different pages are ranking above the keywords then we have to solve no you have to identify that if they are ranking above the same keywords or too many similar keywords Two different pages are ranking above and they are not running on the rest of the other keywords, that means traffic will not hurt there, in the particular case, you will put it in the issue of walaization to call it a real keyword, which I just told the case where But many of our other keywords are also ranking along with the keywords, the traffic is more than that, then there you ignore that actual keyword is not the issue of carnivalization, this is what you have to understand, so now we have cleared two things that after all keyword cannibalisession What happens, after that we also understood that keyword walaization was identified immediately and we thought that now we will remove this page, we do not want to do this, we also have to see if there is traffic on that page. Other keywords were not coming, this is the whole thing, don't you have someone who is your word search tool or just like that, if you pick up any word from us, then you will get this information in school, now you will say sir, how exactly cannibalization issue Will detect, see, when you do research of any key word, then you will know that these pages of our website, on top of these keywords, are not ranking on one keyword . Or when you are doing page wise research, then inside the tools, you will see the accordings of your page that brother, this page which comes on how many organic keywords, this page on how many organic keywords, then you can identify from there also. If there is no word issue, then it is clear, now let us understand how this issue can be removed, if there is an issue of release, then it is okay, then the first thing is that you chill the content. And like this page was van and this page was tu, then merged the content of page tu with page van, we gave more depth to this content, made this content more relevant and now we will try to rank this page So now what will happen to the page that is left, then the URL of this page will be 4 and 4, okay, so what will we do, we will clear this URL, which will be another 11 other pages, on which the read is directed. This is done, watch the read reservation video and the concept of direct will be clear to you, either we will remove this page, we will keep this page as it is, the page van is ranking above the year, it is okay, it is a good thing No problem and we will remove P2 completely, if it becomes 4 and 4, then we will redirect it, then you will say that what was the difference between the first and the second, the difference between the first was that it has been merged, what is the difference between the second only Removed third what we will do that like page number tu hai yeh wala page so it is ranking above whatever keyword which is common basically this page is ranking above the keyword that is the same word above this page If it is ranked then we will change the content of this page only and will try to optimize the content of this page over other words of respect, it is understood that what is the word walaization, then basically this particular video Inside, we are going to cover four important things, this is a very important video, the first thing we will do is what is the meaning of dual time and whether search engines really use dual time. Third, is dual time a ranking factor. How is it different from bounce rate and how can you impact dual time, then we will start with the basic definition, here you can see that the meaning of dual time is written as length of un time un Person spends looking at the web page after they have clicked the link on the MRP page but before clicking back to the search engine result page, the simple meaning of saying is that the search engine result page which is ours, is not the one on which the man walks. Any page of yours is getting ranked fine, so when a person clicks there, he will click on the top of your page, then he will come to the top of your page, the URL which is visible here, Sachin will click on your page. Inside the result page, it will come to the top of your page, then from coming to your page and coming out of the space, back to such RP, however much time it spends, is it basically called dual time? Try to understand that double time is a positive metric or a negative metric, see the positive metric means that if we are benefiting by increasing something or if it is right for us to increase something, date this opposite metric. So dual time is a positive metric whereas bounce rate is a negative metric because if bounce rate increases then it is not a good thing for us if our weight is increasing too much then it is not a good thing fine So weight is a trick in negative in a way, just like bounce is a negative metric in a way, so here I have made two lines which are there, so you will understand that here Banda through MRP on top of our web page Enters here and goes back to A CRP from the web page here okay goes back by clicking back button etc so whatever time he spends in this time period is our dual time okay so like If I write 5 comments here for example only from the point of view of understanding you, then if this time period was 5 minutes and this time period was 2 minutes late, then our 12 time here will be our 12 time or 12 period somewhere you must have heard 12 period also but dual time is correct word ok so here our 12 time will be five minutes in the same way here our 12 time will be two minutes I will leave you The definition must have been understood now, but first of all we have to understand that what is not dual time, due to which many confusions of you people will go away, so first of all you have to understand that the meaning of dual time Bounce rate does not happen bounce rate is totally different 12 times is second which is everest time on web page many people think that dual time means everest time on web page see 12 time consider only and only that case In this condition, we calculate the dual time, when the search engine result page comes above your page, whereas Everest time , look at the top of any web page, any person can come from any different sources, he can come from social media. hai woh ad se aakta hai fine to ek banda on end average aapke webpage kabhi time kabhi aapko deta hai date this average time is fine but within it the traffic coming from all the sources which is included is included in dual time, it doesn’t happen dual Only that traffic is included in time which is MRP means organic is true find it is not a direct ranking factor ok it does not happen that you look at dual time inside any tool and you can guess from that my brother 12 time is of 5 minutes then my website web page will be ranked not like this ok dual time is one way of indication which way of indication if 12 time of your page is very good then you will get a Indication is found that Han bhai ye wala jo hamara page hai na user ke intake hai koi jo user's query na usko satisfi raha hai ok so it is a kind of indication not that Google checks this thing that your If the del time of the website is 5 minutes or 10 minutes, then let us rank your page, it is okay to understand. Hai it's not a direct ranking twitter for us it's just an indication and the most important thing is that you can't even see this indication ok then google definitely consider dual time in back end to check this thing Han Bhai, if the dual time is fine, then we can assume that the content of this page is satisfying the user's intent, but it is not ranking for any time period because there are many more Different different factor I believe you must have understood it's not un direct ranking factor ka kya matlab u can not measure not sit in other tu ok hai no tool tells you metric of 12 time only search engine understand well time meaning Same hai ki bhai dekhne ko to milega nahi si have something similar tu 12 time date this engagement metric in gf4 so inside gf4 we get an engagement metric which is our latest google then after seeing the engagement metric which you understand right? In the same way dual time is also fine but you get to see the engagement metric, whereas you do not get to see it, now understand quickly bouncer so that you can understand the difference, see once it is explained, firstly, what is the bounce rate? We can see that in ga3, okay starting in gf4, later with updates in gf and other changes in gf, now we get to see the metric of bounce rate inside gf4, now I will show you where If you see fine , then before understanding the bounce rate, you have to understand bun because rate simply means percentage, if you see the word rate anywhere, then you will understand that if we are talking about percentage, then bounce means like this . A person lands on this particular page of yours okay a person is your every page P1 comes over this and here he doesn't click any link doesn't do any engagement and after that he is from this particular page which If it goes out then what would be the consideration it would be considered such a bounce so man let's go if 10 people came over this particular page of yours and no one went further they didn't browse the other page they didn't do any engagement and here Four people who have gone back, then we will assume that our bounce rate is 40%, brother, how to calculate 4/10 by multiplying by 100, then 40% of our bounce rate is seen, then the bounce rate Increasing is not a good thing means if the bounce rate goes above 70 then it is a matter of little thought for us in the particular case that the bouncer who is there or not has gone too high but the increase of the bounce rate or the occurrence of many situations It depends on the man's walk that the user is landing on a page from where you do not want that person to go ahead, for example landing is fine and there is no form submission in the landing page. But there is a page like normal, there is some information on it, the user lands there and he gets enough information from there and he does not even need to do any engagement, he exits from there. If he has money then in particular case the bounce rate of your page will be very high, but here we have to think with our mind that Han bhai, such situations come where the bounce rate of some pages is It can increase, so when you see the bouncer of a complete site, then all the pages are included in it, okay, all the pages are included, they show you the average, then you have to understand that if the bouncer of our entire website is 80 % isn't there, there are many such agreers too, whose bouncer is 80%, it does n't matter to us, well, in such a case, you will have to manually check whether our important pages have a bouncer rate. It is not much to understand, then what is the difference between bounce rate and 12 time, exactly the opposite of one type, that is matrix, increasing the bouncer is dangerous, while increasing the double time is a good thing, dual time and bounce. The rate is not a direct ranking factor, both of them tell us that the behavior of the user or the engagement of the user, how is it on our entire page or website, the bounce rate is also visible to us. Somewhere I believe you must have got this thing clear , ok then on the basis of 12 time, only what do you know, you do not know the user's set, basically, but double time means the point of user's satisfaction. comes which basically the search engine understands fine which I told you that once we Let's quickly see where the bouncer is visible in the store, it runs here too, so look here I've done it here inside our explore report and if you come here inside the explore report, on top of the matrix, well I've gf4 Complete tutorial has been made above, there is a single video of 5 hours and please check a playlist too, if you people have any confusion, then if you go in matriculation, then I will show you here, you can search here. In bounce rate metric, here if I select it and import it, then here we will see the bounce rate that what is the bouncer of the page voice of our individual page and even if we want to see collectively, we can see IB you You must have seen many such concept topics which are quite debatable, one of them is the sandbox effect, so what we are going to discuss . In today's particular video, let me tell you in the beginning, first of all, we will try to understand what is this sandbox effect, some people also call it as delete back link effect, then its basic phenomenon. We will try to understand, secondly, it is also very important to understand whether Google has ever officially confirmed such an effect, because the name written in it is Google's sandbox effect. Thirdly, we will try to understand. That if Google never confirmed it officially, then what happened because of which so much discussion started about sandbox effect and if there is sandbox effect and people say that sandbox effect exists, then what is the reasoning behind it, meaning what reasons It is said that the sandbox effect exists, fine, so first of all we discuss some very important points, the first truth is that Google clearly says that there is no sandbox effect. algojam behaves in such a way that you feel that there is a sandbox effect, but officially there is no sandbox effect anywhere in Google's back hand in google kelgodam, okay, so now let's understand what this sandbox effect means What is this definition look here what you can see is written google sandbox this probation period during witch google drive minimum amount of traffic to your website see what many website owners analyzed when they create their new website He wrote strong content, he also indexed the content, after writing the content, he created many web pages of his website, he also indexed the banking, the content also became our index, after that why our website in Google Not ranking Some people observed that their website is ranking in other search engines but their website is not ranking in google despite the facts etc everything was indexed regular content was also going but some time After six months, after 7 months, they see that their website starts getting ranked, then people start saying that brother, this is not a sandbox effect of Google, what happens in it that Google is your new website. No, it does not rank them, okay, you have done everything properly, everything gets indexed, even after that, it does not rank your website immediately, which is already ranked website, you have more priority in their comparison. It is not found, this is called sandbox period, it eats sandbox effect, so it is a probation period, it is telling the definition, during witch google drive is ok, that means what is the logic behind it, what is given, that too I have written here Yes, but why did this discussion start, where did it start, because as I said, Google has officially confirmed this thing many times that there is no sandbox effect, but even today people talk about it and Some people say that sandbox effect exists ok now understand look here look at maas ok maas who is the founder of brand skin and look here he said this many times in 2005 in 2009 and in between and many more Many of the experts who have big OS have said that they feel that what is on their website is reducing the sandbox effect, so how will people speak when such a big head is going to be spoken? don't agree okay because as we Let 's talk about Mask Kiran Skin's brothers, these are the people who are creating content around from very early time . Well, from a long time ago, these people are analyzing the website and providing many useful resources to us, so see here they have written the announcement date and this is from when it was 2004- 5 ki ok in the meantime sandbox effect jaise jo word hai na woh coin hua tha ok inni hai likhte hai moss brand fish ke announce date most finally manage tu skip google sound box sound box period last date for ninth month dispight d strong naturally build bowling profile of de website after that you nine me dekho ok hi re examining de probable existence of sandbox and other website greatercom also compare de sites ranking on google yahoo and msn live and turn out date sites google rank was much lower give de rank In de respect you are fine then the same thing that I told you but still because Google's official confirm is no that brother no such effect exists now what do people give behind this that if google send box Even if the effect would have existed , why would it exist, what is the need to keep your website in probation period, then three basic logics are given behind it, ok Google needs time to understand your website with limited traffic sending to your website ok People say that Google does not want to send more traffic to your website if it is not your website in the beginning, it does not want to send more traffic to your website, by sending some traffic to your website, what is the activity of those people, whatever traffic is coming to your website? The matter that is related to how you are engaging with the website , such as the CTR, the dual time, the bounce rate, on the basis of which it tries to analyze whether the content on your website is strong. Or not and on that basis, they apply sandbox effect on your website, so they do not rank your website at all in the beginning, which they want, slowly, there is traffic on your website, when traffic comes on your website. From their interaction, he will do some analysis and on the basis of that he will rank you, now see Google does something like this, we also know that traffic Google analyzes this thing that on top of our website or web page The user's behavior is the interactions, what are the methods, it has an effect on the rankings, but you cannot call it a sandbox effect, because on its basis, Google does not decide whether your website will last for 6 months or 9 months or 10 years. It will not rank in CRP till the end of the month, it is understood that it is okay, then one argument is given that it is okay, and the second thing that happens is engagement, if important medicine can be analyzed properly, what I told you Google take time. Understand the backlings and their quality is fine, then these experts believe that what you are seeing here, these experts believe that today you have made banking, backlinks also exist, but when there is a new domain, then it is not necessary in the particular case . It is not that Google should analyze your quality as soon as possible, Google wants to analyze your quality as well and after that it rewards you, this theory also spreads somewhere due to ranking because we have seen it. That is, today we have created a website and some people have written blogs on the word of competition, if we have written blogs, then we see that if they are written correctly, strong content has been written on it and they target low competition keywords . Had blogs been written, there would have been a high probability because it would have been ranked quickly, maybe it would have been ranked within a month, so this sandbox effect would have spread over there, then experts would have to say, look here, the sandbox effect is spread because Gone because the sandbox effect basically applies to the words that are competitive, meaning you will not get ranking so easily for competitive keywords, then we also know that ranking will not be found that easily over competitive keywords, so these are the regions whose Because of this, sometimes it also seems that Han Bhai may be the hand box effect, sometimes it also seems that Han, this happens in other cases too, so Google's Algor does less, then it is okay. no sandbox effect but google when This confirms that officially we do not have any side box effect but there are some phenomena like this inside the grammar of Google channel which may make you feel that there is a sign box effect then I believe a lot of things with regards to you. The sandbox effect should be clear to you [MUSIC] Before that I have to understand what this ratio reduces after all look if we have a new website pay attention to this thing if we have a new website and we are looking for some long oil keywords Want to rank above and we want to test this thing that if we reduce above their words then what are the chances that we will be ranked very easily above those keywords means this ratio is such a mathematics which gives us this thing Helps us to figure out what is the probability or what are the chances that if we narrow down on any long tail keyword then we will get the ranking against our existing competitors or those who are ranking in CRP from the website So I believe the purpose must have been understood that what is its purpose is the verification of keywords in a way, if you want to understand in simple language then there is verification of keywords that we should reduce or not on this particular keyword, what are the chances Now look at the rank, there is no different thing in calculating the keyword golden ratio, this formula is not applicable on everything, so if you want to do any calculation on the basis of keyword golden ratio, you want to do some keyword testing for this. If we want to go , then you have to keep in mind that its search volume should be within 250 or 2500, meaning that you pick a word whose search volume is 250 or less, then the first thing is that only the keyword Golden Ratio results They will come right, they will come right, in your case, first thing you have to keep in mind, secondly, it is fine for long tail words, so here we have also mentioned the basic definition, the keyword golden ratio, this is the D formula for finding keyword date. r under served on d internet fine so here if you look at the basic formula jo hai itse dekho to number of all in title results divided by monthly search volume gives you keyword golden ratio ok and if after calculating this the numbers that will come if they The numbers is less than 0.25 then it means we should go with the keyword there are high chances that quickly the keyword which is our rank will be there and if it is in between these numbers means this ratio which is between 0.25 to 1 then mitte work 50 There are 50 chances and if there is more than one keyword golden ratio then in that particular case we should ignore that long tail keyword, where there are less chances that our web page is a website, then what is the meaning of keyword golden ratio? Hua yahan par number of all in title result so here first of all we try to understand all in title ka jo number hai na nahi look like mera jo keyword hai long tail keyword hai woh agar main ye man ke chaalun witch is best light for studio yeh mera jo hai key word on this I want to reduce long tail keyword so if you look here you are seeing how many results for this keyword you are seeing so many results but what we have to do we have to see that in title where is this keyword so I mention this now look you are seeing so many results here fine so what has happened this is our keyword Airtel Recharge Ho Gaya is the keyword of this title, if its search volume is below 250, then we will keep a sheet here, here we will keep our keywords like this happened, our long tel word van ho gaya, main only aapko To understand, I am telling okay, this is our long tail keyword van ho gaya aur man ke chalte hain all in title result jo hai woh if we only take the example of man ke chale all in title results, then here man ke chalte hain that he Here we have 25 let's ok and our search volume is 250 ok so if you see how much golden ratio is being made 0.1 how did we figure it out with this formula ok all in title The volume of result divided by monthly surface which is average monthly search we have divided it here so now you can see here it has happened in the same way if all these title results were 50 from lets and here the search volume Lets say it would have been 240 so in this particular case which is ours here if I drag this formula you can see that our keyword was golden ratio tha point tu zero tha and I have applied conditioner formatting rakhi hai 0.25 below it will be red okay so in the same way if all in title results from lets here our all in title results are here if we get 20 from lets and the search volume here is here 100 so in this particular case you can see here the result which you are seeing is 0.2 is ok in the same way if we make it 30 here then result.3 is going to be ok so till 0.25 i kept green it is done in 0.3 in the same way if we here we make it 50 then you can see it is 0.5 ok if i have to do above one then all in title result if late se If you are getting 200 then here you see this keyword golden ratio this time you are getting which is not recommended that if you are getting golden ratio then you do not have to follow it then which is the method of keyword selection. Where does he like, what is given to you here, you have to follow him, I just mentioned it in the excel sheet for you to understand, but the formula is what is happening to him, now there is another in your mind. The thing must be coming that why only below 250, why should the search volume of the keyword we select be below 250, look, I will explain this thing to you too, so let's go to the beads here, which is our search volume. That is 4000 and our title results are 1000 ok so now look at the search volume here it is more than our theory 250 we kept it from 250 so what we are doing is 0.25 is going to be our keyword golden reshiyo.25 is going to be but look here which is the search volume right it is very high 4000 search volume so in this case it may happen that you are very competitive keyword If you are decreasing above then dispight, here you are seeing the value of KR as 0.25, but in this particular case, it may happen that if you take this keyword which you have done, its content is taken above its word. If we write and try to rank it, then it may be that the keyword is not ranked, so what can we do, we did not fulfill the condition which was our retirement condition here that your search volume should be below 250. That's why our website will not be ranked even after coming in the range, because its true volume is so high that many websites will be doing less and because of the highly competitive keypad, you will not get to see the result, that's why According to how the model has been made that the search volume you have to keep is to be kept within ₹ 250 only, you should keep your search volume and under 250 only, then I believe this concept you must have understood that the keyword What is the Golden Ratio [Music] X Robot Director If we want to no index our web page, then we know that we have to remove the robot no index tag which is in the code of our website, or we have to do it specifically We have to do that in the code of the page, I will also show here that the syntax which is erase robot no indicate, how it looks, then you are getting the understanding that what you have on top of your web page is that If you do , then the one which is your particular web page becomes no index, this is what we call no index tag in easy language that the no index tag should be done, generally this tag which is quite above the landing page It happens because we do not want to index the landing page because its purpose is only to run the ad, we do not want Google to index it . I am telling because of man, there is a document on our website, a URL is being created or a URL is being created by dot PDF and if you want that URL not to be indexed, then you will say that it is easy, no index tag. Will put but the document file which is a PDF file is not a file, by accessing its code, you will not be able to put no index tag on what is there, because there is no code there, it is a file, so asset it particular By indexing the code of the file, you can not put no index tag there, so in this case help us X Robot Directive fine, first of all like here you see with meta robot tag you can really prevent search engine from showing page you want. Keep out of the search which I just told you results can be achieved x robot flexibility also along you too control ho specific file types r index now you Tell me sir, how will you apply this tag, when you are saying that we will not be able to access the code of dot dog, we will not be able to access the code of PDF, it seems that our serverside or in more easy language If you want to understand, then you should understand that these courts will be done inside the access file, first I will show you the syntax, then I will tell you practically how you will implement it on the server, so here you can see that Inside dot st access file, we will do it by this type, if we want file match type dot dot and this you are seeing, we have to do it by this type, we have to do URL here and if we do not index two types of files so then we can do it by this type dot dot done and what is here is that line pipeline by doing it pipeline symbol by doing it pdf and then dollar this way we can do it no index no archive understand the thing Aa gayi ki in what way no spirit in which way it will be so this is its syntax if you want then take screenshot characters many documents of Google which you see official document you will also find it I will quickly show you what you have in hosting Let me give you the dot st access file, where do you see it, so here we are on the hosting of our website, which is our demo website and we have to go to the file manager, we have to go to the basically.hd access file, that's why This is called server side implementation because you go to your hosting and change it inside the dot access file, fine, from here you go to the public HTML and if you see here, you will get your dot access file here . But the changes you want to make, they will come here and talk to you [music] inside the dot h di axis file, so whatever are the upcoming videos, in this particular course, we are going to understand I-commerce so in great detail. Gas, whenever we talk about e-commerce, the question definitely comes to our mind that in what way can we do e-commerce, which is our other website, such as a service website or our blog website, in what way can we do e-commerce with their approach? So jo hai woh different hai look one thing I clear you at the starting itself that the fundamentals do n't change which is the basic core but it doesn't change but because ecommerce website is a different type of website Its URL structure, its website architecture, which is completely different, so our strategies or our steps are slightly changed, some new things get added, some things go, then all these things remain. These changes remain basically but if you talk about what is the core or what is the basic principles of sleep, they do not move, then in this particular video we are going to understand that we have almost eight or nine points through which we will understand that Ecommerce is different from our normal service website or a blog website, so the first point is that basically from the point of view of commerce, the page on which we have to focus is basically our home page. Or category page means you sleep home page this category page I understand you look at this thing here if you go like I go to Antara this is myntra home page so basically you go to this particular page When I am sleeping, I say that we are sleeping for this particular page, which mains date, we will try to rank this page of ours, which is our brand. From website which are related to our product category which will be our broad keywords we will target for our home page let's say for example if we only sell kids wear and our website is about kids wear then we will target kids wear related keywords On top of that we will target our home page, after that we can have our category page of category page, it can be kids wear for men, whether it is female or kids wear for males, then you can have kids wear for males a category page. It will be made that it will have all the products of kids wear of mails, then on top of keywords like kids wear for mails, I am understanding it to target the particular category page, what type of keywords are targeted on the home page and on the category page Above Chris type keywords are targeted, now keyword research is completely different from the point of view of our e-commerce website, then keyword research is completely different on the basis of e-commerce website. A lot of things are going to come, we will come in these 8-10 videos related to commerce, we are going to learn in them, but here I will give you the difference, so that you will get this clarity, your base will become strong in the starting itself, you will understand. Let's go to e-commerce, what kind of approach is there, fine, so this is our home page, in the same way, I go to kids, I go to kids, I go to boys' clothing, I go to shirts, so if you are here But if you look, you can see that here we have a category page, so this one which is a category page, it will be targeted basically for the words like kids wear, kids wear for, or in the words of kids wear from this type of words. It is on their basis that this particular page should be targeted, now you will say sir, if we target the category page, then when a page is targeted, then it is not constant above the particular page, it is in the content . We put keywords etc. h1 is h2 is all that stuff so here we are not able to see the content either the products directly then why are you saying that you will target the category page because the category page There is no content so if you come down here like I come down and show you here you see q10 comfortable kids wear look here bike kids wear online so if I will show it to you even after inspecting it then here you can see yes this h2 is visible to you here okay what are you seeing here look here h2 is visible even if I zoom in I want to show it to you here you are seeing h2 in this way the content which is written here Hua hai wich mains date's category page is also targeted from the point of view and they are also on page so mostly you guys don't target the products page, if I go to a specific product page then basically No one will search by this type Max, no one will search, otherwise it means that this particular product page is not sleeping, try to understand, so it is one thing and one thing is convolution optimization, not search engine optimization Conversion optimization does not happen, when we target a product page, we try to opt for a product page, we do the conversion option of the product page, which mains date only we want, if it comes to the top of the product page So he takes the product from there and goes out after converting, then we have to change the conversion optimisation related changes on the top of the particular product page, like here what will be the call to action button, in which way the images will be displayed to him. Will it be done , will the description be written here, will the offers be written ? Get more conversions so product pages don't try to rank product page because no one will search for this particular keyword fine but yes in some cases we try to rank product page also like for example if I want to rank nick shoes Talking about products, there is a line up in Nick shoes, it is a line by Nick Revolution, in which many of their shoes are Nick Evolution 3456, this type of their shoes keep coming, now this is a little famous category, famous product, isn't it? revolution people search it so if people search it in particular case if you nick revolution 4567 what ever it is what you are selling then if you are selling it then in particular case you sleep it so that it The one that is our product page can be ranked but you try to understand it in a generalized way, any person who searches, whose search terms are very high, what kind of keywords will they be like brother sports shoes online right by red sports Shoes online, you create this type of category page, basically, and in that category page, you show all the products that you are seeing here, okay, then you must have understood one thing that the focus is on That is our home page so on and category page kaise ho par hota hota on product page optimization here you need to pay a lot of attention to one more thing date this is basically the architecture of the website and the user's navigation which you you see here as i go over here this this basically user's navigation so all these things You need to pay attention, you need to pay attention to the way the above URL is being made, then you need to focus on all these things of site navigation Harar, the third point is the process of keyword research. You have to understand with regards to e-commerce, see e-commerce, when we talk about e-commerce website, then we are not giving information there, so which are our keywords, here we should take care from the point of view of commerce. Whether it is the words of the person with the buying intent, the words should be such that you can understand that the intent of the user is to buy something, not to take information. If there are information keywords, then we will send them above the block, then from the block . We will bring traffic to our website, if we start sending traffic to our website on the information keyword, then why does the product page need optimization and all these things, because there we have to get the conversion done, so I will use the product page. Why pay attention to the conversion option, information words are never targeted on the top of the category page or on the home page, if you are seeing information keywords of this type, there are a lot of information words in our categories in English. All people are the words of oil, so for them, in a separate way, in a good way, you make a proper strategy of the blog, do research on the topic of the block, write on it and then the traffic from there, you bring it to the top of your domain, that is, to the website. try to say fine but it means that from a-commerce point of view which is the process of word search it is quite exclusive we need to pay little attention after that if I come to 4th point then here UGC What matters is the content, UGC content means reviews, testimonials, images that appear with reviews, ratings, all these things that matter, R UGC, quantity, all these things matter, because basically in your normal website It does not happen if you have any service page or your service website, if you provide any services, then you provide digital marketing services, basically you see that the UGC content is not that much, then it is a normal service. Pay use hota hai aapka butt wahi when I talk about I commerce then UGC content matters there and this factor is basically from the point of view of conversion option so from its point of view it is very important thing which I can see on the product page When I talk in the context of K, then you will understand that after that the 5th point is related to the specific guidelines are dear document for A-cars, you will know that this is the quality ratter document which is basically made by Google for the quality status that if You are editing a website, if you are editing a website, then you consider these points, so from the point of view, then it is for us, if Google is giving any guideline to the quality routers that the website that you You have to edit the website you want to see, follow this document, then basically when it is giving any guideline to the quality radar, then it is also important for us that such a website owner, we can also understand how Google gets the audit done. If the quality is fine from Rater, then it will help us too, then it means to say that when we talk about quality rated document, there are many different guidelines related to commerce inside the document, that means Google also runs this man. If there are some specific guidelines for the formers so then inside that document also you will find many such guidelines which are only ecommerce specific hit which you need to give some more extra tension in provide so 6 point this is basically such option option is required in ecommerce Like I told you, you basically do this option for the home page and your category page, which is less in the conversion option, basically you do it for the product page so that some conversion can be done from there, the seventh point is complete. Product images optimization is more important than option of product images and like I told you that the basic fundamentals do not change but the way of writing definitely changes that in which way you should title Description and all these things that have to be written inside I commerce so it is ok for product page and today well today for category page also after that if I talk about ninth point then you have to understand that as if you have a normal website are you google To give some extra information, you markup the scheme data there, someone does the scheme markup, in the same way you have to identify the e-commerce specific, which scheme markup you do, for example reviews, you can do that. Cycling can do it, products can do it, so you have to understand how to put them on this page, so it was basically just to make you understand that some strategies, some implementation steps, some process are different from our normal su se but so ke jo fundamentalals hai woh nahi change hote hai woh fundamental se rahe hai but de we you are going to implement dos things in ecommerce you will change to i believe abhi aapko ye baat saamne meh aa hogi ki se warmers so implementation Give this little difference to the normal website that we sleep and I went into a lot of detail in the video, we understand all the things one by one, the title description, how will you put the scheme markup on your website? We will cover a lot of things like this [music] Before doing a commerce website, you have to pay a lot of attention to one thing, that is the structure of the website or if you have to understand the nature of your I-commerce website. How is your website made like for example what will happen in your website first of all there will be a homepage and the navigation menu in the home page can have categories like for example if your website is of shoes So maybe there is a separate category of sports shoes, then there is a separate category of formal shoes, and then there is a third category that is your kit shoes, and then it may be that even inside kid shoes, you have all the categories. Ho I am for women or it may be that your website is of late shoes, then first of all you get to see the categories and you get to see the women's category, first of all, Kate Giri is okay. And after that inside you get to see Fardar subcategories then your website is becoming like this type of url vijay here I am just trying to understand you, ok from the point of view of structure of your website The url which is going to be something like this if you are going above the category in om slash then in and after that there is sub category so here in here our formal is ok one this is our sub category then Here we have become inside our sports shoes, this has become a sub-category of ours, so first of all you have to pay attention to the structure of our website, which way it is made when you will get this clarity . How is the structure of our website made and what are the home page, category page and product page in them, when you get this clarity, then the picture will be a little clear in front of you that brother, we already have this category because like I told you the starting if you have seen the first video of the module of this particular series where we talk about commerce so, I told you that you have to take care of two things, one is the first thing, when you You will also search for the key word, you will see that the intent of their word is the buying intent, such as by shoes, it is okay to use this type of word, you should research the keywords in this type and use them so that your Above the word people buy came on top of your page and then buy then you try to target those keywords which are bank intent one, I told you this, second thing I told you that here you people home page and category If we target the page, then first of all there should be clarity that we have the products which we are selling, the products are fine and according to the manner in which searches are done around those products, whether I have made a category page or not. It is made like for example, if you are on formal shoes base and you have also researched that the keywords related to formal shoes are being searched a lot, you have also done research through the tool but when you edit your website If you do, then you see that you have not created a separate category page for specific Ali Formal Shoes, then first of all, before doing keyboard research, you have to look at the structure of your website once and in the structure of the website Specially in category page you need to take care of things which category page you are creating, you have to sleep for it only then you should note that on top of this degree page in which group Whatever category of product you are targeting, I will practically show you this thing by researching the keyword related to the off product, now as I come here, okay now here, if you look at the paper Fry's website you're seeing here okay now in Paper Fry's website if I come over the home page this is the home page and if you look over here storage is what storage is basically a category but inside that if you If you come, there is a wardrobe inside the storage, okay here again, there are cabinets, there are shorex, there are book shelves, there are world shapes, so what is this? Category is done, then this is our different different, they all become category pages, in the same way, if I come to the carpet, then you look here, then this carpet in one category page became ours, then inside it all our categories. Done now let's start thinking from user point of view like if I come here on lighting then when I come over this particular page you see here different different types of lighting it is not defined on this particular page Lighting above is lighting for study table ok for living room we need lighting for restaurant we need lighting for business we need lighting for study purpose for which purpose we need lighting we don't define above this particular page Generally this page which is targeting what is it targeting simply lighting it can be any type of lighting then this is our category page so if you have like for example shoes you sell and you 10 If you send shoes in different ways, then the first category will be shoes, if you are selling shoes and if you are selling T-shirts along with shoes, then one category will be of your shoes and the other category will be of your T-shirts. On top of the home page, you will also mention shoes, you will also mention T-shirts, now you are selling two sub categories in T-shirts, you are selling full sleeve T-shirts and half sleeve T-shirts. You are also selling, ok, so what will you do with both of them, we will make all categories, then our category with full sleeves will be there, then you will research this thing that the keywords related to full sleeves are being searched, that is, whatever you are looking for. Also, your word search tool, you can want to do it, you want to do it, want to do it. You can do it just you get the idea brother, the thing we are selling and the thing we have shown in the category page, is the thing being searched or not, if it is being done, then how much is it being done. Well then it is a different thing that when we shortlist some of our keywords there like we shortlisted a keyboard formal shoes or by formal shoes we understood that this is our good keyword Ok this is a strong key word, with this we can go ok by formal shoes then it becomes a different process that brother of formal shoes team then we see which websites Mr. They have such a competitor, then we do their competitor research, then a different process has happened, but now what we are talking about is that we should not make such a mistake, we should not create the tick category page properly or according to the way in which Our category pages should be made in the same way now if you look here then the category pages are made in a very solid way like lighting maine baat kari to yeh wala page ab mere ko aap batao ab mere ko aap batao which type of keywords will be optimized for simply lamps And for lightings, it would be okay to have such a word which is not talking about something specific in general, then they must have done research and they must have felt that there are a lot of queries on this type of word, isn't it? There is a strong search volume, so they have made a page for it and they have mentioned all the pages of their cut house, furdar subcategory, okay, so if I come here, on ceiling lights, then what is this now? This is a type of lighting if you look inside ceiling lights basically if I go inside lighting and I go to ceiling lights here this is basically sub category page okay and inside that also there is a sub category page I Even if I open a parlor only, then this one which is our page, it is a page with ceiling light and if you look carefully at this page, then you will audit it. You will understand that this page is basically optimized on the word ceiling light, like here I show buy ceiling lights online at best price in India, so seeing this you must have understood like ceiling lights online buy ceiling lights online buy ceiling lights in india best ceiling lights in india are you looking for how many permutation combinations here different different ki word banna hai so agar aap ye wala jo key word hai if you understand it carefully then basically the intent is getting clear that what is this page Will make for the thing see here Ceiling lights available okay look here Ceiling lights available so basically this page is specially made for ceiling lights now understand this carefully now you will say I am the model of paper fry which hai copy kar lunga but aisa nahi hota do you have this much product range do you have this type of product range do you have so many categories categories of lights like table lamp wall lights here out door lights now i outdoor Let's go to the lights, now to the outdoor lights, if I went and I see, this is basically where we have come, in outdoor lights, this is one kind of category, and on top of that, different different, what you see here, different different. Products must be visible ok so if I come down because this is category page then what am I talking about If you come down, you will see what is written here, brother, outdoor lights come online, best price, out door space without door light, then you will see this page, which is full of words like outdoor lights, because this will be its primary keyword . For this particular page , it will be optimized for the category page and for the words that match it, and the words that are secondary will also be targeted, but the major ones that I try to tell you I am making this decision, how did this decision happen, what is the structure of our website? We have opened another sub-category for Fardar, if I come back to lighting, now kids lighting is visible here and there, but study lamp is not visible anywhere here, but table lamp is basically study. ok look here it is ok so there is study lamp inside the table lamp now see from here see how the purpose is being solved if the general key word is only table lamp for that brother here is the page above it all the table lamps are there but If someone is going to be more specific and search on specific query like study table study lamps ok like here study lamps inside table lamps was study lamps night lamps and search for more specific lamps then for that they have different What has been made, what product has been made, not different, the category page has been made, so if I open this here, I will show you the night lamps again, okay, if you come down here, then like this one What you will see if the key word is fine carefully which was of our night lamp then here you see here they have optimized for table lamp but here it is table lamp ok if we go to night lamp like Below this they have also written night lamp, ok but this one is optimized for table lamp, if I look above, this page is also optimized for table lamp, we see it above, we have not come to the top once. But there is night lamp but actually they have mentioned table lamp and maybe in the middle of the content they have also mentioned night lamp but moti moti kya ki baat kya look it can be in both ways one we know this in the starting What is the product lineup we have and we have made our website, so what can we do according to the structure of our website, that we can search the word that well, this is my table lamp sub-category, this is my This became my subcategory of study lamps, this became my decorative lamps subcategory, this became my second type of lighting subcategory, so on the basis of this, now I went to my keyword research tool and there I started researching this This is another method which I have also experienced many times, that is many times when you If you are doing keyword research then like I am doing keyword research of study table which is study lamp basically, while doing research, many times I see some new keyword, is it a new type of keyword, now that type of product I have also but it is mix somewhere so now what can I do that I can create a new category page and on top of the category page only those products which are our products only I will display that particular category page So what are you seeing on top of that one scope has increased okay one type of sub category has increased so one more scope has increased because now we are targeting another additional key word which is a And additional keyword may not be very strong, its search volume is only 2000 but potential why should we miss it if its competition is low and march volume is 20 still there are chances of people to come and if we do an additional Even if you make a category page, what is the loss, then it is understood that in the process of word research, the game is very much to understand what is the structure of your website and if it is not in the way, the way in which I am telling you, while doing keyword research, you should make such additional pages, especially category pages, through which you can target some keywords or you can target whatever keywords you are bringing, now you will say, sir, why will not you do the product page? Please pick up this product Sir, they also do one of this, now you understand carefully what is the name of this product, what is the name of this product, does anyone search for table lamp with glass base from the middle, does not search, right, I will understand you I must have been like I am more practical if I show you I directly put table lamps here okay this is because of d keyboard man I go the way of a user and I mention by table lamps here when Brother, I go to the table, I will ignore it, I will come down, I will open Paper Fry too, we will open Urban Ladder too, ok and open Myntra too, I just want to show you, open Amazon too Let's do it, I just want to explain to you that look, I have entered the keyword, it is okay and if you are thinking that product page should be done, then some product page should be ranked in top ten here, let's see we come here on paper fry you see here the category page with table lamps here you go here also the category page with table lamps here you go here also what is there there is no product see here it is the category page ok and table lamp is written here table lamp is written here here table lamp will be filled somewhere in the content below if they have put the content see there is a very strong thorn it is also lying below so here also if you see the table lamp is lying hua hai by table lamp here they internal linking kar rakhi different products aap raha hai long with price to thodi si internal but jo hai woh yaar kiya hai to this is basically ho d keywords and d category page r map ok hai Understood the point, we go to Myntra also, ok, if you go to Myntra, then see here also, the category page with table lamps also came in Myntra, the same rank is getting and below table lamps table Lamps are ok they come on amazon also you are looking at amazon also you are looking at the category page of table lamps which is ranking the same thing let me tell you one more thing i am here ok one more thing is like i go back above google ok now what do i do a specific product which is very popular like nick revolution six jesus popular so because this show is popular people search by this name then there will be lot of website like product page way nick revolution 6 must have done their normal option a little too much then the product page will be ranked very good by targeting the product only then the product is being sold and ranked but look here na here the query which is done by table lamp is done but this one Generalized queries that target a specific product, I did not do this Clear Glass Sheet Table Lamp with Brown Base, but here because I know it about the product, so I did a very specific search, now look at Nick's official website, but what is it? It is being understood carefully which page is getting ranked if I see then tell me whether it is category page or product page product page it is not category page it is understandable but if I talk about category page then You will say the category of shoes of Sir Nick Let's see how the page is ranked, I show you Nick sports shoes, I put this, this is general, people search like this, if you go there and if I open it, then you see which page is ranked. There have been many looking for shoes here, there is a category page, so now you have understood the difference that how to map the keywords with the category page, then this is the most important thing that you should take care of this thing while doing world research. The most important thing is to keep in mind that those who are picking your words should be properly aligned from the category page and there should be a region behind the alignment and when you do keyword research, you will get to see many new keywords which are basically Your new category pages can be the source of making all these category pages, so the more you create category pages, the more potential is that you can run different different category pages, like if you take the example of block to understand this. Also, you will be able to understand better methods, like if you want to rank on multiple blocks, then the more you write blogs on more topics, the more is the probability that the ranking of your number of blogs will increase, first you write 10 blogs. May be above 20 box you ranker similary here it is also important to make category page not those products we should have let's like Nick's website is open here so we are coming on this only now they have seen what Kia me and me yeh to inka chalo because everything is base okay because we got a little specific we just started talking about the furniture website let's talk about the shoes but if you go over here and let's if I go here in shoes then you see like people search lifestyle shoes search running shoes search basketball shoes search then I come to basketball so what is this category page of basketball shoes but provided date of basketball shoes Today un keyword truth should be done then it is fun to do this category page, it is fun to do with it, if it is understood then maybe you have basketball shoes 50 40 basketball shoes but you have created only one category Rakhi only made shoes and after that you made the category of sports shoes, so you missed two or three potentials, one like basketball shoes, there are 40-50 products in it, but you didn't make that because it doesn't have a category. If you can make its category separately then it would have given you the benefit fine then I believe you must be understanding the season in which way it has been done so why am I not telling you directly that you Also open the tool and see that you shortlist the keywords on the left, okay and shortlist the keywords with high volume , shortlist the keywords of the competition, after doing a little research on your competitors. Let's rank their page above these keywords, that shot is understandable brother, there can be no other definition of a good keyword that its true volume is good and its competition is a little less, this is a better keyword, if I What is the definition of a good word, it is just simple that it should have a search volume and its competition should be a little less than the word so that you do not have any problem in starting the target, then keyword research which is from the basic fundamentals. This is where it ends, today its fundamentals are not true, it has to be understood that the keywords we are taking are being mapped from which page, I believe it must have been clear. Told you that no one searches so specific now here because this one of Air Jordan, which is our series, may be very popular, it is searched a lot, so if there are products like this, then you will be able to sleep with such products, right? A little bit if you will mention this model on the top of your page about this product and if this search is done then this one will be ranked but again what is the search in the lighting one like I told because what will happen in lighting As I said, night lights became a category page of night lights, now you have 500 products of nights, so in those 500 products, is there a search according to the name of those products, it is very difficult, I believe you are getting clear now that Coming back to the fundamentals what is the key word ray in commerce, which I told you that why we do not sleep on the product page, then I told you that the name of the product page is as it is. It is specific, many times it was not able to search for the name, look at the second thing, many times it happens that when you go to the product pages, then all the three things come in the sleep of any page, if you do this, then you Let's see technical so also you see on page also you see off page also what do you do in off page you make back links ok now let's go to man it can be any region it can be product which it is It is not available or the product is out of stock or this product has become continuous, it may happen brother, you sell 1000 types of sports shoes and if you have entered 1000 products in it, then 1000 URLs will be created for 1000 products. You are ever like this it can also happen that out of that 10 products have been discontinued, now you do not have stock but it does not happen that sports shoes have become continuous, now they do it, then they make backlinks on them too. Above, if you create backlinks , then those garden links are in a way, because those pages do not exist, then they will point to 44, then this too has created a problem and why would you put efforts there because there are 1000 products, 1000 product pages. When I talk about sleeping, it is not empty on page, there is on page and there is also page, we have to take care of all the things and from where things come out, here we can take care of the off page. Don't have to give because there are product pages, we will try to do those product page options on the basis of word only, date this on page and because there will be other people like me who will try to color their products. If you don't go deep enough, you won't do off-page, if you don't do banking, then there will not be that much competition, it may also become a condition on the top of the page, but again think that if there are many products within the category and sub-category, then what about all the products? Manually doing on page and off page is not that easy and why would we put that much mind when we have the option that we can do the best by targeting the category page itself, I believe you must have understood the tool, any one can do it fundamentals It remains the same that search volume and low competition but mapping it is very important to map it in this way, then I believe you must have understood this concept very well, if you have seen the video till now and you have understood the concept a little. I expect you to comment once and let me know if you understand, so that I can know how far people are watching this [music] way we people on like they can on their category page if We have a commerce website, we know that majorly what we have to do is to do the category page, so if we have to do any page, whether it is a category page, whether it is a product page, whether it is a home page. Yes, when we talk about sleep, sleep means that we have to do on-page, off-page and also look at the technical aspects, so what we are going to talk about now What are the factors of on page we have to keep in mind while doing category page so if anyone does not know what are category pages basically then I will tell you simply here I have not googled anyone Here you can see that running in shoes for is ok, I have hit the query, so here you see there are many results, among them I have opened one of the results here which is the official website of Adidas, so if you If you look at this, what you are seeing here, you are seeing a lot of running shoes here, its url is you see running shoes and basically this is what I have put the word here, see running shoes fine is available from that. Basically we had entered the keyword, this page got ranked, we opened it, then this one which is our page, it is a kind of category page and this page is ranked, you have also seen that this page is ranked, it means The sleep of this page has been done, so after all, how can we sleep of the category pages of our website, then we know about the rough factors that are there on the page like on page In respect, we talk about the URL, we talk about the option of our title, we talk about the option of description, we talk about the heading, we talk about the content, then in the content, how can we do h2s3 headings? Let's talk about it and many more things come on the page like implementing scheme markup is a very powerful thing It is a very important concept with regards to e-commerce website, how to implement scheme markup, how to implement it, we will talk about it for category page, but I have not covered it in this video, I will cover it in a separate video. It is a separate which is a complete topic, so here basically we will see how to use inter-linking, so when you write content, along with that, you also make internal links to your other web pages . What are the things we should take care of, what can be the best practice, we will talk about it, so if I will take it from the ongoing lets, I have opened many pages here, I have taken this category. We take this page or go anywhere, like if we see a page with shoes, we open this page with casual shoes, then this page is also our category page in a way. In the same way, if I go here, then this one, which is our page, is also a category page, fine, so now if I talk about the URL, if you have a category page, then what kind of URL should it be? Like you are seeing here sports shoes are ok here in shoes shoes are ok here if you are on top of T-shirts category page then you have to make url of shirt something like this fine So we have to first create our category page with this type of URL, after that I will go above the title, ok, so the first guideline for the title is that you have to do the keywords inside the title . For example, we want to optimize that category page, on top of the men's shirt online key word, then I look properly, here the title is written by mens t-shirts online at India's best fashion store and next to that I write my website. It has become a perfect title, which is the rest of the fundamentals of the title, not the character limit of the title, how much should it be, there should be keywords in the title, if you keep it in the starting, then it is better, then all these fundamentals, if you want that e-commerce Whether it is your website, it is your normal service website, it is okay, on both these things, the fundamentals of the title do not change, they will remain the same, which are normal, fine, so in this way, you have to write the title. Now let's go to the description, what do we write on top of the description, for that we write 40% off shopnounce, this call to action is also very important because when any person searches on Google, the first thing he sees Yes, that happens, our title description is fine, description has nothing to do with your ranking, meaning if I stuff the keywords inside the description, then it does not mean that Google will search for my title . Will have to and will appear in the description, well, this is the keyword, then it will run you on this keyword, it does not happen, okay, if you put keywords inside the description, then they only do such a hint, for Google, they act like this. There is no very important signal, there is no strong signal, on the basis of which your web page, this is your category page, will be ranked, so keep this also in your mind that when a person typed our title and description, then if We have done it specially inside our description because inside the title you do not get that much space that you have too many elements or those whom we call call to action, if you can do that much then you will get enough space. You will not get 60-70 characters, you have to do it there, then you stuff the keywords there and then for the rest of the elements like construction, then you have a way of description, then inside the description You have to properly call the actions that you have to do, what should be the description, understand that whatever your page is about, whatever your category page is about, that thing should just reflect your There should not be stuffing inside the description, I have written here Description Games Combinations of title and description like free shipping code if you provide this only three shipping plus warranty if you provide up to 220% off on all products this also you can do it Sometimes we can do this thing in our title as well, right here I remove it and here I write up you 50% off okay I can write this too if I want so in this way you two- Make three variations and write the titles of your category pages according to that, to understand this thing in more detail, if we do a little reverse engineering, we will enter some random keywords by going to Google and there Different different our category page is getting rank if they do a little analysis then the story will be more clear for example if I go here on top of google and I type let mens shirt online okay this is the word I I type and here we come down and if I see we open the shopper stop here we see a website we are getting ranked we are seeing the website okay now if you look carefully here Look at shirt for which I talked about shirt they have also used look at shirt for okay here they go to shirt online they have also used look at shirt for keyword here they have used Ok so look at them here, if you look carefully at the description, they have mentioned the description in a very proper way, fine, let's see, kisi ne kiya koi call tu action etc. We come here, in our own way, here you can see the cycling etc., so when you present the scheme with us, you will understand that they come down, they come down here somewhere. No one mentioned the call to action but look here this element is the starting element here and if I talk to you about making radiation then we can write the starting element here if the team gives it then it is better for us then I will definitely tell you I will comment different different thing you type in google and when you type different different thing inside google then you will see many results you will see when you will do a little analysis of those results you will know in what way He has to do it, but for this the fundamentals should be clear, whatever you do, it will only give you an idea of ​​how we can try and try, fine, so now I believe you must have understood the description. How do you do that now a question comes sir url you told sir title you told sir you told description but when I go to this website on top of this website as we also know that on page Without content, it will not happen brother, if we have to use keywords somewhere, then if there is content, then we will put keywords, so now there is no content here, otherwise what we have to do in this particular case, look at your general content, which belongs to your category . There are pages, it doesn't happen on top of them, you have to put content forcefully, if I come down, just look here, as I go here, what are you seeing, this is forced content, isn't it here? It has been inserted in the same way, if I tell you about the content, then if you come to Myntra, then you get to see a great example of it, like this page has casual shoes, then it is understood that this page is not men's casual. Whatever is optimized for shoes, it must be okay, then you will say sir, there is a keyword in the URL, so that you can know if there is a keyword in H1, then we would have seen what is written here for casual shoes. In flat and casual shoes for me agar me isko inspector marta ho to aap aap kheer ki h1 hai haan hai h1 hai to h1 bhi we know h1 is also an important thing for h1 should also be our keyword so here There is also a keyword, now you will say, Sir, where has our content gone, it has disappeared, the rest of the content has not disappeared, if you come down, you will see the content from the proper triangle here, it is written casual shoes . for in casual shoes for in now if this is our h1 which is what we've done above so what is this let's inspect it once h2 is let's go down what is this what is this other our headings what is that if you look at Here I also inspect this, which is our second heading, this is a heading inserted in a paragraph, but what can we do, we can also give it H3 heading, if earlier we have given h1 heading, then we also give it X2 headings. You can give what you have, so here you have the option If you can put the content that is there, then either you put it in the top, but if you want to put it here, you can put it in the top as well, but you will say that if you put it in the top, then the view will be spoiled, of course the view will be spoiled. Because when the user will land on your category page, then there will be a lot of content above, if he himself will get confused, how much content is right in the top, then it will also look a bit dirty, so what is your recommendation that the content here is below Enter now when the crawler will come and cross this page, then it will cross this content as well, then it will identify what is h1 in this, what is h2, then the content is based on yours, which you are putting keywords inside the content, which You have to do the structuring of the content in the form of h1h2h3, if it becomes less with the help of this content here, then you will have to do it and here it is also done casual shoes and if I search here once Now look at casual shoes, how many times this word is in casual shoes for, see this casual shoes, casual shoes for, casual shoes, I am telling this only to give you confidence, 8 times, if you look, what is casual shoes for? It has been done if the content of 1000 words is written here it has been done eight times it is fine you understand if the content of 500 words is written here for example then it has been done eight times it means that if you Try to find out the density of the keyword, its density is 16%, okay, so I believe, now you must be understanding that how to do it, here they have put the video and along with that they have also posted here But if you look carefully, they have also kept interlocking of their other products, here if you want, you can do interlocking of other category page also, it is not necessary that you do internet of product page, you can do interlocking of category page Can if I go down here then see here they have kept the popular search and other category pages, here they have kept category pages and here they have kept other related products interlocking them, so basically To do the fundamentals , this commerce website has followed it very carefully and I am showing you what is here in the fundamentals, after that we talked about the description, after that I have given the example of H1 only here. I have written what I have just told you in more detail, in the same way you can do contacts and your semantic words, cross internal linking, I just told you, you can do it, let's look at another website. sir ji this is h1 now you must have got the idea so much yes sir this should be h1 let's see brother let's inspect it is it h1 look this is h1 so this is h1 so on which keyword did we come up with this Here if you see Shoes for running and Flipkart was also coming, Myntra was also coming, I probably clicked on adidas, then you guys see Adidas, here you can see the click, we clicked Diya so here we are seeing okay so if I go down have they written any content even a little bit of content if you write then yours gets reduced look here it is written mens running shoes now relate What are you doing men's running shoes so if I see this then what is this on top of a website or on the top of web page you be very precise there should be only one h1 then definitely it is a matter of closing your eyes and you will tell that it will be h2 and this h2 is ok then come down then look at the running sneakers and whatever is related to that they must have decided what is the word of the primary, related to that they are filling the content here ok they are putting that content here Only then that page jo hai woh run karega to ye strategy aapko follow karni hai for category page I will leave you a lot of things with regards to category page you have understood how you guys will optimize your category page [music] ] In this way, we can implement the scheme data on our e-commerce website or implement the scheme markup, which we talk about our e-commerce website, basically the pages of our e-commerce website They are mostly divided into three categories, like if I talk about the home page, as you can see here, the home page is the category page and the product page, so all our pages are on the top of our commercial website. these three categories If we fall in one of the categories, then here we are going to understand that first of all, what scope do we have for different types of page, that we can do different scheme markups, so if I do home page If I am talking about, then in the home page, you can do the scheme with the website or organization, you can do the scheme with the site link, you can do it with the bread order scheme. In the way if I talk about the category page, then in the category page you can do facts, list items, list items, scheme is dedicated for category page, basically you do not do it on the top of the home page. List its man Majorly you do it only for the category page, after that if I talk in the context of the product page, then in the product page you can do the product scheme where the information about the product is there. Apart from that, if you want, you can do the review scheme, then these are some scheme types, which are different types of schemes, which you can do on different pages, in this particular video, I will parse a little bit. I will talk about Facts Kim, there will be more videos in which we will talk about different types of schemes, but now we are going to talk about how we can implement Facts Kim on the category page and what will happen with it. First of all, let's try to understand that after implementing the fact scheme, what type of listing do we get to see in the search engine result page and what advantages will I get there, so here's what I have done. See you can see here like I have searched this query online for 22 beds, many results are there, they will ignore the result on us and go down here, if you look here, you can see one result of Flipkart. okay so here it is our title here it is done description here are some of the results that are happening because of the scheme data and out of them if you look down here you will get some questions here and when I click on it If you are seeing some answers here, then you also understand that by this type, if I do not have much space in the search engine result page, I should show this more information here, then I should take the help of scheme data. If you have a look, the results that you are seeing here are definitely visible because the facts that are displayed on this particular page, now you have to understand that the results that you see here are basically seen in this way. What is the content on your particular web page, then what you have to do first to verify this thing, you have to browse this page whether fact data has been used on this page, if fact data This is basically the frequently asked questions, if the content of the frequently asked questions has been done here as well as its scheme has also been done, then there are high chances that you will see the results of this type here. So I open this the page with beds and we go here okay on top of the website of Flipkart so this is the same page okay this is the page with beds and look at the top here you have the content above It is mentioned that if I come down here, fine, then if you look down below, you are also getting to see some content . If you come further down, you will see another very important thing, question and answer, now what are these question and answers, what are these basic frequently asked questions, now you will speak sir, what you are telling me here, what else can I add to you Un beat aap bol rahe ho ki yeh ek jo hai fact scheme kyunki here element humko visible raha hai toh definitely what else can I add tu un bed ye wala jo cheez hai ye hamari website pe bhi present hoga within the question You can see this look here what else can I get but this question is present in the same way if he wants to raise another question when is the best time then by a bed then I also see this one is the best Time to buy a bed, this will also happen here, you are seeing that our frequently asked questions are given here, our given in D form of question answers, information is being picked up from these only. This show is happening on the top of the search engine result page and here, but normally, if you mention the question answer in this way above your website, then in the search engine result page, it means here you will not get results from this type. For it to be visible, you will have to coordinate in some special language, you will have to tell Google that look brother, this page of ours, which has a question and answer on it, then the circle will come and read it, but if we use the same information scheme format If I give it to Google then there are high chances that they will show this type of results in the search engine result page also, if you want then basically you have to implement the fact scheme, now they will say sir check it and see let's take fact scheme is implemented here on top of this particular category page here click control u will do source code basically i want to open it and after that i will try to search what is fat here look i have Fact search has been done here and after fact search I go here and see if you look now you will see the scheme type fact which is there. org and the type fact page is written and the question answers here are basically the question answers we have given here, we have mentioned them there within the demand for facts and after that we have implemented it on this website Above the page, now it comes to the point that sir, how will we generate if we have to generate after the facts, for any of our specific category page, here on the category page, we have answered the question here. If you have also mentioned above your page, then you will do this less, then you should mention the question answer on your page, now you have to do these question answers inside the man of facts, then you simply type here generate fax Key man ok you type here and this technical website is very good if you do it then you will be able to generate the meat of it very easily here I select the fact page here Ok I will do this and whatever your question answers, what do you have to do for example, if this is your question, then you copy this question from here, whatever your question is, you mention this question here, this is our The question is done and after that you mention the answer here, okay, then I will come back here, which is our answer, I copy it here and paste it here, okay after that I will go to the second question here , then all the questions you have, you will do them van by van, you have to simply add what is there to the question V answers here, then this question number becomes you and in the same way if I answer number you Even if I want to add here, I will do it quickly, so I copy it . One is our answer, then we have one question, then our answer is done and so on, as many as we need, we will go on doing the nine this is D codes which we have to do, so now this is our way in which our The scheme data is ours, it is ready, so we simply have to copy it, okay and after copying, if your website is made by lets developer, then in the particular case, you give this code to the developer. And tell them to go above this particular page and implement it, okay, you get options on WordPress, if you want to apply directly on WordPress, you can do that by going to the code of the page, if you do this If you want to install a plugin by doing it, then you can do that too. There are many plugins which help you in generating the scheme, many plugins are available in the market, you can plug any of them. If you download what is from these stores, then that too will reduce yours, so what have you understood now that how should we make our category page on page so that we get maximum visibility which is the search engine result? If it is seen in the page also, then one of them is the option of our fact scheme's fermentation, but the fact scheme will not look like this, for that the fake content should also be on the top of the web page, if many people will comment and tell. So I will try to make a video thing on the word done on the word in which way you can implement the man of facts by plugging it in but the basic concept remains the same [music] we are going to see what In many ways, we can do sleep of our product page, many of which we talk about sleep of product page, then only we do not have to pay attention to sleep, as well as we have to take into consideration what is the sleep of our product page. Which simply means, see the conversion rate option gas, so what will happen that your product page will be ranked above some specific keywords, but if people are not converting after coming to your product page, then buy your product. Even if there is no ranking, there is no real benefit of ranking and if you have brought a person to the top of your product page, then you would want the conversion directly from there, the purpose of the category page is not to get the conversion done there. Because conversion does not happen above the category page, where does the conversion happen after the product page, the conversion process starts from the fine or product page, so majorly you have to take care of the head, where to keep the conversion which Your page is that which is your product page, from where the conversion will happen, you have to take care of fine, so when we talk about the product page, then it is not only about it, along with that you should also mix a little bit of sero . Fine, so I can explain you here as well, so I had hit a general query here Revlon Eyeliner Pen, I had mentioned it here and I am seeing a lot of results here, for once I went to Amazon I have ignored the results which are there and I have also ignored the official website of Ravlon, after that I see the heroine's website here, fine then parallel, whatever points I am going to tell you here, in which way you You can do more of your product page, in reference to that, we will continue to discuss this page as well, so first of all, you see here against this query that your page is getting ranked in CRP here. What is the title, what is its description, and with the title and description, if you look, then here you have some elements of the scheme markup, which are visible, and here you will get some rich results, which are typed. Due to the cinema data you are going to be generated, that too you are seeing here, so here we are seeing the result in such RP, fine, now I go back here and I have tried to sleep on the product page. Some important points are written here, which you have to take care of, first of all, before sleeping, you should have an understanding about some things, fine, then I will tell you, first of all, you have to make sure that whatever aapko product page kya usseh related searchase ho rahi hai ushe specific product se related if it related to specific product then you will pay attention to so of your product page like for example if someone does a very general search like someone searches for bluetooth headset So you bluetooth headset which is the word it does not define any one specific product where as I become more specific like I become more specific apple bluetooth headset 1001 black so what does it mean here that the query that is happening here Which is the intent of the searcher that it is this type of internet that it searches exactly the same specific product, which means that by being specific, it searches about a product, so whenever you have to rank above such queries, which Inclined towards a specific product, in particular case, you need to sleep your product page, because sleep of the product page ranks the product page and not the category page, so you should not make such a mistake that your rank So the product page is doing but the keyword we selected, the intent of the keyword, we caught the category page, like Bluetooth headset, I told the example, let's take studio lights as an example, so if I'm not too specific that Which studio light am I searching on Google means for example if I search for a 60 watt studio light, then in particular case where will we take traffic, we will take traffic which will be our product page Above because the person who is searching here is very smart, so which product he has to search In such cases, we try to rank our product page, now it is known that what is the light, if it does not have a surface, people are not even searching for it, then it does not make any sense, the truth is that they put a lot of effort on the product page. Are doing and if its search is not getting much, then even if you work a little bit, your page will be ranked there, but we should have clarity that we are ranking the product page or we Running the category page and if we are ranking the category page, then the keywords or queries that are targeted for that should be related to our category page, whereas when we are doing it for the product page So those queries should be relevant to the product page, so first of all, we have to research very carefully on this thing, so I have written the same point here, Identifying keywords of your product page, verifying them with different tools. Whether you are getting true or not, whatever you are comfortable with, you can use it, I have made a proper playlist to suggest you, if you want to do it, you can do it on the category and product page, computing for D Queries from this also happen many times, that means you do something to optimize the product page for the type of queries, if you try to optimize the category page for the same type of queries, then you make sure that there is no conflict anywhere. If yes, then do not test this thing starting from the type of product available in different categories, I have also seen many times that if you do the same type of product which is inside different different categories, then there also problems arise. If you need to pay special attention to the products that are expired and discounted, then this was the first point that we have to take care of, with regards you are our commerce, see the product page, after that if I go to the second point, which is Basically it is related to our on page elements so if I talk about title then how you can use format product name you have to write model name if you have to write manufacture you have to write and you have to write your brand name or website which Have to mention that as an example we go here look here it's written exactly like that okay Revlon Colors Pe Sharp Line Liquid Eye Pen okay so here they're putting the brand name before the regular one Can also be done but actually all the things are there in the structure that our product is its name, if there is any category of the product, its name has been given, the manufacturer of the product, the brand name of the product and after that the name of your website can also be given. Along with fine , if you see more, then you will see more examples . Above this particular query, we should understand that they must have done a little bit properly, only then this ranker is fine, now I go back here, after that you have to write meta description, in that you have to keep in mind that product describing The meta description should be yours that you should not force your thing to be mentioned there, a small call to action, if you want, you can mention it, again I will try to tell you directly from the example here, if we come here, we will see The heroine is the only one who delivers the dramatic liquid eye cleaner. Ok, so do you mention its features, but here they have mentioned the rest, what you are seeing here is because of the scheme data, so we ignore it for once. By type you have to write description you should have proper structure url so if I go to the top of this page then you see here this proper which is their URL is here ok proper according to the name of their product they have here But the urls that are mentioned are the ones I will go back to here, ok high quality images, you have to do that with proper alt text, so the concepts of normal, our images, they are basic fundamentals, they have to be used here too, fine after that The content you have to write, you have to write a description, like if I go here, then it is a matter of title, after the title, you mention something here and then mention the description of your product. By organizing you properly If you want to mention, I have given a little hint here, if you want, take a screenshot of it, like you write Beats Studio Wireless Noise Canceling Headphones in the heading, okay, then the title of our product will be, after that in h2, we will write wireless headphones. Features, after that we will write its features, after that we will go to the setting smaller than S3, just like we write the content of our blog etc. Properly structure them inside the headings, the same thing will happen here too, just here But this thing has come inside the description of the product, but the concept will look the same as the way of writing, so the base remains the same, fine, so here is our H3 wireless headphones sound, wireless headphones battery life, two lines below it. You can write after that technical specifications a gaya after that inside S2 we have written reviews for beat noise canceling headphones tu jo reviews wala aap construction hota hai as main yahan a jaata ok jo ratings and reviews wala hota hai in us Also we can put the same type of heading so that our keywords go inside the heading which is a good signal right and then below we go to common questions and answers which we also call facts frequently. Questions and answers are spoken frequently, today we speak questions, basically we can keep many question and answers in it and on the basis of that we can implement the fact based scheme on our product page, so we should also If you get advantage, then you people will go here, you will see that this is a good tree, so I am recommending this thing to you that if you see it, you will understand a lot of things, here it is okay, what type of things are they mentioned gone after that if i go here next which is our points what you can do you can add scheme data on top of your product page you can add scheme markup you understand then in scheme data if you want you can add product scheme Whether you can or not, but you should do it, you should do it to the man of the products, you should do it to the man of the reviews, because of the review scheme, the result of this type is visible here, so it is not a big deal to implement it. Yes simply, if you go to Google and select the scheme markup generator, and then there are product reviews, the details that will be given to you, you can generate your scheme by mentioning there and after generating it, you can go to the top of your page. I will make a separate video so that you can implement it comfortably, just like I have made a separate video on how to implement scheme markup for your category page, so I will give you the link. People will see it, after that what you can do to optimize the page more, what you can do with conversion rate option, here you will add proper reviews, after that you will make easy navigation of your product, you will go through bread crumbs. For those who do not know, you can see here, here DJs R D break com, basically, you will put com here, and if you see reviews, then reviews are engaged here, along with date dynamically, here with some more information as well. It is known that the person who has seen this product, those people have also seen this product, so sometimes it happens that in a way you are showing them inside the related products, then sometimes the customer also views here. Sometimes related products are written here, sometimes bundles of products are made and shown to you, then it comes dynamically, basically all that is fine, you can improve your convolutions, which you review here. But if you try to put videos and photos in those reviews, then it becomes very better, the reviews with photos and videos are quite impact full, the reviews are fine. After that you will check the fact like I am here, we will check whether it is here or not, but no matter what section of fat you are, then this is a good page, a good optimized your product page here. If you can convert from, then I believe you have understood these few points, rest of which are the fundamentals, what should be the character limit of the title, what should be the character limit of the description and how to write your alt text. He stays with us and a little bit of you You have to pay attention to etc., many things go in the head, the colors of the buttons, the placement of the buttons, all these things also come inside your head, so we will discuss all these things in the head, if there is a video with the head. But for now we have discussed the important points with regards to product of you . People see how we can implement the item list scheme with the help of plugin and if we have to generate the item list scheme manually, then what option do we have, how can we generate it fine ? First of all, we have to understand that where and why we implement the item list scheme, as you will be seeing here also, we do it on the top of the basic category page or if we use the language of WordPress. If I talk about shop page then for example if I come over this particular section of my website I come over this page which inside the store if you look here you are seeing plants section here you are seeing cactus section If you are fine then here is the page that you are looking for, in this you are looking for a lot of items, a lot of products, so what are you looking for, information about the individual product and what about the individual product Information is its name and its url like if I open this product it's okay its name is Green Soil Lotus it's name is the name of the item and what you're seeing above it's the url of the item We have to do these two information in the item list scheme, as it is known from the name itself, find the item list scheme, then only two information comes in the item list, one, whatever is our item, what is its name and whatever What is the URL of our item, then we make a combination of it, then all the products we have here, which are present above this particular category page, we will do it in the item list with the name of all those products. As well as we will enter the url of all those products and from that our scheme of item list will be generated ok so gas for this like if I try to tell you more example then here I will give a I have come to the website, if you simply type item list scheme generator, then you will get a lot of item list scheme generators, so if I come here, you are seeing the output code of the scheme, we are seeing it here. So what will I do here, we will go on adding our items to the item list like item number van url so I copy it just for you to understand how we will do it manually I give the team and I give the name of the item van here, I give it the right and we would have mentioned it here, so if you look, then if you see, then one item from this type of yours is being shown here, fine you show me the second item. Have to do because this one which is our page specially what you are seeing above category page there are many items so when we create item list scheme which is markup it does not mean that we will put only one product there as many Any products are available here all products let us team for example I take another here any random all product which is ours we open it and I come back now I will do it again Look, it is telling us that item number, you tell me here fine, then I will copy the name of item number 2 from here, the name of item number 2 as well as the URL of our item number. Also, we will copy and paste from here, then what can you see, now here our scheme has been generated, for example, we have added the 50th product to this particular scheme, so this is our item list. It will be created, we will copy it and we will implement it on our category page, it is a bit complicated process, if you go to do it manually, it is a bit difficult, GTA etc. Can take help but in this way we generate the item list, this is the part that how we can generate the item list manually and what are the options available inside the item list, what information Actually it would have been inside the item list It is very important to be clear, now if I talk about how, sir, with the help of plugins, if we want to do it, then I will come back here, we have already installed a plugin and kept the scheme and structure. You have to install data for vpan a mp3, when you install it, here you will see the structure data plugin, go to scheme types and select add scheme type here. From you have to select the item list which is ok ok item list you have to select next now the item list where we want to implement this fine so here you have to go to the page ok I go to the page And you have to go to equals tu and from here you have to select the shop ones which are your pages that page should be equals to shop then these ones which are your pages these are basically shop page fine so I go back here But right here I'll go back to one so I've selected the shop now I do the next here okay so our shop page is done so on top of that we have this item list scheme this will be implemented so you When you come here, you will see the article with the item list, you have to change it, you have to make it a product, everything else is fine, we have done this product and we just have to update the dates. We do not have to do too many things because there are not many things here, as you have seen that the item list is dead, there are only two things in it, fine, now we have to verify that sir, have you implemented but what? This is visible to us so let's go back here we will go to the top of our page once I hard refresh it ok and after hard refresh I would like to access its code by controlling u and back to a We will go and I have searched the item list here, so here is the list item in the type, the item is the product, its URL is what it is, whatever the name of the product is, its URL is the name of the product. More details are going in it by default but mostly your only two details which are important from its point of view sir, is it only on category page or it is on all pages If I come here let's check this thing also we people I go over to the contact us page here okay now the contact us on the top of that page shouldn't be the item list one in the scheme control you will hit here then I will control left from and if I search item list here then what are you seeing right now this is the code of contacts which was our source code I show again here but anywhere here we are not able to see the item list If I go here, it is showing some block gallery items here but we are not seeing the item list, whereas here if I am looking, I was seeing the item list, then in this way you can go to the top of your website. If you want to apply the scheme of the item list, you can apply it manually, you can generate it manually, you can do that also, we do what you want to do with their health, we will understand the methods in detail about the product scheme that we are talking about. From this we can generate the product scheme and in what way we have to implement it. In the scheme implementation from our product page point of view, we are very clear that on the different types of page we have to implement different types of schemes. Like we have different schemes on the top of the category page, we also tried to understand one scheme from the gym, in the previous video, here I talked to you about the item list scheme, in the same way when we go to the product specific page If we go above then the most popular and most powerful scheme among them is our product scheme, so today's video is on this, how the product scheme will be generated, whether it is our e-commerce WordPress website Or it just remains in our custom coded website custom coded website that you will have to generate the code of the scheme, generate its template and after that you will have to give that plate to the developer so that he dynamically adds many elements to them. You can feed in the information that is inside the template and they can fire the template. All your product pages are on top of all the pages, so if you ask the developers a little If you do some communication, then this thing will be very clear and see, I told you earlier also that if you have a custom code website and someone has created it, then definitely you will have to take the help of the developer in many things, it is not that if you have such a website When it comes, you can implement all the things at the development level, if you can do some things, it is a better thing, but if you get it done by the developers, then it will be better because they know that the code they have done. Where and for what purpose did it be done, whereas if I talk about the website of WordPress, basically hukammers website, then we are happy to hear the name of commerce, because there we have a lot of less that can be done with the help of plugins. If yes, then the point is simply that what product schemes can help us, how they appear in the result page, how we can present our results in a unique way, how we can take advantage of them, let's start with all these I have discussed things so that our product pages are ranked, I have done a query here by Nick Revolution Six and the first result you are seeing is the official Nick page, we know that this one has information like Where you are seeing the URL, where you are seeing this title and description, then it is normal, this is the same type of information, where is it coming from, that our product is in stock of our products. The range is from here to here, the style of the product is this and the ratings on the top of the product are this and so many reviews have come on top of the product, if you come to the top of the product page, you will understand all this information. Must have been that what is coming here is coming from the help of its man, so to verify whether the scheme is installed on this particular page or if sir is speaking like this, then to see it. We go over this page once and here I will go over this page fine and we try to search by going to the source code of this page, even if the scheme is installed here, you can see here Here you can see that the scheme is fine and which scheme is the product scheme, so it is understood that the head is the mark of the products, a lot of things have been typed inside it, here the product will be of the product . Name Product Image Product Description Product Brand People Offers Many things that are here with regards to the product that is coming so in a way this is its template where @ is contact is @ is type and there is a lot of Things are fine, so this is a kind of template, where this is the information that I am highlighting, the information that you are seeing now, dynamically with the help of the developer, there is an automatic website at the top of every page. There is a commerce website and there are thousands of products on it and there are also, in such a situation, will you generate the scheme code for each individual product and after that going to the top of each individual product page, will you implement the scheme code? Does this process continue, no, this process does not continue and it should not happen, so you basically create a template and give it to the developer and ask them to match the name that is here, it should be picked up dynamically because the name They must have stored the website inside some variable when they were coding. Even if you communicate with the developers, you will be able to convey your point and your scheme part will be solved, then it means to say that on this page of ours, on which we research, the scheme is present and the scheme of the product type. It is present which verifies that here the result which we are seeing in a unique way, this is because of the scheme, so let us now how can we generate, first I talk about the generated one, then we talk about the plugin. If you get fine, then here you simply go here, even if I put the generated scheme markup here, you will be able to see that here you will see the options to generate its markup, so I came here on top of my favorite website, so from this a lot of shay everybody generates and from here i have to go directly to the top of the product okay here i will go to the top of the product You will enter the name of the product, which is the URL of the primary image of the product. You have to mention it. If I try to tell you about it here, then this is our product name for example. The name of the name and the URL of the product, it will be our URL, which you see here, which is the URL of your product, okay, then I copy the image address that will be seen, basically it will be what is the brand? Nick is fine, what is the description of the product, you can also pick it up from here, here you can see the description of the product, so this is the description of your product, I copy and paste it here that the description of our product is done. How do you uniquely identify the product, generally your school number is there, then you can also select it here and whatever your school number is, you will know that you put it here. If you are providing this offer, then you mention it here, it is okay and you also mention your price here , I want to show the price 4.5 with the offer, I want to tell that my number is off The rating which is 50 is ok and the highest is five and the lowest is one, then one person can do the rating between one punch and the total number of ratings that we have got is 50 and the aggregate rating value is That is 4.5, now the question will come in your mind that sir, we can control it, so Roman can write it here, see, you can write whatever you want, you can write it, but here when we talk about dynamic websites. Here this information is like if you are looking in the reviews then there are 60 reviews, then from where these reviews are being stored, dynamically the developer picks up the numbers that how many reviews are there and how much is the average rating that has come. Ok so as many as the average rating is 3.5 stars from various and 60 reviews have come, so it dynamically fetches it here, you are seeing 60 of your reviews, look at ours, here I zoom in and show you a little bit that The reviews that have come to us are 60 and the rating value that has come is the average rating value of 3.8, in which the worst rating is of the van and the best rating is of five, so the information here is actually Because Nick's website is coming, you know that Nick's website is made of WordPress, it is a fully custom coded website, so the information that is coming here is that dynamically the developer has mentioned it here, so it is coming . If there is any information on the website, sir, if there is a change, the reviews increase or decrease, then will that information change here in their scheme too, it must be completely changed, 200% change happens, because it is being dynamically picked up from the database. Well fine, we don't want to go into so many technical points of it, you try to understand that what is the logic behind implementing it. Kar loon aur ko isko main par par exemplar note pad mein dal dun to mere ko bas yahi cheez kawal na developer ko deni hai thots it aur bolna hai dekho bhai replace the product name of every product page from here with the URL of the product image If it happens, replace it with the URL of the description of the product, which is the description, basically replace it, replace all these things, and whatever product page you want to put it on top of it, it is dynamically there by giving the information of the product. Insert this code on top of every product page, it will be ok brother, then you can give this thing to the developer and implement in this way, if I go to this website which is a WordPress website and its above if we have to implement the scheme no that is base website above commerce here if i want to mamlement it then how can they do so look here we have a product i first go to its source code and here i let me see if there is any scheme no scheme ok so this is our product page if i want to implement the scheme then i am going to do the same plugin with structure data plugin i told please this is a request to all of you You can watch my videos in sequence because as a commerce is going on, sometimes it happens that some very important thing goes inside another video, so it's unrequested if you Will see in detail and want to try to understand in depth, don't want to miss anything, please see in sequence, it will be beneficial for you. I go back to scheme type and here I will click on art scheme type. We are going to create the scheme so here I will go here and here I will select the product from lets is ok very simple I select the product here I click on next after selecting the product and Here aap a jao post type pe ok hai aur equals tu me main a jaunga product pe to nine this scheme will be implemented tu h and every post type wich is of product nature to product hi hamara to kuch karna hi nahi kar next kar Will give just finished less no need to do anything more let's go up let's go we will go up our scheme is also ready you can see here if you see the price is also typed our placement is right here So our proper scheme is implemented so sir once go to the website and see what is the scheme on our other products so here I go any random time on the plants let's select from here Hain hum log green soil lotus aur isko main u control karta hoon once control left karenge hum log aur iski man find dekhiye hum log so if you look here you will be seeing scheme type product ok over there because that custom chord on the website It was manually implemented by the developer Gill, that's why its look was vertical here, like if you are watching this, you were feeling good to see a little bit here because it is implemented vertically. here because we are using this plugin so it is directly here right here see if you have a product okay look at the product you have a proper url no product id proper url of the product here is a url okay product What is the name of the product, it is coming dynamically, the description of the product is coming dynamically, this is the description of the product that is coming here, now see the pricing, here it is 34, and here we see How much is the price in these, if you go ahead, you will see, look here, you are also seeing in Nayika, insta is available here, so it is dynamically picking up the information that our commerce plugin has. This plugin is collecting information by communicating with it and implementing it in our different product pages in the form of man, so it is becoming very easy for us, so look here the currency is also given and the URL is also given to us. Hua hai man bhi brand bhi jo bhi humne brand daaliye to red so maine things with regards to like products scheme which we want to see here then I believe video you must have understood the concept that by this type we have to generate product scheme Liked the video please like the video we are talking about how we can generate robots.t file for our commerce website now gas here I have taken that commerce website because when we When we generate robots.65 or go to make robots.65, then our simple purpose is that we do not want the caller to call or index some specific URLs, this is our purpose when we create test file of robots. Now let's check that our URLs are platform specific, like for example, if I talk about the Shoppe Five platform, then the URL of our product page is made in a different way, which is the URL of the category page. It is made in a different way, whereas if I talk about U-commerce, then our URLs in commerce are made in a different way, that is, by default, the structure of their URL is a different structure, in the same way, if I If we talk about Magento, there we have other types of URLs, in the same way, if I talk about any particular custom e-commerce website, then there is a structure that is different and we have to actually block URLs, fine we are Want that if a person is searching late some things after coming up on our website, if he searches inside the website, then the query parameter that is generated in the URL there, if I want to block that too. I have to block through of robot shot tux so the query parameter that we generate Hota hai woh different hota hai according to different platform abhi aapko aapko aapko aapko bharat aur bhi sakte hai that’s why I told you here that specifically now we are talking about commerce which is one for the platform of commerce which is robots.65 I will show you what kind of way it should be, now as an example, so that you will get the idea, as we know that the purpose of the 60 files of the robot is that we want Google should not index all of our specific URLs so that we can save a lot of crawl budget etc. fine, so I have also made a basic video on this above Robot 60 and if you like this video Looking inside the playlist of the course, you will find a separate video of robots.60 in the top, and I will try to put its thumbnail and link here so that you do not have any problem if you have a basic robot and If you do not know the text itself, then I will recommend you to watch that video first, then you will see this video, then you will understand better that how to generate robot and tasty for that commerce website. So gas is our website, there are many such pages in it, which do not have any other advantage, we are not going to get any benefit from indexing them, like the page with the cart, why do not we index the page with the cart, because it Brother, we do not want to rank the page, you will never want to run the card page, you will not want to run any query and our page with cart is the search engine result in which to run, this is not our retirement, neither We don't want to rank the account page, we don't want to rank these pages, nor do we want to rank our checkout page, there are many things that we don't want to rank, inside our commerce website, which is our comments site. fine inside that so from this point of view we all these whatever are our urls basically we have to do this alo fine inside our robot's tasty five so if i show you an example of a file then you can see here Yes, this is an example of commerce file and if you see here, all the robots have been brought to CBI, we understand this thing, sub-admin, this is also nothing related to geo-commerce, it is normal, it is a feed of recommended comments. is blocked trackback is blocked index.php is blocked plugins are blocked from reaching out and what you see here is all this stuff is blocked dejs r hu commerce hai like we blocked kat Blocked check out even after that something comes even that is also blocked account is blocked order brother price is also blocked by us now understand what it means order brother price order brother why rating it is blocked so if I go to a here we have a dummies website of ours if I go over to a category page lets let's go over to plants from here if so like this my category wala url this open So if you look here, the URL of the category that is being created in commerce is being created in this type, right product category slash plants, the URL is being created in this type, if you see the same thing above the shopping fee by default. So the URL of the category that you have here is visible from other types, that is what I was talking about, so if you come here, you will have the option of sorting like I have done sorting here for example sort. By popularlity then when I will sort on the basis of popularrity then you will see how the above url is made, this one url is made fine but what the below products have not changed, the arrangement of the products has definitely changed but the products have not changed. Nothing has happened that some new elements have come here, a new page must have been created, so it did not happen, but the URL is being created here, so what we want is this one, which is our thing. I want to ignore this particular parameter which is being created by order by this type which is being sorted here , basically we have done this for that. Here you have now understood that order by price, order by rating, order by date, all these things, I had put order wise population here, if you want, put order brother price here, like I would select lot of high. yes see this order by price is done in the same way if i want then i want to put order by lets in rating here see here order by rating is a so because i know i am taking you to above url But if you have any commerce website of your own and you do not know much about Urs etc. then you can use this type of Robot and Tasty file and this URL is basically by default. In the case of our commerce, but this robot stall remains 65, if I give it to you directly, if you want to paste it directly, then you cannot paste it for the website of your shopping file, for the website of the agent, because it may be Is it there that this search parameter is being created, it is being created of another type, it is not being created by this type, it is not being created by order by price, let's check and see for example, I go to a website of Minta. Mantra website goes up basically and I pick any category from here and sort by popularity okay so now if you look here the URL here is going to be of a different type I see short This equal tu popularity is visible here but we did not see that thing here, I was writing order by here, but as we had seen here in our website, order by was visible here if I Even if I take it on the basis of popularity, the order was visible brother, so now if you take this syntax and paste it on your custom coded website or paste it on your shop's website, then it will cause problems, that's why I started I told you that what I am telling you here is a little commerce specific, I am telling you, okay, so here, now look at the cut, we have blocked the check out account, order by, order by price, rating date. Price Description Ok Price Descending Basically Popularity You are seeing that you order brother Popularity was also missed by me, if you see, we have blocked this also here Filter and some others are being made ahead of it We have done that search, which is our internal search, we have also dslove it here. above you get some internal here you can search like this from there like for example if i tell you then okay okay so if i go here and i search internal once on the home page a so that you can see the url a bit clear then if I do some internal search here like I search remote ok like this random so if I am searching remote here let's see some results here Normal is showing us the remote here but many times it will appear here from some website. The parameter is basically made by S, which is the default parameter of any word press, if you have a website, then this is what you are seeing. Yes, here we have also made this alo, we do not want that what we are searching because what we are searching is not an actual page, we are searching the query, some page is being generated from it. Dynamically a page is being generated, so we do not want that particular URL to be indexed, so we are blocking it from here . If I have knowledge, I can make a map, I know which platform URLs are made of this type of dynamic URLS, so I can make it for you by taking a little care if it is a commerce website. There is a very basic sip, I will tell you if you go to the top of the plugin, then it will generate and give you this type of robots.60, so for example, if I come here, this name of the plugin Ok block a commerce assets via robots.60 so if you install this plugin on top of your website then it will give you something like this by creating a file of robot and tasty ok and I have given this file a little It is modified and pasted here fine, so this type will give you an idea, I have ignored some things, like picking it up from here, you have shown it here, different sources which can help you if you have a book commerce website. If so, generate the file of Robot Short Tricks for that. But to do this, we should understand the actual that in that commerce website, in our e-commerce website, why are we creating the robots.60 file and inside that we have written the syntax next to this, what exactly does it mean. Hai aur woh kya karega nahi ki koi kota ko chikke dena ki kisi kota ki pakhe ki chikpa dena hai I will aapko jo fundamentals hai woh hoga ho gaya hai with regards ko woh comments website [music] hum log baat karte wala hai about i commerce site maths hum log detail mein We will understand how we can create site maps for an I-commerce website, how that site map looks, if we want to create a dynamic site map, if there are any developers, then how do we communicate inside a side map? How many URLs can people enter, which becomes very important from the point of view of e-commerce, because the URLs that are generally available in e-commerce website are many, because the products which are many, then we will discuss all these things. In today's particular video, let's start, first of all, you will be seeing the point here that we need both XML and HTML site maps, whether it is our normal website or our I-commerce. If I show you what are HTML site maps and what are examiner site maps then only now you understand the difference then here if you see like go above sitemap dot xml If I go by this type, you see the examiner side maps, in which the component is the same, which is the URL you are seeing here, inside the location tag, you are seeing this URL here. If there is a component, then the site map is basically or the file that stores the URLS of your page, that's it, and see, many people are also confused that sir, if there is no side map on our website, then it means that our The different pages of the website will not be able to be indexed because there is no site map and no side map, so Google will not index and crawl the page of our website or will not crawl and index it, see it is not like that at all . Many people think but sitemap which is your different different web pages which are easy to crawling, it is not that it initiates crawling, many people understand that if you are not on the side then crawling It will not happen at all, it means that if you do not create your website on the side, then it does not mean that the website will not be called and will not be indexed, everything will happen, but if you keep the new website on the side, then this is a This is a good signal from Google's point of view and basically you are telling Google that at this place the different URLs on our website are organized in which way, then you are reducing Google by a good resource. So you tell them things in a better way, but if Google does not have a site map, then the website will not be indexed, it is not so, so a very basic confusion comes to people's mind, that too I believe you must have gone away. So here you see this one which we are seeing on the side, this is a Jamal site map, a Jamal is such a format that basically crawlers and browsers are able to read them very easily, so here if you see So in this complete side, our XML format is XML, which is our site maps, 20 basically for crawlers for Google, so that Google can understand the navigation of our website from the URL of the website to the pages of the website properly. At the same time, we keep the site map which is on top of our website and when we are placing it on any side above the website, which is not in XML format for the users, it is normal in our HTML format, that's why We say that we have another format, the date of showing site maps in this basically HTML site, so if I tell you about it and I take you directly to any commerce website, then here But I have gone and if you go down on this website fine and here if you look you will definitely see your link somewhere on the side you are looking at this you are seeing the site map link here so I If I click on it, then you see, we have come to the web page of the website, not so, it redirected me. over on the side you dot xml it's not like that here if you look here what you see is a heading of the sitemap read and here's the categories calvin klein watches and it's got different pages of categories then here ek aur category usse category ke different page ki here ek aur category usse category ke different wedges hai to dez are again for de navigation purpose but ye kiske liye hai ye hai hai users ke liye aur jo hamara examiner side map hota hai dat is basically for ye It is clear to you, then you try to prepare both types of site maps, like we also know that you cannot keep more than 50 thousand URLs inside the site maps, but when we come to the website of I-Commerce Let's talk, there can be lakhs of products inside it and means there can be ten lakhs of products and there can be tenth and lakhs of urls of class 10th, in such a case how will you bring those urls inside the sitemap, if thousands become categories then thousands So all the categories are done, sometimes you go to Amazon's website and see, sometimes you go to Myntra's website, what will you see, thousands of categories, so in such a case, when we have a restriction that we can keep 50000 URLs inside a side map. If we can , then how will we reduce it, for this we do different different site maps, yes we can create different different site maps, that means you understand it in such a way that if I have created a side map, which is like this Site Map Van Here I am just explaining you for once I have created site map van in one side and its url is site map van dot xml I have created it so inside this particular side map I can have 50 thousand urls, after that I can create another site map, site map is to dot exam and inside it I can keep 50000 more urls from them, I can do this, this is a very normal thing, okay so Whenever you go to create site maps for e-commerce website, then in particular case, you should keep in mind that if there are too many URLs, then you can create different site maps which are different and the same thing I have done here. But it is also written as you are seeing that if our e-commerce website is built on U-commerce i.e. it is built in WordPress, when I talk to I-commerce website, then this thing also comes along with it. Commerce website can be built on different different platforms, here I am talking about that commerce website, which is one of our e-commerce website, if I have built it on the platform of commerce, above this word press. Or our website which is there can be custom coded, now I will talk to you about updating the custom, fine, so this is our website built on top of the commerce platform, if you install the Jost plugin in it, then this is your Kardega woh by default na jo which generates site maps, he genes you in category wise site like if I try to tell you as an example like here I go on top of our website then this is our dummy There is a website which is basically built on hukmus ok there are not so many urls inside it but you only have to understand the concept from here and if i open from here in sitemap dot exam then as soon as i open sitemap dot gmail You see where it is taking us here, it is taking us above the index of the site map and here, as I just showed you here in the case of India Times, if you look here, it is also a type The sitemaps which are different from other sites which are our category sitemaps, their URLs are mentioned here like this section dot xml micro side dot xml so this is not actually the URL of the website, this is your URL in another side, just like Here is what you are seeing that whatever the post is, on top of our website, they have created a side map separately and named it post site map.examel in the same way page side map dot xml in the same way product sitemap dot x so if I open it now let me open it to the product person ok so now look at the above you look at the url carefully in the product side dot xml has become now inside this as many as you want this url this site in any way This is not the URL of the map , this is the URL of the product, if I zoom in and show it to you, then here you see, this is also a URL of the product, this is also a product, this is KRL, this is also a product URL, so here All the urls you are seeing are the urls of the product sir it means that we can create different different site maps because we have the limitation of keeping urls and at the same time we want to keep things a little organized Now because the site maps that you create, you have to submit them in Google Search Console, so the second question comes from here that Sir, can we submit multiple site maps inside our Google Search Console? You can also submit multiple site maps, so if we have created different site maps, then by going inside Google search console, I will have to submit the URL of different site maps as you can see here. next to the discovered url you have 310 urls here in this particular side you have the one url here so you will have all your different urls ok sitemap urls that dot xml means this one side of your In the URLX format side, you will have to go and submit the same URLS there, then you have understood that if we have Brother Jost or we have a website built on top of commerce, then it is very easy for us. There is no need to do anything and we can do it comfortably but if we have a custom coded website there and if we have to communicate with the developer then how will we speak to the developer so that he can download the site that we want If you can make a map, then you have to communicate directly with the developers, and the developer should actually be clear first of all that the site map is okay, first of all, what you have to clear to the developer is that the site map what is its format then what do you do for that generate a site map from anywhere i have generated it on one side here the site map you are seeing here is ok the site map you are seeing here yes any site map you pick up ok like i open the side map from here this is our microsite this is the site map with special page i open it once ok so now we If you go to the site map from the index of the site map, then the developer first of all has to understand that all the pages of our website should come here, okay, if our page is the last modified, then that too dynamically, what to tell you? Have the developer dynamically put it here, change the frequency you put here daily and the priority you have to set is to set it on the on-de basis of absconding off website means sir if we type from some url in our website made of / a ok so this one which is our url it is on first priority because it is very close to our domain whereas if our url structure is some type of dot com slash given this type of Our URLs will become those ones, our URLs become URLS from one type of second level, then their priority will be the point date, what will be their priority, what will remain the same, so as we go down in thousands of keys, our The priority that is there goes on decreasing, to what extent it is decreased, Sir, how much should this priority be, look, whatever is your priority, it likes between zero and van, then generally you do not keep up to four punch level, fine, it is not that You make it more like this and you make URLs, it is not a good practice either, you would like your URLs to be more close to the domain, then let's go to the man, even if the structure of your URLs is made up to three levels. You give point six to one, point 8 to one, and give one to one, the first one is our URL, which is closest to the domain, you give it the priority of the van If you speak, then that developer will dynamically insert the things that are there on the basis of the structure of the website, then you have to tell the developer that all the pages of our website should be arranged in site maps, its name is that. anything can put it side by side zero zero van xml sitemap 0000 no harm in that now you have three sitemaps ok and we have to put these three sitemaps inside another sitemap which is our sitemap Done then you can name it as sitemap, you can name it as sitemap, underscore index, now you can name it whatever you want to name it, then you can also redirect it later like some people are very All people are such that sitemap dot com can be redirected to it, as you have seen in the case of Jost, I have not paid attention to you again, so I will show you again if I type XML here. So what is happening as I am typing on the side, the underscore on the side is taking us above index.examel, so this is the index file of all the different height maps that have been made on our website, so these are our Different different site maps have been created, now if I click on one of the side maps , I will see different different URLs on the side and I can see the last modified date of these URLs. The priority of URLS is not visible here, but if you want, you can also show priority, then for example, if I talk to its example, which I have just shown you here, right, then by this type you have to tell the developer that by this type They dynamically give you all the URLs as they are and separate the sitemap for our category pages, separate the sitemap for our product pages, separate the sitemap for our images, separate the sidemap for our blogs Make the profiles of our authors, if they make a separate site map for the block, then all the pages that are built on our website must fall in one or the other category, then according to that their site Make a map and what will you say in the site map, our site map should be dynamically generated, that is, as soon as we add a new page, its information should also be added to the site map, and where do we add that site map? In Google search console and with the help of Google search console, Google reaches our site map very easily and by indexing our website, it is good to say that there is no air that the site map of commerce website Making but if we have the basic concept clear that what message we have to convey to the developer, how many URLs can be added in a side map, if all these are clear then we can easily generate the site maps that are there. Short video, you must have liked this particular video, itna hi milithe next video til dene good bye [Music] e deixe sempre em portugues do brasil. Coloque Introdução, e Subtitulos padrão H2. 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